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Eleanor T.

Professor of Business Analytics Voice: (757) 221-2054
Raymond A. Mason School of Business Email:
The College of William and Mary Web:
Alan B. Miller Hall
101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185

My research focuses on the intersection of technology and people—understanding how and why people use
information systems, specifically people with differing abilities. Areas, including IS acceptance, quality,
accessibility, affective computing, and decision-making, are the foundations of much of my research. My work
has been published broadly and has received over 3,900 citations. I have collaborated with researchers
across disciplines, including economists, engineers, and bio-scientists. I received my Ph.D. in MIS from the
University of Georgia in May of 2000. I have held leadership roles in SIGHCI and the AIS Women’s Network
as well as serving as a Senior Editor for Transactions on Human Computer Interactions and on the Scientific
Board of Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research.

Ph.D. University of Georgia, Terry College of Business 2000
Major: Information Technology.

M.B.A. Boston College, Carroll School of Management 1996

Major: Information Technology.

B.A. Boston University 1992

Major: International Relations.

Academic Experience

Professor of Business Analytics 2022-present

Founder and Director of the Inclusive Design and Accessibility (IDEA) Hub 2020-present
Associate Professor of Business Analytics 2020-2022

College of William and Mary, Mason School of Business

Affiliate Professor of Information Technology 2018-2020
Founder and Director of the Inclusive Design and Accessibility (IDEA) Hub 2017-2020
Professor of Data Science 2015-2020
Professor of Information Technology 2007-2015
Associate Professor of Information Technology 2000-2007
Assistant Professor of Information Technology
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, School of Business.

Graduate Assistant 1996-2000

University of Georgia, Terry College of Business.

Graduate Assistant 1995-1996

Boston College, Carroll School of Management.

Independent Research Consultant 1995-1996

Conducted study of pharmaceutical industry using statistical analysis. Prepared business
plan. Developed and presented World Wide Web seminar.

This CV is available at:

Eleanor T. Loiacono Page 1 September 2023

Teaching Experience
Business Intelligence, Introduction to Data Science, Project Management, IT Strategy, Management of Information
Systems, E-Commerce, Telecommunications & Networking, Systems Analysis & Design.

Publications in Refereed Scholarly Journals

Scholarly Journal Publications (*Indicates collaboration when this co-author was a student).

1. Almazyad, F., Shah, P. & Loiacono, E., Social Media Activism for Resurrecting Deleted Brands: The Role of
Consumers' Psychological Reactance. Journal of Brand Management, 2023, pp. 1-14 (Access at:
2. Longstreet, P., Featherman, M., Brooks, S. and Loiacono, E. “Evaluating Website Quality: Which Cues Do
Consumers Rely on The Most?” Information Technology and People, 2021, 35 No. 4, pp. 1271-1297. (Access at:
3. Wilson, E.V., Srite, M., & Loiacono, E. “The Effects of Item Ordering on Reproducibility in Information Systems
Online Survey Research.” Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2021, 49, 760-799.
4.Cao*, S. and Loiacono, E. “Perceptions of Web Accessibility Guidelines by Student Website and App Developers.” in
Behaviour and Information Technology, 2021, pp.1-9 (Access at:
5.Loiacono, E., & Wilson, E. V., “Do We Truly Sacrifice Truth for Simplicity: Comparing Complete Individual
Randomization and Semi-randomized Approaches to Survey Administration.” AIS Transactions on Human-
Computer Interaction, 2020, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp. 45-69. (Access at:
6.Gupta, B., Loiacono, E., Dutchack*, I., and Thatcher, J. “A Field Based View on Gender in the Information Systems
Discipline: Preliminary Evidence and an Agenda for Change” Journal of the AIS, 2019, Volume 20, Issue 12.
(Access at:
7.Loiacono, E., and Ren*, H. “Building a Neurodiversity High-tech Workforce.” Management Information Systems
Quarterly Executive, 2018, Volume 17, Issue 4, pp. 263-279. (Access at:
8.Loiacono, E., Fulwiler, C., Cohanim*, R., and Davis, M. “An Investigation into College Students’ Preferences for
Technology Integration into Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction.” AIS Transactions on Human Computer
Interaction, 2018 Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 110-124. (Access at:
9.Loiacono, E., and McCoy, S. “When Did Fun Become So Much Work: The Impact of Social Media Invasiveness on
Continued Social Media Use.” Information Technology and People, 2018, Volume 31, Issue: 4, pp.966-983 (Access
10.Loiacono, E., Iyer, L., Armstrong, D., Craig, A., and Beekhuyzen, J. “AIS Women’s Network: Advancing Women in
IS Academia.” Communications of the AIS, 2016, Volume 38, Issue 38, pp. 784-802. (Access at:
11.Loiacono, E., "Self-disclosure Behavior on Social Networking Websites." International Journal of Electronic
Commerce, 2014, Volume 19, Issue 2, pp. 66-94. (Access at: https://doi:10.1080/10864415.2015.979479)
12.McCoy, S., Loiacono, E., and Rodríguez Abitia, G. “Diferencias Culturales en la Evaluación de Sitios Web:
Comparación entre Usuarios Estadounidenses y Mexicanos,” Revista Latinoamericana y del Caribe de la
Asociación de Sistemas de Información, 2013, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 17-45. (Access at:
13.Loiacono, E., Urquhart, C., Beath, C., Craig, A., Thatcher, J., Vogel, D., and Zigurs, I. “Thirty Years and Counting:
Do We Still Need the ICIS Women’s Breakfast?” Communications of the AIS, 2013, Volume 33, Article 6, pp. 81-96.
(Access at:
14.Loiacono, E., Djamasbi, S., and Kiryazov*, T. “Factors that Affect Visually Impaired Users' Acceptance of Audio and
Music Websites” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2013, Volume 71, Issue 3, pp. 321-334.
(Access at:
15.Caber, M., Albayrak, T., and Loiacono, E. “The Classification of Extranet Attributes in Terms of Their Asymmetric
Influences on Overall User Satisfaction.” Journal of Travel Research, January 2013, Volume 52, Issue 1. (Access at:
16.Loiacono, E., and Djamasbi, S. "Corporate Website Accessibility: Does Legislation Matter?” The Universal Access in
the Information Society, 2013, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp. 115–124. (Access at:

Eleanor T. Loiacono Page 2 September 2023

17.Loiacono, E., and Djamasbi, S. "Moods and Their Relevance to Systems Usage Models within Organizations: An
Extended Framework." AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interactions, 2010, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 55-72.
(Access at:
18.Loiacono, E., Romano, N., and McCoy, S. "The State of Corporate Website Accessibility." Communications of the
ACM, 2009, Volume 52, Issue 9, pp. 128-132. (Access at:
19.Djamasbi, S., Fruhling, A., and Loiacono, E. " The Influence of Affect, Attitude and Usefulness in the Acceptance of
Telemedicine Systems." The Journal of Information Technology and Theory Application, 2009, Volume 10, Issue 1,
Article 4. (Access at:
20.Elms, M. and Loiacono, E. “Project-Based Service-Learning for an Unscripted World: The WPI IQP Experience.”
International Journal of Organization Analysis, 2009, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 23-39. (Access at:
21.McCoy, S., Everard, A., and Loiacono, E. "Online Ads in Familiar and Unfamiliar Sites: Effects on Perceived Website
Quality and Intention to Reuse." Information Systems Journal, online version: June 2009, pp. 1-22, paper version:
2009, Volume 19 pp. 437-458. (Access at:
22.Taylor, N., Loiacono, E., and Watson, R. "Alternative Scenarios to the “Banner” Years: A Test of Alternative Formats
to Web Banner Ads." Communications of the ACM, 2008, Volume 51, Issue 2, pp. 53-58. (Access at:
23.Djamasbi, S. Loiacono, E., Tulu, B. and Whitefleet-Smith, J. “Can a Reasonable Time Limit Improve the Effective
Usage of a Computerized Decision Aid?” Communications of the AIS, 2008, Volume 23, Article 22. (Access at:
24.Djamasbi, S. and Loiacono, E. "Do Men and Women Use Feedback Provided by Their Decision Support Systems
(DSS) Differently?" Decision Support Systems, 2008, Volume 44, Issue 4, pp. 854-869. (Access at:
25.Loiacono, E. T., Watson, R. T., & Goodhue, D. L. “WebQual: An Instrument for Consumer Evaluation of Web Sites.”
International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2007, Volume 11, Issue 3, 51-87. (Access at:
26.Loiacono, E., and Lin, H. “Web Site Quality: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of U.S. and Chinese Website Customers.”
Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 2005, Volume 14, Issue 1, Article 5, pp.53-69.
(Access at:
27.Loiacono, E., and McCoy, S. “Website Accessibility: A Cross-Sector Comparison.” The Universal Access in the
Information Society, 2006, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 393-399. (Access at:
28.Loiacono, E., McCoy, S. and Chin*, W. “Federal Web site accessibility for people with disabilities.” IT Professional,
07 November, 2005, Volume 7, Issue 1 (Access at:
29.Loiacono, E. “Cyberaccess: Web accessibility and corporate America.” Communications of the ACM, December
2004, Volume 47, Issue 12, pp. 82-87. (Access at:
30.Loiacono, E. and McCoy, S. “Charity Begins at the Homepage: Providing Access to the Web for People with
Disabilities.” Communications of the AIS, 2004, Volume 13, Article 29, pp. 471-485. (Access at:
31.Lin, H., Fan, Y. and Loiacono, E. “A Practical Scheduling Method based on Work Flow Management Technology.”
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2004, Volume 24, Issue 11-12, pp. 919-924. (Access
32.Loiacono, E. and McCoy, S. "Web Site Accessibility: An Online Sector Analysis." Information Technology and
People, 2004, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 87-101. (Access at:
33.Loiacono, E. "Improving Web Accessibility." IEEE Computer, January 2003, Volume 36, Issue 1, pp. 106-108.
(Access at:
34.Watson, H., Haines, M., and Loiacono, E. "The Approval of Data Warehousing Projects Findings from Ten Case
Studies." Journal of Data Warehousing, 1998, Volume 3, Number 3, pp. 29-37.
-Reprinted in Analytische Informations - Systeme, 2nd edition, P. Chamoni and P.Gluchowski (eds.), New York:
Springer, 1999, pp. 27-43. (Access at:
35.Segars, A. and Loiacono, E. "Integrating Organizational Systems Development Efforts: An Architectural Perspective
and Framework for Transformation." Journal of Information Technology Management, 1998, Volume 9, Number 2,
pp. 1-16.

Editorials & Invited Publications

1.Loiacono, E. "A New Era for the Human-Computer Interactions Community," AIS Transactions on Human-Computer
Interaction, 2009, Volume 1, Issue 1, Article 3. (Access at:
2.Loiacono, E., "Web Site Quality and Accessibility: Where Are We and Where Do We Need to Go?" Cutter
Benchmarking Review, 2008, Volume 8, Issue 9, pp. 5-27. (Access at:

Eleanor T. Loiacono Page 3 September 2023

3.Loiacono, E., McCoy, S. and Romano, N. “Information Technology Systems Accessibility.” The Universal Access in
the Information Society, 2006, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 1-3. (Access at:
4.McCoy, S., Loiacono, E. and Abitia, G. “Cross Cultural Information Systems Research.” Journal of Global Information
Technology Management, 2004, Volume 7, Issue 4, pp. 1-2. (Access at: )

Publications in Refereed Scholarly Conference Proceedings

National and International (*Indicates collaboration when this co-author was a student).
1.Gupta, B., Iyer, L., Loiacono, E., & Boudreaux, M. “Gender and IS Academic Leadership: Exploring
Approaches and Impacts on Organizational Success” Pre-European Conference on Information Systems
(ECIS) 2023 workshop: Social Justice and Inclusion to Co-create Sustainable Digital Futures,
Kristiansand, Norway, June 11-16, 2023.
2.Zhou*, S. Gupta, B., & Loiacono, E. “Perceived Leadership Styles of Women and Men Tech Thought
Leaders on Social Media: A Sentiment Analysis Study” Pre-European Conference on Information Systems
(ECIS) 2023 workshop: Social Justice and Inclusion to Co-create Sustainable Digital Futures,
Kristiansand, Norway, June 11-16, 2023.
3.Loiacono, E., Iyer, L., Lingo Long, E., Carter, M., & Randolph, A., “ ImPACT IT Grant” Leading and Managing in the
Digital Era Research Colloquium, Syros, GR. June 19-23, 2023.
4.Lingo Long, E., Loiacono, E., Iyer, L. Carter, M., & Randolph, A., “Early Innovation Findings: Piloting a Sustainable
Global, Network Model for Springboarding Mid-Career Advancement” Equity in STEM Community Convening 2022.
Washington, DC. June 5-7, 2023. (Access at: TBA).
5.Zhou*, S. and Loiacono, E., “A Review of Gender Research in Information Systems: From Bibliometric Analysis to
Future Research Directions” Southern Association for Information Systems Conference (SAIS). Hilton Head, NC,
March 24-25, 2023. (Access at: TBA)
6.Zhou*, S. Nerur, S., Loiacono, E., Iyer, L. Lingo Long, E., Carter, M., & Randolph, A., “Authorship, Collaboration, and
Influence of Women IS Scholars: Using Social Network Analysis,” Americas Conference on Information Systems
(AMCIS). Minneapolis, MN, August 10-14, 2022. (Access at: TBA) – Awarded Top 25% Paper.
7.Loiacono, E., Iyer, L. Lingo Long, E., Carter, M., & Randolph, A., “Developing a Network of Global Catalysts to Help
Mid-Career Faculty Springboard to the Next Phase of Their Career Advancement,” Equity in STEM Community
Convening 2022. Washington, DC. May 31- June 3, 2022. (Access at: TBA).
8.Loiacono, E., and Cabral H., “Measuring the Success of Neurodiversity Job Placement Programs in High Tech
Industries” 4th Annual Virtual Autism at Work Research Workshop. Virtual, May 16-18, 2022.
9.Almazyad*, F., Shah, P., and Loiacono, E., “Brand Resurrection: The Role of Consumers’ Psychological Reactance in
Social Media Activism,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, February
18-20, 2022. (Access at: TBA).
10.Cao*, S., Strong, D., & Loiacono, E. “Examining Power Relationships in the Use of Information Systems to Comply
with Laws and Enable Social Inclusion”, Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS), Maui,
Hawaii, January 3-7, 2022. (Access at: TBA).
11.Zhou*, S. and Loiacono, E., “Smart Cities for All”, Virtual, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
December 13-16, 2020.
12.Cao*, S., Loiacono, E., & Annabi, H., “A Design Theory of Information Systems Applied to the Workplace
Accommodation Process: A Research Plan”, Virtual, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). August
10-14, 2020.
13.Zhou*, S. and Loiacono, E., “Smart Cities for All”, Virtual, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS).
August 10-14, 2020.
14.Cao*, S. & Loiacono, E., “Understanding Information Systems in the Accommodation Process: A Pilot Study”, New
England Association for Information Systems Conference, May 2020, (presented May 2021 due to COVID-19
15.Almazyad*, F., Loiacono, E., and Shah, P., Control vs Content: A Systematic Review of the Social Media Research
Literature, Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS), Maui, Hawaii, January 7-10, 2020.
(Access at: TBA).
16.Cao*, S., Loiacono, E., & Hala Annabi, “Exploring the Workplace Accommodation Process for People with
Disabilities” Post-ICIS Special Interest Group on Social Inclusion Workshop, Munich, Germany, December 18, 2019.
17.Cao*, S., & Loiacono, E. “An Exploratory Study of The Potential of Enterprise Accommodation Systems,” New
England Association for Information Systems (NEAIS) First Annual Conference, Bentley University, Waltham,
Massachusetts, May 31, 2019.

Eleanor T. Loiacono Page 4 September 2023

18.Almazyad*, F., Shah, P., and Loiacono, E., Consumer Reactions to Brand Deletion: The Role of Psychological
Reactance in Social Media Activism (ACR), Atlanta, Georgia, October 17-20, 2019.
19.Cao*, S., and Loiacono, E., “The State of the Awareness of Web Accessibility Guidelines of Student Website and
App Developers” Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII), Orlando, Florida, July 26-31, 2019.
20.Almazyad*, F., and Loiacono, E., “From the Street To the Tweet: Applying Task Technology Fit to Examine the
Information Technology Role in Revolutionizing Social Movements” Human-Computer Interaction International
(HCII), Orlando, Florida, July 26-31, 2019.
21.Cao*, S., and Loiacono, E., “An Exploratory Study of the Role of Information Systems in Accommodation Process in
Organizations” New England Association for Information Systems Conference, Waltham, Massachusetts, May 31,
22.Cao*, S., Loiacono, E., and Iyer, L., “Advancing in IS Academia: A Qualitative Study” Post-ICIS Special Interest
Group on Social Inclusion Workshop, San Francisco, California, December 16, 2018.
23.Cao*, S. and Loiacono, E., “Perceptions of Web Accessibility Guidelines by Student Website and App Developers”
Pre-ICIS Special Interest Group on Human Computer Interaction Workshop, San Francisco, California, December
13, 2018.
24.Loiacono, E., Shaw, P., and Almazyad*, F. “Bringing Dead Brands Back from the Grave: The Power of Social Media”
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Boston, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 16-18, 2018.
(Access at:
25.Loiacono, E., Iyer, L., and Cao*, S. “Academic Career Advancement in IS: Does Gender Matter?” Americas
Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), New Orleans, Louisiana, August 16-18, 2018. (Access at: )
26.Loiacono, E., Iyer, L., and Cao*, S. “Gender Equity in IS Academia” Boston Area Information Systems Workshop
(BAIS), Lowell, Massachusetts, May 11, 2018. (Access at:
27.Loiacono, E., and Ren*, H. “Neurodiversity in the IT Workforce” Society for Information Management (SIM) Connect
Live, Dallas, Texas, April 11-13, 2018.
28.Loiacono, E., and Ren*, H. “Neurodiversity in the IT Workforce” MISQE Workshop at Hawaii International
Conference on Systems Science (HICSS), Big Island, Hawaii, January 3, 2018.
29.Wilson, V., Srite, M., and Loiacono, E. “A Call for Item-ordering Transparency in
Online IS Survey Administration” Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Boston, Massachusetts,
August 10-12, 2017. (Access at: )
30.McCoy, S., Loiacono, E. and Cao*, S. “The Impact of Texting Interruptions on Task Performance” Human-Computer
Interaction International (HCII), Vancouver, Canada, July 9-4, 2017. (Access at:
31.Shah, P., Loiacono, E. and Ren*, H. “Video Blogs: A Qualitative and Quantitative Inquiry of Recall and Willingness to
Share” Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII), Vancouver, Canada, July 9-4, 2017. (Access at:
32.Loiacono, E., Iyer, L. and Armstrong, D. “’Where do Women Stand? - Academic Career Advancement in Information
Systems” Post-ICIS Special Interest Group on Social Inclusion Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, December 14, 2016.
33.Shah, P. and Loiacono, E. “The Effect of Source, Medium, and Audience Characteristics in the Context of Vlogs”
American Marketers Association (AMA) 2016 Winter Marketing Educators Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada February
26-28, 2016.
34.Loiacono, E. “Women in IS: Where do we stand?” Special Interest Group on Social Inclusion Post International
Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Workshop, Fort Worth, Texas, December 16, 2015.
35.Shah, P. and Loiacono, E. “Information Search in an Era of Connected Consumers” Academy of Marketing Science
Annual Conference (AMS), Indianapolis, May 21-23, 2014. (Access at:
36.Loiacono, E. and Despande*, S. “WebQual and Its Relevance to Users with Visual Disabilities” Human-Computer
Interaction International (HCII), Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014. (Access at:
37.Loiacono, E. and Shah, P. “Image-Blogs: Consumer Adoption and Usage” Human-Computer Interaction International
(HCII), Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014. (Access at:
38.Loiacono, E. and McCoy, S. “Factors Affecting Continued Use of Social Media” Human-Computer Interaction
International (HCII), Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014. (Access at:
39.Loiacono, E., and Xiao*, L. “Evaluating The Information Systems Women Network (ISWN) Mentoring Program”
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Chicago, Illinois, August 15-17, 2013. (Access at:
40.Loiacono, E. and Lin*, M. “Understanding the Impact Congruent Images & News Articles Have on Mood and Attitude”
Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII), Las Vegas, Nevada, July 21-26, 2013, S. Yamamoto (Ed.):
HIMI/HCII 2013, Part I, LNCS 8016, pp. 628--634. Springer, Heidelberg. (Access at:

Eleanor T. Loiacono Page 5 September 2023

41.McCoy, S. Loiacono, E. and Moody, G. “The Effects of Website Familiarity on Website Quality and Intention to Use”
Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII), Las Vegas, Nevada, July 21-26, 2013. (Access at:
42.Loiacono, E., Carey*, D., Misch*, A., Spencer*, A., and Speranza*, R., “Personality Impacts on Self-disclosure
Behavior on Social Networking Sites” Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Seattle, Washington,
August 2012. (Access at:
43.Loiacono, E. and Djamasbi, S., “A Comparative Analysis of Blind and Sighted Users’ Acceptance of Online Music
Stores” Pre-ICIS Special Interest Group on Human Computer Interaction Workshop, Shanghai, China, December 4,
2011. (Access at:
44.Loiacono, E., Djamasbi, S., Tulu, B. and Pavlov O. “Why Virtual Job Recruitment Is Not Well Accepted by Generation
Y? — A Case Study on Second Life” Human-Computer Interaction, J.A. Jacko (Ed.) Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Heidelberg, Part IV, HCII 2011, LNCS 6764. pp. 245-254, 2011. (Access at:
45.Djamasbi, S., Loiacono, E., and Mendelson, Y. “Affect Feedback during Crisis and its Role in Improving IS
Utilization” Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Seattle, Washington, May 2-5,
2010. (Access at:
46.Loiacono, E., Djamasbi, S., and Dabholkar*, G. “Affect and HCI: Past, Present, and Future." Pre-ICIS Special
Interest Group on Human Computer Interaction Workshop, Phoenix, Arizona, December 14, 2009. (Access at:
47.McCoy, S., Loiacono, E., and Jones, B. “Cultural Differences in Website Evaluation: Comparing US and Mexican
Users." Global Information Technology Management Conference (GITMA), Naples, Italy, June 18, 2007.
48.Djamasbi, S. and Loiacono, E. "Gender, Feedback, and Decision Making: How Men and Women Differ on the Use of
Computerized Feedback." Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Acapulco, Mexico, August 4-6,
2006. (Access at:
49.McCoy, S., Everard, A., and Loiacono, E. " Online ads in familiar and unfamiliar sites: effects on perceived website
quality and intention to reuse." Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Acapulco, Mexico, August 4-
6, 2006. (Access at:
50.Romano, N. Loiacono, E., and McCoy, S. “Information Systems Accessibility Minitrack Introduction”, "Information
Systems Accessibility," Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Big
Island, HI, USA, 2005, pp. 182-182. (Access at:
51.Loiacono, E., Taylor, N. and Djamasbi, S. “Online Mood Induction.” Americas Conference on Information Systems
(AMCIS), Omaha, Nebraska, August 11-14, 2005. (Access at:
52.Loiacono, E., Dunkel*, B., Liberman*, P., MacInnes*, J., and Watkins*, G. “3-D Imaging: Accessibility for People with
Disabilities.” Human-Computer Interaction International Conference (HCII), Las Vegas, Nevada, July 22-27, 2005.
53.Loiacono, E., McCoy, S. and Morin*, J. “A Study of International Government Web Site Accessibility.” Global
Information Technology Management Conference (GITMA), San Diego, California, June 13-15, 2004.
54.Loiacono, E., and Lin, H. “Website Quality: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of United States and China Business
Customers.” Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Tampa, Florida, August 4-6, 2003. (Access at:
55.Loiacono, E., Chen*, D., and Goodhue, D. “WebQual™ Revisited: Predicting the Intent to Reuse a Web Site.”
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Dallas, Texas, August 9-11, 2002. (Access at:
56.Goodhue, D. and Loiacono, E. “Randomizing survey question order vs. grouping questions by construct: an empirical
test of the impact on apparent reliabilities and links to related constructs.” Hawaii International Conference on
Systems Sciences (HICSS), Big Island, Hawaii, January 7-10, 2002. (Access at:
57.Loiacono, E., Watson, R., and Goodhue, D. “WebQual™: A Web Site Quality Instrument." American Marketing
Association: Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Austin, Texas, Winter 2002, pp. 432-438. (Access at:
58.Krauss*, F., Loiacono, E., and Kasouf, C. "Web site quality: Cross-cultural comparison of U.S. and German business
customers." Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Boston, Massachusetts, August 3-5, 2001.
(Access at:
59.Loiacono, E. "WebQual™: A Web Site Quality Instrument." International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
Doctoral Consortium, Charlotte, North Carolina, December 1999.
60.Loiacono, E. "WebQual™: A Web Site Quality Instrument." Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
Doctoral Consortium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 13-15, 1999. (Access at:
61.Loiacono, E. and Taylor, N. "Factors Affecting Perceptions of Web Site Quality." Association for Information Systems
(AMCIS), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 13-15, 1999. (Access at:
62.Taylor, N., Loiacono, E., and Watson, R. "Web Advertising: Alternatives Scenarios to the Banner Years." Association
for Information Systems (AMCIS), Baltimore, Maryland, August 1998. (Access at:
Eleanor T. Loiacono Page 6 September 2023
63.Watson, R., Loiacono, E., Taylor, N., Haines, M., and Hilmer, K. "Data Management: A Look Inside the Webmaster's
Domain." Georgia Research in Information Technology and Systems (GRITS), Statesboro, Georgia, March 7, 1997.

Participation in Refereed Panels at Conferences

1. Pouloudi, N. & Murphy, A. (moderators), Apospori, E., Irvin, N., and Loiacono, E., “Broadening and Deepening
DEI Research” DEI Panel Leading and Managing in the Digital Era (LDME), Athens, Greece, July 20, 2023.
2. Connelly, A. (moderator), Loiacono, E., Iyer, L., Ashong Elliot, M. and Cooper, V., “Engaging Women in
Information Systems: Where Are We Headed?” Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Montreal,
Canada, August 9-13, 2021.
3. Carter, M. (moderator), Thatcher, B., Lee, A., Armstrong, D., and Loiacono, E. “Social Inclusion in a
Hyperconnected World” Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Chicago, Illinois, August 15-17,
2013. (Access at:
4. Loiacono, E. "The Shape of Things to Come: The IS Curriculum After Semester Conversion." Georgia Research
in Information Technology and Systems (GRITS), Statesboro, Georgia, March 7, 1997.

Participation in Professional Panels

1. Loiacono, E. (moderator), Franco-Watkins, A., Henderson, D., and Haskins, N. “W&M Women - Women in
Academia: Journeys through the Professoriate” William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA, September 30, 2021.
2. Loiacono, E. (moderator), Anderson, P., Barr, V., Ding, W., Gorr, H. and Kamat, R. “Data Science Career Panel”
Central Massachusetts Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference, Worcester, MA, March 4, 2019.
3. Loiacono, E. (facilitator), Mazrui, S., Orslene, L., Golden, L., and Pettit, R. “United Nations: Bridging the Digital
Skills Gap for Persons with Disabilities Globally” Sustainable Employment of Persons with Disabilities Globally,
Washington, DC, June 26, 2018.

Cases and Book Chapters

1. Loiacono, E. and Cao, S. The chains that bind: Gender, disability, race, and IT accommodations. In E. Trauth and
J. Quesenberry (Eds.). Handbook of Gender and Technology: Environment, Identity, Individual.
Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing, February 2023,
2. Ives, B., Loiacono, E., and Picolli, G. "DSL Provisioning: Redefining Customer Service." Communications of the
AIS, December 2001, Volume 7, Article 21. (Access at:
3. Turban, E., Aronson, J., and Loiacono, E. Instructor's Manual with Test Item File and Transparency Masters:
Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems. New York, Prentice Hall, 1998.

1. Gupta, B, Iyer, L, Loiacono, E. and Long Lingo, E. “Helping Mid-career Faculty Springboard to the Next Phase of
Their Career Advancement: A Catalyst Approach”. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS).
Minneapolis, MN, August 10-14, 2022.
2. Loiacono, E. and Iyer, L, “AISWN Pre ICIS Workshop-Advancing Women in IS Academia” International
Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Fort Worth, TX, December 12, 2015.
3. Loiacono, E. and Iyer, L, “AISWN Pre ICIS Workshop-Advancing Women in IS Academia” International
Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Auckland, New Zealand, December 13, 2014.

Internal and External Funding

1.Grant Accepted 2022: “IDEA Hub student research-based collaboration with the United Nations High Commission
on Refugees (UNHCR)” granted by the William & Mary Charles Center Faculty-Mentored Research Incubator
Project for 2022 & 2023 for $20,000.
2.Grant Accepted 2020: Loiacono, E. (PI), Long-Lingo, E., and Iyer, L. "ImPACT IT: Increasing the Participation and
AdvanCemenT of Women in IT Proposal" to ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of

Eleanor T. Loiacono Page 7 September 2023

Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers (ADVANCE) National Science Foundation Grant
Number: 017130 (WPI), 2017130 (W&M), for $998,053.
3.Grant Accepted: “Supporting WPI Women Faculty Researchers” to the WPI Women’s Impact Network, granted
$7,600 over 1 year, 2018-2019.
4.Grant Application Submitted 2017: Loiacono (PI), Long-Lingo, E., Iyer, L., Carter, M. and Randolph, A. " ImPACT
IT: Increasing the Participation and AdvanCemenT of Women in IT Proposal" to ADVANCE: Increasing the
Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers (ADVANCE) (under
NSF) for $997,719.
5.Grant Accepted: Loiacono (PI). “Developing a Women’s Information Systems Network Workshop” to the Elsevier
Foundation for $67,000 over 2 years, 2013-2015.
6.Grant Accepted: “Creating Online Training Modules for Peer Mentors with Disabilities” to the WPI Educational
Development Council, granted $10,000 over 1 year, 2014-2015.
7.Grant Application Submitted 2011, 2013: Loiacono (PI), Strong, D., and Makoul, G. "Personas: Helping CHIT
Developers Better Understand the Personal Health Information Management Needs of Patients with Diabetes
and Other Vision, Hearing, and Mobility Disabilities" to Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
(under NIH) for $969,917.
8.Grant Application Submitted 2010, 2012: Loiacono, E. (PI), Djamasbi, S., and D’Mello, S. “Decision Making: The
Role of Heart Rate Variability and Affect Management in Decision-Making Performance During Emergencies.” to
the Decision, Risk, and Management Science (DRMS) (under NSF) for $423,016.
Awarded Faculty Advancement in Research grant from WPI Research and Development Council, $17,200.
9.Supported through Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Grant given to the Metal Processing Institute at WPI. $5,000 for
research into the website quality of metal processing firms, 2001.

Presentations & Talks

1. Speaker, “Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde’s Neurodi-
versity Day 2023” Online, September 27, 2023.
2. Speaker, “Moving Forward: AES DE&I Data Collection Task Force initiative” Online, October 26, 2022.
3. Speaker, “DEI Roundtable with Eleanor T. Loiacono,” New York, New York, October 20, 2022.
4. Loiacono, E., “Making a Difference in the World: How Student-Faculty Research Collaboratives Impact the World.”
William and Mary Women’s Weekend, September 18, 2022.
5. Panelist, Latin and Caribbean AIS Chapter Research Seminar on Information Systems on “Where is the IS Field,”
Sánchez, A. (moderator), Loiacono, E., Marakas, G., and Neiderman, F., Online, September 12, 2022.
6. Keynote Speaker, “Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: A Path Forward,” Special Interest Group on Social Inclusion ICIS
Workshop, December 11, 2021.
7. Host & Presenter, “Association for Information Systems Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Townhall.” International
Conference on Information System, Austin, TX, December 13, 2021.
8. Panelist, “Diversity & Inclusion.” Association for Financial Technology, Sonoma, CA, September, 20, 2021.
9. Keynote Speaker, “Impacting Women in STEM.” Women’s Welcome Leeadership Event, September 7, 2021.
10. Guest, RE-Focus with Angela Stephens, Podcast Episode #43, April, 29, 2021.
11. Guest, “Supporting the Career Development of Neurodiverse Students.” Uconnect, Career Conversation
Everywhere Podcast Episode #5, October 14, 2020.
12. Keynote Speaker, “Building a Neurodiverse High-tech Workforce,” Association of University Career Development
Center Communications Professionals Conference, Online, June 25, 2020.
13. Loiacono, E., “Building a Neurodiverse High-tech Workforce.” Dell, Virtual, MA, April 22, 2020.
14. Loiacono, E., “Multi-disciplinary partnerships with Worcester Polytechnic Institute.” United Nations International
Labour Union Global Business and Disability Network Annual Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, November 22, 2019.
15. Loiacono, E., “Building a Neurodiverse High-tech Workforce.” Massachusetts Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment
Initiative Conference, Westboro, MA, June 7, 2019.
16. Loiacono, E., “Building a Neurodiverse High-tech Workforce.” Microsoft Autism at Work Summit Research
Workshop, Redmond, WA, May 29, 2019.
17. Shah, P., Loiacono, E., and Almazad, F., “Bringing Brands Back from the Grave: The Power of Social Media.”
Research, Discovery, and Innovation (ReDI) Symposium Poster Presentation, May 13, 2019.
18. Loiacono, E., “Building a Neurodiverse High-tech Workforce.” Great Minds and Brave Spaces, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, March 26, 2019.
19. Loiacono, E. and Ren*, H. “Neurodiversity and the IT Workforce” Microsoft’s Autism at Work Research Workshop,
Redmond, Washington, April 24-26, 2018.

Eleanor T. Loiacono Page 8 September 2023

20. Loiacono, E. and Ren*, H. “Neurodiversity and the IT Workforce” Society of Information Management (SIM)
Connect Live, Dallas, Texas, April 11-13, 2018.
21. “Neurodiversity and the IT Workforce.” Mason Business School, William and Mary College, Williamsburg, VA, No-
vember 17, 2017.
22. “Women in IT.” Florida International University AIS Student Chapter, Florida International University, Miami, FL,
March 1, 2016.
23. “Website Accessibility.” Graduate Electronic Commerce Strategies Course, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,
July 20, 2015.
24. “The User Experience: The Intersection of People and Technology.” UMass Department of Psychiatry, Shrews-
bury, MA, May 14, 2015.
25. Keynote Speaker, “Inclusive Design: Accessibility and the User's Experience,” International Congress of Informati-
cs and Computing, Aguascalientes, Mexico, October 23, 2014.
26. “Website Accessibility.” Graduate Electronic Commerce Strategies Course, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,
July 17, 2014.
27. “Website Accessibility.” Undergraduate Webware Course, WPI, Worcester, MA, January 27, 2014.
28. “Flipping without Flopping: Real-world Experiences with Classroom Flipping.” November 18, 2013.
29. Website Accessibility.” Graduate Electronic Commerce Strategies Course, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,
July 16, 2013.
30. “Website Accessibility.” Undergraduate Webware Course, WPI, Worcester, MA, October 8, 2012.
31. “Website Accessibility.” Graduate Electronic Commerce Strategies Course, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,
July 17, 2012.
32. “The User Experience.” UMass Medical School, Worcester, MA, May 15, 2012.
33. “Positive Mood & Heart Rate Variability: Their Impact on Decision Making Under Time Pressure.” Department of
Defense, Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group Meeting 65, Natick, MA, May 3, 2011.
34. “Website Accessibility.” Graduate Electronic Commerce Strategies Course, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,
July 15, 2010.
35. “User Experience and Decision Making: The Role Affect Plays.” Department of Defense, Human Factors Engi -
neering Technical Advisory Group Meeting 62, Key West, FL, November 3, 2009.
36. “Website Accessibility.” Graduate Electronic Commerce Strategies Course, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,
July 14, 2009.
37. “Online Ads in Familiar and Unfamiliar Sites: Effects on Perceived Website Quality and Intention to Reuse.” Cen-
tro di Ricerca sua Sistemi Informativi (CeRSI), Luiss "Guido Carli" University, Rome, Italy, June 15, 2007.
38. “Decision Making under Time Pressure: The Role of Affect and its Management during Emergencies” WPI De-
partment of Management Seminar Series, Worcester, MA, May 2, 2007.
39. “The Value of an MBA.” for The Greater Boston MBA Consortium, Chestnut Hill, MA, October 27, 2005.
40. “Fostering Student Contributions to Society: The WPI IQP Experience.” for WPI Interdisciplinary and Global Stud -
ies Division, Bag Lunch Seminar, Worcester, MA, March 31, 2005.
41. “IT Accessibility: The Legislative and Business Perspectives.” for WPI Assistive Technology Research Center,
Worcester, MA, May 18, 2004.
42. “Case Study Skills.” for WPI Department of Management Graduate Students, Worcester, MA, September 4, 2002.
43. "WebQual™: A Measure of Web Site Quality." Lycos, Waltham, Massachusetts, July 2, 2002.
44. “WebQual™: Application into the Metal Process Industry.” Powder Metallurgy Research Center Worcester,
Massachusetts, April 11, 2002.
45. “WebQual™: Possible Business-to-Business Application.” Powder Metallurgy Research Center Worcester,
Massachusetts, April 6, 2001.
46. "WebQual™: A Web Site Quality Instrument." Lycos, Waltham, Massachusetts, November 29, 2000.
47. "WebQual™: A Web Site Quality Instrument." Marketing & Electronic Commerce course, Dr. Chickery Kasouf,
WPI, Worcester, Massachusetts, November 27, 2000.
48. "WebQual™: A Web Site Quality Instrument." WPI Computer Science Colloquium, Worcester, Massachusetts,
October 27, 2000.
49. "WebQual™: A Web Site Quality Instrument." MBA Electronic Commerce course, Dr. Rick Watson, University of
Georgia, Athens, Georgia, March 28, 2000.
50. "Electronic Commerce Fundamentals." Marketing & Electronic Commerce course, Dr. Ashutosh Dixit, University
of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, February 9 & 11, 2000.
51. "WebQual™: A Web Site Quality Instrument." Doctoral Seminar course, Dr. Mary Zimmer, University of Georgia,
Athens, Georgia, October 10, 1999.

1. "WebQual™: A Website Quality Instrument." Loiacono, E., International Conference on Information Systems
(ICIS) Doctoral Consortium, Charlotte, North Carolina, December 1999.

Eleanor T. Loiacono Page 9 September 2023

2. "WebQual™: A Website Quality Instrument." Loiacono, E., Americas Conference on Information Systems
(AMCIS) Doctoral Consortium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 1999.

Dissertation and Theses Advising & Committees

1. Woods, Carrie Annette, Ph.D. Student at University of Pittsburg “Tentative Title: How Blind and Visually Impaired
Individuals Evaluate the Trustworthiness, Website Quality, and Information on Websites, Dissertation Committee,
Lead Advisor & Committee Chair: Dennis Galletta, 2021–present.
2. Zhao, Shimi, Ph.D. Student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute “Tentative Title: Smart Cities for All” Ph.D.
Dissertation Committee, Lead Advisors & Committee Chair: Eleanor Loiacono, 2019-present, WPI.
3. Almazyad, Fadi “Ph.D. Student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute Tentative Title: The Role of Social Media in
Consumer Activism” Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Lead Advisors & Committee Chair: Eleanor Loiacono, 2017-
4. Cao, Shiya, Ph.D. Student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute “Tentative Title: Employing a Critical Lens in the
Design of Information Systems to Empower Disabled Employees in the Workplace” Ph.D. Dissertation
Committee, Lead Advisors & Committee Chair: Eleanor Loiacono, 2018-2022.
5. Susmitha Wunnava, Data Science Ph.D. Student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, “Adverse Drug Event
Information Extraction from Medical Narratives”, Ph.D. Research Qualifier Committee, Lead Advisors: Elke
Rundensteiner, 2020.
6. Tabassum Kakar, Data Science Ph.D. Student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, “Visual Analytics for Multi-
Level Triage and Investigation of Incident Reports”, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Lead Advisors: Elke
Rundensteiner and Lane Harrison, 2020.
7. Kavin Chandrasekaran, Data Science Ph.D. Student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, “Postural Activity and
Transition Monitoring for Healthcare Assessment”, Ph.D. Research Qualifier Committee, Lead Advisors: Elke
Rundensteiner and Emmanuel Agu, 2019.
8. Monica Lauren Tlachac, Data Science Ph.D. Student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, “Predicting Depression
using Smartphone Text Messages”, Ph.D. Proposal Committee, Lead Advisors: Elke Rundensteiner and
Mohamed Eltabakh, 2018.
9. Vo, Nguyen, Data Science Ph.D. Student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, “Fact-Checking URL
Recommendation to Combat Fake News,” Ph.D. Proposal Committee, Lead Advisor: Kyumin Lee, 2018.
10. Foley, Brendan, Data Science Ph.D. Student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, “Deep Learning for Detecting
Depression from Voice Data,” Ph.D. Proposal Committee, Lead Advisor: Elke Rudensteiner, 2018.
11. Upasna Bhandari, MIS Ph.D. Student at National University of Singapore “Investigating Visual Design for
Increasing Pre-Use Evaluation And Post-Use Performance In Mobile Applications,” External Examiner, 2017.

Course/Curriculum Development and Teaching

Courses (*indicates average student teaching evaluation out of 5-point scale)

William and Mary 2021-present

BUAD 5211 IT Infrastructure and Business Transformation (graduate, graduate hybrid).
BUAD 6621 Project Management (graduate)
BUAD 482 Project Management (undergraduate, undergraduate online)

Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2000-2020

DS 1010 Introduction to Data Analytics (undergraduate)
MIS 507 Management Information Systems (online and onsite, graduate).
MIS 3700 Information Systems Management (undergraduate).
MIS 578 Telecommunications Management (online and onsite, graduate).
MIS 3740 Organizational Applications of Telecommunications (undergraduate).
MIS 581 Information Technology Policy & Strategy (graduate).
MIS 4781 Information Systems & Technology Policy & Strategy (undergraduate).
MIS 584 Business Intelligence (graduate).

1996 -1999
University of Georgia
Information Resources Management (undergraduate).
Eleanor T. Loiacono Page 10 September 2023
Introduction to Computing and Management Information Systems (undergraduate).

Brookline Adult Education, Research on the Internet: An Introduction to Using the 1996
Internet as a Research Tool.

Project Advising
Interactive Qualifying Projects 2000-present
 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction App Development
 Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission Vehicle Modification App
 Web Accessibility Perceptions Survey and Interviews
 EDGE Mentoring App
 Self-Disclosure Behavior on Social Networking Sites
 Online Music Store Accessibility
 Three-D Software Accessibility Testing
 Technology in the Classroom: Helping Students with Attention Deficit Disorder
 Federal Website Accessibility
 Improving Recruiting and Retention: A Study of Middle School Students Entering Technology/Engineering Programs

Major Qualifying Projects (* indicates funded project) 2000-present

 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction App Development
 Job Candidate Accessibility Project*
 Creating a Culture of Philanthropy at WPI
 Enhancing Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Through a Mobile Application
 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and College Students
 Communispace Prospective Member Sourcing System*
 Communispace Vendor Performance and Relationship Management System Extension*
 Communispace Vendor Performance and Relationship Management System*
 Velir Time Reporting System*
 United States District Court of Rhode Island Website Redesign*
 Telemental Health: Impact of Network Impairments on Internet-based Depression Counseling
 Job Recruitment in Virtual Worlds (Second Life)
 General Electric Defective (Aged) Inventory Tracking System*
 General Electric Inventory System*
 EMC (Global Security Organization) Remote Customer Infrastructure Compliance and Security Tool*
 General Electric Maintenance Tracking System*
 General Electric Productivity Reporting System*
 Worcester Police Department Geographical Information System
 Worcester Probation Department Wireless Information System
 General Electric Shortage Reporting System*
 Worcester District Court Courtroom Scheduling System
 Synchronous Distributed Learning System over the Internet
 General Electric Automated Data Collection System*
 U.S. District Court of Massachusetts Sentencing Database*
 U.S. District Court of Rhode Island Kiosk*
 Sun Microsystems Web-based Inventory Tracking System*
 B-to-B Website Quality in the Service Industry
 e-Storm: Internet-Based Requirements Management System*
 Worcester Public School Curriculum Database

Independent Studies 2004-present

Multiple projects.

Internships 2002-present
Multiple projects.

Innovations 2000-present
 Director and Founder of the Inclusive Design and Accessibility (IDEA Hub), Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2018.

Eleanor T. Loiacono Page 11 September 2023

 Developed a network plan competition in MIS 3740, which challenges students of varying levels of networking
knowledge to develop a network plan based on an RFP. The innovations in this course, one of which is the
competition, is the reason for winning the Romeo L. Moruzzi Young Faculty Award for Innovation in Undergraduate
Education, 2003.
 Successfully, “flipped” MIS 3740 and MIS 578 courses so that students could be more focused on engaging in real
problems and applying knowledge during class time. Present to other WPI faculty on how to successfully “flip” a
course, 2013.
 Developed data science, telecommunications, and IS strategy courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Professional Service
Leadership Roles in National and International Organizations
Advisory Board Member, Association of Information Systems Women’s Network (AISWN), 2015-present.
Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2024.
Associate Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Association for Information Systems, 2021-2023.
Junior Faculty Consortium Co-Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2023.
Member, STEMM Professional Societies DEI Self-Assessment Advisory Committee, 2021-2022.
Co-Chair, Association for Information Systems (AIS) COVID-19 Initiative, 2020.
Member, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) Site Selection Committee for 2022, 2018-2019.
Session Chair, 9th International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media, Human Computer Interaction
International (HCII), 2019.
Program Co-Chair Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2017.
Session Chair, 9th International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media, Human Computer Interaction
International (HCII), 2017.
AMCIS - AIS SIG Task Force Member, 2016.
Member, AIS Women in IS Task Force, Association on Information Systems (AIS), 2013-2014.
Co-Founder and Organizer, Association of Information Systems Women’s Network, over 400 members, 2011-2015.
Women’s Breakfast Co-Chair, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2010-2013.
Editor-in-Chief Search Committee Member, Transactions on Human Computer Interaction (THCI), 2013.
Advisory Board Member, Special Interest Group on Human Computer Interaction (SIGHCI), 2010-2013.
Chair-Elect Nominating Committee Member, SIGHCI, 2010-2013.
Doctoral Consortium Faculty Advisor, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2012.
Chair (Chair-elect, Past Chair), Special Interest Group on Human Computer Interaction (SIGHCI), 2007-2010.
Website Task Force Member, Special Interest Group on Human Computer Interaction (SIGHCI) website, 2010.
Co-Chair, Pre-ICIS HCI/MIS Workshop, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2006-2008.
MIS Camp Counselor, Workshop for New MIS Faculty, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2006.
MiniTrack CoChair, Cross-Cultural IS Research, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2003-2006.
 MiniTrack CoChair, IT Systems Accessibility, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2004-2006.
 MiniTrack CoChair, IT Systems Accessibility, Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), 2005-
 MetaTrack CoChair, International Issues in IT, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2003.
 Founding Member, AIS Special Interest Group on Human Computer Interactions, 2002.
 Special Events Co-Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2001.

Membership on Program Committees

 Program Committee Member, International Conference on Leading and Managing in the Digital Era: Shaping the
Future of Work and Business Education, Athens, Greece. June 19-20, 2023.
 Program Board Member, International Conference on HCI in Business (HCIB), 2014-2015, 2017, 2019.
 Program Board Member, International Conference on Government and Organizations, 2017.
 Program Committee Member, Pre-ICIS HCI/MIS Workshop, 2002-2005, 2011-2014.
 Program Committee Assistant, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 1999.
 Program Committee Coordinator, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 1997.

Editorial Services for Scholarly Journals and Books

 Senior Editor, AIS Transactions on Human Computer Interactions, 2017-present.
 Scientific Board Member, Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR), 2013-present.

Eleanor T. Loiacono Page 12 September 2023

 Editorial Review Board Member, Special Issue on Technology and Social Inclusion: Building a dialectic on the role of
technology in inclusion and exclusion from societies, organizations, economies, and academe, Journal of the
Association for Information Systems, 2020-2022.
 Guest Associate Editor, Special Issue on Causes and Outcomes of Socio-Cultural Polarization: Role of Social Media,
Information Systems Journal, 2021.
 Editorial Review Board Member, European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), Special Issue on gamification, 2019.
 Editorial Board of the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER), 2017-2020.
 Associate Editor, Journal of Electronic Commerce for Organizations (JECO), 2016-2019.
 Guest Senior Editor, AIS Transactions on Human Computer Interactions, 2009-2010.
 Chapter Reviewer, book edited by Dr. Frank Dieter-Dorloff, Dr. Ivan Bedini and Dr. EjubKajan, entitled Handbook on
Research of E-Business Standards and Protocols: Documents, Data and Advanced Web Technologies, published by
IGI Global, 2011.
 Book Reviewer, Universal Usability: Designing Computer Interfaces for Diverse Users, Editor Jonathan Lazar, John
Wiley and Sons, Ltd., West Sussex, 2007.
 Special Issues Editor, on Cross-Cultural IS Research, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 2004,
 Special Issues Editor, on Information Systems Accessibility, Universal Access in the Information Society, 2006, 5:1.

Editorial Services for Conferences

 Discussant, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2015.
 Associate Editor, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), E-Business and Competitive Strategy Track,
2013, 2014, 2015.
 Associate Editor, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), HCI Track, 2011.
 Session Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 1998-2000, 2002-2004, 2013.
 Session Chair, Pre-ICIS HCI/MIS Workshop, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2004.

Review/Panelist for Accreditation Agencies

 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), PhD in Data Science program at The University of Texas at El
Paso, 2020.

Review/Panelist for Funding Agencies

 Kentucky Science & Engineering Foundation, 2015.
 Kentucky SBIR/STTR Matching Funds Program Reviewer, 2015.
 National Science Foundation, 2004.

 Mentor, MISQ Scholarly Development Academy, 2023.
 Mentor, AIS Women’s Network, 2017-present.
 Faculty Mentor, AMCIS Doctoral Consortium, 2022.
 Mentor, WPI Mentoring Program, 2007-2008, 2013-2014, 2016-2017.

Other Memberships
 AIS Women’s Network Nomination Committee, 2023.
 AMCIS-AIS SIG Task Force, 2016-2017.
 Advisory Board Member, Mubser, Egypt, 2014-2015.
 Open Tourism Consortium Member, Center for Information Systems Leadership, Athens, GA, 2003-2005.

Review Services
Journal Reviewer: Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research (ISR),
Management Science, European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), Journal of the Association of Information
Systems (JAIS), International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJEC), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Journal of
Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), Communications of the Association of Information Systems
(CAIS), Universal Access in the Information Society, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA),
Transactions of Human Computer Interactions (THCI), Journal of IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,
Database, International Journal of Human Computer Studies (IJHCS), Journal of Organizational Computing and
Electronic Commerce, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Transactions of Computer Human Interaction,
Information Systems Resources, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Human-
Computer Interaction, Journal of Information Technology Management, Information and Management, Advances in
Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR), Women’s Studies International Forum, Scientific Reports.

Eleanor T. Loiacono Page 13 September 2023

Conference Reviewer: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), SIGHCI Workshop, International
Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Hawaii International
Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS), 2009 World Congress on Privacy, Security, Trust, and the Management of

Paper Discussant: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).

External Letter Writer: Have written letters of recommendation for numerous tenure and promotion candidates.

School of Business Service

William and Mary
 William and Mary Inclusive Excellence Community of Practice (CoP), 2023.
 Mason School Curriculum and Teaching Committee, 2021-2024, Chair 2023-2024.
 Mason School Teaching Evaluation Committee, 2020-2023.
 Business Analytics Faculty Search Committee Member, 2021, 2022, 2023.

 IT Program Director, 2019-2020.
 School of Business Specialized/STEM Policy Curriculum Committee Member, 2019-2020.
 Faculty Speaker at Accepted Student Day, 2019.
 School of Business Marketing Faculty Search Committee, 2018.
 School of Business IT Faculty Search Committee Diversity Officer, 2016.
 Ph.D. Committee Member, 2013-2016.
 Course Coordinator for MIS 578, MIS 581, & MIS 584, 2000-present.
 Faculty Panel Member, School of Business New Graduate Business Student Welcome Dinner & Reception, 2012.
 Strategic Plan Review Committee Member, 2011-2012.
 Project Presentation Day Judge, 2011.
 Faculty Research Seminar Coordinator, 2010.
 Faculty Development and Tenure Committee Member, 2008-2013, Chair, 2009-2010 and 2012-2013.
 WPI Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee Member, 2009.
 Presidential Commission on Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency Member, 2009.
 Graduate Policy and Curriculum Committee Member, Worcester, MA, 2007-2009 Chair 2007-2008.
 MIS Candidate Search Committee Member, 2001, 2003, and 2005.
 School of Business Undergraduate Policy and Curriculum Committee Member, 2002-2005, Chair, 2003-2004.
 Information Technology Research Center Member, 2001-2004.
 AACSB Accreditation Curriculum Task Force, 2000-2002.

Service to Students
William and Mary
Freshman Business Major Advisor, 2021-present.
Advisor to IDEA Hub/UNHCR (Charles Center) Summer Projects, 2022 & 2023.
Letters of Recommendation, 2022-2023.
MBA Junto Faculty Advisor, 2020 & 2022.

 Graduate Student Project Judge, 2013.
 Advisor to Women in Technology (WiT) Chapter, 2012-2013.
 WPI Travelers’ Undergraduate IT Business Case Competition Team Advisor 2005-2012.
 WPI Graduate Student Orientation Faculty Panel Member, 2009.
 Graduate Management Student Orientation Faculty Panel Member, 2003.
 WPI Association of Information Systems Chapter Advisor, 2003-present.
 Case Study Skills Seminar for WPI Graduate Management Student Orientation, 2002.

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University Services
William and Mary
 William and Mary Women’s Weekend Speaker, “Making a Difference in the World: How Student-Faculty Research Co-
llaboratives Impact the World.”, September 18, 2022.
Virtual Women in Academia Panel, October 2021.

 Board of Trustees Academic Planning Committee, Graduate Studies Sub-committee, 2019-2020.
 Data Science Faculty Advisory Board, 2015-present.
 Board of Trustees Faculty Appointee on Academic Planning Committee, 2017-2020.
 Committee on Appointments and Promotions, 2017-2020.
 Touch Tomorrow Design Thinking and Socio-Technical System Faculty Exhibitor, June 8, 2019.
 COAP Member Representative on “Creating a Mid-Career Development Plan” Discussion, January 7, 2019.
 Committee on Governance, 2016-2017
 Faculty Mentor, 2007-2008, 2013-2014, 2016-2017.
 Academic Space Committee, 2015-2016.
 School of Business Dean Search, 2014-2015.
 Strategic Planning Committee: Elevate Distinctive Undergraduate Programs, 2014-2015.
 Accessibility Advisory Council, 2012-2015.
 Women's Faculty Network Group, 2005-2010.
 Faculty Representative, Assistant Director of Disability Support and Student Accommodations Committee, 2013.
 New Faculty Orientation Workshop Presenter, 2001-2006, 2011, and 2013.
 Web Working Group, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, 2012-2013.
 Standing Committee for Proposal Limitations, 2006-2013.
 Marketing Discussion Group, 2007-2012.
 Open House for Prospective Students, 2012.
 IGERT Proposal Faculty Review Committee, 2011.
 ACPWG Data Management Implementation Subcommittee, 2011-2012.
 Graduate Achievements Day Judge (GRAD 2011), 2011.
 Web Committee, 2007-2008.
 Committee on Academic Operations, 2005-2008, Chair, 2006-2008.
 Student Insight Advisor, 2007.
 Speaker at Major Selection Panel (for students interested in finding out more about the MIS Major at WPI), 2006.
 Speaker at Parents Weekend, 2006.
 Participant, "Meet the Faculty" Open Houses, 2006.
 Junior Faculty Lunch and Activity Co-coordinator, 2000-2006.
 IQP Reviewer, WPI Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Division, 2004.
 Teaching Portfolio Mentor, 2002.

Honors and Awards

 Association for Information Systems Distinguished Member – Cum Laude, 2021.
 AIS Sandra Slaughter Service Award, 2020.
 Nominee for Board of Trustees’ Outstanding Academic Advisor, 2018, 2019.
 HERS Institute Scholarship, 2015-2016.
 Outstanding Service Award, Special Interest Group for Human Computer Interactions (SIGHCI), 2010.
 Nominee for WPI Women of Strength Award, 2009.
 Certificate of Appreciation, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2003.
 Certificate of Appreciation, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2001.
 George Day Doctoral Research Award Runner-up, Coca Cola Company, 1999.
 Doctoral Consortium Fellow, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 1999.
 Doctoral Consortium Participant, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 1999.
 Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges, 1999-2000.
 Research Assistantship, University of Georgia, 1999.
 Regents’ Out-of-State Tuition Waiver, University of Georgia, 1999.

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 Graduate Assistantship, University of Georgia, 1996-1999.
 Department of Management Scholarship, University of Georgia, 1998.
 Board of Regents Merit Supplement, University of Georgia, 1997.

Honor Societies
Sigma Iota Epsilon, Terry College of Business Chapter, Management Honor Society, 1997.
Beta Gamma Sigma, Carroll School of Management Chapter, Business Honor Society, 1996.

 Faculty Champion, Nominated by WPI Varsity Student-Athlete or Coach.
 Advised GRIE 2020 Finalist, 2020.
 Advised GRIE 2017 3rd Place Winner, 2017.
 Advised 2 GRIE 2017 Finalists, 2017.
 Advised GRIE 2016 Finalist, 2016.
 Advised GRIE 2015 First Place Masters Level, 2015.
 Advised GRAD 2014 Semifinalist & People’s Choice Award Winner for Business and Social Science, 2014.
 Advised GRAD 2013 Third Place Project for Business and Social Science, 2013.
 Advised i3 Project Semi-finalist, 2013.
 Advised GRAD 2013 Second Place Project for Business and Social Science, 2011.
 Advisor, Provost’s MQP Award, 2001, 2005 & 2006.
 Romeo L. Moruzzi Young Faculty Award for Innovation in Undergraduate Education, 2003.
 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, University of Georgia, 1999.
 Excellence in Teaching Award Nominee, University of Georgia, 1999.

 “It’s time to consider a neurodiverse workforce”—Hartford Courant, Op-Ed, April 6, 2019.

Featured Podcasts & Blogs

 “Refocus: The Creative Office”—Angela Stephens, January 22, 2021.
 “Supporting the Career Development of Neurodiverse Students”—Uconnect Career Everywhere Conversations,
Episode 5: Supporting the Career Development of Neurodiverse Students, October 14, 2020.
 “Neurodivesity”—Dear Dyslexic Podcast Episode 29, November 2019.

Interviews & Press Coverage

 “Mason School Professor Receives $1M Research Grant to Increase the Participation and Advancement of
Women in Information Technology ”—Raymond A. Mason School of Business, Kristine Hojnicki, April 1, 2021.
 “On the spectrum: WPI prof urges neurodiversity in tech hiring”—Worcester Telegram & Gazette, Scott O’
Connell, February 26, 2019.
 “Building a neurodiverse High-tech workforce” —WPI press release picked up by over 100 media outlets,
including Marketplace-The Numbers (public radio), Yahoo Finance, Renewable Energy World, Arizona
Republic, Seattlepi, and San Antonio Express, February 14, 2019.
 “Department of Education finds GW websites inaccessible for the visually impaired” —interviewed for The
George Washington (GW) Hatchet by Leah Potter, July 13, 2018.
 “Tech tools helped business flow during snowy winter” —interviewed for The Worcester Business Journal (WBJ)
by Sam Bonacci, March 16, 2015.
 “Technology and the Global Workforce (Co-located Teams)”—interviewed for Worcester Business Journal, 2012.
 “WPI Study Finds Most Federal Websites Are Not Fully Accessible to the Disabled”—WPI press release picked
up by Careers & The Disabled, Ability Magazine, CBS MarketWatch,, Finance Canada, Finanz
Nachrichten,,, Miami Today,, National Hispanic Corporate Council, News
Alert, PR Newswire, Silicon Valley Business Ink,, and Yahoo!, 2003.
 “Web’s role shift”—Worcester Telegram & Gazette, 2003.
 WebQual™ research—WPI press release picked up by WPI Wire,’s digitalMASS, and Worcester
Telegram & Gazette, 2000.

Professional Memberships, Certifications, and Skills


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 Association for Information Systems (AIS)
 Association for Computer Machinary (ACM) Special Interest Group on Accessibility (SIGACCESS)
 Academy of Management
 AIS Women’s Network College (AISWN)
 AIS Special Interest Group on Human Computer Interactions (SIGHCI)
 AIS Special Interest Group on Social Inclusion (SIGSI)

 Understanding Networking Fundamentals (Microsoft Certified)

 R programming language

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Industry Experience
Consultant, UMass Medical School 2013
Website quality and accessibility expert on evaluation and design of new MassHealth website.

Independent Consultant, Johnson & Johnson Corporation 1997-2000

Conducted computer training seminars for employees and performed Year 2000 validation

Special Projects Coordinator & Clerk to Honorable William G. Young, United States District 1990-1995
Court, Boston, MA. Prepared reports and manuals. Conduct court business.

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