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Prepared by: Er.

Roshan Raj karnajeet

Electric Circuit and Machines
Question Bank

Chapter 1 (6 marks)
1. Explain the various forms of energy available in nature .(3)
2. Explain about energy sources and productions. (4)
3. With the help of a neat sketch, explain the operation of a hydroelectric power generation. Give its advantages and disadvantages. (6)
4. Describe the advantages of electrical energy compared with other form of energy. What are the resources feasible to produce electrical energy in the context
of Nepal? (6)
5. Describe the generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy with neat sketch. Explain the significance of high voltage and low current
transmission electricity (6+2)
6. Explain how a domestic consumer obtains electric power from the electrical supply system in context of Nepal.(6)

Chapter 2 (12 marks )

1. Prove that I=ƞAeV columbs / sec, where the symbols have their usual meanings (4)
2. State and explain the Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction . Derive an expression for the value of the induced emf. (5)
3. State and explain Ohm’s law. What is application and limitations.(2+2)
4. State and explain Kirchhoff’s laws. (5)
5. Define resistance, inductance and capacitance .what are the ideal and practical voltage sources? (3+3)
6. Define temperature coefficient of resistance. (2)
7. Define the dependent and independent sources.(4)
8. Define resistivity. Explain the effect of temperature on resistance . (2+2)
9. Describe the voltage and current divider theorem. (4)
10. Write short notes on :
(i) Good conductor and insulator ii) Statically and dynamically induced emf

Chapter 3 (16 marks )

1. Define a linear circuit. State and explain superposition theorem with suitable diagrams.(5)
2. State and explain Thevenin’s theorem with suitable diagrams . how does it differ from Norton’s theorem (4+2)
3. Write the steps for solving a network using Thevenin’s theorem. (4)
4. State and explain maximum power transfer theorem for DC networks. (4)
5. Derive an expression that relates resistances R1, R2 and R3 connected in star to corresponding delta. (5)
6. Write short notes on Delta-star transformation
7. Explain the process of source conversion. How is it helpful in solving electrical networks?(4)

Chapter 4 (12 marks )

1. What do u mean by RMS and average value of an alternating quantity .(4)
2. With the help of a suitable diagram , describe the working of a simple ac generator.(5)
3. Derive the expression of RMS value in terms of peak value .what do you understand by the term lag and lead in relation to alternating quantities.(5+2)
4. Derive the condition for resonance in a series R-L-C circuit and draw a phasor diagram. Explain resonance curve.
5. Explain the resonance in series RLC circuit and derive the expression for the resonant frequency. (4)
6. Define resonance. Derive the expression for Resonant Frequency in RLC parallel circuit. Also list out characteristics of parallel resonance (6+2)
7. Determine the complete response of series RL circuit when excited by sinusoidal voltage. (5)
8. Determine the complete response of series RC circuit when excited by sinusoidal voltage. (5)
9. Draw the waveform ( voltage, current , power ) and phasor diagram of the following circuit :
(i) RL series circuit excited by sinusoidal signal.
(ii) RC series circuit excited by sinusoidal signal.
(iii) RLC series circuit excited by sinusoidal signal.
10. Give different expressions for power factor of series R-L circuit . Also define the apparent power , active power and reactive power drawn by such a circuit.
11. Why the value of power factor should be high. what is power factor correction (2+2+2)
12. Derive an expression for the current produced in a pure ohmic resistance when a sinusoidal voltage is applied across it.
13. Derive an expression for the current drawn by a pure capacitor when connected across a sinusoidal voltage .Explain with the help of a power diagram that
the value of average power dissipated by a pure capacitor when excited by a sinusoidal voltage is zero. (6)
14. Prove that in a pure inductor , the applied sinusoidal voltage and the current are 90̊ out of phase with each other Does the inductor absorb any power over
one cycle of the applied voltage.(6)
15. Prove that the current flowing through a pure inductor lags the applied voltage by 90 0 when it is excited by ac sinusoidal voltage .(4)
16. Draw a curve showing variation of XL, XC, and Z with respect to f.(2)
17. Write short notes on : (4)
(i) Bandwidth
(ii) Selectivity
(iii) Half power points
(iv) Comparision of AC and DC
(v) Inductive and capacitive reactance
(vi) Phasor representation of sinusoidal waveform
(vii) Complex representation of ac quantities
Prepared by: Er. Roshan Raj karnajeet
Chapter 5 (4 marks )

Write short notes on : (4)

(i) Incandescent lamp
(ii) Fluorescent tube and its working
(iii) Types of wiring
(iv) Types of grounding
(v) Protection devices
(vi) Earthing and its importance
(vii) MCB and Fuse
(viii) Lightning arrestor

Chapter 6 (10 marks )

1. What do you mean by transformer? Derive emf equation of transformer and explain why secondary terminal voltage decrease with increase in load . (1+4+2)
2. Explain the principle of operation (working principle) of transformer. (6)
3. Prove that V2*N1=V1*N2 where V1, V2, N1 and N2 are primary voltage, secondary voltage , number of turns in primary winding and number of turns in
secondary winding respectively. (4)
4. Explain about No-load operation of transformer. What is humming noise in transformer. (3+1)
5. Explain the working of the “transformer in load” with necessary phasor diagram. (4)
6. Explain why core loss remains constant in transformer. (4)
7. “In a transformer if the current in the secondary circuit is increased then the current on the primary circuit increases.” Explain .(3)
8. Verify “ The net magnetic flux in the core is always constant at any load and I equals to ϕ (phy)” (6)
9. Why the output power of the transformer is always less than input power ? draw the efficiency curve. (4)
10. What is an ideal transformer ? what are the characteristics of ideal transformer .(5)
11. Differentiate between Ideal and practical transformer.[5]
12. Derive the condition for maximum efficiency of the transformer. (3)
13. Write short notes on :
(i) losses in transformer
(ii) Efficiency and voltage regulation of transformer
(iii) Equivalent circuits of the transformer
(iv) Core type and shell type
(v) Instrument transformer
(vi) Auto transformer

Chapter 7 (10 marks )

1. Give the constructional details of a practical dc generator and briefly describe its working principle with neat diagram. (4+4)
2. Explain armature reaction in dc generator. Explain how the ac voltage induced in the dc generator in converted into a dc voltage (3+2)
3. What is meant by the excitation of a dc generator ? Differentiate between the separately-excited and self-excited dc generator. (6)
4. Explain different types of self-excited dc generators with circuit diagrams.(5)
5. Explain self excited dc shunt generator along with its characteristics. Why shunt generator shall be started without connecting load.(4+3)
6. What is a dc motor? Explain its operating principle with neat diagram (1+4)
7. Why is the generated emf in the motor armature called counter emf or back emf ? Explain the significance (role) of back emf in DC motor.(5)
8. Draw the characteristics of a dc shunt motor and comment on them. how speed of dc motor can be control.(6)
9. Explain armature reaction in dc motors. Why starting current is high in case of DC motor. (2+4)
10. What are the types of dc motor? Explain its characteristics .(5)
11. Draw and explain the characteristics of a dc series motor.(5)

Chapter 8 (10 marks)

1. What do you mean by synchronization? What are the necessary conditions for the synchronization of two alternators running in parallel. (2+4)
2. Explain the components of synchronous machine. (4)
3. Define synchronous speed and slip speed. why an induction motor cannot be run at synchronous speed. (2+2)
4. Enumerate the advantages of having stationary armature and rotating field system in large size alternators. (3)
5. Explain working principle of an induction machines . why does the rotor rotates in the same direction of the rotating magnetic field in a 3-phase induction
motor. (4+2)
6. Discuss the relationship between the torque and slip of an induction motor.(4)
7. With neat skethes , explain how a rotating magneting field is produced in the 3-phase stator winding of an induction motor.(4)
8. What is synchronous motor? List its characteristics features and explain its operating principle with neat diagram.(1+2+3)
9. With neat sketch, explain the constructional details of squirrel-cage and phase-wound induction motors .(5)
10. Explain types of rotor in synchronous motors. (3)
11. “An induction motor cannot run at synchronous speed”. Give reason.(4)
12. Does a synchronous motor have a starting torque of itself? Explain. Describe how the synchronous motor can be made to attain synchronous speed. (5)
13. Explain the effect of excitation in synchronous motor .(6)
14. Derive the emf equation of synchronous generator. Show that the emf generated is proportional to field excitation.(5)
15. What are the difference between 3-ph synchronous motor and 3-ph induction motor.(5)
16. Define the term slip of a three-phase induction motor.

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