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Peer feedback: USA Presentation

What was good about it?

Many said it was loud enough and clear enough for them to
understand what we were saying, and almost everyone claimed
they enjoyed the visual design of the slides. About half of the
peers were happy with the pacing of the presentation, and the
majority said the information was clear for them to understand.
What could be improved?
We were told that there was way too much information on
screen by pretty much everyone, thus also making the
presentation overall, much longer than it should’ve been. A few
complained about nobody being there in-person to watch the
presentation, but we had to record it without an audience due to
my horrendous anxiety. We were also told that we read off the
boards a lot, and didn’t look at the camera very much.
How can we improve it using editing?
Adding subtitles for visual appeal. Cutting out sections that
failed, and cutting out sections that don’t have as much
important information to shorten video length. Inserting
images/videos relevant to what we’re talking about. Fix audio
issues, reduce background noise. Add some background music
fitting for the presentation. Adding visual effects and sound
effects throughout it.

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