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Group 1: Nguyen Van A – Nguyen Thi B – Le Thi C – Tran Thi D

Class: English 11 Term 3 – National Economics University

Date & time: april 20, 2023 9a.m
Length: 15 minutes
Questions: at the end of presentation
Handouts: printed documents, yellow notes, pencils.
Place/Room: Conference Room, Floor 1, Hilton Hotel.
Presenters (who we are):
1/ Nguyen Van A – CEO of ABC Company
Audience: people in workplace
Topic: are there any equal opportunities at work for all sexes
Presentation style: Formal
Visual aids: Slides show on projector


Welcome the audience

Introduce yourself (name, roles/function)
State your topic
Say why it is important for the audience
Describe the structure of the talk (the main points, when and who will be dealing with
Say how long the talk will be
Say when you will answer the questions

Group 1: Nguyen Van A – Nguyen Thi B – Le Thi C – Tran Thi D

Class: English 11 Term 3 – National Economics University
Group 1: Nguyen Van A – Nguyen Thi B – Le Thi C – Tran Thi D
Class: English 11 Term 3 – National Economics University

Say whether there are handouts

Briefly state your topic and goals. (Le C)
Introduce the main points and give details. (Tran D)
No. Person in Guidelines
charge (if yes)
1 Main point 1 Direct Discrimination
Supporting idea 1 This involves treating an Nguyen A
individual within the workforce less favourably
than others on sexual, marital, racial or disabled
Nguyen B
For example, a condition that a candidate for a job
must be of a minimum certain height. This would
put women, for example, at a disadvantage
1.2. Supporting idea 2
- Explanation
- Examples/Stories/Experiences
- Facts & Figures (source cited)

2 Main point 2 Indirect Discrimination

Le C
This describes a term or condition applied to both
sexes where one sex is considerably less able to
meet it than the other.
Tran D
For example, a condition that a candidate for a job
must be of a minimum certain height. This would
put women, for example, at a disadvantage

3 2. Main point 3
2.1. Supporting idea 1 Nguyen A
- Explanation
- Examples/Stories/Experiences
Nguyen B
- Facts & Figures (source cited)
2.2. Supporting idea 2
- Explanation
- Examples/Stories/Experiences

Group 1: Nguyen Van A – Nguyen Thi B – Le Thi C – Tran Thi D

Class: English 11 Term 3 – National Economics University
Group 1: Nguyen Van A – Nguyen Thi B – Le Thi C – Tran Thi D
Class: English 11 Term 3 – National Economics University

- Facts & Figures (source cited)

Signal the end of main parts. (Nguyen A)


Signal the end of your talk.

Summarize key points.
Highlight importance points.
Explain the significance.
Make your final statement.
Invite questions.
Dealing with questions.



Group 1: Nguyen Van A – Nguyen Thi B – Le Thi C – Tran Thi D

Class: English 11 Term 3 – National Economics University

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