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Ye lo Idioms & Bss dekh ke

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1.To turn over a new leaf :
(a) To change completely one's course of action
(b)To shift attention to new problems (c) To cover up one's
faults by wearing new marks
(d) To change the old habits and adopt new ones

2.To wrangle over an ass's shadow:

(a) To act in a foolish way
(b) To quarrel over trifles
(c) To waste time on petty things
(d) To do something funny

3.All agog :
(a) Everybody
(b) All ready
(c) Full of vigour
(d) Almighty

4. To take with a grain of salt :

(a) To take with some reservation
(b) To take with total disbelief
(c) To take whole heartedly
(d) To take seriously

5. Hobson's choice :
(a) Feeling of insecurity
(b) Accept or leave the other
(c) Feeling of strength
(d) Excellent choice

6. To talk through one's hat:

(a) To speak fluently
(b) To talk nonsense
(c) To talk wisdom
(d) To speak at random
7.To snap one's fingers :
(a) To speak abruptly
(b) To accept immediately
(c) To grasp eagerly
(d) To become contemptuous of

8.To take the bull by the horns :

(a)To punish a person severely for his
(b)To grapple courageously with difficulty
that lies in our way
(c) To handle it by fierce attack
(d) To bypass the legal process and take
action according to one's own whims

9.To be in abeyance :
12. Harp on:
(a) To be in trouble
(a) To comment
(b) Dual minded
(b)To keeep on talking
(c) In a fighting mood
(c)To criticise
(d) In a state of suspension
(d) To keep on insulting
10. To cast pearls before a swine :
(a) To spend recklessly
(b)To spend a lot of money on the
upkeep of domestic hogs
(c) To waste monkey over trifles
(d) To offer to a person a thing which he
cannot appreciate

11. To take people by storm :

(a) To put people in utter surprise
(b) To captivate people unexpectedly
(c) To exploit people's agitation
(d) To surprise people
13. To bring one's eggs to a bad market;
(a) To face on humiliating situation
(b) To bring one's commodities to a market where
there is no demand for them
(c)To show one's talents before audience which is
incapable of appreciating them
(d)To fail in one's plans because one goes to the
wrong people for help

14. To give/get the bird:

(a) To get the awaited
(b) To have good luck
(c) To send away
(d) To get the impossible

15. To save one's face:

(a) To hide oneself
(b) To oppose
(c) To avade disgrace
(d) To say plainly

16. To split hours :

(a) To side-track the issue
(b) To quarrel over trifles
(c) To indulge in over-refined arguments
(d) To find faults with other
17. Will o' the wisp :
(a) Anything that is unachievable
(b) To act in a childish way
(c) To act in a foolish way
(d) To have desires unbacked by efforts

18. To read between the lines :

(a) To concentrate
(b) To read carefully
(c) To suspect
(d) To grasp the hidden meaning

19. To flog a dead horse :

(a) To act in a foolish way
(b) To waste one's efforts
(c) To revive interest in an old subject
(d) To revive old memories

20. A tall order :

(a) A task difficult to perform
(b) A bid problem
(c) A royal summon
(d) A big demand

21. A dark horse

(a) A black coloured horse
(b) A person who wins a race or competition
although no one expected him to
(c)A person who keeps secrets
(d)An ignorant person
22. A show-stopper
(a)Someone who stops the show (b)Someone
who organizes the show
(c) A performance that is extremely good
(d) A fashionable person

23.A jack of all trades

(a) Someone who has many skills
(b) A confident and not very serious young man
(c) Someone who has hit the jackpot
(d) S great businessman

24. Fight tooth and nail

(a) To quarrel with someone
(b) To attack someone with a lot of force
(c)To try hard to prevent something from
(d) To try very hard to achieve something

25. Fair and square

(a) In an honest way
(b) In a critical way
(c) Neither very good nor very bad
(d) In a foolish way

26. To show the white feather:

(a) To show signs to cowardice
(b) To seek peace
(c) To show arrogance
(d) To become polite
27. Spick and span :
(a) Neat and clean
(b) Outspoken
(c) A ready-made thing
(d) Garrulous

28. To take the wind out of another's sails :

(a)To maneuver to mislead another on the
high seas
(b) To cause harm to another
(c) To defeat the motives of another
(d) To anticipate another and to gain
advantage over him

29. To carry the coal to newcastle :

(a) To work hard
(b) To finish a jab
(c) To do unnecessary things
(d) To do menial jobs

30. The pros and cons :

(a) For and against a thing
(b) Foul and fair
(c) Good and evil
(d) Former and latter

31. A baker's dozen :

(a) Twelve
(b) Charity
(c) Thirteen
(d) Allowance
32. A bull in a china shop :
(a)A person who is very ugly but loves the
beautiful things of life
(b)A person who takes a sadistic delight in
harming innocent people
(c)A person who becomes too excited where no
excitement is warranted
(d)A person who is rough and clumsy where skill
and care are required

33. Hard-pressed :
(a) Bewildered
(b) Insulted
(c) Hard discipline
(d) In difficulties

34. To be at one's finger's end :

(a) To be hopeless
(b) To be highly perplexed
(c) To be completely conversant with
(d) To count things

35. To pull strings:

(a) To exert hidden influence
(b) (b) To tease someone
(c) (c) To speed up
(d) (d) To start something
36. A green horn:
(a) An envious lady
(b) A trainee
(c) An inexperienced man
(d) A soft-hearted man

37. To be old as the hills:

(a) To be very ancient
(b) To be wise and learned
(c) To be old but foolish
(d) Not being worth the age

38. To pour oil in troubled water:

(a) To ferment trouble
(b) To add to the trouble
(e) To instigate
(d) To calm a quarrel with shooting words

39. To mind one's P's and Q’s:

(a) To be cautious
(b) To be accurate and precise
(c) To be careful of one's accounts
(d) To be careful of one's personality

40. To break the ice :

(a) To start quarrelling
(b) To end the hostility
(c) To start to conversation
(d) To end up partnership
41. Once the case reached the court, the
police washed their hands off it.
(a) waited for a response to
(b) claimed credit for
(c) disassociated themselves from
(d) seemed eager to continue

42. She wanted to go hitch-hiking but her

mother put her foot down and now she's
going by bus.
(a) took a firm stand
(b) expressed her displeasure
(c) scolded her badly
(d) got irritated

43. Adolescence is a period of halcyon days.

(a) hard days
(b) happy days
(c) of mental pressure
(d) days of preparation

44. My sincere advice to my maidservant

fell on stony ground.
(a) made on stubborn
(b) was counter productive
(c)had a strong impact 46. With great difficulty,
(d)had little success he was able to carve out a
niche for himself.
45. He has all his ducks in a row: he is (a) became a sculptor
complacent. (b) did the best he could
(a) has everything ready do
(b) is well organised (c) destroyed his career
(c) always scores a zero (d)developed a specific
(d) never gets confused position for himself
47. You will succeed if you follow my advice to the letter.
(a) about writing letters
(b) written in the letter
(c) in every detail
(d) very thoughtfully

48. A critic's work is to read between the lines.

(a) to comprehend the meaning
(b) to appreciate the inner beauty
(c) to understand the inner meaning
(d) to read carefully

49. Her grandmother had a hell of a time, trying to connect tothe internet.
(a) a very enjoyable time
(b) a difficult experience
(c) a fearful experience
(d) finish something before the deadline

50. The convict claimed innocence and stood his ground in spite of the repeated
(a) knelt
(b) surrendered
(c) kept standing
(d) refused to yield

51. In a jiffy
(a) Outstanding
(b) Suddenly
(c) In a fix
(d) Appropriate

52. Upto the hilt

(a) Completely
(b) upto the mark
(c) Upto the final decision
(d) none of these

53. Man of Letters

(a) Who writes too many letters
(b) An important person
(c) A politician
(d) A literary person

54. Sangfroid
(a) Composure
(b) Go on leave
(c) Changed suddenly
(d) Make an attempt
55. A Curtain Lecture
(a) To speak plainly
(b) Vulgar ideas
(c) Private scolding of a husband by his wife
(d) Hate others

56. Square pegs in round holes

(a) A genuinely helpful person
(b) A clever person
(c) People in the wrong jobs
(d) To be perplexed

57. In weal and woe

(a) By hook or crook
(b) During illness
(c) In prosperity and adversity
(d) During the operation

58. Globetrotters
(a) People against global philosophy
(b) People indulging in treachery
(c) Intelligent minds
(d) Travellers around the world
59. A fool's errand
(a) A blunde
(b) None of these
(c) A useless undertaking
(d) An impossible Task

60. To flog a dead horse

(a) To act in a foolish way
(b) To waste one's efforts
(c) To revive into rest in an old subject
(d) To revive old memories
61. The alpha and the omega
(a) The begining and the end
(b) A nice act
(c) The starts and the moon
(d) Very costly

62. A bull in a china shop

(a)A person who is very ugly but loves the beautiful

things of life
(b) A person who takes a sadistic delight in harming
innocent people
(c)A person who becomes too excited where no
excitement is warranted
(d)A rough & clumsy person at a place at a place
where skill & care are required
63. To hold something in leash

(a) To restrain
(b) To Dissapoint
(c) To dissmiss
(d) To Discourage

64. To talk through one's hat

(a) To speak fluently
(b) To talk nonsense
(c) To talk wisdom
(d) To speak at random

65. To throw up the sponge

(a) To surrender or give up a contest
(b) To offer a challenge
(c) To become utterly disappointed
(d) To maintain grit and enthusiasm until the end
66. To get into hot waters
a) To be impatient
(b) To suffer a huge financial loss
(c) To get into trouble
(d) To be in a confused state of mind

67. Beats me
(a) To hit someone
(b) To Quarrel with a person
(c) To not understand
(d) To be silent

68. Cloak and dagger

(a) To fight to a finish
(b) To get into unexpected trouble
(c) To end the hostility
(d) Like a spy

69. To be at the end of one's tether

(a) To feel offended
(b) To draw moral attention
(c) To have no resources left
(D) To think deeply

70. I Don't Buy it

(a) To refuse to purchase something
(b) To Giveup
(c) To Decline an offer
(d) To not to be Convinced
71.All and Sundry
(a) Everybody without distinction
(b) only rich person
(c) together
(d) selected people

72. To play second fiddle

(a) To be happy, cheerful and healthy
(b) To be in a subordinate position to someone
(c) clothes To do back seat driving
(d) To reduce importance of one's senior

73. A wolf in sheep's clothing

(a) A hypocrite
(b) A wolf in woolen clothes
(c) A Coward
(d) Proud man

74. A blue stocking

(a) Stocking which is blue in colour
(b) A clean cheat
(c) An unreliable person
(d) A woman having literary tastes and learning

75. Yeoman's service

(a) lip-service
(b) to serve like a slave
(c) to play god father
(d) efficient or useful help
76. All Agog
(a) Almighty
(b) Unmoved
(c) Praise someone
(d) Full of interest and excitement

77. To the manner born

(a) One of low birth
(b) Naturally at ease
(c) Place of one's birth
(d) Caesarean birth

78. Lose one's marbles

(a) Lose something dear to you
(b) Suffer a setback
(c) Become insane
(d) Become drunk

79. Bolt from the blue

(a) Sea swimming
(b) Complete surprise
(c) Reckless
(d) Careless

80.Be like a bear with a sore head

(a) Be in a foul mood
(b) Have headache
(c) Powerful and arrogant
(d) Restless

81. To hit the nail on head

(a) Find exactly the right answer
(b) To scold someone
(c) To show correct path to someone
(d) To be harsh in behaviour
82. Halcyon days
(a) Bad days
(b) Sunny days
(c) Cloudy days
(d) Happy days

83. To keep the wolf from the door

(a) To remain alert
(b) To question others in case of doubt
(c)To have enough money to avert hunger or
(d) To chase others to get something

84. A man of straw

(a) A man with no means
(b) A generous man
(c) A man of character
(d) A man of no substance

85. To catch a tartar

(a)To catch a dangerous person
(b)To meet with disaster
(c) To make a deal
(d) To hurry up

86. To have an axe to grind

(a)To have a strong personal opinion
(b)To fail to arouse interest
(c) To have no result
(d) To work for both sides
87.To play second fiddle
(a)To be happy, cheerful and healthy
(b)To reduce importance of one's senior
(c)To support the role and view of another person
(d)To do back seat driving

88. To go to the wall

(a)To be ruined
(b)To be idle
(c)To be in grave trouble
(d)To go for a holiday

89. Man of letters

(a) a person who writes letters
(b)a person who receives letters
(c)an illiterate person
(d) a learned person

90. All Greek

(a) totally classical
(b) totally unintelligible
(c) totally impressive
(d) totally original

91. A live wire

(a) a person who is full of energy
(b) an eminent person
(c) an unruly person
(d) a critical person

92. Writing on the wall

(a) graffiti
(b) an event indicating impending danger
(c) announcement of an event
(d) a political slogan.
93.A fool's paradise
(a) paradise of idiots
(b) a state of illusory happiness
(c) to live in the past
(d) to have happy dreams

94.Nip in the bud

(a) destroy in the beginning
(b) extremely good start
(c) striving from the beginning
(d) nurture the bud to grow into flower

95. Take the spear

(a) To drink in the company of others
(b)To make an exaggerated statement (c) To fight fiercely
till the end
(d) To accept full blame for something

96. Grist to one's mill

(a) Harmful to somebody
(b) Useful to somebody
(c) Useless to somebody
(d) Dreadful to somebody

97. In a lather
(a) Encouraged
(b) Tired
(c) Distressed
(d) Refreshed
98. Mop down
(a) To clean something
(b) To misinterpret a statement
(c) To be dejected
(d) To be uncertain

99. Brain sauce

(a) Foolish
(b) Wisdom
(c) Mentally ill
(d) Head full of thoughts

100. Lynch law

(a) Law imposed by the government
(b)Law of the mob
(c) A law that is supposed to be useless
(d) A rule that no one follows

101. Globetrotters
(a) Travellers around the world
(b)Sick people in hospital
(c)The people living in asylum
(d) World champions

102. Dole out

(a) Allocate
(b) Be effective
(c) Turn up
(d) Mismanage

103. To bury the hatchet.

(a) To make peace with the enemy
(b)To throw soil over something
(c)To make someone cry
(d)To kill someone
104. Strain every nerve.
(a) To hurt someone
(b)To make the greatest possible effort
(c)To count every nerve
(d)To spread something everywhere

105. At the eleventh hour

(a) too late
(b) too early
(c) immediately
(d) at the last moment

106. To burn one's fingers

(a) to get hurt physically
(b) to suffer financial losses
(c) to find work
(d) to suffer nervous breakdown

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