Minutes of The Meeting Held On 25-11-2007

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Minutes of the AAOA meeting held on 25th November 2007 at 10.00 am.

A total of 19 members attended the meeting and the Management committee had received a signed
memo of 22 other members who could not attend.

Mr. Rajgopal, welcomed the members and briefed them about the developments so far, like the change
in security and the induction of the new manager Mr. Shivkumar. Some of the members attending for
the first time introduced themselves. The financial statement including the outstanding was circulated
by Mr. Rakesh, for the members information.

At the suggestion of some members it was decided to concentrate on the main agenda of car-parking
and after voting on the options move on to the other issues.

Mr. Anand then, elaborated the options to be voted for:

a. Whether the status-quo in car parking as allocated by the builder should be maintained or whether
additional car parking should be allowed.

b. If additional car parking were to be allowed, how many to be allowed, where should it be allowed, on
what basis should it be allocated, and what should be charged.

There was some discussion on this issue with members being updated that as of now there were 67
parking slots and 6 visitors slots. There is also a possibility of the BBMP insisting on an increase of
visitor parking as they have already sent notices to some apartments which had curtailed visitor
parking. The issue was put to vote and the result was, only 6 members were in favour of allowing
additional car parking and an overwhelming 15 attendees and 22 signatories a total of 37 members
were in favour of maintaining the status quo and not allowing additional car parking. The voting result
is attached as an appendix.

In view of this it was unnecessary to vote on the second point.

The implementation of this decision was discussed, namely:

1. Car stickers would be issued by the association and entry of the cars would be restricted to sticker
carrying vehicles only.
2. The residents would have to park their vehicles strictly in their own allocated slot without causing
obstruction or nuisance to others.
3. Since the allocated slot markings are wearing out, the markers would be repainted.
4. In case of spillover of visitors on special occasions, then temporarily additional visitor slots will be
allocated on need basis.
6. Two wheeler visitors parking will be segregated from the four wheeler visitor parking.
7. Parking of the residents vehicle in the front visitor slots for pickup or drop will be allowed only for
short periods provided the driver/owner of the vehicle is behind the wheel.
8. The implementation of this decision would be deferred till 1st January 2008, to facilitate residents
with vehicles without parking slots to make alternate arrangements.

Apart from this the following issues were discussed.

1. There is a huge problem of collecting the maintenance dues and it was decided that tough measures
be taken against perennial defaulters like denying them services which are otherwise subsidized by the
regular payees.

2. There is a nuisance from pets kept by some residents in contravention to the sale agreement and in
spite of the association sending notice to the residents. The offending residents will be asked to vacate
the same or face action.
3. Parking area or common area will not be permitted to be encroached by construction material, junk
or other vehicles and will be removed by the security.

4. Collective pressure will be brought on the owners of the apartments whose tenants disregard the
association's rules or create a nuisance and they will be asked to vacate their tenants as has been
successfully done in two cases. All members are also advised to incorporate clauses in their rent/lease
agreements to facilitate such an action in case of objections from the association.

5. The garbage cart at the entrance is an eyesore and an attempt should be made to make it

Mr. Rajgopal also elaborated how it is becoming difficult to cope with absenteeism in maintenance
personnel like electrician, plumber, gardener etc. and that it may be best to outsource it to an agency.
Also the current collection does not provide for any capital expenses which may come up as the building
ages. The implication as explained by Mr. Rakesh may be a rise in costs and so it is proposed that the
maintenance collection be raised to Rs. 2 per/sq. ft. instead of the current 1.5 level, any excess leftover
after deducting costs would automatically accrue to the corpus fund.

Signed by:

Anand S.K.
(Vice President)
Ashwini Apartment Owners Association

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