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Espaço dos meus alunos

Fichas Inglês 6º ano

Formative Test January 2021- 6th grade

E.B. 2,3 António Correia de Oliveira

Formative test January / 2021

Read the text about Emily.

My name is Emily and I’m thirteen years old. I’m Irish and Jack is my best friend. He is from
Scotland, but now he lives in Ireland, in Dublin. Jack and I go to the same school: “Davis Middle
Jack is my neighbour, so we go to school together. We don’t go to school on foot because my
mother takes us there by car.
Before going to school I have breakfast at 7:40 and then I make my bed. At 8:00 Jack comes
by and we go to school.
We always start classes at 8:28. I like my school. It is very big, and it has very good facilities,
such as a music room, a big gym and an amazing library with a lot of computers.
I m really keen on doing sports, so I enjoy my PE lessons a lot. I find these lessons very
interesting and not difficult at all. I also like Science and English because I have very good
I love school because I have many friends there and we do a lot of things together. After
school, we play video games and study together. We always do our homework in the school
library, so I never do my homework at home. In my bedroom I usually study, and after that I have
dinner with my parents
Today it’s Saturday. I am at home and I am listening to music. My parents are reading the
newspaper and my little sister is watching TV.

True False Correction

1. Jack is Scottish.
2. Emily goes to school with Jack.
3. Emily has breakfast at twenty past eight.
4. Emily doesn´t like sports.
5. She never does her homework at home.
6. Now Emily’s parents aren’t watching TV.

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Formative Test

Read the following text.

Yesterday it was finally the day of our school trip. It was really great! We loved it! We were
a bit tired because the teacher asked us to be at school at 7 o’clock in the morning. She
also said that we should bring a hat, some sunscreen and a snack with us in case we
were hungry.

We climbed onto the bus at about a quarter past seven.

Then, we listened to some music on our phones, so we
didn’t notice that the trip was very long. When we
arrived in Lisbon, we climbed off the bus and walked
straight into the museum. There were many beautiful
exhibitions, but my favourite was the one of the animals
that live in the sea.

After we visited the exhibitions, we walked to a theatre and watched a mini play. The
actors were really good. They were very funny and we laughed a lot. We had a lot of fun!
Then, we went to the planetarium to see the stars and the planets in the universe. We also
watched a film about our solar system. I didn’t know that our solar system was so big. It
was late, so we only had time to eat an ice cream before we climbed onto the bus to go
back home. I love school trips, don’t you?

1. Write true (T) or false (F). Then, correct the false sentences.

a. The children’s school trip was last week. _____ __________________

b. The children climbed onto the bus at 7:15 am. _____ __________________
c. The school trip was in Lisbon. _____ __________________
d. They didn’t visit the theatre. _____ __________________

2. Answer the following questions.

a. What did the children do on the bus?

b. Where did the children go after the museum?
c. Did the children eat an ice cream?

3. Complete the gaps with was, wasn’t, were or weren’t

a. The museum ____________________ very big.

b. The guide ____________________ friendly.
c. The children ____________________ very excited.
d. They ____________________ (not) naughty.
e. It ____________________ (not) a very hot day.

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Teste Formativo Com Correção

Escola EB 2,3 António Correia de Oliveira


I_ Use the words in the boxes to complete the sentences below.

II-Look at the city map below and put in the right preposition.



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I – Fill in the gaps with the simple present.

1. I usually _______________ (wake up) at 6.00 a.m.

2. David always_______________ (have) lunch in the school canteen at 1 p.m.
3. In my family we usually _______________ (watch) TV after dinner.
4. School __________ (finish) at 3 p.m. and then Mary _____________(go) home
by bus.
5. At the weekends, my parents _______________ (go) to bed later than on

II – Simple Present or Present Continuous?

1. I ______________ (have) Portuguese lessons three times a week.

2. Now they ______________ (play) football.
3. Sheila always_____________ (study) in the evening.
4. We ___________ (brush) our teeth every day.
5. Robert usually _____________ (have) lunch at home but today he _________
(have) lunch in the school canteen.
6. Listen! The baby _____________ (cry)!

III – Ask the questions for these answers.

1. __________________________? She usually wakes up at 7 o’clock.

2. __________________________? They are now.
3. __________________________? I have breakfast at home.
,she isn´t swimming.
they are running.
, I don’t. I go to bed early.

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