20230919-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. To Banyule City Council Mayor CR Castaldo and Ors-TRESPASS, Etc-Supplement 3

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3 Banyule City Council Councillors (Australia, Victoria date) 19-9-2023
4 Mayor Cr Peter Casteldo & Ors
5 peter.castaldo@banyule.vic.gov.au
7 Cc: Cr Alison Champion alison.champion@banyule.vic.gov.au
8 Cr Fiona Mitsinikos fiona.mitsdinikos@banyule.vic.gov.au
9 Cr Elizabeth Nealy elizabeth.nealy@banyule.vic.gov.au
10 Cr Mark Di Pasquate mark.dipasquale@banyule.vic.gov.au
11 Cr Alida McKern alida.mckern@banyule.vic.gov.au
12 Cr Peter Dimarelos peter.demarelos@banyule.vic.gov.au
13 Cr Rick Garotti rick.garotti@banyule.vic.gov.au
14 Cr Tom Melican tom.melican@banyule.vic.gov.au
16 Re: 20230919-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Banyule City Council Mayor Cr Castaldo and Ors-
17 TRESPASS, etc-Supplement 3
22 Sir & Ors,
23 it is common, at least to my understanding, that when a council and/or law
24 enforcement are in the wrong they usually twist the truth as to pretend their victim(s) was/were
25 at fault. For example I understand that the Queensland Police were armed intruders not having
26 any right to enter an ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE property as there was signage prohibiting entry
27 without permission and so the police were armed intruders so to say jumping the fence and in the
28 end the 3 lawfully residing persons were killed in a shoot-out. Of course the police to reward
29 themselves they reportedly purchased the property. I understand typical the W.E.F. goal to rob
30 property owners of their rights. I never had any doubt that because of my decades of exposing
31 criminal activities of politicians and others I would in time be targeted and hence I decided that it
32 would be best for me to lay the groundwork to counter any such twisting of the truth.
33 As such, I more than a decade ago, and thereafter, as at times the signs were unauthorised
34 removed, (hence, I have them in spare) had signage fitted in prominent areas.

19-9-2023 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 2

1 Which part doesn’t Banyule City Council understand of those judgments?

2 also opposite gas meter

4 With the signs shown below it must be clear that I had placed the signs not just at the front near
5 the doorbell but also inside the property. It means that the intruder had to walk about 20
6 centimetres or so past the sign when walking past the gas meter. And the gas metre was
7 estimated because the meter reader had no access to the property!
8 It therefore must be very clear that the trespasser was confronted with at least 5 signs that warned
9 about trespassing, etc.
11 It may be argued by some that perhaps the Banyule City council officer was merely trying to do
12 his job. Well let us consider the next image!

15 Notice the weed growth, etc. Well, legally it is the obligation of the local council to maintain
16 nature strips! So let Banyule City Council provide the records how often in the last 50 years is
17 slashed the growth? More than likely never! It couldn’t care less and over the years, expecting
18 the terrorism of Banyule City Council I got myself a collection of photos in other parts of
19 Banyule City Council areas to show high weed growth with a disregard of any slashing/mowing
20 by Banyule City Council.
21 Here you got a malicious vandalising of a motor vehicle while the person doing so is standing in
22 high weed, but ignores compliances with its own claimed rules, etc, to have the weed slashed.
23 Records will show that many years ago I commenced to pave the area, but Banyule City Council
24 then demanded I remove the pavers because the nature strip was under its control.
26 I commenced to COMPLAINT about the trespassing, etc, on 11 September
27 2023 which is now more than a week ago, and the silence of the councillors is
28 deafening. We have a Mayor, a Deputy Mayor and the local councillor and
29 none of them in this week could even bother to write and express their sorry
30 for the harm inflicted upon my wife with the vandalism of her motor vehicle.
31 Even so my email address is known to each and every one of them!

19-9-2023 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 3

3 There were the Systolic – Diastolic and Pulse regarding my wife.
5 Clearly her being upset about the vandalism of her vehicle is placing her life at risk.
6 I have explained that I suspected that Banyule City Council simply more than likely was after me
7 and by this Angelo O’Brien vandalised her car as he may not have realised it was registered in
8 her name. He could have called Banyule City Council office who then may have confirmed the
9 vehicle was registered at 107 Graham Road but may not have indicated it was registered with
10 Olga’s name. It doesn’t minimize the vandalism whatsoever, but may show that the vehicle was
11 deliberately targeted.
12 As I did set out in the COMPLAINT reproduced below, the trespasser went about the property
13 and after that commenced to vandalize the motor vehicle not long after and so it was clearly a
14 different kind of situation than id a Banyule City Council happened to be driving along a street
15 and even if mistakenly held a vehicle might be abandoned and then place in good faith a sticker
16 on the windscreen.

20 Trying to remove the sticker shows that the glue, etc, still remains.
22 My son Mark requested if on Sunday (17-9-2023) I could drive him to a car dealer as he desired
23 to purchase a particular motor vehicle. I then suggested he use Olga’s vehicle and if he desires he
24 can register the vehicle in his name, if he wanted to do so, as this then would avoid further
25 terrorism by Banyule City Council upon Olga.
26 Let it be clear that if Olga were to die because of the vandalism caused upon her motor vehicle
27 and the refusal to remove the sticker properly than it may even face a wrongful death case!
28 A judicial officer would have to consider what were the circumstances the vandalism took place?
29 Did Olga do anything to contribute to Banyule City Council to vandalise her vehicle?
30 Was the vandalism part of the trespassing to maliciously cause/inflict problems?
31 Did Banyule City Council take any appropriate action without any undue delay to seek to
32 appropriately address the COMPLAINT? Etc.
34 Most Australians never were/are aware, but I am as a constitutionalist, that constitutionally
35 protected First Amendment activity of the USA actually also are enshrined, and applicable, as a
36 legal principle in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK).
38 https://www.westernjournal.com/video-okeefe-threatened-arrest-getting-hidden-camera-footage-
39 maui/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=WJBreaking&utm_campaign=breaking&utm_content=western-journal
40 Video: O'Keefe Threatened with Arrest While Getting Hidden-Camera Footage of Maui

19-9-2023 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 4

1 This clause stipulates, “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the
2 privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any
3 person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within
4 its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
7 Therefore, there is no such thing as ACMA (federal government) or for that any State interfering
8 with Australians rights to publish about the “covid scam”, etc. And the fact that the Australian
9 Federal Police didn’t interfere with my extensive publication may underline it was well aware
10 that I knew my constitutional rights and as such they didn’t want to stir the pot and get a massive
11 decision against them, and by this provide for others to do likewise.
13 However, we now seem to have that banks, including in Australia, are now to toe the line with
14 the World Economic Forum to de-bank’s any person that doesn’t align with what the World
15 Economic Forum dictates.
17 WEF 'de-banking' agenda in full force in Australia
18 George Christensen from Nation First <nationfirst@substack.com>
19 To:inspector_rikati@yahoo.com.au
20 Mon, 18 Sept at 7:24 pm
22 Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of
23 speech.
24 — Benjamin Franklin
25 If there is one thing that totalitarians hate more than anything else it is free speech.
26 Recently, I came to be informed of a rather concerning development emerging in Australia.
27 Under the complicit eye of the Albanese government, banks may now ‘debank’ customers
28 caught engaged in “unacceptable account conduct.”
29 And mind you, more than your financial activity, it relates to your freedom of expression.
30 For instance, the National Bank of Australia’s updated terms and conditions read that
31 “making profane, derogatory, discriminatory or harassing comments” or “making or
32 promoting threatening or abusive language to any person” could lead the bank to
33 “suspend, cancel or deny an account holder’s access or use of the account, card or an
34 electronic banking service.”
35 My primary concern is with the ambiguity of how these ‘unacceptable’ conducts are
36 defined.
37 Would a person using the ‘wrong’ pronouns, stating there are only two genders, or that
38 white people should have more kids be classified as “profane, derogatory, discriminatory
39 or harassing”?
40 Even criticising a public official could be potentially termed as “threatening or abusive
41 language”.
42 De-banking has happened in Australia before but this is the first time one of the major
43 (big four) banks have engaged in it.
46 Considering that many if not most farmers, businesses, etc, may have business loans this means
47 that banks will now dictate what a business may or may not do. The Commonwealth Bank I
48 understand already is using a carbon tracking. Meaning that if a farmer were to purchase
49 chemicals that the Commonwealth were not find acceptable then the Farmer could lose his loan
50 and be forced to pay it out immediately. By this blackmailing farmers to toe the line as dictated.
51 A council may report a dispute, even if non-existent, and then the property owner may be finding

19-9-2023 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 5

1 the mortgage cancelled and forced to somehow pay immediately any outstanding mortgage. Or
2 has the property sold for next to nothing. Just that as a constitutionalist I urge people to consider
3 the true meaning and application of the legal principles embedded in the constitution!
4 Organisations like banks are falling under Commonwealth laws and are bound to ensure that
5 citizens and also businesses are not denied their constitutional rights. Banks, etc, therefore
6 cannot dictate customers how they can live their lives as they are bound to ensure to not interfere
7 with a customer’s constitutional rights. The “covid scam” already saw businesses to force people
8 to be injected with the “gene therapy” DEPOPULATION bioweapons to save their jobs, etc,
9 but giving up on their constitutional and other rights! And appeasement never stops, as those
10 holding the powers will forever make more demands no matter if it is unconstitutional unless
11 their own constitutional rights are interfered with as then they are claiming that whatever is done
12 against them is unconstitutional. We saw this with Mark Zuckenberg, etc.
13 What needs to be done now is to lodge a complaint against any bank that demands customers to
14 subject themselves to unconstitutional demands!
15 While (prime) Minister Anthony Albanese “Travelling Pete” may be more interested to serve as
16 a vassal for the World Economic Forum in the end he is bound to observe constitutional & other
17 legal provisions! Failing that he automatically loses his right to be a Minister. The same with
18 city/shire councils, they cannot place anyone under conditions that violate their constitutional,
19 legal, natural, human and common law rights. Actually, under the purported bank terms Banyule
20 City Council might be deemed to violate its stipulation, by promoting “racism” with the Voice!
22 Olga has an appointment with her (privately paid) cardiologist, who then can make up his own
23 assessment about her health issues.
25 QUOTE 20230918-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Banyule City Council
26 Banyule City Council (Australia, Victoria date) 18-9-2023
27 enquiries@banyule.vic.gov.au
29 Cc: Mr RomanWojtkowski
31 Re: 20230918-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Banyule City Council
36 Sir,
37 In my 14-9-2023 correspondence emailed to all councillors I stated the following also:
40 I demand that all images (including any copies) of my property made while
41 trespassing are destroyed, etc, including any that were provided to others, other than to
42 myself.
44 Also, that by no later than Friday 15 September 2023 Banyule City Council at its cost
45 and responsibility has the sticker and any glue, etc, removed from the windscreen of
46 the Ford AU and avoid any damage to the vehicle as I hold Banyule City Council
47 legally accountable for any damages, etc, resulting from the affixing of the sticker.
48 It is my intention to use the Ford AU this weekend and cannot do so while the sticker
49 obscures part of the window. As such, Banyule City Council prevents me already to use
50 the Ford AU in an unlawful manner, this already I have been prevented using it due to the
51 sticker.
19-9-2023 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 6

2 My concern is also that a battery charger that I had been using to charge a battery (not of
3 the Ford AU) now has (the battery charger) gone missing while the empty box is still
4 nearby. The battery charges was near the curtain where the trespass eventuated also! I am
5 now left with a partly charged battery unable to complete the charging!
7 My wife can wonder why on earth Banyule City Council has been targeting her when she
8 originally moved into 107 Graham Road about 50 years ago? So, she has not bothered
9 Banyule City Council with all kinds of complaints, regardless that at times she has been
10 unable to sleep because neighbours holding loud parties, as I explained to my wife when
11 you reside in a neighbourhood then regretfully you have to put up with that as long as it is
12 not regularly. People enjoy their kind of life and may not be aware, let alone intent to be
13 nasty, with problems regarding loud music, etc, where they may neither be aware that she
14 is a person suffering heart failure and other comorbidities, and so we just have to let it go.
15 However, Banyule City Council, as I set out below seems to pursue to ignore her health
16 issues, even so made well aware of it, as I wrote about the Disabled Parking Permit
17 renewal issue, and simply harass her about the Ford AU being abandoned. Because the
18 Ford AU is registered under my wife’s name, and has been for more than a decade, it
19 cannot be claimed that Angelo O’Brien couldn’t have known this.
20 So, harassing a 90 year elderly woman about her motor vehicle that actually is
21 lawfully parked in front of our residence and putting a sticker on the windscreen it is
22 deemed abandoned, may also invite others to vandalise the vehicle. I now had to
23 remove the wheelchair from the vehicle just in case vandalism could result it being stolen.
24 Well if Banyule City Council councillors are proud upon how they manage the city to
25 harass a 90 year old heart failure elderly woman seemingly to just get back upon her
26 husband then I view the lot of councillors should resign immediately.
28 The theft of my creative garden designs by a Banyule City Council staff member also is
29 utterly deplorable. I am well aware that the New World Order dictated by
30 W.E.F./U.N./WHO is all about “You own nothing and be happy” but councillors should
31 be aware they could destroy in the process also their own and their family members
32 constitutional, legal, human, natural and/or common law rights.
35 When my wife wanted to know why I was going to see if I could purchase a car battery charger
36 when I was already using one, I explained that the car battery went missing. I also had to explain
37 that Banyule City Council placed a sticker on the windscreen of her registered vehicle as being
38 abandoned, etc, and so I had no choice now to use the white Ford as her car could not be driven
39 with a sticker preventing proper driver’s views. Well my wife’s heart rate was measured 136
40 (well above normal and in fact very dangerous) and for a person suffering from heart failure this
41 is a very serious matter.
43 It appears that Banyule City Council officer, I understand being Angelo O’Brien attended to the
44 property on 6 September 2023 at about 11.38.07AM or there about at 107 Graham Road,
45 trespassing upon the property. Subsequently, he trespassed again on 7 September 2023 at the
46 times shown on the images:
47 7 Sept 2023 10.40.16AM, 7 Sept 2023 10.41.11AM, 7 Sept 2023 10.41.48AM,
48 7 Sept 2023 10.42.02AM, 7 Sept 2023 10.42.51AM, 7 Sept 2023 10.43.32AM
49 And seemingly not satisfied with all this trespassing, etc, then went on having vandalised the
50 motor vehicle registered 1XK6MV to my wife Olga Hlavka-Schorel, claiming it to be
51 abandoned for about 2 months, this even so it is registered to 107 Graham Road, Viewbank,
19-9-2023 Page 6 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 7

1 address, and in fact on 28 August 2023 to include my son Mark as a driver, due to that he as a
2 qualified motor vehicle and motor bike mechanic was going to attend to the vehicle which is a
3 normal issue for any vehicle to have service done, etc. Without him being on the insurance
4 policy my son would not be covered when using the vehicle, and therefore I changed the policy
5 on about 28 August 2023 to include him, as before I was the only registered driver. Also, I then
6 subsequently changed my RACV policy from my owned vehicle to my wife’s Ford EU.
8 QUOTE RACV - CASE ID - 2023-0003983257 [ref:_00D6F1PLb1._500OZ1gGeA:ref ]
9 Dear Gerrit,
11 Thank you for your recent contact regarding the change of vehicle for Emergency
12 Roadside Assistance (ERA) under membership 4290388.
14 We are pleased to confirm that we have processed your vehicle change for you.
16 The vehicle now covered under Emergency Roadside Assistance is:
19 Please be mindful that a 24-hour cooling-off applies for any extended benefits (such as taxi
20 fares and locksmith).
22 If there is anything else we can assist you with, please let us know.
23 END QUOTE RACV - CASE ID - 2023-0003983257 [ref:_00D6F1PLb1._500OZ1gGeA:ref ]
25 The sticker on my wife’s motor vehicle on 7 September 2023 in my view was vandalising her
26 vehicle with malice and criminal conduct, as clearly after the trespass on 6 September 2023 then
27 it appears to me Angelo O’Brien returned on 7 September 2023 to put this notice on my wife’s
28 motor vehicle and then went on to trespass onto the property and move about the property,
29 including in the back yard. Not just making unlawfully images of my garden art works but also
30 altering item(s).
31 And image dated 7 Sept 2023 10.42.52 shows a curtain that is not hanging down in its normal
32 manner but has been altered by the person who trespassed, and more over my car battery charger
33 that was near the battery that was partly charged was found to be missing. In fact, I had to
34 borrow one of my son’s car battery now to do the charging and have Sunday 17-9-2023 ordered
35 2 via the internet.

39 The time on this notice that vandalized the vehicle is shown to be at about 10.55am, on 7
40 September 2023.
42 In my view this is a very serious matter as it must be very clear from the following images that
43 any entry is prohibited without having been granted permission to do so!
19-9-2023 Page 7 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
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19-9-2023 Page 8 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 9


6 It clearly shows my email address to contact me!
7 As Angelo O’Brien clearly could read and write considering the sticker he used to write upon
8 and vandalized my wife’s motor vehicle then as the doorbell is situated between the 2 signs, he
9 couldn’t have been unable to read the signage’s.
11 As I wrote to the councillors I am in the process of removing my country property but due to my
12 wife becoming ill in October 2019 and nearly dying as she ended up 10 days in hospital,
13 including ICU I simply had to postpone renovations. That is my right and actually none of
14 Banyule City council’s business. More over my property is ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE and the
15 court decisions, and writings on 11, 12 and 14 September to all councillors set out numerous
16 legal matters, in addition those shown on the signage above.
18 If Banyule City Council instead of collaborating with the treasonous and terrorist State
19 Government to pursue the unconstitutional mandates then I could likely have made arrangements
20 but councillors seem to be more interested to terrorist property holders.
19-9-2023 Page 9 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 10

1 My writings to the councillors have been very clear I do not accept the alleged legal provisions
2 Banyule City Council claims (such as this “General Local Law (No.1)” as in the end Banyule
3 City Council is merely a corporation and corporations cannot legislate.
4 Forget to claim the purported “Local Government Act” as this violated the legal principles
5 embedded in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)!
7 Most of the items referred to in the images are actually in the main purchased from Bunnings,
8 and how I decorate my garden is my personal business. Others may use flowers or other items
9 and that is their business.
11 As to the claim that “is detrimental to the general amenity of the neighbourhood in which it is
12 located” is utter and sheer nonsense and B.S. because ordinary people wouldn’t have a clue
13 about what those stolen images show, because there is a tree line, then a high wooden fence of
14 about 1.8 metres high and then another tree line at the front and at the back surround by high
15 fences also. The images however do prove trespassing, with dates and times! As to the referral of
16 “Contains unconstrained rubbish” may also be an insult to Bunnings and other stores where I
17 purchased the items. As this implies the sell “rubbish”. So, a new washing machine, new inbuilt
18 oven, new electric hot water service, etc, now are deemed rubbish merely because some
19 trespasser conspired with Mr Roman Wajtkowski to try to so to say get back on me.
21 Again, if Banyule City Council had balls it should have opposed the unconstitutional mandates
22 instead of forcing compliance upon its employees, etc.
23 I at my blog https://www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati extensively exposed the “covid scam”
24 “gene therapy” DEPOPULATION bioweapon that caused numerous thousands of Victorian to
25 become victims and many died also.
27 I am a constitutionalist and (retired) Professional Advocate, and the Australian Electoral
28 Commission charged me with FAILING TO VOTE in regard of the 2001 purported federal
29 election. I responded with a NOTICE OF CONSTITUTIONAL MATTER which the court on
30 4 December 2002 ordered to be heard and determined by the High Court of Australia. This was
31 also served on all 9 Attorney-Generals. Then the AEC ignoring this all charged me again for
32 FAILING TO VOTE in the 2004 purported federal election. But both cases ended up before the
33 County Court (exercising federal jurisdiction), I (representing myself) defeated both charges, as
34 the Framers of the Constitution specifically refused to make voting “compulsory”.
35 What the NOTICE OF CONSTITUTIONAL MATTERS also did was to make clear that
36 “Australian Citizenship never was and could not be a “nationality”, and none of the Attorney-
37 Generals or the Commonwealth challenged this and other numerous constitutional issues I raised
38 before the court. The Victorian Attorney-General made clear it would abide by the court
39 decision. The High Court of Australia in Sue v Hill claimed that to be a “Subject of the British
40 Crown” disqualified Heather Hill as a Member of the Senate. It claimed that Australians are
41 “Australian Citizens” as a nationality. However, the High Court was created by the constitution
42 and has no judicial powers to in any manner alter the true meaning and application of the
43 constitution! Meaning, that any legal practito0ner who claims to be an “Australian Citizen” as a
44 “nationality” is relying upon an unconstitutional nationality and as such not validly appointed,
45 the same with judges, electors, candidates in political elections, member of the police, etc.
46 Claiming “Australian citizenship” as a “nationality” is like claiming being the Tooth Fairy,
47 Sandman, Peter Pan or other illusions.
48 I represented myself throughout the litigation and succeeded to defeat the lot. So, don’t you
49 come with your nonsense about the Rule of Law as I challenge you to prove they are actually
50 laws! Just where do you find a judge?
52 Now let us go back to the 2010 State election of Ivanhoe. I was an INDEPENDENT candidate
53 and councillor Anthony Carbines as an ALP candidate. He had a shopfront next to the post
19-9-2023 Page 10 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 11

1 office, and well I decided to stand in front of the post office and laid out my election material.
2 Some persons who left Anthony Carbines shopfront then came over to where I was and asked if
3 they could take some of my material, which I agreed for them to do so. Well, the next day
4 Banyule City Council staff attended to my residence that there was a complaint I had been
5 littering outside Councillor Anthony Carbines shopfront. I explained, I had done no such thing.
6 Days later I understand council officers then went about removing all my banners and posters
7 and even dumping some in the drive way, having been slashed. The police attended, as I reported
8 this. As such, there ought to be a police report. I requested Banyule City Council to compensate
9 me for the damages that was caused. In fact, it was unlawful for Banyule City Council to act as a
10 weapon for councillor Anthony Carbines against a political opponent. In 2012 I appeared before
11 Gaynor J regarding election issues and gave evidence, under oath, as to what had eventuated
12 with Banyule City councillor aided by council staff unlawfully interfering with my posters/
13 banners, etc, and explained Banyule City Council had not responded as to any compensation!
14 This was not challenged. As such, was unchallenged evidence!
16 I in recent times complained that now Police Minister Anthony Carbines, Member for Ivanhoe
17 should investigate matters, including the kidnapping of my grandson Dion Schorel! He didn’t
18 respond. I also exposed what I view various criminal conduct by Premier Daniel Andrews and
19 others! It was therefore no surprise to me that Banyule City Council again are getting involved
20 and again commit unlawful conduct such as theft of my artistic garden design’s images by
21 making photos by trespassing, vandalising my wife’s motor vehicle and preventing me to
22 lawfully use my wife’s motor vehicle and causing the battery charger to go missing.
24 As I indicated, at least one photo was made to disturb the curtain and as such it cannot be
25 claimed that the trespasser didn’t disturb what was on my ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE.
27 As this in my view also constitutes STALKING because it has been on various days that
28 Banyule City Council staff acted unlawfully then this is also for that a criminal case.
30 In my view the notice on the vehicle was maliciously and criminal and so to say done to so to
31 say put the icing on the cake to harass me.
33 Obviously, the question is if Banyule City Council had a genuine concern about a matter then
34 why not first contact the ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE property owners?
35 Banyule City Council has been corresponding with me for the last few weeks about my wife’s
36 application to extend the disability Parking Permit, which communication also included
37 references that my wife suffers from heart failure and other comorbidities. As such, there can be
38 no issue that Banyule City Council had no way of contacting me as it was using email system to
39 communicate with me. It add to that Banyule City Council was not interested in any fair dinkum
40 and genuine communication but was simple taken the law into its own hands and decided to get
41 back on me for daring to expose the Victorian (ALP) dominated Government.
43 It must be clear that changing the vehicle insurance policy about 10 days before Banyule City
44 Council staff member Angelo O’Brien vandalise the vehicle with a sticker, as the vehicle
45 obviously was not abandoned. The same with the vehicle being placed in RACV services.
46 Due to the notice that alleges the vehicle having been abandoned, while legally park in the front
47 of our ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE property this then may invite someone or some persons to
48 vandalise the vehicle and even steal items from it. Hence, I had to take out my wife’s wheelchair
49 to avoid this go missing, or should I state; to be stolen?
50 As Mr Roman Wojtkowski has participated to pursue the trespassing with his writings, that in
51 addition to what eventuated in 2010 now Banyule City Council staff also did so on 6, 7 and 8
52 September 2023 then I view this is a very elaborate criminal issue of stalking, etc. I noticed that
53 the first image dated 7 Sept 2023 is at 10.40.16AM, which is at the back of the property and that
19-9-2023 Page 11 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 12

1 means that the trespasser walked about to the back and then started to make photos. Obviously
2 how did the trespasser get on the property in the first place? Was it trespassing upon neighbour’s
3 property to then climb over whatever to trespass upon our property?
4 As I wrote to Banyule City Council over the past weeks that my wife suffers from heart failure
5 and other comorbidities, and had she been confronted with a stranger trespassing on our property
6 it could quite frankly cause her death. Just for her to discover the vandalism on her vehicle
7 already resulted to her heart going to 136 rate. How absurd is this kind of criminal conduct?
9 Well, I for one do not fear litigation first of all as I spend some 4 decades at the bar table
10 including representing parties, being it ordinary citizens, solicitors, barristers, etc.
12 Legally, Banyule City Council now is obligated to report the criminal trespass, vandalism, etc, to
13 the relevant authorities. Failing to do so it becomes a matter conspiracy regarding the crimes that
14 were committed.
16 The Victorian Police previously entered the property, and so lawfully, and became well aware of
17 my artistic decorations of the ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE and had no issue with it, after all as
18 long as I purchase items lawfully it is no one’s business how I use items.
19 Because there was a failure to remove the sticker that vandalised the vehicle this also resulted
20 that I am unlawfully denied to lawfully exercise my rights to use the motor vehicle.
22 Obviously, this “NOTICE TO COMPLY” must be withdrawn immediately without delay, this
23 also as it is due as a criminal conduct, and as the sticker is in public view Banyule City Council
24 now must publicly apologize at the very least for all and any distress its unlawful conduct has
25 caused! Failing to do so will add to that Banyule City Council itself shows to be ignorant to the
26 rule of law and failed to take any appropriate action to reduce any harm and unlawful conduct to
27 an absolute minimum.
28 It may be deemed that Banyule City Council has shown absolutely no remorse by failing to
29 immediately remove the sticker that vandalised the lawfully parked motor vehicle.
31 As I wrote to Banyule City Councillors I discovered on 3 September 2023 that I had a flat
32 battery (1XK6MV) and so could not use the vehicle. Hence, seeking to charge a spare battery.
33 As such, this also underlines the sheer and utter nonsense by Angelo O’Brien that the vehicle
34 was abandoned. Many motorist at times have a flat battery, and the RACV may be able to show
35 how many calls they received in that regard. I at times had to have the assistance of the RACV
36 that a battery so to say had given the ghost and they replaced it with a new battery. (At my cost).
37 In fact, they have special motor vehicle (Van) to replace batteries, as such a very common event.
38 It seems to me Angelo O’Brien was so eager to maliciously pursue his crime spree that he
39 included the motor vehicle, even so he should have been well aware the vehicle was registered to
40 our ESTATE IN FEE SIMPLE property. My surname is Schorel-Hlavka and my wife is
41 Hlavka-Schorel and as such any intelligent person would have realised that the motor vehicle
42 1XK6MV was not registered on my name but to my wife. My wife’s late Husband Jaroslav
43 Hlavka IME Aust CP Eng was my friend and so we decided to keep his surname to honour
44 him. Hence the reversal of surnames.
46 While Banyule City Council has ignored my demand to remove the sticker that vandalised the
47 vehicle it should be understood that if others vandalise the vehicle due to the sticker claiming the
48 vehicle is abandoned then Banyule City Council may be held legally accountable for any further
49 vandalism/damage, etc, that may result due to the sticker having been unlawfully affixed.
51 Years ago I challenged Banyule City Council as to the legal validity to charge the so called
52 “council rates” and it simply ignored it and never responded. That may just underline that instead

19-9-2023 Page 12 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 13

1 of ordinary reasonable communication it cannot care less if it act unlawful! I did request a refund
2 of all unlawful charges!
4 It is well overdue that councils and so their staff, etc, understand they are to serve the property
5 owners and not the other way around.
6 END QUOTE 20230918-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Banyule City Council
8 It is no one’s business how I use items artistically. Some persons like certain art work and other
9 don’t, that may be sculptures, paintings, etc. That is what every person is entitled upon, and I
10 couldn’t care less if anyone doesn’t like my artistic expressions, stealing images of them while
11 also trespassing violates my constitutional, legal, human, natural and common law rights!
12 Banyule City Council should understand this time it took on the wrong person! I had prepared
13 for years as to any trespassing possibility! Is it generally known that council staff placed
14 themselves above the rule of law and seldom they are held legally accountable but this time I
15 will pursue this!
17 While Banyule City Council, as like the AEC may hold to be above the law and try to take me
18 down, in my view it would be better for Banyule City Council (so the councillors) to show real
19 concern for the health and wellbeing of Banyule City Council employees, and others, who
20 became victim of the covid scam by Banyule City Council going along with the “covid scam”
21 and still injecting children with so called child hood vaccinations of which many are not just
22 unconstitutional but utterly dangerous to man..
24 https://michelchossudovsky.substack.com/p/there-never-pandemic-covid-mandates-invalid?utm_source=post-email-
25 title&publication_id=1910355&post_id=137118245&utm_campaign=email-post-
26 title&isFreemail=true&r=1a0316&utm_medium=email
27 Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was a Pandemic. The Database Is Flawed. The
28 COVID Mandates Including the Vaccine Are Invalid The PCR "COVID-19 Confirmed
29 Cases" Are Meaningless. The Multibillion Dollar Antigen and Home Test Project Is Fake
31 Let Banyule City Council prove that it legitimately used property owner’s monies that the covid
32 scam really was not a covid scam, but that SARS-CoV-2 virus was scientifically proven to exist
33 by isolating and purify it by the Koch postulate! This, even so no one so far has been able to
34 prove this!

38 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
40 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
41 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


43 (Our name is our motto!)
19-9-2023 Page 13 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati

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