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Name: _____________________________

Derived from the True Color Personality Test

Directions:​ Below are 10 sentences with four endings. Indicate the endings that are most like you, in
the order of preference. In the space provided next to each, write a (4) beside the one that is most like
you, a (3) beside the one that is next most like you, a (2) beside the one is next, and a (1) besides the
one that is least like you.

1. When I have to make a decision, I like to:

___ a. Make it quickly and get on to other things
___ b. Take my time, gather the facts and think it through logically
___ c. see how others feel about it, then choose what’s best for everyone
___ d. Consider what was done before and proceed carefully

2. My friends can count on me to be:

___ a. Full of energy and ready to try anything
___ b. Unemotional and full of facts
___ c. sensitive and willing to listen
___ d. Dependable and hardworking

3. I need to:
___ a. Be free to follow my hunches
___ b. Develop insightful and intelligent alternatives
___ c. help people get closer together
___ d. Keep things in order

4. In a crisis situation, others depend on my:

___ a. Courage
___ b. Knowledge
___ c. empathy
___ d. Perspective

5. If someone really wants to show me they love me, they will:

___ a. Surprise me with something unexpected
___ b. Understand when I need space to myself
___ c. spend time talking and listening to my feelings
___ d. Do the things I’ve asked them to do

6. I always find myself thinking about:

___ a. New things to do
___ b. Why things are the way they are and how they can be improved
___ c. how other people are feeling
___ d. How things should be organized
7. In a group of people, I’m usually:
___ a. Right in the middle of the action
___ b. Off in a corner quality talking with one or two people
___ c. making sure everyone feels accepted and happy
___ d. Doing whatever is needed to make things run smoothly

8. The people who know me say that I’m:

___ a. Passionate and competitive
___ b. Reserved and scientific
___ c. caring and sensitive
___ d. Stable and dedicated

9. When someone hurts my feelings I usually:

___ a. Become angry and rude
___ b. Withdraw or become sarcastic
___ c. feel hurt for a long time
___ d. Worry and have feelings of self-pity

10. Sometimes I tell people to leave me alone. What I really mean is:
___ a. Don’t go far, I’ll get over this real soon
___ b. Really leave me alone and I’ll work through it on my own
___ c. don’t leave me alone. Help me work through it
___ d. Leave me alone for a while and then come back and apologize

Score Sheet

Gold Green Blue Orange

D. B. C. A.

My highest color is: ________________________

My second highest color is: ________________________

My third highest color is: ________________________

My lowest color is: ________________________

Color Explanation:


I am a highly organized person. I have great ambitions to stick to detailed tasks and see them
through. People come to me when they need a job done right because I am stable and dependable
and they know I’ll be able to fit their request into my already busy schedule. I am highly responsible,
neat, and orderly. I put work before play or I can’t fully enjoy myself.

I have always believed that it is important to obey the rules and follow those who are in authority.
Structured situations and environments give ema great sense of well being and security. For this
reason, I like to belong to organizations and groups that provide traditional reinforcement and

I take most things seriously, this includes my traditional and conservative views of love, marriager,
and family. I show my love for my friends by the security I provide and practical things I do for
them. I am hard working, but I like things to be done my way. When people reorganize and
appreciate my efforts it makes all worthwhile.

It is very important to me to be on time and prepared. I am uncomfortable with change unless it is

fully explained and gradually implemented. I have a strong sense of right and wrong and can be
motivated by feelings of guilt. I am extremely loyal and faithful.

Some words that describe me are: punctual, practical, sensible, organized, stable, throughout,
dependable, conservative, detailed, hard-working, solid, orderly, consistent, structructed ,positive,
and reliable.

I am an independent thinker. Some people can even go far as to call me a connon-conformist. This
title might worry other people. But it really describes the way I look at the world. I don’t accept
things at face value and find myself in a constant state of analysis as I try to understand and improve
every part of my world.

In my personal life, I feel the need to keep my head in charge of my heart. Relationships or
friendships are important, but once they are developed and everyone understands what is expected, I
feel it is important to leave things alone and focus my efforts on the other issues in my life. In truth, I
am more comfortable working with data and information than with people.

Work has to be challenging, then I can become totally consumed with its completion. When I have
completed a project, however, I prefer to move onto new challenges and leave the day to day tasks to
others. I get hooked on ideas and concepts and can’t seem to let go of them.

I must respect a superior or fellow worker below I can begin to value their advice and/or authority.
Decisions are often difficult for me to make because I have to be certain that I don’t make a mistake.
Issues are never black and white, but filled with a multiplicity of possible choices or outcomes.

Some words that describe me are: scientific, curious, complex, abstract, independent, ingenious,
intellectual, inventive, fact-oriented, logical, cool, calm, collected, and theoretical.

I am a nurturing person, drawn to the helping professions where I can assist others as they clear to
live more meaningful lives. I love to talk with people about their feelings. I am careful to consider
how others are affected by my decisions. Sometimes, I'll even alter my plans to avoid a conflict or

I am deeply romantic and believe that true love can make life “happy ever after.” I use my heart and
the way I feel about things in my decision-making process. People are the most important things in
my life, so I find it very easy to make and keep many friends. Sending and receiving flowers,
candles, poetry, thoughtful notes and other symbols of love and friendships are very important.

I look for the true meaning of life. I thrive in an environment that encourages people to seek
opportunities to help each other become successful and where cooperation replaces the need to
declare winners and losers. I’m not highly competitive. I enjoy being with people ,more than
worrying about what we do when we are together.

I am a skilled motivator, and consider myself an effective and gifted communicator. I am a friend to
the end. Spiritual things have a great significance in my life. Sincerity is a quality I seek in myself
and others.

Some words that describe me are: caring, humane, artistic, spirutalm, subjective, sympathetic,
insightful, compassionate, personal, peaceful, sincere, empathetic, romantic, poetic, sensitive,
accepting, patient, giving, and true.

I am a person who thrives on excitement and physical challenges. I am talented and skilful and love
to show others what I can do. I have an endless supply of energy to try new and exciting things. I’ll
often stick to a new challenge until I have physically mastered itl However, structured jobs easily
bore me.

I need independence and freedom to explore hunches and ideas. I seek for tools or means to make
any job I have easier. I generally believe when completing a task that the ends justify the means.
This makes it difficult to follow rules and procedures that tend to get in the way.

The physical aspects of a relationship are important to me. I thrive on physical contact and
competition. I love to surprise those I love with unexpected and extravagant gifts and activities. I
need people that can be spontaneous and do things at the drop of a hat.

I learn by doing. The easy way to solve a problem is to meet it head on and beat it once and for all. I
would rather figure something out myself than ask for help. You can usually find me right in the
middle of the most exciting situation I can find. Life is a big gamble or party and I need to take my
chances and enjoy it as much as I can.

Some words that describe me are: bold, entrepreneur, generous, witty, trouble-shooter, spontaneous,
enthusiastic, competitor, performer, optimistic, charming, courageous, independent,fearless,
adaptable, easy-going mechanical, persuasive, wild, fun, and crazy.
What does this all mean?

After reading the description of your highest ranked color, answer the following questions:

1. Does this sound like you? Explain why or why not.

2. What is your next highest color? (quickly read that color description) Does this sound like
you? Explain why or why not.

3. What is your lowest color? (quickly read that color description) Does this seem like the
opposite of you. Explain?

4. Now think about people you don’t get along with… does this color (the lowest one) sound like
them? What do you think that means?

The column with your highest score is your COLOR.

Your FIRST color describes your strengths

Your SECOND color influences how you describe your first color

Your THIRD color has no significance

Your FOURTH color represents your weakness

IF you were able to complete the entire assignment to get the most accurate results you would be able
to learn:
- How extroverted / introverted you and others are based on your color
- How you relate to others as far as emotion/feelings based on your color(s)
- How to motivate or be motivated based on your color
- What to look for as weakness or challenges based on color

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