RICOWAS LIb CHAP First NSC Concept Note 2023 For TOT Workshop

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"Scaling up of Climate-Resilient Rice Production in West Africa, RICOWAS"

September 11th,, 2023


RICOWAS Liberia CHAP, Training-of-Trainer’s (ToT) on SRI,


Concept Note

For decades low yield constituted one of the main challenges of rice production in Sub-
Saharan Africa. Average rice yields in this zone exhibited a highly variable trend, positive or
negative across sub-regions and countries (Africa Rice Trends, WARDA, 2007).

However, paddy rice production has accelerated, increasing by 4.7 Metric tons in the period
2007–2012 (M. Wopereiss, 2013). This encouraging evidence shows that the increased use of
innovations, such as improved varieties and improved crop management combined with good
agricultural policy can make a significant difference.

The RICOWAS project aims to improve the resilience to climate change and increase the
productivity of the rice system of smallholder farmers throughout the West African region,
using a more climate-adapted production approach. More specifically, the RICOWAS project
has the specific objectives of :
 Strengthen the resilience and capacity of small-scale rice farmers and other
stakeholders in the rice sector by enabling them to use agro-ecological and sustainable
land and water management strategies that respond to the threats of climate change in
their respective localities;
 Support farmers to implement and improve CRRP, using the System of Rice
Intensification (SRI) method and locally adapted soil and water conservation
management approaches;
 Support a communication platform and engage in advocacy to promote the effective
exchange of knowledge and expertise among various stakeholders in West Africa and
 Facilitate the creation of a coalition of partners at the national and regional levels for
the improvement of CRRP

In support of sustainability, the National Executing Entity for Liberia, CHAP, in

collaboration with the Regional Executing Entity and within the framework of the Adaptation
Fund, have decided to host a three (3) days Training of Trainers workshop for Twelve (12)
persons, Two representative from each of the below selected counties.
1. Montserrado County
2. Bomi County
Nimba County
3. Lofa County
4. Grand Gedeh County
5. Bong County
The agenda for the 3 days Training of Trainers TOT workshop please see the below table:

Methodology: Facilitators and trainers will use PowerPoint presentation, group working field
demonstration for to enhance training and knowledge transfer to participants

Given that the objectives of this training of trainers TOT workshop are “SMART” in having
participants understanding and implementing the methodology of SRI and CRRP, by the end
of this workshop participants will be able to adequately trained farmers in this new
technology of rice cultivation through listing, and using picture books. Signed sheets for
participants’ attendance and DSA for feeding, accommodation, and transportation
reimbursement will be available and provided for reporting purpose.

1. Background

1. Background and rationale

In the West African region, rice is a staple food and plays a major role in regional food security
for both rural and urban populations. It is largely produced by smallholder farmers, whose
livelihoods and incomes remain very low. Demand for rice in the region, which has been steadily
increasing due to population growth and rising consumption, now exceeds production, leading to
a steady increase in rice imports. This is placing a heavy burden on public budgets and exposing
the region to the volatility of world market prices.

West Africa has also been identified as a region particularly vulnerable to climate change. This is
due to naturally high levels of climate variability, heavy dependence on highly climate-sensitive
rain fed agriculture, especially rice, and limited economic and institutional capacity to cope with
the negative impacts of climate change. To address these problems, the Economic Community of
West African States (ECOWAS) launched in 2013 a regional initiative called "Rice Offensive"
with the aim of achieving rice self-sufficiency by 2025.

It is in the perspective of contributing to the achievement of this goal, using a Climate-Resilient

Rice Production (CRRP) approach, that the application of the regional project entitled "Scaling
up of Climate-Resilient Rice Production in West Africa, RICOWAS" was developed. This
project, which was submitted to the Adaptation Fund (AF), will be implemented for the benefit of
13 ECOWAS countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia,
Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo). The Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS)
is the Regional Implementing Entity, and the Regional Executing Entity is the ECOWAS-
sponsored Regional Rice Specialization Center (CRS-RIZ/IER-Mali), in partnership with Cornell
University, USA (Climate-Resilient Farming Systems program) and CHAP is the National
Executing Entity for Liberia under the RICOWAS Project.

Community of Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP) was registered under the law of the
Republic of Liberia 2010, as Agriculture organization involved in mix-farming with NGO
status and is the National Executing Entity for RICOWAS in Liberia.

CHAP is a national entity specialized in Farmers Advisory Services, Seed Rice

Multiplication, rice and crop production including value-chain development and marketing,
working in both urban and rural areas in Liberia since 2008. CHAP is one of the Ministry of
Agriculture (MOA)’s successful Implementing Partners (IP) under the Technical Assistance
to Ministry of Agriculture (TASMOA) seed rice project in 2010/2011, which produced 11
tons of certified seed rice and was honored for this by H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and
implemented similar for WAAPP and Regional SRI projects. CHAP served as the focal
organization for System of Rice Intensification, System of Crop Intensification and pioneer
of I Love Liberian Rice and Feed Liberia Campaign.
The RICOWAS project has three main components:

• Component 1: Building human and institutional capacity for climate resilient rice
production (CRRP)
• Component 2: Supporting farmers to scale up the CRRP

• Component 3: Strengthen partnerships, communication and advocacy for the scaling up
of CRRP.
In order to effectively implement the activities under the above components the
National executing entity (NEE) (CHAP), is going to host a three (3) days
Training of Trainers workshop with Two (2) representatives from each of the Six
(6) selected counties. in order to enhance the project implementation.

The budget required for this activity under component 1 activity is Five Thousand
Four Hundred Seventy Five United State Dollars and Fifty-Cents (US$5,475.50).

The National Executing Entity-CHAP, will cover the cost of the three (3) days’ workshop.

Any Inquiries for the execution of the Three (3) days Training of Trainers TOT
workshop for the RICOWAS Project activities in Liberia, Please contact the Executive

Robert S. M. Bimba, SRI National Facilitator, Project Coordinator & Executive Director
Community of Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP), Zubah Town, Duport Road ,Paynesville
Monrovia, Liberia


Three (3) Days Training of Trainers TOT Workshop
Activity description:
Activity Date: October 9 -11, 2023
Activity Location: Bong County

Planned Expenditures
Description of Cost Rate Qty/person s Amount Payment Method
Participant Feeding( Breakfast, Lunch & Coffee break) 20 25 3 1500 Mobile Money Transfer
Transport Grand Gedeh county 100 2 2 400 Mobile Money Transfer
Transport Bong county 15 2 2 60 Mobile Money Transfer
Transport Lofa county 50 2 2 200 Mobile Money Transfer
Transport Nimba county 40 2 2 160 Mobile Money Transfer
Transport Bomi county 30 2 2 120 Mobile Money Transfer
Transport Montserrado county 20 2 2 80 Mobile Money Transfer
Participants Accommodation 30 12 3 1080 Mobile Money Transfer
Hall Rental 20 1 3 60 Mobile Money Transfer
Stationery 200 1 1 200 Mobile Money Transfer
Airtime for internet & community 5 12 3 180 Mobile Money Transfer
Jingles 10 1 2 20 Mobile Money Transfer
Car Rental 200 1 3 600 Mobile Money Transfer

Total USD 4660

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