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Statistical investigation

26 marks from 26 questions

Question 1
How many people visit a particular leisure centre in a particular city?
Select the data set that could be used to answer the question above.

a. The number of visitors to leisure centres in the city.

b. The number of leisure centres in all cities.
c. A survey of sports played by people in the city centre.
d. A record of how many people use the leisure centre each day.

Question 2
Data is collected from learners in the same class at school.
Which of these is qualitative data?
a. Height
b. Favourite TV show
c. Time it takes to walk to school
d. Number of brothers and sisters

Question 3
A healthy eating study wants to find out how much fruit people eat.
Which of these data sets is suitable for this study?
Select all suitable data sets.

a. Data collected daily on fruit sales in a supermarket over a week.

b. Data collected outside a supermarket on buying habits.
c. Data collected in an online survey about dieting.
d. Data researched in newspapers about healthy eating.

Question 4
To gather data about the different types of insects found in a playground, you would most likely use:

a. observation
b. survey
c. measurement
Question 5
Majid wants to know whether taller people are better at solving puzzles.
Which method would be best to collect data about people’s heights?
a. Measure each person's height to the nearest metre
b. Measure each person's height to the nearest centimetre
c. Ask each person if they are tall

Question 6
Select all the data below that would be gathered using measurement.

a. The number of siblings in your family

b. Blood pressure
c. Gender
d. Hand span

Question 7
When you are asked to answer how much you like something on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being ‘very
unsatisfied’ and 5 being ‘very satisfied’, this is:
a. qualitative data
b. quantitative data

Question 8
Data is collected from learners in the same class at school.
Which of these is quantitative data?
Select all correct answers.

a. Height
b. Method of travel to school
c. Time it takes to get to school
d. Length of homework completed each day
Question 9
Sam needs to determine whether hockey should be included as a new sport at her school.
This information would be best gained using:

a. observation
b. a survey
c. measurement

Question 10
Nudrat collects data to find out which shoe sizes should be stocked in her shop by asking a sample of
Which method would give her the most appropriate data?
a. Measure each customer's foot length
b. Find out each customer's shoe size
c. Find out which type of shoe each customer normally buys

Question 11
Zeina records the time it takes a sample of learners from her school to run 100 metres.
Which of these predictions could she use her data to test?
Select all correct answers.
a. Girls run faster than boys.
b. Older people run more slowly than younger people.
c. People run more slowly over longer distances.

Question 12
A record of changing air temperature is:
a. qualitative data
b. discrete quantitative data
c. continuous quantitative data
Question 13
Uzza wants to find out whether confident readers are better at maths.
She records the time it takes each learner to read a passage, in seconds, and then records the number
of correct answers in a short maths test.
She organises her data into pairs.

35 s, 8 45 s, 3 34 s, 4 38 s, 6 25 s, 3

19 s, 3 30 s, 6 31 s, 2 36 s, 5 55 s, 8

Which of these generalisations could she make from these results?

a. Confident readers are better at maths.
b. Confident readers are not better at maths.
c. There is no link between reading and maths.

Question 14
Ravi wanted to test the hypothesis: People spent less than two hours a week on average playing a
He asked the first 10 people who went into his local sports centre how many hours they spent each
week participating in a sport.
Why was this not a good way of taking a sample?

a. His sample size was too small.

b. He should ask the people what sports they played.

c. He should have given them a questionnaire to fill in.

He is o
d. nly asking people at the sports centre who will be there
to take part in a sport, so the sample is biased.

Question 15
Kiera conducted a survey to find out which sports clubs her school should run by asking the girls in
her netball team.
Select all reasons why this method is unfair.

a. The girls in the netball team do not like sport.

b. Kiera needs to ask a larger group of people.
c. Kiera must ask boys and girls.
d. Kiera should only ask the teachers in her school.
Question 16
A survey is carried out to determine whether gardening is a popular hobby by asking a sample of
people in a garden centre.
Which of these statements is true?
a. The survey will produce a biased sample.
b. The survey will produce a fair sample.

Question 17
A survey is carried out to determine whether gardening is a popular hobby by asking a sample of
people in a garden centre.
How could this survey be improved?
a. Conduct the survey in different shops
b. Ask a bigger sample of people in the garden centre
c. Sample the garden centre customers on more days

Question 18
Hanane wants to survey customers of her café.
On one day, she has 82 customers and gets 2 customers to complete her survey.
Why is this not a representative sample?
a. The numbers of men and women in her survey were not equal.
b. There are not enough people in her sample.

Question 19
Samira needs to determine whether hockey should be included as a new sport at her school.
This information would be best gained using:

a. observation
b. a survey
c. measurement
Question 20
Pablo wants to test the hypothesis: Girls at his school are better at maths than boys.
He gave a maths test to the 30 learners in his class. The 17 girls scored higher marks on average than
the 13 boys. Pablo says that this supports his hypothesis.
Pablo may be wrong because:

a. his sample size is too small

b. his sample has more girls than boys
c. he has only sampled from one year group

Question 21
A bus company decides to survey passengers about their weekend bus service.
They ask the first five passengers who travel on their bus on a Wednesday to complete the survey.
Why might this give a biased result in the survey?
a. The passengers may normally travel by car.
b. The passengers may not travel on the bus at the weekend.

Question 22
Mai attends a high school where both girls and boys attend. She conducted a survey on whether the
canteen should stock apples. Mai sampled her friends: Suki, Lia, Anya and Fatima.
Select all the statements that show why Mai’s sample is biased.

a. She only asked her friends, who may have similar tastes.
b. She only asked girls. Boys might like different things.
c. She only asked four students – the sample is too small.
d. She did not ask the canteen for permission.
Question 23

Learners were asked to choose their favourite subject in a survey.

Their choices were presented in this bar chart.
The subject chosen the most in the survey was Languages, so it is the _________.
Select the correct word to complete this statement.
a. mode
b. median
c. mean

Question 24
In a school, each stage has the same number of learners.
Which statement is true about the number of learners that should be included in a sample from each
a. There will be more learners in the older stages.
b. There should be the same number of learners from each stage.

Question 25
Two classes compare their results from a maths test.
Class A had a mean of 85% and a range of 25.
Class B had a mean of 76% and a range of 10.
Enter a letter to complete this statement.

Class did less well overall in the test but their results were less spread out.
Question 26
The table below shows the times in minutes it takes Ana and Hiran to travel to school each day for one

Ana 1012157 9

Hiran 5 1518616

The times it takes Hiran to travel to school during this week are _____________ than Ana’s.
Select the correct words to complete this statement.
a. less spread out
b. more spread out

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