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Kingdom Comes

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"The Kingdom Comes"

!White people cannot in the generality" be taken as models of how to live# Rather" the white man is himself in sore need of new standards" which will release him from his confusion and place him once again in fruitful communion with the depths of his own being#$ James Baldwin The Fire Next Time

This musical phenomenon of Hip%Hop is becoming popular among foreign nations as well as America# Hip Hop as Culture has caused social integration which helped the transition of the breaking of the color barrier# The fascinating thing is that for the most part it goes unnoticed by the conventional part of society# The rap phenomena have been a catalyst to promote the idolizing of blacks to young white males# What happen to the days of the white heroes? Have they been replaced with the Fresh Prince&s and Michael Jordan&s?

Rap artists and black athletes have played a great deal to this new tolerance of blacks# In a strange funny way it is all taken place but silently# It is

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not a get in your face movement like the pass black movements have been# 'Civil Rights" Garvian" etc( Furthermore if it were like those movements it would have never appealed to whites# These pass movements were militant and too aggressive for whites# But this musical movement is a very passive revolution going through our music# In addition" white people are being educated through the black art of Hip%Hop to accept a liberal broader outlook on life# Hip%Hop artists have the responsibility to educate the young black youth# Moreover" whites are beginning to embrace this music and digest it just like black youths are# I thought I would never see the day in America when whites would actually want to be like a black person# I had a brief glimpse of the a)ect that rap is having on white youths# However" one must realize that this example is still partial and may not be true for every area for there are geographical variables that must be considered# As I was teaching art in my seventh grade class in Alexandria" VA" I was rotating the classroom giving students help on their individual pieces of work# I let the radio play low in the background so as to give a nice low tempo# The students were engaged in their assignments# I heard some students singing along with a rap song that was on and one particular white student was rapping with the radio# He was talking to his neighbor about the rap song and how he loved it and the group# As I came up behind him to assist the student across from him" he looked at his neighbor again and said" man" I wish I were black! A*er hearing that I had to gasps for air and do a double take at the student that said that# Now the young African American student he said that to just smiled and continued his work# This made me take

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notice of the powerful in+uence that raps must be having on white America# If people really knew the a)ect it is having on white America" they would be as astonished as I am# This is the power of this musical revolution" it is obviously attracting white America but do they understand what they are being attracted too? We see in society a change from a deep dislike to a slow attraction to our culture" through rap music# I believe it is playing out through the increase in interracial marriages and tolerance towards blacks and their social viewpoints# However" this is not without +aws# The +aw; is that whites are not being attracted to the black culture" but they are being attracted to the non%o)ensive art and are not realizing that all our art comes from our pass at the subconscious level# In fact" blacks should take it as a great o)ense because it is kindred to a women being accepted by her looks and not for her mind# For most of our true greatness is buried underneath our art and athleticism# Most of our success has been in the entertainment realm and may be counter revolutionary because it seems to be an endorsement to our creative genius but a mockery to our intellect# Black leaders are expressing themselves through rap because they have a de,ciency due to the educational institutions that have failed them# Those institutions created a lack of con,dence in their le* side of the brain# 'The reasoning and analytical faculties( America only allowed the slave to develop his right side of the brain 'creative side(# In addition" for the most part that is what we are celebrated for# For when a true leader like Malcolm X" Martin Luther King" Marcus Garvey" etc#" comes forth we get great opposition# So the music revolution is the slow route to accomplishing our

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goals of true acceptance and equality#

It is an illusion to think that whites are accepting us for who we are because for them to accept us in this way they would have to face their past as well# James Baldwin suggested" that the White man still has a false sense of superiority# Until he answers and faces his past with truth and honesty there will be no healing# This is the prerequisite for true healing and harmony of the race neurosis# Hip%Hop is an American cultural transformation on the sneak tips shhh#

Black Art and Money

!Don&t anything move but the money$ !It&s all about the Benjamin&s$ !Cash Rules Everything Around Me#$

These are lyrical slogans that promote ideas of money" power" and respect# This American culture does not come out and say get money at all cost" but beneath the surface of our so%called morality this capitalistic society communicates to our subconscious" money over values# Therefore" young black Hip%Hop artists that are coming out are echoing this same American idea

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through their music# The American culture and Hip%Hop music does not exist apart from each other they are constantly interacting# We can see this from songs about the police brutality to C#I#A cover%ups#

!Music is the spirit and representation of a community#$ Confucius

Within the Black community we have urban strife that has for years plagued the inner city communities# Low income and poor housing are conditions" which have contributed to this aggressive atmosphere# African Americans that live in these conditions have always desired more# However" the intriguing thing is that the children of the suburbs could not have developed this thing called Hip%Hop# The music comes out of a hostile environment# Therefore understanding this association that music has with the community we need not to take Hip%Hop in vain" or simply as entertainment# Hip%Hop becomes a window by which to view information" education" and social inconsistency is apparent# In addition" the government is at the conscious level of America where they" can say and do anything they want# Moreover" the conscious level cannot expect to have any repercussion to their thinking# Thoughts" ideals" and beliefs will always manifest itself in the subconscious" ie the ghetto#

The government creates laws for the rest of society but to the lawgiver

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the laws are not as heavily enforced to the same measure# C#I#A#" police" and F#B#I are entities that seem to be above the law# America steals" cheats" and kills in the name of good and struggles for international peace" but yet lets those deserving punishment go unpunished# This type of hypocrisy cannot be without any backlash# The inner city is watching America&s action not words# Therefore" the ghetto becomes the fertile soil for hostility#

Now if oppression is greater in these regions then pressure will always bring forth the product of that pressure# For a passive environment cannot produce an aggressive force such as this# The children of oppression are the gi* givers of this Hip%Hop phenomena" and rightly so# If you will allow me" the Bible speaks about treasures of dark places#

I will give thee the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places that they may know that I am the Lord# Isaiah -.:/ K#J#V

This quote is symbolic to Black Art# For example if you would ask a person" where could I ,nd art? They would" without a doubt" direct you to the nearest museum# If you&d ask another person" where can I ,nd Black Art they may have to think about that for a second or ask you further questions to

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determine what you mean? Most people do not realize that Black Art is hidden in the undercurrent of the inner cities; yes that right" the ghetto# As I stated earlier" Art is a live Creature the lived experience# The art that the world is now enjoying through Hip%Hop came from the environment of oppression" dark" and dangerous# However" when the art is given in seed form" meaning that within the art form there is a potential to change ones condition" many things can grow# That means the art or the gi* should be able to multiply one hundred times over# It should elevate the person and then the community in which the person sprang from# Much like a tree that grows from a seed and as the tree grows it drops other seeds on the ground and the wind carries it o) to various other locations#

Who would have ever thought that the people that were in slavery for -00 years" who lost their heritage" name" and identity" would still have something to o)er this ungodly society? The bible states that he would give us treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places# The secret was not revealed until our diamond making process of slavery created the treasure that came out of us# Hip%Hop and athleticism is the treasure that has served as a commodity to this society# This exceptional thing came forth from such a dark crude experience# The lived experience is our art# Our art becomes a replica of our experiences here in America# This artistic phenomenon was as natural as much as it was a spontaneous act# Hip%Hop was not gained or learned within the educational institutions" but in a more intuitive" natural evolution form

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experience to creation#

The Hip%Hop microcosm of Black Art had social intercourse with the macrocosm of America# While Hip%Hop was evolving and developing the talent would begin to become our path,nder to wealth and economic development# The treasure became the foundation in which black businessmen were able to start their own businesses and create their own destinies# Black Art was able to begin to multiply due to Hip%Hop creating a multicultural and international audience# Achieving successes within the music business open up new creative avenues for black business# Such as" independent record labels" black Film" Fashion" and management# These achievements came through the multiplication of talents the conception of the new aspiring young black entrepreneur#

The Bible states: !For the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country" who called his own servants and delivered unto them his goods# And unto one he gave ,ve talents" to another two" and to another one; to every man according to his several ability and straightway took his journey# Then he that had received the ,ve talents went and traded with the same" and made them other ,ve talents# And likewise he that had received two" he also gained other two# But he that

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had received one went and digged in the earth" and hid his lords money# A*er a long time the lord of those servants cometh" and reckoned with them# And so he that had received ,ve talents came and brought other ,ve talents" saying" Lord" thou deliverers unto me ,ve talents: behold" I have gained beside them ,ve talents more# His lord said unto him" Well done" thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things" I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord# He also that had received two talents came and said" Lord" thou delivered unto me two talents: behold" I have gained two other talents beside them# His lord said unto him" well done" good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things" I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord# Then he which had received the one talent came and said" Lord" I knew thee that thou art a hard man" reaping where thou hast not sown" and gathering where thou hast not sowed: And I was afraid" and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo" there thou hast that is thine# His lord answered and said unto him" Thou wicked and slothful servant" thou knowes t that I reap where I sowed not" and gather where I have not sowed: Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers" and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury# Take therefore the talent from him" and give it unto him" which hath ten talents# For unto every one that hath shall be given" and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath#$ Matthew 1.:2-%13 It is only natural that the development of Black Art should become the

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path,nder for the black economic structure to be adopted# When one uses what God has given they will multiply and bring increase in there culture#

Hip%Hop Fashion
There was a young man with a spray can looking for expression# He couldn&t a)ord to buy a canvas and paints# Yet he knew he had the talent and others did as well# His real love was rapping# Rapping with his friends on the street would consume his day# Not only did he rap but also he danced with the clique that was known as Sudden Impact# That is what they called themselves# They ironed those letters on to sweatshirts and wore suede pumas with fat shoelaces# Hip%Hop expression had no boundaries" from break dancing" rapping" to trying to ,nd a canvas to visually express Hip%Hop# An explosion of talent a pregnant culture" started from one seed" the music#

$ The fact that a work of art is an organization of energies#$ !The fact that it is energies that are organized and that organization has no existence outside of them#$ John Dewey

The music is the seed 'talent( that began this black economical

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infrastructure# Hip%Hop has provided the stu)" energies that was stated above" as our community has developed itself by expanding on the beginning or ,rst talent which is the music and the expanding caused us to organize and yes" for us to begin to believe in ourselves and be successful and control our own record companies# However" the eventual blend of talent and experience provided the pigment or the desire for us to begin to believe that we could organize ourselves# For years we have seen whites" and other immigrants come into the country become successful through hard work# We watched them get rich and we were cognitive of them bene,ting o) of us# We were never truly free and presumably not independent yet# This sense of tragedy had to express itself one day# And Hip%Hop was the dawn of that day# Now the ful,llment of time has come and Hip%Hop has become our hustle# Though" we had no contract we rapped in the park" we had no canvas the walls and our blue jeans became our gra4ti tabletops# Now" the musical expression made its way into our community# Instead of putting our artwork in museum galleries" hanging on walls for people to gaze at but not touch" it became fully functional as an extension of the Hip%Hop organism# Gra4ti blue jeans were the beginning of the Hip%Hop fashion era# Though the process was spread out and the artwork was not without criticism this provided a favorable indication of a moving forward of the black economy# It seems as if the African American community became profoundly conscious of what or whom they were patronizing# At one point" and still some do now" we made sociopolitical statements about following the trendy European fashions# However" if they are not getting paid

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for it this is only a symbol of status and exclamation of lack of self%worth# Not realizing that the black dollar can make or break our economy# The necessity is laid upon us# If we do not participate within the upli*ing of our own self%worth and our economical security" then our destiny hangs in the balance of our decision# While liquor companies and European fashion designers are all marketing their product to our children and community# We spend our dollars" and some rap artists even" promoting white designers for free 'i#e# DKNY" Tommy" etc#( in their rap songs# This type of behavior can&t go without criticism especially when Hip%Hop has given birth to an ample amount of African% American designers# The Hip%Hop artist" philosopher and politician must realize what a political statement is# Politics is about the pair of underwear you buy and don&t buy# If he buys the wrong pair of underwear he could be contributing to his own communities demise" by making oppression more oppressive#

There is so much that goes into the expansion of the black economy# Hip% Hop has played a great and vast role in this expansion from artists opening their own record companies" to designers designing for particular artists" to rappers becoming actors# Hip%Hop has provided a vehicle for Black Talent to be expressed# This topic is so vast and a whole book should be dedicated to this topic# I recognize that this subject can be expanded and in respect for this books purpose I will end with saying" Hip%Hop is a pregnant art form# Its o)spring&s reach far and wide! It touches and opens more people to this culture

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The Crossover

Crossover: is when one is focusing his or her artistry on money" fans" and transcending cultures# This leads to cultural detachment#

Crossover is self%actualization and achievement for self without cultural attachment# The artist that seeks a broader base of communication can be accused of what we term as crossing over" selling out# This artist is ridiculed in his community due to his lack of black focus# This is seen as unethical and great treason in some schools of thought because of lack of self%sacri,ce for the struggle of the black message# We place so much responsibility on black art because it is the only way through which the means of expression has been granted# So" we can reach a larger audience and not be contradicted by the institution of America that is laden with Western philosophy# We have given this poor artist a great responsibility" however the artist did not ask for it# The idea is further communicated when we expect black superstars to be role models for our kids# This is the communal or collective teaching that has been handed down to us# The village philosophy or nationalist philosophy is a philosophy that holds every Black responsible for the progress of their community# Furthermore" the

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!Nationalists$ philosophical approach tends to mistrust the Western society and believe that African Americans should seek their own political liberation and self% expression without compromise# However" in contradiction the !Internationalist philosophy ! is akin to a Crossover artist# For the Crossover artisan does whatever he or she feels" and topics" within their music" range from ,ne clothes" expensive champagne" traveling to Europe or the islands" having multiple lovers" and luxuries# Materialistic ambitions have been given to this hungry talented black artist whom have adopted a value system that will make them as individuals more successful# The Integrationist" which tends to emphasize the possibilities of equality" believing that African Americans can and should assimilate into the fabric of American society# They believe that the African American should focus on individual striving and development and he is interested in the integration of blacks into American culture Journal of Black Psychology" Vol#11 No#/" August 2335 /-0%/.6# However" this philosophical approach is embedded in the blind faith that racism in American is decreasing# Just because one does not see as many treacherous crimes towards blacks occurring daily doesn&t mean that racism is decreasing# This is an artist who trusts the media and everything this society has taught him or her and for one to embrace an Integrationist viewpoint they are approaching the artistry form a individual reality suggesting that this is who they are" they are seeking self expression and they do not care about the so called black struggle# This idea says that I am an artist and I can transcend all hate with my art cause I seek self% expression# This is the God given right of any human being and self expression

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should not be muzzled if that entity seeks such mode of communication# This individual artist is a common place among blacks in America that feel that they are not chained to their brother or sister# If you really look at it you can see that in the Western society the more you adopt this philosophy the more one seems to progress without hassle# This philosophy is a Western paradigm that was born in Europe# It is called Individualism when one looks at the upper class system in America for the most part blacks in the upper middle or middle class tend to separate themselves from the nationalist philosophy cause they have gained so much of the American dream by opposing this idea# Moreover" more of your true nationalist will be the ones in the lower class community# The people that are not afraid to talk back to the government and tell them were they stand# This the element of the African American population that will breed the next prophets" leaders" and revolutionaries because they are on the front line and this my friends is where Hip%Hop was born# The real essence of Hip%Hop grew from the society that produced it and gave way for the aggression# Furthermore" in comparison the photographer Gordon Parks stated in an interview that the black artist should not feel loyal to only do black art he says"$ Touch the world" reach out and touch the world$

Spill Over
Crossover is de,ned as a personal choice to be free of cultural identity and merge into mainstream# In addition" crossover is an attempt to gain a

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larger fan base" it focus on money and success for purely business reasons# Spill Over is de,ned as an artist embracing ones identity and staying committed to their message" while in+uencing others to adopt their viewpoint# Spilling over is when an artist has gained the attention of a large fan base without any endeavor to alter their identity or message# A Spill Over artist is an artist that stays central to their message; this is an artist of integrity# However" the artist that aborts their message for a more commercial appeal is an artist with an identity crisis" because for that artist to come forth with meaning and deep content they evidently should have something to say# For their message and passion should have taken place within their courtship with the art form# Therefore" crossover by de,nition of ,delity to their artistry" have committed adultery# For their ways have drawn them away from their ,rst love# For the Lover is what made them who they are and this separates the artist from the entertainer# The person that comes out with no loyalties to the art form of Hip% Hop or the African American culture" but just big money will be by de,nition a performer# For the category of an artist is an exclusive one# For the pay o) of a true artist is usually not as big as a performer" but great ful,llment comes from it# Moreover" one that is a SpillOver artist is refreshing to the music industry# There is nothing better for the industry then a unique voice" message" artisan" or group that is accepted nationally and internationally# A spillover artist is so intriguing and powerful that the laws of attraction drew people to them#

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Spiritual Genesis
In exploring the topic of the spiritual breakdown of Hip%Hop from its conception# One could approach it various ways to achieve the same end# Sociologically" anthropologically" or religiously" however" I will choose two paths to reach the same end# I will attempt to build a sociological frame around Hip% Hop" but also observe it spiritually to enlarge Hip%Hop" so that one may be able to observe situations usually naked to the human eye#

The sociology of religion is the idea that religion is integrated into the whole complex process of the social order of society# There are some di4culties in which I will parallel some things with religious symbols to convey a deep meaning behind surface events that are usually taken lightly# Moreover" religion is the foundation of culture and no culture and civilization has ever existed without a religion as its backbone to sustain the culture# So" here we can get a clue that America&s culture is founded on nothing other than Christianity# The founding European fathers brought from their homeland this religion# In addition" during America&s conception" and so%called manifest destiny" they had taken unto themselves three weapons to co%create this so called manifest destiny# For to ensure their success" the pioneers of America used their cultures foundation as the major weapon" to subdue the native culture" was their religion# Religion was the main weapon in which the new world used along with the help of drugs and war# However" war by itself would not be enough

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and neither would the drugs# However" drugs did paralyze the natives# Furthermore" Christianity became a psychological warfare on the native mind and as well as the slaves# For if you can get a people to believe in your God while you are oppressing them and destroying them you do more then save a poor heathens soul but you are brainwashing the group# Once you have own the God of a people you have their utmost loyalty and devotion# To change ones social and spiritual beliefs is also to change their way of life#

This leads me to make a transition back to African American music for most of the black musical experiences history originated in the Black church# As stated earlier from spiritual" gospel" blues" to Jazz" Rock and Roll" Funk" and Rap# However" the African American church was conceived out of racism in the upper echelons of religious denominations Methodist" and Baptist" etc# The reason blacks were able to start their own religious bodies" that were separate from the whites" was due to discrimination# Here is one example out of many# In the Methodist Church" when blacks were attending church the Black people sat on the balcony and the white people sat on the +oor closest to the preacher# In addition" it was never a black preacher preaching in the church# Racism is the reason why the black church really became the Black church# So it was the Black Church who was responsible for most of the Black music; then where did Hip% Hop come from? Why was it conceived on the outside of the Black Church" for the Black Church use to be the mother to black America&s culture? In the early years" the black church was responsible for various social duties like education"

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teaching people how to read and write" registering people to vote" and even speaking out against separate but equal hypocrisy in America# Which parallels Martin Luther King&s movement" whose philosophy was an outgrowth of the churches method of operation# So" again where did Hip%Hop come from" and why and what caused its manifestation? The church was usually the birthing ground of Black music# Could it be that an a)air took place outside the sanctions of the church and a child of the streets was born? For prior to Rap the church was the inspired path of the black artist# The black artist never went to school for voice lessons" the church was their school# However" the black church was so ,xed that they did not change to ,t the times# Also" the church was stubborn and only practiced tradition instead of seeking truth over religion# The black church was arrested in their development spiritually and socially# This is seen in the churches inability to be delivered psychologically from mental bondage due to -00 years of slavery# African%American people were spiritually and psychologically molested# So" the sincerely ignorant black preachers never realized that they were hindering their own development# This can easily be seen in their internal warfare that was revealed in their shabby attempts of initiation for change# For though we were physically free most people thought we were completely free# The black churches were trying to integrate into the schools# We thought that integration and equal treatment would end our cycle of defeat and make us overcomes# But" the true problem had not yet been touched by the black church# For the dilemma of our situation was a deeply rooted psycho%spiritual confusion# We needed more than civil rights" the right

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to vote and eat with white people" or go to their shopping malls# For during the time when the White Supremacy was overtly bashing the black community the black church did nothing to try to heal it7s community# The black church by reason of either false theology or of just plain fear did not militantly respond to the force of white supremacy# The Bible state;

The lord in heaven su)ers violence and the violent take it by force# Matthew 22:21 K#J#V

The force and the onslaught of racism of the .0&s and 50&s was obviously to much for them# So" the African American church lost it7s in+uence in the black community" especially when it came to black men# The black man could not be held within the church psychologically" but they sure could get spiritual help and secure their heavenly salvation# The salvation could not give them self% identity and true manhood# For when black men saw their re+ection and was unable to interpret 8the man in the mirror" the church gave them no real solution# So herein lies the climate produced by white supremacy and aided by the sin of the black church 'sin of omission(# Therefore" the law of God" which is to every action there is an equal or opposite reaction" brought forth the nation of Islam# If you will and can receive it" the prophetic revelation to the birth of the Nation of Islam was due to the churches fear to truly deal with the spiritual and psychological oppression of white supremacy# The black church always

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ignored the true problem and covered everything up with songs and sermons about the 8sweet bye and bye#9 However" the deep problems of psychological slavery was only truly addressed by the Nation of Islam# Then the black man responded to this self healing message and restored "to them" their manhood# So" to him that has ears to hear; this climate produced the phenomena of Hip% Hop# With White Supremacy as the catalyst and the black church as the irresponsible mother# Therefore" this is how Hip%Hop gained its aggressive nature# For it is like that of a neglected child# Due to a lack of attention from it7s mother" Hip%Hop was conceived in social and spiritual oppression# Hip%Hop was an orphan child# If you will allow me to show you a mystery#

Hip%Hop is parallel to a biblical example in the book of Genesis# Genesis 23:10 and Genesis 25: / % 21# 'Paraphrased from biblical versus(#

Abraham and Sarah wanted to have a child# God told them that Sarah would bare a child" but Sarah" who said she was too old to have children" gave Abraham her handmaiden Hagar# Hagar had a son" as well as Sarah" and named him Ishmael# Sarah kicked Hagar and Ishmael out of their home and they wondered through the wilderness# Abraham complained to the Lord about his son" Ishmael" for he had no father to raise him# However" the Lord told Abraham that he would raise Ishamel up and 21 princes shall he bring forth#

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God said Ishmael will become a mighty nation and his hand shall be against every man7s hand# This promise is a prophetic one and for God to say he will make them a nation is to indirectly promise them a religion" for a nation must have a religion to exist# Therefore" God had to bless Ishmael in the sense of becoming a nation and he was actually forced to bless him because of Abraham7s error and lack of faith# This is the same truth of Hip%Hop# For the Nation of Islam adopted Hip%Hop and raised this fatherless child# The black church was spiritually duped by racial oppression and had no realization that the church7s lack of faith caused this creation# They" the church" conceived a son and God blessed him# Hip%Hop'a musical manifestation of a psycho%spiritual oppression( had to manifest itself in response to the problem Abraham started through his lack of faith i#e# the black church7s sin of omission# So" here we have Hip%Hop becoming a great nation and a prophetic voice for a people that was ignored and psychologically unhealed# Hip%Hop is a child of the wilderness# Abraham symbolizes the church and the spiritual implication for the conception of Hip% Hop# The Nation of Islam is one and the same# The Nation of Islam came about indirectly by the absence of faith and played the role of Hagar to Ishmael and Ishmael is Hip%Hop# The Nation of Islam was raised to chastised the black church for their sins of omission# Hip%Hop is the music that represents what is actually happening in the black community a psychological countercurrent#

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Hip Hop As the Standard

###When the enemy shall come in like a +ood"

the Spirit of the Lord shall li* up a standard against him# ' The Book of Isaiah .3:23 (

As we continue to discuss what Hip Hop really is at it&s core" It occurred to me that it is too massive to be contained# It&s not what we watch on MTV" BET or the video that we order on the Box# It is not what the record company determines" or magazine writers say it is" It is larger than our own neighborhood and community# It was not created in the laboratory or made in a test tube# It was not a premeditated event# It just happen###A big bang! Creation not from nothing but something to substance# Thoughts of true freedom" layered with the past su)ering that is locked inside the African American subconscious#

In all reality it is a an actual Force" an noun" a person" place or thing# It is a cultural spiritual juggernaut# A principality a level of conciseness# Hip Hop has been hovering over us since we were brought here as slaves# Hip Hop is not new" it is as old as the spirituals we sang on the plantations# As a matter of fact" they are one in the same#

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Similar to the book of Exodus" when God gave guidance" by way of a cloud" to the children of Israel to lead them through the wilderness" it seems as if there is a African consciousness and spiritual force in+uencing what we as a collective community intrinsically know and understand# The beliefs we hold are not communicated on a conscious level with in Hip Hop# However" on a subconscious level our beliefs we hold are subliminally communicated through rhymes and beats that penetrate our psyche#

For example" Hip Hop has helped to preserve some African tradition in us" but unknowingly# The subconscious transmutation is obviously seen in various rap songs through the honoring of dead relatives" friends and loved ones#

In addition" the pouring out of beer and drinks before you take a drink as a remembrance to someone who has passed# Where did the African American learn this" it sure was not taught in the school system# The black church never taught that" unless you were catholic" which there were very few black Catholics# Also" Mom and Dad never taught us to honor the dead before we drink# However" where did this deep knowing come from? It would seem that a*er surviving slavery" oppression" su)ering through Jim Crow laws" and becoming westernized in the educational system that this knowing would have been wiped away# Unknowingly" not knowing that various tribes on the west coast

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of Africa practice an ancient tradition of leaving a plate of food for the dead as away to honor those who have pass before you" no one ever knew that our music would end up educating us" reminding us" and saving us#

Now this force that I speak of is Hip Hop# A music produced from pain" su)ering" and oppression# Despite the economical appeal and entertainment value" Hip%Hop is still the only pure unadulterated force within the African American Community# It has not been in,ltrated with western pedagogy# It was born to redeem the minds of the slaves in the souls of Black folks# Now" when I say Black I can not speak for all black people# The reality is that the Black Community is a Hog Pog" of mixed up" fragmented opinions" and political views# I am appealing to Hip Hop" the underground" the individuals who seek to be a voice in the wilderness" an oasis in the desert# Hip Hop in it7s pure form" uncommercialized# The black" dark " ugly aesthetic# The music that li*s our head and makes us march a million strong# Hip Hopis that universal deep felt need to express our self# Hip Hop is the hidden messages of escape that we sang on the plantation# Hip Hop is the words of wisdom our grand parents spoke# The nuggets of truth wrapped up in black slang# I am speaking of Hip Hop before it got labeled Rap" before we got rich" and before we got educated#

Although we are not engaged in any real black movement scenes like in the 607s# Hip Hop is the last movement# The African American community lacks visible oppression# This is the one thing that all Black movements had in

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Kingdom Comes

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common" visible oppression# Now that the oppression is not seen" it makes it twice as hard for Black folks to get together and protest# The illusion of success breeds apathy# Therefore" Hip Hop becomes rap and we loose our militancy our anger our ,re# When we begin to live life like intergrationalist we embrace our demise# Hip Hop has a purpose and if it is not ful,lled" then we will begin the assimilation# Once we assimilate" we become yoked to the same sins of America at large# Hip Hop as the +oodgate protects us from incoming trouble that another group of people may be su)ering# Hip Hop is culture and if we realize it is our culture" we will appreciate and value our traditions and customs# Hip Hop comes to build your self esteem# Although it also communicates our fears and morals about feminism and homosexuality" and Black taboos" Hip Hop does not run for o4ce it speaks it&s mind# Enforces and protects" loyal to its roots# It is not afraid of o)ending any body# Hip Hop as a Standard that protects from self hate and negroism# Hip Hop in some sense is very old fashion" it kept back the intergrationalist view point" so as not to confuse your identity with the rest of society# Hip Hop teaches you that America is new Egypt and this is the second wave of your Diaspora# It keeps Africa alive within you# Hip Hop still believes that it is godly to spank your kids# Hip Hop is the last Black Revolution# Hip Hop becomes the +ood gate keeping out the American disease# It draws a line of demarcation# It is the source of our strength like Samson and America is Delilah# Hip Hop keeps you militant with its truth and virtue#

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