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Housing 2

1. What types of houses do you know?

A house with a garden is called a detached house.

When two houses are built into one is called a semi detached house.
When houses are built into one long row is called a terraced house.
A place where you keep animals and grow vegetablesis a cottage.
A huge building with many flats is called a block of flats. In Britain people say „flat”
while in the USA they say „apartment”.
Very tall buildingswith mostly offices are called skyscraprs.
A large, luxurious seaside place is called a villa.

2. City vs countryside. Where do you prefer to live: in a town or in the countryside?

Pros and cons.

I prefer living in a town because towns offer good shopping and entertainment
facilities. There are lots of cultural events, great restaurants, cinemas, theatres and
museums.There are more job opportunities and you can choose from different schools.
There is a good public transport.
However towns can be polluted, crowded and dirty. There are traffic jams and parking
can be difficult. In addition you have a higher cost of living.

I prefer living in the countryside because people are friendlier in the country. You are
close to nature so you can go for a walk in the nearby forests or fields. Life is peaceful
and quiet in the country. There is no pollution or noise.
However there is not many shopping or entertainment facilities. Buses don’t run often.
There is not much privacy, everybody knows everybody.

detached house különálló ház

semi detached house ikerház
terraced house sorház
cottage vidéki ház
block of flats társasház
skyscraper felhőkarcoló
cultural events kulturális események
job opportunities állás lehetőségek
however azonban
in addition ráadásul
higher cost of living magasabb megélhetési költségek

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