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NIM : K2218052




Time : 60 minutes.
Objectives : The students can mention and differentiate types of weather
through gestures and pictures.
Structures : “what weather is it?”
Target Vocab : Sunny, rainy, windy, snowy.

Lesson Media
 Song
 Flashcards
 Worksheet
 Projector


A. Warm-up
1. Greeting and praying
2. Singing the “if you’re happy and you know it” song
3. Playing “finding my partner” game
4. Questioning

B. New Learning and Practice

1. Teaching the weather vocab
2. Playing “flashcard roll”
3. Play “run and hit!”
4. Doing matching and coloring worksheet

C. Wrap Up
1. Giving self-observatory project
2. Giving reward
3. Praying and saying goodbye

A. Warm-up and Maintenance

1. Greeting
Greet the students in a loving but loud voice to boost the students’ energy. The
designated time is around 1-2 minutes.

Teacher : “good morning, students!”

Students : “good morning, miss!”
Teacher : (in a louder voice) “good morning, students????”
Students : (hysterically answer) “good morning, miss!!!!!”
Teacher : “how are you this morning?”
Students : “I am fine, miss!!!”
Teacher : “really???? Let’s sing a song then!”

2. Singing “If you’re happy and you know it” (opening song)
Before singing, ask the students to stand up. The designated time is around 1-2

Teacher : “now let’s stand up everyone! Are you ready students?”

If you're happy happy happy, clap your hands.
If you're happy happy happy, clap your hands.
If you're happy happy happy, if you’re happy, clap your hands.
If you're happy happy happy, clap your hands.

If you're angry angry angry, stomp your feet.

If you're angry angry angry stomp your feet.
If you're angry angry angry, if you’re angry stomp your feet.
If you're angry angry angry, stomp your feet.

(repeat 2x)

3. Playing “Finding My Partner” Game

After happily singing the opening song, the students will be given a glimpse of
the material by doing a game called “Find My Partner”. In this game, each
student will be given a card with a picture of sun/cloud/rain/snow facing
backward. They are not supposed to peek at the picture until the teacher says to
flip it. Once it is flipped, the students should look for the matching picture that is
owned by somebody else in the class as well and become chair mates. This
series of pictures will help to raise their curiosity about what will they learn for
the day. The designated time is around 2-3 minutes.
Teacher : “I’ve got something for you students! I will give each of you
this precious card but don’t open it before I told you to do so.
Is that clear?”
Students : “yes, miss!!!”

(done distributing cards)

Teacher : “alright, now open and raise your card, students! After that, look
around you! Look for your friend that has the same card as
you! They will be your chair mate for today!”

4. Questioning
After the seating is assigned, it is time for the teacher to dig into the students’
prior knowledge and answer the students’ curiosity. The teacher could start by
asking the followings:
- Do you know what is the name of the picture in your hands now?
- Do you know what is that called in Indonesian?
- Have you ever seen it in real life?
The designated time is around 2-3 minutes.

B. New Learning and Practice

1. Teaching the weather vocab

After a little bit of questioning, it is time to introduce and fully give the
explanation and demonstration to the students. First, tell the students about the
material that they are going to learn today, which is about “weather”. Next up,
prepare the projector and present the video/song about “weather”. Play the video
twice: let the students be familiar with the song and then ask the students to sing
it together. After that, demonstrate the characteristics of each of them and ask
the students to do the same. The designated time is around 15 minutes.

Teacher : “alright class, so the pictures in your hands are called weather.
What is it again, class?”
Students : “weather!!!!”
Teacher : “very good. In Indonesian, it is called ‘musim’. Repeat once
Students : “musim!!!”
Teacher : “excellent! So, sunny, windy, rainy, snowy is the type of
weather, which we will be discussing more today. Are you
ready class?”
Students : “yes, miss!!!!”
Teacher : “very good! Now let’s start by watching this video right here!”
Teacher : “how’s the song? Was it fun?”
Students : “yes, miss!!!”
Teacher : “do you want to sing it together?”
Students : “yes!!!!”
Teacher : “alright, let’s sing loudly!”

(after done singing)

Teacher : “you guys should enter choir! You guys did great! Give
applause to yourself!”
Students : “yeaaay! (clapping)”
Teacher : “now, let’s demonstrate each weather according to their
characteristic! Look at the screen, kids! Can you guess what
weather is it?”

Students : “sunny!!!”
Teacher : “very good! Now grab one of your books and repeat his gesture
after me!”

Teacher : “next, can you guess this one?”

Students : “rainy!!!!”
Teacher : “genius! Now let’s stand up! Make your palm as your umbrella,
and run! Run! Run! Run from the rain! Very good!!!”

Teacher : “next, what weather is this?”

Students : “windy!!!!”
Teacher : “brilliant! Now, say ‘swhuuuush swuuush’ like you are blowing
and be a swaying tree! Let’s do it with me! Excellent!”
Teacher : “lastly, you must have guessed this already. What weather is
this, students?”

Students : “snowy!!!!”
Teacher : “great! Now cross your hands in front of your chest, clench your
teeth like this and say ‘brrrrrrrr’! Excellent!!! Round of
applause for yourself please”


1. SUNNY Hot: swaying fan near to our face
2. RAINY Take shelter: placing palms above our head
3. WINDY Noisy and windy: blowing “swhuuuush swuuush”
and mimic swaying branches as well.
4. SNOWY Cold: crossing hands and clenching teeth

2. Playing Flashcard Roll

To check students’ understanding, prepare flashcards and ask the students to
answer what is the weather shown on it. Roll the flashcard once more if the
students still seem unsure. The designated time is around 5 minutes.

Teacher : “alright, are you tired already, students?”

Students : “no, miss!!! A little!”
Teacher : “do you want to do some games?”
Students : “yes yes, miss!!!”
Teacher : “alright now, see what I’ve got in my hands?
(pulling out flashcards)
do you know what we will be doing?”
Students : “no, miss!!!”
Teacher : “so, we will be doing a game called flashcard roll. When I take
one of these flashcards, you got to answer what is the weather
shown in it immediately. You got it?”
Students : “yes, miss!!!”
Teacher : “okay, let’s start!”

3. Playing “Run and Hit!”

After they become more familiar with the weather vocabs, now it is time to play
a bigger game called “Run and Hit Me!”. The students are dragged to circle the
class in a dragon form with the teacher being the head. Earlier, the wall has been
decorated with several pictures of weather types side by side. The students are
asked to sing some part of the weather song with the guidance of the teacher
while being dragged circling the class. The lyrics of the song is like the

What’s the weather… what’s the weather… what’s the weather like today?
Altogether… altogether… what’s the weather like today?”

The teacher will repeat the lyrics twice and shout, for example, “IT’S
SNOWY!”. Then, the students have to disperse to find the weather picture hung
on the wall and hit it in the count of 5. In the first round, each picture can only
be hit by max. 3 students, the second round 2 students, and the last round 1
student. The students who don’t get the chance to hit it must sit back to their
seats. The final winner will be given out a candy. The designated time is around
10 minutes.

Teacher : “now everybody stands up! Starting from the students on this
side, please line up behind me. We will be creating a dragon!
Hurry up!

(after done forming a dragon)

Okay now remember the song that we have sung earlier?”
Students : “yes, miss!”
Teacher : “great! We will be singing the song again this time, and
whenever I shout specific weather, you should run and look for
the weather’s picture in the wall around you and hit it!

(give demonstration)
In this round, one picture can only be hit by 3 people, okay?
So, if you run out of the available picture, you must sit back to
your seat. Got it, students?”
Students : “yes, miss!!!”
Teacher : “if you are ready, say ‘aye-aye, miss!’”
Students : “aye-aye, miss!”
Teacher : “alright, let’s start!”

4. Doing Matching and Coloring Worksheet

After all the physical activity, it is time to sit down the students and let them use
their creativity by having matching and coloring activities. In the worksheet, it is
presented the matching activity where the students are asked to match the
weather with its characteristic’s picture. The picture itself is only made of dots,
so the students have to complete the picture and color it as well. The designated
time is around 15 minutes.

Teacher : “how’s the game, students?”

Students : “fun, miss!”
Teacher : “alright, now everybody takes a deep breath. Inhaleee… shuuuu,
repeat after me!”
Students : “(inhale) (exhale)”
Teacher : “excellent! This time, I got a worksheet for you. You don’t need
to run or dancing around. Just sit and all you have to do is
matching and decorating. Is it clear?”
Students : “yes, miss!!!”
Teacher : “brilliant! Now read the instructions and do the task!”
Match the weather with its characteristics by drawing lines! After that,
decorate and color the presented picture creatively!

Sunny ● ●

Rainy ● ●

Windy ● ●

Snowy ● ●

Wrap Up:

1. Giving Self-Observatory Project

After all the worksheets are collected, for not making the students just forget
today’s lesson, have them do self-observation of the weather near their house in
the afternoon and the nighttime. Ask some of them to report it the next day
before the lesson start. The designated time to follow up on this information is 2-
3 minutes.
2. Giving reward
It is time for the teacher to give a small reward for anybody who donated great
participation during the class by giving a star and a good disciplinary pin for the
students to bring it home. The designated time is around 1-2 minutes.
3. Praying and Saying goodbye
Before ending the class, the teacher leads the class to have a praying session
together and saying goodbye. Nevertheless, to recall the students’ vocabulary
about today’s learning, the teacher makes a little quiz where if the students can
answer correctly, they can go home sooner.
The designated time is around 3-4 minutes.

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