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Thin Solid Films 401 (2001) 35–38

Cadmium telluride thin films: growth from solution and characteristics

V.B. Patil*, D.S. Sutrave, G.S. Shahane, L.P. Deshmukh

Thin Film and Solar Studies Research Laboratory, Department of Physics (Applied Electronics), Shivaji University Centre for P.G. Studies,
Solapur 413003, M.S., India

Received 1 March 2000; received in revised form 13 December 2000; accepted 25 July 2001


An extremely simple and cheap method for the deposition of cadmium telluride thin films is presented. Good quality deposits
were obtained on ground glass at 758C, pH 10"0.3 with a deposition time of 90 min. Light grey-coloured and uniform CdTe
layers, approximately 0.3 mm thick, were obtained with this process under the above deposition conditions. Compositional analysis
showed CdTe films to be Cd-rich. The as-deposited layers are crystalline with a mixture of hexagonal and cubic phase structures.
Microscopic observations showed some overgrowth on the spherical-type crystallites grown. Baking increases the coarseness of
the material compared to the as-deposited film. Optical studies revealed a high absorption coefficient (104 cmy1 ) with a direct
type of transition. The bandgap is estimated as 1.45 eV. The films show n-type conduction. 䊚 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All
rights reserved.

Keywords: Cadmium telluride; Chemical growth process; n-type conduction; Hexagonal and Cubic phase structures

1. Introduction its worth for deposition of thin semiconducting films of

binary andyor ternary mixedyalloyed-type materials,
Cadmium telluride with a band gap of 1.45 eV is a and is therefore best suited for the production of homo-
technically important class of material in view of its geneous layers of controlled composition. Additionally,
band-to-band type of transition and high optical absorb- the usefulness of the technique lies in its low-energy
ance without any phonon-assisted mechanism, which intensiveness and large-area coverage, with the capabil-
makes it very useful in several electro-optic and opto- ity of large-scale production. Cadmium telluride films
electric device applications w1–5x. For CdTe, deviation were deposited using sodium tellurosulfate as the pre-
from stoichiometry is best controlled by any of the cipitant and some of their basic characteristics are
sophisticated techniques involving single or polycrystal- reported.
line growth with Cd or Te in excess, which in turn is
responsible for its n- or p-type conductivity, respectively. 2. Experimental details
The purpose of our studies is to grow n-type CdTe films
suitable for electrochemical photovoltaic application Cadmium telluride thin films were deposited onto
without the use of complicated instrumentation and with glass substrates, which were chemomechanically and
a nominal process cost. We have developed a very ultrasonically cleaned. The procedure, in brief, is as
simple and extremely convenient solution-growth proc- follows. A 10-ml aliquot of 1 M cadmium sulfate
ess set-up, with only a glass beaker and a constant- solution was complexed with a 5-ml each of triethano-
speed ACyDC gear motor. The method has also proved lamine, 14 N ammonia and 1 M sodium hydroxide
solutions in a 250-ml beaker. The substrates were assem-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: q91-217-328012; fax: q91-217- bled on a specially designed substrate holder and
328011. immersed vertically in the reaction mixture. These were
E-mail address: (V.B. Patil). rotated at a speed of 72"2 rev.ymin. The Te source

0040-6090/01/$ - see front matter 䊚 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 0 - 6 0 9 0 Ž 0 1 . 0 1 4 8 0 - 8
36 V.B. Patil et al. / Thin Solid Films 401 (2001) 35–38

Fig. 1. X-Ray diffractogram of a typical CdTe thin film: (a) as-deposited; and (b) baked at 1008C.

was obtained by reflux action of 4 g of metallic tellurium Cd2q and Na-tellurosulfate as basic source materials.
powder and anhydrous sodium sulfate (90 g) in distilled The as-prepared CdTe films were smooth, adhered tight-
water at 1008C for 24 h. The resulting concentration of ly to the substrates, and were non-reflecting and light
tellurium was 0.33 M w6x. The deposition temperature grey in colour. Compositional analysis of a good-quality
and time were selected as 75"28C and 95 min, respec- CdTe sample baked at 1008C was carried out by both
tively. A good-quality sample was analysed for its chemical analysis (spectrophotometry) and atomic
chemical constituents using the analytical spectropho- absorption spectroscopy. Both analyses showed the CdTe
tometry and atomic absorption spectrometry. The crystal samples to be rich in Cd. Typically, the Cd and Te
structure was determined by X-ray diffraction analysis content in CdTe was 46.05 and 44.2%, respectively. The
within a 2u range from 10 to 808. The surface mor- crystal structure of the same sample was revealed by X-
phology was examined with a Leica Cambridge scanning ray diffraction with CuKa radiation (1.5406 A). ˚ The
electron microscope. The films were also scanned for range of 2u angles was from 10 to 808. Fig. 1 is a
optical absorption measurements in the 500–950-nm typical X-ray diffractogram of such a sample. The
wavelength range. The DC electrical conductivity was analysis showed that CdTe is a mixture of hexagonal-
measured in the 300–500-K temperature range. (dominant) and cubic-phase structures. Additionally,
peaks corresponding to elemental Te were also detected
3. Results and discussion for a non-baked sample, whereas a signal corresponding
to TeO2 was also observed for a baked sample. The
Cadmium telluride thin films were grown under opti- presence of TeO2 can be ascribed to the oxidation of
mum conditions in an alkaline medium consisting of elemental Te during baking w6,7x. The lattice parameters
V.B. Patil et al. / Thin Solid Films 401 (2001) 35–38 37

Table 1
XRD data for a CdTe film

Peak ˚
d (A) Planes IyImax
Observed ASTM CdTe TeO2 Observed ASTM

Hexagonal Cubic Tetragonal

1 3.996 3.980 100 – – 21.5 90
2 3.720 3.740 002 111 – 19.6 100
3 3.310 3.320 101 – – 42 80
4 3.125 3.107 – – 111 50.6 14
5 2.972 2.988 – – 102 100 100
6 2.724 2.735 102 – – 44.9 30
7 2.046 1.995 112 – – 9.5 75
8 1.775 1.755 202 – – 17 16
9 1.673 1.619 – 400 – 6.6 6
10 1.477 1.488 – 331 – 8.3 10

calculated match well with the JCPD values (Table 1). The electrical conductivity of an as-deposited CdTe
The surface morphology (Fig. 2) showed the presence film was measured in the 300–500-K temperature range.
of spherical and well-connected grains with a large The room-temperature electrical resistivity of this sam-
intergranular space. Some sort of overgrowth is also ple is of the order of 106 V cm. Thermopower meas-
observed for as-deposited films. For a baked thin film, urements showed n-type conduction for CdTe.
this picture is clearer; however, some cracks seem to We conclude that n-CdTe films, reproducible both in
have developed, with a reduced intergranular spacing electrical and optical properties, can easily be grown
after baking w6x. In order to check the suitability of the with almost negligible consumption of electrical energy
CdTe material for solar cell applications, the optical and with basic starting materials. The novelty of this
constants, namely the absorption coefficient (a), energy process is the avoidance of clumsy, tedious and time-
gap (Eg) and the type of optical transitions, were consuming processes. The deposition temperature, time
determined by examining the optical absorption spec- and speed of substrate rotation play a vital role in
trum in the range from 500 to 950 nm at room determining the quality of the samples. The deposits are
temperature. Fig. 3 shows the determination of the light grey in colour with a room-temperature electrical
optical gap from the (ahn)2 vs. (hn) variation. A resistivity of 106 V cm. X-Ray diffractogram studies
bandgap of 1.45 eV has been estimated from these showed that both hexagonal- and cubic-phase structures
measurements for the as-deposited CdTe sample. These of CdTe were present, whereas chemical analyses dem-
results are in good agreement with those already reported onstrated CdTe rich in Cd. Scanning electron microscopy
w8,9x. observations revealed the crystalline nature of the mate-
rial. The material exhibits a high optical absorption with
a band-to-band type of transition. The estimated energy
gap is 1.45 eV.

Fig. 2. SEM micrographs of a typical CdTe thin film: (a) as-deposited;

and (b) baked at 1008C. Fig. 3. Plot of (ahn)2 vs. (hn) to determine the optical gap.
38 V.B. Patil et al. / Thin Solid Films 401 (2001) 35–38

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