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Patient / Pacienti : Dritjon Alushi Accepted/Pranuar : 13/12/2021 13:59

Reference / Kodi : 1639400399 Approved/Aprovuar : 13/12/2021 14:14
Sex-Age/Gjinia-Mosha: M / 02/06/2003 - 18 vjec
ID CARD/PASS : BJ2953243
Ref. Origin/Ref. Origjin: 2147496962

Test name Result Unit Reference Result words Samp./Meth. App. Time
Emri i testit Rezultati Njesia Vlerat normale Vleresimi Mat./Met. Ora e Aplk.

SARS-COV-2 detection
by REAL-TIME NEGATIVE Naso or 13/12/21
Oropharyngeal swab 14:14



Detected genetic Area: Two target regions of SARS-COV-2 RNA
Biological Specimen: Oropharyngeal swabs

Methodology: The received material from oropharyngeal Swabs is undergoing a process of isolation for 15 minutes of genetic material
using RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen). The amplification is made with NADAL SARS-COV-2 Antigen Kit (EUROIMMUN) and the detection is made
with NADAL SARS-COV-2 (NAL von minden GmbH).

*THIS SAMPLE IS TESTED AT Dybeli Medical Center VAT L72030010S.

*NADAL COVID-19 ANTIGEN RAPID TEST. Rapid test for detection of SARS-COV-2 nucleoprotein.

*Method used: Naso or Oropharyngeal swab.

*Sensiticity: 97.56%

*Specificity: 99.9%

*Made in Germany. Certificate reg. number: 01 100 1810016

*ISO 9001:2015

*THIS SAMPLE IS TAKEN AT DYBELI MEDICAL CENTER with license number LN-3854-09-2017.


Adresa: Rr. Qemal Stafa, Pazari i ri, Pallati Scai, Kulla 1, Kati 2
Mobel +355 67 40 15 585 / medical center Dybeli Group
Stomatologji - Dermoestetike - Pediatri - Gjinekologji - Fizioterapi - Laborator Mjekësor - Mjek familje

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