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NIM : 2213021012



Answer the following questions!

1. Why do we need to learn greeting customs from other countries?

2. What do you think about greeting customs in your country?
3. What are differences between modern and traditional markets?
4. What are disadvantages and advantages of shopping at modern markets?
5. When do you use simple presents tense? Make the examples!
6. Make 5 sentences of simple past tense!
7. When do you use language expressions on asking for information?
8. Summarize a reading text which is related to Language!

1. So that we can know and be able to adjust when we are in another country. We get to
know each other better so that the sense of unity gets stronger. We can add insight and
knowledge about our nation which will make the feeling of love for the motherland
stronger. We can also preserve the culture of the Indonesian nation.
2. In my opinion, the habit of greeting is normal, as normal as greeting, waving and bowing
your head to older people, and I consider that normal and not excessive.
3. In traditional markets, prices are set based on bargaining agreements between sellers and
buyers. Meanwhile, in the modern market, the price is fixed, indicated by a price tag. In
addition, the selling price of products in traditional markets is generally cheaper than
fashion markets.
4. The advantages. Open job. Modern market
➢ requires many employees to occupy several positions. Starting from cashiers, stock
checkers, cleaners, security, managers, and so on. Many positions have the potential to
open up many job vacancies.
➢ Cleaner place. Modern markets are considered cleaner than traditional markets. Usually
there are special cleaning staff and air conditioning so that market conditions are more
comfortable for shopping.
➢ Guaranteed product. The modern market has its own standards for the products it sells.
Each product sold must be able to pass the quality standards set by management. This is
what makes products from the modern market guaranteed quality.
➢ Increase gross domestic product. The economy of a country also depends on the gross
domestic product or GDP. GDP is the total value of the production of goods or services
produced by a country in a certain time. Modern market helps the country increase the
amount of GDP.
The drawbacks
➢ Supplier exploitation. Comparison of the number of suppliers with the number of modern
markets in an area is sometimes lame. The number of suppliers is more than the modern
market, causing competition and in the end being exploited by the market.
➢ Reduction of the state's foreign exchange. The resource potential of the domestic market
is relatively large. This makes foreign investors interested in investing continuously. In
the long term it can reduce the country's foreign exchange due to increased imports. In
addition, the profit from the interest also only goes to other countries.
➢ Economic gap. The existence of modern markets will make consumers switch from
traditional markets. Economic disparities can be created because the majority of the
lower middle class are owners of traditional markets. Meanwhile, the modern market is
only owned by the upper class of the economy.
➢ Causing the death of traditional markets. The modern market has many advantages
compared to the traditional one. One of them is in terms of location, product
completeness, and discounts. Many consumers then prefer to shop at modern markets.
Over time, it can cause the death of traditional markets.
5. The simple present tense is used to express general truths or facts
➢ Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia.
➢ Kirana go to school every morning
➢ She sleeps with a pillow
6. Example simple past tense
➢ I did not sleep well last night
➢ Rani did not come to the office yesterday
➢ Adi did not win the English debate competition last month
➢ Arif was not the smartest students in the class
➢ She did not complete her task
7. When you want to ask questions and ask for information from other people.
Example like can you tell me.
8. Example sentence
Cows are quadrupeds and have mammary glands. Rambutan is a fruit that has white flesh
and has seeds. Killer whales have black and white markings all over their bodies. Lizards
have the ability to drop their tails when they feel threatened.

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