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It is of common observance and

benefit - it regulates the relation of
Law on Obligations and Contracts men to maintain harmony in society and
Defined make order and co-existence possible.
The Law on Obligations and Contracts is Characteristics of law, in its Purpose
the body of rules which deals with the
nature and sources of obligations, rights 1. Substantive Law - that portion of
and duties arising from agreements and the body of the law creating and
contracts. defining rights and duties which may be
private or public character;
Nature of Agreement and Contract
Example; law of obligations and
All contracts contain agreements, but contracts
not all agreements are contracts. An
agreement may or may not be legally 2. Adjective Law - procedural law or
enforceable. remedial law; that portion of the body of
law prescribing the manner or procedure
An agreement to take your friend to a by which rights may be enforced or their
basketball game would not be a legally violation released.
enforceable agreement because your
friend has not given you anything in Characteristics of law as to its Subject
exchange for that promise. However, an Matter
agreement to buy your friend a ticket to
1. Public Law - the body of legal rules
the Valentine’s Day concert of Martin
which regulates the rights and duties
Nievera in exchange for your friend’s
arising from the relationship of the state
repairing your leaking faucet would be
to the people;
legally enforceable. In this case, there
has been an exchange of value that Example; Criminal law, includes
binds each party to the other, hence, a international law that governs the
contract is created. relations among nations and states, and
constitutional law - governs the relations
To be enforceable, an agreement must
between the state and its citizen.
conform to the law of contracts. The
courts have never been agreeable to the 2. Private Law - the body of rules
enforcement of social agreements such which regulates the relation of
as dinner engagements, agreements to individuals with one another by purely
date or to marry one another, or to live private ends,
together without the benefit of a
marriage contract. Example; civil laws, mercantile law, and
civil procedure
Characteristics of law, in its Specific
Sense ARTICLE 1156. An obligation is a
juridical necessity to give, to do, or
1. It is a rule of conduct - law tells us not to do.
what shall be done and what shall not be
done. Obligation Defined

2. It is obligatory - law is considered a An obligation is a juridical necessity to

positive command imposing a duty to give, to do or not to do. The word
obey and involving sanction which forces obligation is derived from the Latin word
obedience. “obligare” which means “to bind,”
Manresa, a Spanish commentator in Civil
3. It is promulgated by legitimate Law, defines obligations as a legal
authority - laws are enacted by congress relation established between one person
the legislative branch of the and another whereby the latter is bound
to the fulfillment of a prestation which the agreement between A and B is
the former may demand of him. the efficient cause.

Obligations may be either civil or There may be cases when obligations

natural. Civil Obligations give a right of arising from certain contracts need
action to compel their performance (Art. to be manifested in the form
1423.) Hence, the obligee or creditor prescribed by law. For example, in a
has a right to enforce the obligations contract involving a donation where
against the obligor or debtor in a court the value of the personal property
of justice. This is the obligation referred donated exceeds P5,000.00, the law
to in Art. 1156 of the Civil Code. requires that the donation and the
acceptance by the donee be made in
On the other hand, natural obligations,
writing. Non-compliance with this
not being based on positive law but on
formality shall render the contract
equity and natural law, do not grant a
void or inexistent.
right of action to enforce their
performance, but after the voluntary Kinds of Obligation
fulfillment by the obligor, they authorize
Viewpoint of Sanction
the retention of what has been delivered
or rendered by reason thereof (Art. 1. Civil Obligations. There is
1423.) juridical tie between the
parties enforceable by court
Elements of Obligation
1. Active Subject. The active 2. Natural Obligations. There
subject is the oblige or creditor. is juridical tie between the
He is the possessor of a right. It parties which is not
is in his favor that the obligation enforceable by court action.
is constituted. He is the Voluntary fulfillment of
contracting party to whom the natural obligations by the
obligor owes an obligation. obligor produces legal effects
2. Passive Subject. The passive which the courts will
subject is the obligor or debtor. recognize and protect.
He has the duty of giving, doing, 3. Moral Obligations. There is
or not ding. He is the party who no juridical tie between the
is obligated to deliver on a parties. Voluntary fulfillment
promise or to undertake some act of moral obligations does not
of performance. produce any legal effect which
3. Object or Prestation. It is the courts will recognize and
subject matter of the obligation. protect.
The prestation may be to give, to
Viewpoint of Performance
do or not to do.
4. Efficient Cause. It is also known 1. Positive Obligation. The
as the vinculum juris or juridical obligor is obliged to give or to
tie. It is in this consideration that do something.
the obligation exists. 2. Negative Obligation. The
obligor is obliged not to give
or not to do something.
Illustration: Under an agreement, A
Viewpoint of Subject Matter
obliges himself to render tutorial
services to B. 1. Real Obligation. The
obligation consists in giving
Here, A is the obligor; B is the
obligee; the prestation is the
rendering of tutorial services; and
2. Personal Obligation. The Obligations ex lege are not
obligation consists in doing or presumed. The Civil Code and special
not doing something. laws are specific as to which
obligations are demandable. The
Viewpoint of Persons
rules set forth under special laws
Obligated to Perform
regulate obligations established
1. Unilateral Obligation. Only therein. Obligations not foreseen in
one party is bound in this the special laws, however, shall be
obligation. regulated by the provisions of Book
2. Bilateral Obligation. The two IV of the Civil Code, Obligations and
parties are mutually or Contracts.
reciprocally bound in this
If regarding an obligation ex lege,
there is a conflict between the new
ARTICLE 1157. Obligations arise Civil Code and a special law, the
from: latter prevails unless the contrary
has been expressly stipulated in the
(1) Law; new Civil Code (Art. 18.)
(2) Contracts;
(3) Quasi-contracts; Obligations Derived from Law
(4) Acts or omissions
Examples of obligations derived from
punished by law; and
law are the obligation of husband
(5) Quasi-delicts.
and wife to render mutual help and
Sources of Obligations support under the Family Code; and
the obligation of taxpayers to pay
1. Law (Art. 1158) – manifested in their taxes to the government under
the law the National Internal Revenue Code.
2. Contracts (Art. 1159) –
stipulations provided by the ARTICLE 1159. Obligations
contracting parties arising from contracts have the
3. Quasi-contracts (Art. 1160) – force of law between the
arises from voluntary, unilateral, contracting parties and should be
and lawful which are enforceable complied with in good faith.
in the end and that no person
Contract Defined
shall be unjustly enriched or
benefited at the expense of A contract is a meeting of minds
another. between two persons whereby one
4. Acts or omissions punished by binds himself, with respect to the
law (Art. 1161) other, to give something or to render
5. Quasi-delicts (Art. 1162) – some service.
arises from the damage caused
Freedom of Contract
by the person to the other th

ARTICLE 1158. Obligations

derived from law are not
presumed. Only those expressly
determined in this Code or in
special laws are demandable,
and shall be regulated by the
precepts of the law which
established them; and as to what
has not been foreseen, by the
provisions of this Book.
Obligations arising from contracts cannot be enforced or when there is
can be enforced between the no actual written or oral agreement.
contracting parties provided such Applying reasons of justice and
contract is not contrary to law. fairness, a court may obligate one
Although the contracting parties who has unfairly benefited at the
have the right to establish terms as innocent expense of another.
may be convenient to them, this
In a quasi-contract, there is no
right is limited. For a contract to be
meeting of the minds between two
valid, stipulations therein must not
persons. It may be distinguished
be contrary to law, morals, good
from a contract where there is
customs, public order, or public
mutual consent.
policy (Art. 1306.)
Two Principal Kinds of Quasi-
Contracting parties of a valid
contract must comply with its terms
and conditions in good faith. 1. Negotiorum Gestio
2. Solutio Indebiti
Illustration: A, borrower, agrees to
pay his debt to B. In their
agreement, they state that in case of
non-payment by A, A shall render
“free” service to B as B’s servant. Is Negotiorum Gestio
the obligation valid?
In this case, a person voluntarily
Here, A’s obligation to pay his debt takes charge of the agency or
to B is valid. However, A’s rendering management of the business or
of free domestic service to B in case property of another, without any
A fails to pay his debt to B is power or authority from the latter
contrary to law and morals as this (Art. 2144).
will result to slavery. The term “free”
(There must be NO PRE-EXISTING
indicates that the service shall be
contracts between the parties).
Here, there is unauthorized
ARTICLE 1160. Obligations
management. The power of the
derived from quasi-contracts
business or property must reimburse
shall be subject to the provisions
the officious manager necessary and
of Chapter 1, Title XVII, of this
useful expenses, and for the
damages which the manager may
Title XVII of Book IV deals with have suffered in the performance of
Extra-Contractual Obligations, under his duties (Art. 2150.)
which is Quasi-Contracts as Chapter
Illustration: A owns a three-hectare
strawberry farm in La Trinidad,
Quasi-Contract Defined Benguet. While on a three-day trip to
Hong Kong, a strong typhoon struck
Quasi-contract is the juridical the province. B, A’s long-time
relation that arises from certain neighbor, took the initiative of
lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts harvesting the fruits with the help of
to the end that no one shall be four other neighbors. He incurred
unjustly enriched or benefited at the total expenses of P3,000.00
expense of another (Art. 1160.)
A, here, has an obligation to
A quasi-contract can be imposed by reimburse B P3,000.00 on the
a court when someone is unjustly principle that no one must be
enriched. It is used when a contract
unjustly enriched at the expense of received or fruits which should have
another. been received. Furthermore, he shall
also be answerable for any loss or
In negotiorum gestio, once the
impairment of the thing from any cause,
officious manager has assumed the
and for damages to the person who
agency or management of the
delivered the
business or property, he is obliged to
thing, until it is recovered (Art. 2159.)
continue the same until the
termination of the affair and its
In quasi-contracts, the damages for
incidents (Art. 2144.) The officious
which the obligor who acted in good
manager shall perform his duties
faith is liable shall be those that are the
with all the diligence of a good father
natural and probable consequences of
of a family, and pay the damages
the breach of the obligation, and which
which through his fault or negligence
the parties have foreseen or could have
may be suffered by the owner of the
reasonably foreseen at the time the
property or business under
obligation was constituted, in case of
management (Art. 2145.)
fraud, bad faith, malice or wanton
Solutio Indebiti attitude, the obligor shall be responsible
for all damages which may be
In this case, a person receives reasonably attributed to the non-
something when he has no right to performance of the obligation (Art.
demand it. Here, there is undue 2201.)
payment or undue delivery resulting
from a mistake. Examples of Quasi-Contract
(There must be NO PRE-EXISTING
contracts between the parties). A quasì-contract is likewise created in
The recipient, therefore, is obliged to each of the following situations:
return the thing (Art. 2154.)
1. A third person who supports an
Illustration: A, a grocery cashier, is orphan, insane or other indigent person
supposed to give B, a customer, P40 as has a right to be reimbursed by the
change. A mistakenly gave B P400 person obliged to give support. This
instead. provision also applies to a person who
gives support to a child under eighteen
B here has an obligation to return the years of age when the child's father or
P360 excess change. This is based on mother unjustly refuses to support the
the principle that no one must be child (Art. 2166.)
unjustly enriched at the expense of
another. If B here did not return the 2. When through an accident or other
excess change, A cause, a person is injured or becomes
will have to cover the shortage with her seriously ill, and he is treated or helped
own money. B will be unjustly enriched while he is not in a condition to give
by P360 at the expense of A. consent to a contract, he shall be liable
to pay for the services of the physician
Liability in Case of Undue Payment or other person aiding him, unless the
or Delivery service has been rendered out of pure
generosity (Art. 2167.)
In an undue payment, the person who
accepts such payment in bad faith shall 3. When the government, upon the
be liable for legal interest; while in an failure of any person to comply with
undue delivery of a thing that produces health or safety regulations concerning
fruits, the person shall be liable for fruits property, undertakes to do the
necessary work, even over the person's
objection, such person shall be liable to means of fault (culpa). There is deceit
pay the expenses borne by the when the act is performed with
government (Art. 2168.) deliberate intent and there is fault when
the wrongful act results from
4. When in a small community a imprudence, negligence, lack of
majority of the inhabitants of age decide foresight, or lack of skill (Art.3.)
upon a measure for protection against A violation of the Revised is called a
lawlessness, fire, flood, storm or other felony while a violation of any other
calamity, any one who objects to the penal statute is called a crime. In
plan and refuses to contribute to the practice the two terms are used
expenses but is benefited by the project interchangeably.
as executed shall be liable to pay his When a Person Liable for Felony is
share of said expenses (Art. 2174.) Civilly Liable

5. Any person who is constrained to pay As a rule, every person liable for a
the taxes of another shall be entitled to felony is also civilly liable (Art. 100,
reimbursement from the latter (Art. Revised Penal Code.) This article merely
2175.) states a general rule. The general rule
that a person criminally liable is also
ARTICLE 1161. Civil obligations civilly liable stems from the fact that a
arising from criminal offenses shall crime does not only cause moral evil but
be governed by the penal laws, material damage as well. But not every
subject to the provisions of Article felony or crime carries with it a civil
2177, and of the pertinent provision liability. When a crime did not cause
of Chapter 2, Preliminary Title, on material damage, no civil action may be
Human Relations, and of Title XVII brought because there is no civil liability
of this Book, regulating damages. in the first place. Generally, crimes
against persons, property, and chastity
Rules Governing Obligation Ex result in civil liability.
Delicto or Ex Maleficio
Although the criminal aspect and the
1. Revised Penal Code (RPC) and other civil aspect of a particular crime are
penal laws, subject to the provisions of distinct in that the former affects social
Article 2177 of the Civil Code. Under Art. order while the latter private rights,
2177, in quasi-delicts, the responsibility these two are in a sense intertwined
for fault or negligence is entirely because the basis of civil liability is the
separate and distinct from the civil criminal liability itself. Another thing that
liability arising from negligence under distinguishes one aspect from the other
the Revised Penal Code. But the plaintiff is that in a criminal case, the purpose
cannot recover damages twice for the is to punish the offender while in a civil
same act or omission of the defendant. case, the purpose is to repair the
damage suffered by the aggrieved party.
2. Chapter 2. Preliminary Title of the
Civil Code, on Human Relations, Enforcement of Civil Liability

3. Title 18, Book IV of the Civil Code, on Generally, the following rules shall be
Damages observed in the enforcement of civil
liability arising from criminal offenses:
Felony and Crime Defined
1. Criminal and civil actions. When
Felony is an act or omission punishable the offended party institutes a criminal
by law. Felonies are committed not only action, a civil action arising from the
by means of deceit (dolo) but also by
same offense is impliedly instituted. of the profits which the obligee failed to
Here, the guilt of the offender as to the obtain (Art. 2200.)
crime committed must be proved
beyond reasonable doubt. However, the In crimes, the defendant shall be liable
offended party may expressly reserve for all damages which are the natural
his right to institute a separate civil and probable consequences of the act or
action. omission complained of. It is not
necessary that such damages have been
2. Independent civil action. The foreseen or could have reasonably been
offended party expressly reserving his foreseen by the defendant (Art. 2202.)
right to institute a separate civil action Interest, as a part of damages may, in a
may bring an independent civil action proper case, be adjudicated in the
during the pendency of the criminal discretion of the court. Interest due shall
case. Such civil action shall require only earn legal interest from the time it is
a preponderance of evidence. This judicially demanded, although the
applies to cases provided in Articles 31, obligation may be silent upon this point
32, 33, 34 and 2177 all of the Civil (Arts. 2211 and 2212.)
Code. Examples of independent civil
actions may be those for defamation, Illustration: A, B's newly-hired driver,
fraud and physical injuries. stole B's Sfarex van. A, on his way to
Pampanga to hide, bumped into a
What Civil Liability Arising from Tamaraw FX injuring the driver of said
Crime Includes FX.
The van's front bumper was smashed
1. Restitution. The restitution of the and damages amount to P20,000.
thing itself must be made whenever
possible, with allowance for any Should A be convicted, the court would
deterioration or diminution in value as most probably order him to return the
determined by the court. The thing itself car, pay the P20,000 damage, and he
shall be restored, even though it be may also be required to shoulder the
found in the possession of a third person repairs made on the FX, the
who has acquired it by lawful means, hospitalization expenses of the FX driver
saving to the after his action against the and such other damages as the court
proper person who may be liable to him may find justifiable by reason and as a
(Art. 105, Revised Penal Code.)(law of consequence of the crime
gain-based recovery)
Effect of Acquittal in a Criminal Case
2. Reparation of the damage caused.
The court shall determine the amount of A defendant in a criminal case was
damage, taking into consideration the acquitted. May he still be held liable
price of the thing, whenever possible, civilly? It depends on the basis of
and its special sentimental value to the acquittal, as follows:
injured party, and reparation shall be
made accordingly (Art. 10s.) 1. If the reason for the acquittal was
because the accused could not have
3. Indemnification for consequential committed the crime, no civil action can
damages. It shall include not only those be brought subsequently.
caused the injured party, but also those
suffered by his family or by a third 2. If there was an exempting
person by reason of the crime (Art. 107. circumstance for an acquittal as when
Revised Penal Code.) Indemnification for the accused-defendant is insane, his
damages shall comprehend not only the guardian is still civilly liable. He shall be
value of the loss suffered, but also that
personally liable civilly if he has no 4. Any person who acts under the
guardian or if his guardian is insolvent. compulsion of an irresistible force,

3. If a person is acquitted because guilt 5. Any person who acts under the
was not proven beyond reasonable impulse of an uncontrollable fear of an
doubt and there is an independent civil equal or greater injury.
action, civil liability may still arise and
the defendant's liability is proved by Let it be noted that these persons are
mere preponderance of evidence. exempt from criminal liability but not
from civil liability. Thus, this civil liability
shall be the responsibility of their
Effect of Defendant's Death Pending guardians whose care and authority they
Trial are under.

The death of the defendant in a criminal ARTICLE 1162. Obligations derived

case before final judgment does not from quasi-delicts shall be governed
extinguish his civil liability. The civil by the provisions of Chapter 2, Title
action shall be directed against the XVIl of this Book, and by special
administrator of the defendant’s estate. laws.
The heirs shall be the ones civilly liable
but such liability shall not exceed the Rules Governing Obligation Ex
value of their inheritance. Quasi-Delict

Damages Recoverable in Case of 1. Chapter 2, Title 17, Book IV of the

Death Civil Code
2. Special Laws
The amount of damages for death
caused by a crime or quasi- delict shall Quasi-delict is that fault or negligence
be at least three thousand pesos (Art. where a person causes damage to
2206.) This minimum amount has now another in the absence of a contractual
been raised to P50,000. In addition, the relation between the parties. In such
defendant shall be liable for the loss of case, the person at fault is obliged to
the earning capacity of the deceased, pay for the damage done. Quasi-delict is
moral damages and others as may be also known as tort or culpa aquiliana.
deemed necessary.
Negligence is the omission of that
Persons Exempt From Criminal diligence which is required by the nature
Liability of the obligation and corresponds with
the circumstances of the persons, of the
Under Article 12 of the Revised Penal time and of the place. If the law or
Code, the following persons are exempt contract does not state the diligence
from criminal liability: which is to be observed in the
performance, that which is expected of a
1. An imbecile or insane person. But if good father of a family shall be required
he acted during or lucid interval, then, (Art. 1173).
he may be held criminally liable.
To Determine Negligence
2. A person under 9 years old.
"The test in determining whether a
3. A person over 9 years old but below person is negligent... is this: Would a
15, But if he acted with discernment, prudent man (in his position) foresee
then, he may be held criminally liable. harm lo the person injured as a
reasonable consequence of the course
about to be pursued@ If so, the law The obligation arising from quasi-delict
imposes a duty on the actor to refrain is demandable not only for one's own
from that course, or to take precaution acts or omissions, but also for those of
against its mischievous results, and the persons for whom one is responsible.
failure to do so constitutes negligence. The following persons shall be civilly
Reasonable foresight of harm, followed liable:
by the ignoring of the admonition born
of this provision, is the constitute fact of 1. The father and, in case of his death or
negligence." (Picart v. Smith, 37 Phil. incapacity, the mother, are responsible
809.) for the damages caused by the minor
children who live in their company,
Illustration: X Corporation, softdrinks
manufacturer, released a batch of 2. Guardians are liable for damages
bottled softdrinks without passing the caused by the minors or incapacitated
Quality Control Department in order to peons who are under their authority and
meet production deadline. A consumer who live in their company,
after taking a bottle of softdrink from
said batch had severe stomach ache, 3. The owners and managers of an
was brought to a hospital and was establishment of enterprise for damages
diagnosed to have suffered liquid caused by their employees in the service
poisoning. The physician was positive of the branches in which the latter are
that the harmful chemical found in the employed or on the occasion of their
softdrink taken caused the same. functions,

In this case, there is an apparent 4. Employers shall be liable for the

negligence on the part of X Corporation damages caused by their employees and
because under the usual and normal household helpers acting within the
circumstances, all bottled softdrinks scope of their assigned tasks, even
manufactured should pass the Quality though the former are not engaged in
Control Department. any business or industry.

Manufacturers and processors of 5. The State when it acts through a

foodstuffs, drinks, toilet articles and special agent; but not when the damage
similar goods shall be liable for death or has been caused by the official to whom
injuries caused by any noxious or the task done properly pertains.
harmful substances used, although no
contractual relation exists between them 6. Teachers or heads of establishments
and the consumers (Art. 2187.) of arts and trades for damages caused
by their pupils and students or
Illustration: A owns a forty-year old apprentices, so long as they remain in
building in Sta. Cruz, Manila. The their custody.
building partially collapsed and a
pedestrian was hit and wounded.
The pedestrian must appropriately be
indemnified for the injuries he suffered. The responsibility of the enumerated
The proprietor of a building or structure persons shall cease if they can prove
is responsible for the damages resulting that they observed all the diligence of a
from its total or partial collapse, if it good father of a family to prevent
should be due to the lack of necessary damage (Art. 2180.)
repairs (Art. 2190).
Requisites to Civil Liability
Persons Civilly Liable
The plaintiff or the offended party in a 2. Civil Code provisions that primarily
civil action arising from quasi-delict must govern quasi-delicts merely repair
prove the following facts before he could damages sustained or incurred while the
recover damages from the defendant: Revised Penal Code and other penal laws
punish and correct criminal acts.
1. The fault or negligence of the
defendant. 3. Quasi-delicts include all acts in which
any kind of fault or negligence
2. The damage or injury suffered by the intervenes while crimes are punished
plaintiff only if there are laws that clearly cover
3. The direct relation between fault or
negligence of the defendant and the Article 1163. Every person obliged
damage suffered by the plaintiff. to give something is also obliged to
take care of it with the proper
Illustration: A was driving his car in a diligence of a good father of a family
highway at a speed above that required unless the law or the stipulations of
frequently beating the red light. His car the parties require another standard
collided with another. A was badly of care.

Here, A cannot recover damages from Specific or determinate thing

the other party in the collision because it
is his negligence which caused the Particularly designated or physically
accident. segregated of all of the same class. It is
Unless there is proof to the contrary, it indicated by its individuality. The debtor
is presumed that a person driving a cannot substitute the thing although of
motor vehicle has been negligent if at the same kind and quality without the
the time of the mishap, he was violating consent of the creditor.
any traffic regulation (Art. 2185.)
Generic or indeterminate thing
Kinds of Negligence Refers to the specie or genus to which it
pertains and need not to be pointed out
1. Culpa aquiliana or quasi-delict. In by its particularity. It is indicated by its
culpa aquilliana, the source of the specie or genus. The debtor can
obligation is negligence with no criminal substitute the thing as of the same class
intent. There may or may not be an as long as of the same kind.
existing contract.
Duties of the debtor in obligation to
2. Culpa contractual. In culpa deliver a specific thing
contractual, the source of the obligation 1. Preserve the thing with the
is the contract. There is negligence in proper diligence of a good father
carrying out the terms and conditions of a family.
under an existing contract. 2. Deliver the fruits of the thing.
3. Deliver the accession and
Quasi-Delict as Distinguished from 4. Deliver the thing itself.
Crime 5. Answer for damages in case of
non-fulfillment or breach.
1. Quasi-delict affects private interests
while crime, public interest. Duties of the debtor in obligation to
deliver a generic thing
1. To deliver a thing of which the Article 1165. When what is to be
quality intended by the parties delivered is a determinate thing, the
taking into the consideration and creditor, in addition to the right
purpose of the obligation and granted to him by Article 1170, amy
other circumstances. compel the debtor to make the
2. To be held liable for damages in deliver.
case of fraud, negligence, or
If the thing is indeterminate thing or
delay, in the performance of the
generic, he may ask that the
obligation, or the contravention
obligation be complied with at the
of the tenor thereof.
expense of the debtor.

If the obligor delays, or has

Article 1164. The creditor has a right promised to deliver the same thing
to the fruits of the thing from the to two or more persons who do not
time the obligation to deliver it have the same interest, he shall be
arises. However, he shall acquire no responsible for fortuitous event until
real right over it until the same has he has effected the delivery.
been delivered to him.
Remedies of creditor in real

Different kinds of fruits

The fruits mentioned by the law refer to 1. Specific real obligation (obligation
natural, industrial, and civil fruits. to deliver a determinate thing),
the creditor may exercise the
1. Natural fruits are the
following remedies or rights in
spontaneous products of the soil,
case the debtor fails to comply
and the young and other
with his obligation:
products of animals. (without
(a) Demand specific performance
intervention of human labor)
or fulfillment (if it is still
2. Industrial fruits are those
possible) of the obligation
produced by lands of any kind
with a right to indemnify for
through cultivation or labor.
damages; or
3. Civil fruits are those derived by
(b) Demand rescission or
virtue of a juridical relation.
cancellation (in certain cases)
Meaning of Personal Right and Real of the obligation also with a
Right right to recover damages; or
(c) Demand payment of damages
1. Personal right is the right or only, where it is the only
power of a person (creditor) to feasible remedy.
demand from another (debtor), 2. Generic real obligation (obligation
as a definite passive subject, the to deliver a generic thing), on the
fulfillment of the latter’s other hand, can be performed by
obligation to give, to do, and not a third person since the object is
to do. expressed only according to its
2. Real right is the right or interest family or genus. It is, thus, not
of a person over a specific thing necessary for the creditor to
(like ownership, possession, compel the debtor to make the
mortgage), without a definite delivery, although he may ask for
passive subject against whom the performance of the obligation.
right may be personally enforced.
Article 1166. The obligation to give
a determinate thing includes that of
delivering all its accessions and a. To have the obligation
accessories, even though they may performed by himself, or by
not have been mentioned. another, unless personal
considerations are involved,
at the debtor’s expense; and
Meaning of accessions and b. To recover damages.
accessories. 2. In case the obligation is done in
contravention of the terms of the
1. Accessions are the fruits of a same or is poorly done, it may be
thing or additions to or ordered (by the court upon
improvements upon a thing (the complaint) that it be undone if it
principal) is still possible to undo what was
2. Accessories are things joined to undone.
or included with the principal
thing for the latte’s Performance by a third person.
embellishment, better use, or
A personal obligation to do, like a real
obligation to deliver a generic thing, can
General Rule: All accessions and be performed by a third person. While
accessories are considered included in the debtor can be compelled to make
the obligation to deliver a determinate the delivery of a specific thing, a specific
thing although they may not have been performance cannot be ordered in a
mentioned. This rule is based on the personal obligation to do because this
principle of law that the accessory may amount to involuntary servitude
follows the principal. which, as a rule, is prohibited under our
Article 1167. If a person obliged to
do something fails to do it, the same Where, however, the personal
shall be executed at his cost. qualifications of the debtor are the
determining motive for the obligation
This same rule shall be observed if contracted (to sing in a night club), the
he does it in contravention of the performance of the same by another
tenor of the obligation. would be impossible or would result to
Furthermore, it may be decreed that be different that the obligation could not
what has been poorly done be be considered performed. Hence, the
undone. only feasible remedy of the creditor is
indemnification for damages. But where
Situations contemplated in Article
the obligation can still be performed at
the expense of the debtor
1. The debtor fails to perform an notwithstanding his failure or refusal to
obligation to do; do so, the court is not authorized to
2. The debtor performs an merely grant the damages to the
obligation to do but contrary to creditor.
the terms thereof; or
Article 1168. When the obligation
3. The debtor performs an
consists in not doing, and the
obligation to do but in poor
obligor does what has been
forbidden him, it shall also be
Remedies of creditor in positive undone at his expense.
personal obligation.
Remedies of creditor in negative
1. If the debtor fails to comply with personal obligation.
his obligation to do, the creditor
In an obligation not to do, the duty of
has the right:
the obligor is to abstain from an act.
Here, there is no specific performance. 1. Ordinary delay is merely the
The very obligation is fulfilled in not failure to perform an obligation
doing what is forbidden. Hence, in this on time.
kind of obligation the debtor cannot be 2. Legal delay or default or more is
guilty of delay. the failure to perform an
obligation on time which failure
As a rule, the remedy of the oblige is the
constitutes a breach of the
undoing of the forbidden things plus
damages. However, if it is not possible
to undo what was done, either physically Kinds of delay or default.
or legally, or because of the rights
1. Mora solvendi or the delay on
acquired by third persons who acted in
the part of the debtor to fulfill his
good faith, or for some other reason, his
obligation (to give or to do);
remedy is an action for damages caused
2. Mora accipiendi or the delay on
by the debtor’s violation of his
the part of the creditor to accept
the performance of the
Article 1169. Those obliged to obligations; and
deliver or to do something incur in 3. Compensatio morae or the
delay from the time the oblige delay of the obligors in reciprocal
judicially or extra-judicially obligation; the delay of the
demands from them the fulfillment obligor cancels the delay of the
of their obligation. obligee, and vice versa.

However, the demand by the

creditor shall not be necessary in
order that delay may exist:

1. When the obligation or the

law expressly so declares; pr
2. When from the nature and the
circumstances of the
obligation it appears that the
designation of the time when
the thing is to be delivered or
the service is to be rendered
was a controlling motive for
the establishment of the
contract; or
3. When demand would be
useless, as when the obligor
has rendered it beyond his
power to perform.

In reciprocal obligations, neither

party incurs in delay if the other
does not comply or is not ready to
comply in a proper manner with
what is incumber upon him. From
the moment one of the parties
fulfills his obligation, delay by the
other begins.

Meaning of delay.

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