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Social Studies o Clerical Labor

- Considered as the next higher in

Labor and Employment
order than manual labor
Labor - Done with physical effort but not as
great as that in manual labor
- Exertion of human effort to acquire an
o Labor of Management
- Managers of all kinds and types
- Human effort: physical and mental
o Professional Labor
Characteristics - Require sufficient training and
o Labor is perishable o Labor of Entrepreneur
- Labor incapable of being stored - The one who organizes the business
- Labor that is lost is lost forever and sees to it that the business
o Labor and the Individual are inseparable becomes stable
- Man working for wages cannot o Labor of Inventors
separate his physical self if he - Very important ingredient in
wants to enjoy the comforts of economic development is the
another room output of inventors
o Labor Supply does not change quickly
- Supply of labor increases as Supply of Labor
population grows
- Its is important to know the
- Labor cannot be made to increase
circumstances that affect their decision
to make labor available in the market
o Most employable persons do not like to
move Kinds
- People prefer to remain
o Market Activity
unemployed though there are
o Nonmarket Activity
higher demands somewhere else
- OFW Effect of the Wages Rate
Reasons o The Substitution effects
- Households will naturally find some
- Want to stay close to their family
time for nonmarket activities
- Not aware of the demand of their
o Income effect
services somewhere else
- Lack the required skill/s - When household wage is higher,
- Cannot afford the cost of moving more income will be able to the
from one place to another households for spending
- When households spends it money
Kinds of Labor on leisure or nonmarket activities,
there is less time for market
o Manual Labor
- Mostly involve the exertion of
o Backward-bending Labor Supply Curve
physical effort
- When households begin to have
- Use of brawn and muscles
sufficient income, labor supply
tends to decrease
- Wage earners reduce the time they o Unemployment
spend for work when they receive - Occurs when a person of working
high wages age, can and is willing to work,
cannot find work
Demand for Labor
 Output and Income Loss
Labor - Willing workers cannot find
- Factor for production that is required
- They are deprived of income
by business firms
- The economy cannot benefit
Business firms from the work they could have
- Sources of demand for labor  Deprecation of Human Capital
Quantity of Labor Demanded - Capability of work is referred to
as person’s human capital
- Total number of man hour/day hire by  Structural Unemployment
all firms in an economy - There are available and willing
The Real Wage Rate workers but their skills and
training are not what those
Real Wage business firms require
 Cyclical Unemployment
- Refer to the purchasing power of a
- When the demand for workers
given nominal (or money) wage
is less than the supply
Nominal Wage Rate o Inadequate Wages
- Causes
- The amount in pesos paid to a worker
 Inflation
for a unit of work
 Lack of Skills
 Too many dependents
o Industrial and Labor Management
- Strikes and lockouts are actions that
bring misery to both employer and
o Economic Insecurities
- Workers worry about having a
permanent source of income

Investments in Human Capital

The Labor Demand Curve
o Education
- A factor that is brought just like any - Provided to the individual
commodity - usually before employment
- Price depends of the quantity o Training
demanded - Done when the person is already
Theories of Employment o Spreading of multiculturalism, better
individual access to cultural diversity,
o Classical Theory
some reduction in diversity
- Employment states that
o Greater international travel and tourism
employment increases at lower
o Greater immigration and illegal
- Further claims that widespread
o Development of telecommunications
unemployment could be caused
only by stubborn refusal of workers
o Development of global financial
to accept low enough wages
Globalization o Increase in the share of the world
economy controlled by multinational
- Term used to describe the changes in
societies and the world economy that
o Increased role of international
are results of a dramatically increased
organizations that deal with
trade and cultural exchange
international transactions (WTO, WIPO,
- Refers to the effects of trade,
particularly, trade liberalization
o Increase in the number of standards
- “Free trade” – liberal
applied globally ex. Copyright laws
o Formation of a global village
- Closer contact between different Globalization in the Philippines
parts of the world
- Increasing possibilities of personal o Taking part in globalization ever since
exchange, mutual understandings they signed with World Trade
and friendship between “world Organization (WTO) in 1995
citizens” o Globalization is very effective in the
o Economic globalization Philippines
- “free trade” and increasing o Allowed major changes like
relations among members of the - More labor
industry in different parts of the - More Filipino and foreign
world companies
- Globalization of an industry

Signs of Globalization

o Increase in the international trade

o Increase in international flow of capital
including foreign direct investment
o Greater transborder data flow using
such technologies
o Greater international cultural exchange
o Terrorism even has undergone

o Peaceful relations
- Countries resorted to trade to quota on the import/export of
boost their economies leaving bitter goods or services from other
pasts countries
o Employment - Allows consumers to buy goods and
- On of the most crucial advantage services, comparatively at a lower
- Has led to generations of multiple cost
job/employment opportunities o Travel and tourism
- Companies and moving toward - Globalization has promoted tourism
developing countries to acquire to great heights
labor force o External Borrowing
o Education - There is an opportunity for
- Critical advantage corporate, national, sub-national
- Numerous educational institutions borrowers to have better access to
around the globe external finance, with facilities such
- Can leave home country for better as external commercial borrowing
opportunities elsewhere and syndicated laws
o Product quality
- Has been enhanced to retain
customers o Health Issues
o Cheaper prices - New threats and challenges for
- Globalization has brought in fierce epidemics
competitions in the market - Dawn of HIV/AIDS, started in Africa,
- Good quality, cheap price, more spread like wildfire around the
customers world
o Communication - Food items transported to various
- Information is easily accessible countries are a concern, especially
- Direct access to information and perishable items
products o Loss of Culture
- Circulation of information is no - People may adapt to the culture of
longer tedious task resident countries
o Transportation - Tend to follow foreign culture
- Wheel of every businesses more, forgetting their roots
- Connectivity to various parts of the - Can give rise to cultural conflicts
world is no longer a problem o Uneven wealth distribution
- Easier to deliver products to - Rich are getting richer, poor are
customers from around the world getting poorer
o GDP Increase - Globalization has not helped solve
- Gross Domestic Product poverty
- Money final of goods and services o Environment degradation
within the domestic territory of a - Industrial evolution has changed
country during an accounting year the outlook the economy
o Free trade - Industries are using natural
- A policy in which a country does not resources by means of mining,
levy taxes, duties, subsidies, or drilling, ect.
- Puts a burden on the environment - recognized that the Goals are all inter-
o Disparity connected, in a system
- Globalization has opened new - cannot aim to achieve just one Goal, we
avenues must achieve them all
- There still exists a disparity in the
developing of the economies
- Structural unemployment owes to - it is widely recognized that achieving
the disparity in the development of these Goals involves making very big,
countries fundamental changes in how we live on
- Developed countries are moving Earth
their industries to foreign countries
17 SDGs
where labor is cheaply available
o Conflicts #1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
- Given rise to terrorism and other
forms of violence #2: End hunger, achieve food security and
- Causes human life and economic improved nutrition and promote sustainable
loss agriculture
o Cut-throat competition #2: End hunger, achieve food security and
- Intense competition improved nutrition and promote sustainable
- Affected the local markets agriculture
- Local players lack the potential to #2: End hunger, achieve food security and
advertise or export products on a improved nutrition and promote sustainable
large scale agriculture
- Thereby locals suffer losses greatly #5: Achieve gender equality and empower
- Therefore domestic market shrinks women and girls
SDGs #6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for
Sustainable Development Goals all

- 17 set goals for the world’s future, #7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable,
through 2030 sustainable and modern energy for all
- Backed up with a set of 169 targets #8: Promote inclusive and sustainable
- Negotiated over a two-year period at economic growth, employment and decent
the United Nations work for all
- Agreed to nearly all nations on Sept. 25
#9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote
Universality sustainable industrialization and foster
- Goals apply to every nation and sector innovation
- Cities, businesses, schools, and #10: Reduce inequality within and among
organizations are all challenged to act countries
Integration #11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and
#12: Ensure sustainable consumption and
production patterns

#13: Take urgent action to combat climate

change and its impacts

#14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans,

seas and marine resources

#15: Sustainably manage forests, combat

desertification, halt and reverse land
degradation, halt biodiversity loss

#16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive


#17: Revitalize the global partnership for

sustainable development

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