Group Work p1 p4

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Group work is carried out at every lecture. Students need working as teams and
fulfill the requirements of each lecture. Result of the group work will be
accounted for the grades of the attendance (10%) and group work (20%).
Group work – P1
Each group is required to find a product or a service and apply the knowledge
learned from the Mapping of the innovation process (Bruno Van Pottelsberghe,
2007) to describe and explain how the product or service has been created.
Provide comments!
Group work – P2
Each group needs to define a project with the objective of building a new
product or service. The project description should be straightforward to
understand and help readers identify the goal that your group would like to
solve. Your group should provide any assumption and all constraints to the
project. You also need to identify all key stakeholders involved in your project
and analyze their priority. Provide a detail description about your project.
Note: Your group should choose an existing product/ service and create a
project to improve its functionalities or quality.
Group work – P3
Based on the group work in P2, each group should apply the Pareto tool, the
cause and effects diagram, and identify the area that the project should be
focused on to improve the project’s functionalities or quality. You must build
up a project organization with clearly defined roles to manage the project
effectively. Each group should provide a project plan (WBS; a list of work-
packages with descriptions and durations; a Gantt chart; a resource list; and a
budget table. For effective plan, your group should define each work package
clearly with its associated inputs, resources, and outputs.
Group work – P4
To manage your project effectively, you should also define a scheme to control
the project's progress (How often do you carry out the EVM?). Make a report to
show the progress of your project. Based on the project's progress, estimate the
project's cost and duration at the completion.

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