Be Intentional Life App Lesson Dec 2022

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Be Intentional: Lionhearted

Daniel 6
Life Application December 2022

I. Lesson Objective
1. Obeserve and analyze how Daniel remained intentional in an oppressive and chaotic
2. Reflect and discuss how we can be intentional in our own lives in a way that glorifies

II. Historical and Contextual Background

Author: The prophet Daniel is the writer of the book of Daniel. Daniel was born into the royal
family and was of noble birth (Dan. 1:3, 6). He was physically attractive and mentally sharp
(Dan. 1:4). He was a young man when he was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar.

Date: The book of Daniel was written in the sixth century B.C. by Daniel who lived during its

Background: Nebuchadnezzar led Babylon against Egypt in the Battle of

Carchemish. Egypt was defeated, and Carchemish was destroyed by the Babylonians. While
pursuing the defeated Egyptians Nebuchadnezzar expanded his territorial conquests southward
into Syria and eventually into Palestine and attacked Jerusalem. It was on this occasion that
Daniel and his companions were taken to Babylon as captives. This enslavement sets the scene
for the major purposes of the book which are:

♦ Daniel’s exemplary personal dedication and his intentionality in his relationship

with God (Dan. 1) Daniel demonstrates to other deportees how a follow of God
should live in a heathen society.
♦ The book emphasizes God’s sovereign authority over Gentile nations, how He
establishes and deposes kings and empires to serve His purpose.
♦ The book gives an example of God’s faithfulness to His covenant people in
protecting and preserving them even though they were under divine discipline for
their disobedience. God does not cast off His covenant people; He deals patiently
with them to bring them to blessing.

III. General Overview of the Passage

Once Daniel began to distinguish himself through his noble character, ability to interpret
and provide wise counsel he was favored by the King to rule over the entire Kingdom.
Daniel’s haters also took note of his progress and approval from the King and devised a
plan to sabotage Daniel’s future. However, there was nothing wrong they could accuse
him of in regard to receiving this once in a lifetime promotion. Daniel was not corrupt,
negligent, unfaithful in his servitude or treasonous at heart yet the commissioners and
satraps still intended on colluding against him. This time Daniel’s political peers decided
to weaponize Daniel’s love for God against him.

The commissioners and satraps' bait and switch plan is simple:

1. Get King Darius to feel the satisfaction of being idolized

2. Convince King Darius to mandate worship of the king to maximize his satisfaction and
reverence of his subjects within the kingdom. Whoever chooses to worship any other God
would be sentenced to the Lion’s Den to die
3. Legally challenge the integrity, intentionality and dedication Daniel by commanding
him to either bow before his God or King Darius
4. If Daniel bows before King Darius in worship, he denies his God and lives without his
integrity. If Daniel refuses to worship King Darius by worshiping God, he dies in a
Lion’s den and can no longer rule in the Kingdom.

Daniel’s response to the edict of King Darius demonstrated how we can be intentional
with God in stressful situations:

I. Prioritize prayer (Dan. 6:10)

1. Set aside time(s) a day where you talk to God
2. Find time and space to be still and receive what Holy Spirit puts on your heart
II. Consistent devotional time (Dan. 6:10)
1. Study God’s word so that He may reveal His will through his written word
III. Remain thankful (Dan. 6:10)
IV. Engage in righteous rebellion (Dan. 6:10)
1. Resist statutes and ideologies that don’t line up with the word of God
2. Practice the spiritual disciplines of fasting, prayer and meditation just as Daniel
3. Allow the character and authority of the Lord to be your confidence

Daniel’s opposers witness his intentional and consistent devotion to God and relay the
message back to King Darius who was distressed to hear Daniel violated the law. King
Darius did all he could to rescue Daniel but ultimately could not break the law himself, so
Daniel was sentenced to suffer and die in the Lion's den. However, King Darius had
hoped about Daniel’s deliverance from the Lion’s Den coming directly from the Lord. At
the top of the morning King Darius rushes to the den and is amazed to see Daniel alive
and unharmed! Our God demonstrated his authority over people, ideologies and systems
of government! Daniel cites God as the source of his deliverance from the jaws of death
by sending an angel to shut the mouth of the lion’s den. Daniel once again pleads his
innocence which is evident which reveals the guilt of his accusers and they are sentenced
along with their families to suffer the same fate they intended for Daniel.
On account of Daniel’s divine deliverance from death king Darius not only believes in
Daniel’s innocence but also in his God and commands the entire nation to worship The
Lord. King Darius declares that the Lord has dominion over every earthly kingdom and
creature and should be worshipped as the one true God.

III. Life Application Points

We learn several noteworthy things from Daniel’s miraculous escape from the
Lion's Den about the character of God and his provision for those who are intentional:

1. God is sovereign over all things and will get his glory in the end
2. God responds favorably to those who trust him in difficult circumstances
3. God will allow the suffering and eventual deliverance of his people to be a
demonstration of his ability and character to both believers and non-believers
4. We must be intentional with our time and actions in moments of trouble by
prioritizing our time with God and righteousness over worry, doubt and fear
5. Live righteously in such a way that other people’s hate and accusations have no

IV. The Living Way

1. What are the biggest external (outside of your own desires and will) challenges that
make is difficult to be intentional in your walk with God? Why are those things
challenging? Have you considered the presence of internal challenges that exasperate or
even initiate the external challenges?
*For example: Lust, which originates from within is carried out through watching
pornography (James 1:14-15) *

2. How did you prioritize devotional time with God this week? How has God revealed
himself to through this time?

3. Is it necessary for God to use pain as the means of accomplishing his purposes? Why
does God typically allow/use suffering the suffering of his people demonstrate his
character, ability and will?

4. Scripture doesn’t give us Daniel’s response to those that wanted him dead but we know
he did not retaliate against enemies. What is the value of just focusing on what God is
doing through us regardless of what someone does to us? Consider Romans 12:19-21.

5. Do you believe someone can unintentionally grow spiritually? If so, where

could you find a biblical example of this? If not, then what must occur in the life of a
believer to pursue God and develop spiritually? Consider Romans 12:1-2 and Matthew
6. Since we understand that self-denial, bearing burdens with a grateful heart and
pursuing Christ take time, attention and energy how are we equipped with the strength to
live godly? Consider Phil. 4:13 and Romans 8:28-29 and Gal. 6:2;9-10.

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