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Conceptual Chemistry
Chapter 3: Elements of Chemistry
Physical and Chemical Changes

1. What distinguishes a chemical change from a physical change?

2. Based upon observations alone, why is distinguishing a chemical change from a physical
change not always so straightforward?

Try your hand at categorizing the following processes as either chemical or physical changes.
Some of these examples are debatable! Be sure to discuss your reasoning with fellow classmates
or your instructor.
(circle one)

3. A cloud grows dark ------------------------------------------------------------- chemical physical

4. Leaves produce oxygen------------------------------------------------------- chemical physical

5. Food coloring is added to water-------------------------------------------- chemical physical

6. Tropical coral reef dies-------------------------------------------------------- chemical physical

7. Dead coral reef is pounded by waves into beach sand--------------- chemical physical

8. Oil and vinegar separate------------------------------------------------------ chemical physical

9. Soda drink goes flat------------------------------------------------------------ chemical physical

10. Sick person develops a fever----------------------------------------------- chemical physical

11. Compost pit turns into mulch----------------------------------------------- chemical physical

12. A computer is turned on----------------------------------------------------- chemical physical

13. An electrical short melts a computer’s integrated circuits----------- chemical physical

14. A car battery runs down----------------------------------------------------- chemical physical

15. A pencil is sharpened-------------------------------------------------------- chemical physical

16. Mascara is applied to eyelashes------------------------------------------ chemical physical

17. Sunbather gets tan lying in the sun--------------------------------------- chemical physical

18. Invisible ink turn visible upon heating------------------------------------ chemical physical

19. A light bulb burns out--------------------------------------------------------- chemical physical

20. Car engine consumes a tank of gasoline-------------------------------- chemical physical

21. B vitamins turn urine bright yellow---------------------------------------- chemical physical

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