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How to use this Playbook:

Welcome, PowerPoint enthusiasts!

Within this Playbook, you'll discover a wealth of tutorials and step-by-step

guides on creating interactive PowerPoint presentations. We'll explore
various techniques, both leveraging PowerPoint's built-in interactive
elements and utilizing PowerPoint add-ins. You will learn ways to make
your PowerPoint interactive through:

• Infusing movement and animations into static objects

• Incorporating annotations
• Navigating non-linear slide transitions
• Infusing dynamic flair into data reveals and presentations
• Conducting quizzes and polls seamlessly within PowerPoint
• Running engaging games right from your slides
• Establishing two-way interactions with your audience
• Bitmoji presentations

And more!

In this playbook, we will take a deep dive into two main dimensions of
PowerPoint interactivity: interaction with slide content and interaction with
audience. We’ll unveil the secrets that will elevate you to the status of a
true PowerPoint Pro by sharing with you a plethora of methods, tricks, and
techniques to transform your PowerPoint presentations into immersive
experiences through transitions, animations, hyperlinks, annotations,
quizzes, games, and so much more.

Whether you're an educator seeking to supercharge student engagement

or a trainer and speaker aiming to take your presentation skills to
professional heights, this playbook serves as your gateway. It will not only
enhance your presentations but also transform them into captivating and
influential experiences that set you apart as a master of the craft.

PowerPoint Animations 4
Table of Motion Path Animation 5
Emphasis Animations 6
Contents Character Animations
Progress Bar Simulation
PowerPoint Timer Animations 10
Handwriting Effect 13
3D Animations 14

PowerPoint Triggers & Pop-Ups 15

PowerPoint Transitions 17
Transitions: PowerPoint Zoom 18
Transitions: PowerPoint Morph 20

PowerPoint Hyperlinks 28

Interactive Data Visualization 31

Using PPT Animations 31
Using Triggers 32

PowerPoint Annotations 34

PowerPoint Quizzes 36
PowerPoint Assessments 38
Interactive Brainstorming 39
Collaborative Multimedia Uploading 40

PowerPoint Games 41
Gamification Basics 41
Trivia Games 43
Family Feud Games 45
Jeopardy Games 49
Wheel of Fortune Games 53
Classroom Games & Quests 56

Interactive PowerPoint Bitmoji 59

Resources & Conclusion 62

PowerPoint Animations

PowerPoint Animation Cheat Sheet

Here is a PowerPoint animation cheat sheet for you to get started in your journey of
creating interactive PowerPoint presentations:

PowerPoint animations are more than just making bullet points or images appear
or fly in during your presentation. Below is a list of cool and unconventional ways to

add interactivity to your PowerPoint presentations and draw your audience's
attention the way you want through animations:

A. Guide Audience’s Focus More Effectively with Motion Path

Use custom animation like “Motion Path” to guide your audience’s attention or
teach things in motion like planet orbiting in the solar system.

1. Select the object you’d like to animate.
2. Go to Animations > Path Animation on Mac or Animations > Motion Path on
Windows. Select the Motion Path animation that suits your presentation and
apply the animation.

3. Adjust the Motion Path by selecting “Edit Points”.

B. Object Emphasis with PowerPoint Emphasis Animations
Use emphasis animation effects like "Grow/Shrink", “Pulse” or colour changing
animations like “Complementary Colour” to images or objects, and text emphasis
animations like “Underline” or “Brush Colour” to draw emphasis during presentation.

1. Select the object you’d like to animate.

2. Go to Animations > Emphasis Animations and select the emphasis

animation effects that suit your presentation and apply the animation. In our
case, we used Grow/Shrink to draw emphasis on the key features mentioned.

C. Character Animations with Motion Path or PowerPoint Morph
If you're telling a story or conveying a narrative, use character animations to
simulate character movements or actions in your slides. For instance, make a
character walk across the screen using custom animation like “Motion Path”. You
can also get creative by making duplicating the characters in your slides and make
adjustments to their position, posture or expressions, then use PowerPoint “Morph”
to simulate change in expression or movement. Read more about PowerPoint
Morph in the coming section.

Steps to animate characters in PowerPoint using Motion Path:

1. Add your character to PowerPoint Slides. You can create your own or create
one on Bitmoji from or Snapchat.

2. Use motion path animations to add movement to the character. Go to
Animations > Path Animation on Mac or Animations > Motion Path on
Windows. In our case, we used Draw Scribble for full customizability.

3. Adjust the motion path direction as needed by right clicking and selecting
“Edit Points”.

D. Progress Bar with “Wipe” Animation
“Wipe” animation is suitable for creating progress bars or loading screens that
show the progress of your presentation or inform the audience when your
presentation will start.

1. Create two rectangles stacked on top of one another. Use distinct colours for
the two rectangles so you can tell them apart

2. Apply “Wipe” animation to the rectangle on top.

3. Set the animation to the desired duration.

E. PowerPoint Timers using PowerPoint Animations
You can use animations like “Spin”, “Disappear” and “Fly Out” to simulate a real-life
countdown clock.

Bar Countdown Timer

1. Create 2 Rectangles and stack them together. Make sure to use distinct
colours for both rectangles as well so they can be told apart from one

2. Select the top rectangle and add animations to it. On the Animations tab, go
to Exit Animations and select Fly Out.

3. Configure the effect options to: properties: to left, and the timing options to:
start: on click, duration: 60 seconds (or your desired countdown period).

Disappearing Clock Timer

1. Start by creating five squares and text boxes containing the numbers 5
through 1. These will be animated to vanish sequentially, with one-second
intervals between each disappearance. You can duplicate the shapes and
text boxes easily with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D.

2. Group the individual squares and numbers.

3. On the Animations tab, go to Exit Animations and select Disappear. Repeat
Step #3 for the remaining rectangles containing the numbers 4, 3, 2, and 1.

4. Go to Animation Pane and adjust the setting. Set the number 5 group to
“Start on Click” and set the duration and delay to 1 second.
5. Repeat Step #5 for all other rectangles, progressing from 4 to 1. Configure
the timing to: Start: After Previous, Duration: Auto, and Delay: 01:00.

Creating A Clock Countdown Timer

1. Create the clock base, and add numbers to the outer rim of the clock.
Depending on your desired clock functionality, you can include numbers at
intervals of 1, 5, 15, or 60. In our scenario, we intend for the clock to operate as
a 1-minute countdown timer, thus we integrated numbers as seconds at 15-
second intervals.

2. Add animations to the clock. On the Animations tab, go to Animations and

select Spin.

3. Configure the effect options to: 360 degree full spin clockwise, and the timing
options to: start: on click, duration: 60 seconds (or your desired countdown

F. Handwriting Effect Using “Ink Replay” or Wipe” Animation
Sometimes you may want to make your PowerPoint slides more dynamic by
animating the annotations, simulate handwriting effect. Here is how you can
create a handwriting effect in PowerPoint:

1. Annotate your slides in Edit mode using PowerPoint “Draw”. You can access
PowerPoint “Draw” in the PowerPoint ribbon.

2. Go to Animations, select “Wipe” or “Ink Replay”. Each of them provide a

slightly different effect. Among the two, Ink Replay provides a more realistic
handwriting effect.

G. 3D Animations
Did you know that PowerPoint has free animated 3D models you can use?
You can access them by heading to Insert > 3D models > stock 3D models >
animated models. The 3D animated models come with their own animations. You
can modify the animation styles by heading to Animations > Model Animations.

On top of that, there are a couple PowerPoint animations associated with these 3D
models, which can be used to further enhance the existing 3D animation effects:
• Arrive: This animation effect makes a 3D model appear as if it is emerging
or arriving onto the slide from a specific direction or location.
• Turntable: This animation effect rotates a 3D model as if it was placed on a
turntable or revolving platform. This animation adds a dynamic spinning or
turning motion to the object. It is great when you want to present a 360-
degree view of the model.
• Swing: This animation effect makes a 3D model swing back and forth,
mimicking the motion of a pendulum or a swing.
• Jump Turn: This animation effect makes a 3D model appear as if it's jumping
off the slide, spinning, and then landing back on the slide.

8 quick and easy PowerPoint

animations to use in any lessons

PowerPoint Triggers & Pop-Ups

You can take your PowerPoint animations up a notch by combining animations

with triggers to create interactive pop-up effects with extra information. These
interactive pop-ups are valuable when presenting a map or when you want to
explore specific aspects of an object or topic in more detail. You can also use these
pop-ups as markers to alert the audience to exciting elements within different
parts of the slide.

1. Add A Clickable Shape to an Image: After inserting a background image,
add a shape that will become the clickable button.
2. Add Text and Close Button: Add text you want to show when the button is
clicked and a cross sign to remove the pop-up when clicked.

3. Labelling: Make sure to label each item for easier reference later. Go to
Format > Selection Pane and rename the clickable button to “open button”,
and the cross to “close button”.

4. Add Animations: Select all items and add the animation effect “Fade” as
both entrance and exit animations.

5. Add Triggers: Select the entrance animations and click Trigger > On Click of >
Open button. And then select the exit animations and click Trigger > On Click
of > Close button.

PowerPoint Transitions

Having explored how animations bring individual objects to life within a slide, we
will now delve into using PowerPoint transitions to create non-linear slide transition
for a more interactive and exciting presentation experience. We will explore
PowerPoint Zoom and Morph, both powerful PowerPoint tools to allow presenters to
design captivating non-linear journeys and seamlessly guide their audience
through intricate visual stories.

PowerPoint Zoom

PowerPoint Zoom empowers presenters to navigate their slides in a non-

chronological order, seamlessly jumping from one point in the presentation to the
next and present like storytellers. More specifically, it enables you to zoom in and
out of and navigate to specific sections or slides on click, anytime during your

To access the PowerPoint Zoom feature, go to PowerPoint ribbon > Zoom > then
choose Slide, Section, or Summary Zoom.

Each of these PowerPoint Zoom option serves slightly different functions.

• Slide Zoom: zooms into specific slides
• Section zoom: zooms into specific sections
• Summary Zoom: creates a summary slide for the different slides or sections
in your PowerPoint presentation for easy navigation.

PowerPoint Slide Zoom

When to use Slide Zoom?

Slide Zoom, as the name suggests, allows you to create links and “zoom in” on the
content of another slide without following the traditional slide-to-slide progression.
This comes in especially handy when you want to direct your audience’s attention
to a particular image, chart, or piece of information on a slide instantly.

Steps to set up Slide Zoom:

1. Select the Main Starting Slide: Select the starting slide where you wish to
implement the Zoom effect.
2. Access the Slide Zoom Feature: Next, click Insert > Zoom > Slide Zoom. Here, you
can pick the specific slide or slides you want to zoom in on. Click the Insert button,
and thumbnails of the chosen slides will be added to your current slide.
3. Rearrange the Thumbnails: Adjust the placement and order of the thumbnails
on your slide to align with your design and layout preferences.

Section Zoom
When to use Section Zoom?
While Slide Zoom allows you to zoom into one slide at a time, Section Zoom allows
you to zoom into a specific section containing multiple related slides of your
presentation. This is especially helpful for longer presentations or presentations
with multiple topics.

Steps to set up Section Zoom:
1. Select the Main Starting Slide: Select the starting slide where you wish to
implement the Zoom effect.
2. Access the Section Zoom Feature: Next, click Insert > Zoom > Section Zoom. Then
choose the sections you would like to Zoom into and click Insert. The thumbnails of
the first slide of each section will appear in your current slide.
3. Rearrange the Thumbnails: Rearrange the thumbnails on your slide to match
your design and layout.

Summary Zoom

When to use Summary Zoom?

The third and final PowerPoint Zoom feature is Summary Zoom. It lets you create a
summary or overview slide that acts as a hub for your presentation. It is perfect for
those times when you want to give your audience a quick recap or provide them
with a visual roadmap of your presentation.

Steps to set up Summary Zoom:

1. Select the Main Starting Slide: Select the starting slide where you wish to
implement the Zoom effect.
2. Access the Summary Soon Feature: To use PowerPoint Summary Zoom,
click Insert > Zoom > Summary Zoom. This will create a new slide that displays a
summary of your presentation, with thumbnails of each slide.
3. Customize Appearance: You can customize the appearance of the Summary
Zoom slide by selecting the Format tab. Here, you can choose from various layouts,
fonts, and colors to make the slide visually appealing and aligned with your
presentation’s theme.

PowerPoint Zoom Tutorial

PowerPoint Morph

Like PowerPoint Zoom, PowerPoint Morph empowers presenters to create dynamic

transitions that elevate the visual storytelling in their presentations. But PowerPoint
Morph brings storytelling to a whole new level and adds a layer of intrigue to your
slides by simulating object transitions or evolution across slides. It functions
similarly to animations but offers a smoother and more organic visual experience,
without the need for complex setup steps.

What does PowerPoint Morph do?

PowerPoint Morph enhances storytelling and design by creating fluid movement
between different elements as you transition from one slide to the next, making
presentations more engaging and dynamic. The applications of PowerPoint Morph
go beyond creating smooth slide transitions.

Here is a list of cool effects you can create with PowerPoint Morph, contributed by
our colleagues and PowerPoint professionals at ClassPoint:

Timeline Moving background

Split text Rotating wheel

Rotating cogs Photo gallery

Slide Zoom with Morph Creative reveal

Zoom focus Parallax effect

Continuous slide transition Phone frame

Movie frame Netflix

* Download Free templates for each of these PowerPoint Morph effects at

the Resource section of this Interactive PowerPoint playbook.

Steps to Create a Simple PowerPoint Morph Effect:
1. Create Your First Slide: It could be an image, or a shape. The first slide will
serve as the initial position of your animation.

2. Duplicate the Slide: Duplicate the first slide. The second slide will serve as
the second position or frame of your animation. Make some adjustments to
the position and size of the elements in your slide.

3. Click Morph: Then, go to Transition in your PowerPoint ribbon > Morph. And
you will see the elements on your slides moving or morphing from Position 1
to Position 2.

PowerPoint Morph Tutorial

Advanced PowerPoint Morph

For a more advanced Morph transition look, you can consider using 3D animated
models, or customized shapes.

3D Morph Using 3D Animated Models

3D Morph animations operate using the same principle as regular Morph, the only
difference being that the target object to be morphed would be the 3D animated

Steps to Create a 3D Morph Effect:

1. Create Your First Slide: Add a 3D animated model in your first slide. You can
access free PowerPoint 3D animated models by heading to Insert > 3D
models > stock 3D models > animated models. The first slide will serve as the
initial position of your animation.

2. Duplicate the Slide: Duplicate the first slide. The second slide will serve as
the second position or frame of your animation. Make some adjustments to
the 3D position and size of the 3D model in your slide.

3. Click Morph: Then, go to Transition in your PowerPoint ribbon > Morph.

PowerPoint 3D Morph Tutorial

Pro tip: For more customizability and versatility, try ClassPoint’s Draggable Objects in
replacement of PowerPoint morph to drag objects freely in slideshow mode.

Morph Using Customized Shapes
Applying PowerPoint Morph to shapes can create a more seamless transition look
from one phase to the next.

Steps to Create a Customized Morph Effect:

1. Create Your First Slide: Add PowerPoint shapes or SVG format images
converted into PowerPoint shapes.
Pro Tip: Convert Images into SVG format files by right clicking on the image
and saving it as SVG format.

2. Duplicate the Slide: Duplicate the first slide.

3. Edit Shape: Make some adjustments to the shapes. Right click on the shapes
and click “Edit Points” to adjust and customize the shapes.

4. Labelling: Go to Format > Selection Pane and label the same shape you
intend to morph across different slides and rename the shapes using the
same term and add '!!' at the front. For example, if you want to illustrate the

evolution of a circle into a square and then into a star, you can name all
these shapes '!!Shape1.'

5. Click Morph: Then, go to Transition in your PowerPoint ribbon > Morph.

Witness PowerPoint Morph work its magic instantly, producing a smoother
and more natural transition.

Bonus: Creating Flip Card Effect Using Morph

Steps to Create a More Realistic Flip Card Animation:

1. Create two flip cards, one for the front side and the other for the back side.

2. Select both and go to Shape Format > 3D Rotation > Perspective: Front.

3. Stack the two flip cards on top of each other.

4. Right click on the top flip card (back view) to open up the Shape Format
panel, click 3D Rotation and input 180 degrees in the X Rotation field.

5. Right click the back view flip card and send to back.
6. Duplicate the slide.
7. Right click on the top flip card (front view)to open up the Shape Format panel,
click 3D Rotation and input 180 degrees in the X Rotation field.

8. Right click the front view flip card and send to back.
9. Right click on the top flip card (back view)to open up the Shape Format
panel, click 3D Rotation and input 359 degrees in the X Rotation field.

10. Click on the second slide and head over to Transitions > Morph to apply the
PowerPoint Morph effect.

PowerPoint Hyperlinks

Ways You Can Add Hyperlinks to PowerPoint

1. Slide Transition
You can navigate to specific slides in a non-linear manner by simply
inserting a hyperlink into your current slide. You can apply hyperlinks to text,
shapes, or pictures.

How? Select the shape or text you want to add hyperlink to and click Insert >
Link and select the option: Link to This Document, and choose the specific
slide you want to link to from this list. Be sure to use visually distinct shapes
and colours so you can easily tell them apart from other elements in the

2. Interactive Navigation Menu

Adding an interactive navigation menu at the beginning of your
presentation allows clear navigation between different slides and sections
in your presentation.

How? First design a navigation menu slide, add shapes or text boxes for
each section or destination you want to add link to. Then select a shape or
text box that represents a section or slide and click Insert > Link and select
the option: Link to This Document, and choose the specific slides you want to
link to from this list. Hyperlinks here function similarly to PowerPoint Summary
Zoom. Read our section on Summary Zoom above for an alternative way to
navigation menu.

3. Action Buttons
With hyperlinks, you can also create Action Buttons in your PowerPoint
presentations to make your PowerPoint slides behave like interactive web
pages, allowing users to navigate, explore, and engage with the content in a
dynamic and user-friendly manner.

How? Go to Insert > Action Buttons and select navigation to next, previous,
first, and last slides, play videos or sound bites, and more.

4. Embedded Content
You can also hyperlink your PowerPoint slides to embedded content like PDFs,
spreadsheets, and even web pages. This way, you can remove the hassle of
toggling between various files or windows during your presentation.

How? Click “Insert Object” and select the file you want to embed in your

Interactive Data Visualization

Interactive Data Visualisation Using

PPT Animations

When presenting data, applying animation effects to graphs and charts to reveal
data points or steps sequentially allows the audience to better follow the logical
progression and intricate relationships of your content.

Below is a list of 10 PowerPoint animations and the kinds of graphs and charts they
are most suited for:

Interactive Data Visualisation Using Triggers

The second way is combining PowerPoint animations with triggers, whereby

specific data or extra information will be revealed when triggered by clicks on
certain elements in the slides.

1. Add A Clickable Shape to an Image: After inserting a background image,
add a shape that will become the clickable button.

2. Add Text and Close Button: Add text you want to show when the button is
clicked and a cross to remove the text when clicked.

3. Labelling: Make sure to label each item for easier reference later. Go to
Format > Selection Pane and rename the clickable button to “open button”,
and the cross to “close button”.

4. Add Animations: Select all items and add the animation effect “Fade” as
both entrance and exit animations.

5. Add Triggers: Select the entrance animations and click Trigger > On Click of >
Open button. And then select the exit animations and click Trigger > On Click
of > Close button.

PowerPoint Annotations

Another unique way to interact with your PowerPoint slide content is through the
use of annotations. With annotations, you as the presenter can interact with your
slides to draw your audience’s attention to specific details, highlight key points, and
tell a more coherent story.

3 Ways to Annotate PowerPoint Slides

1. PowerPoint Draw
To utilize the PowerPoint Draw feature, click on the "Draw" tab in your
PowerPoint ribbon and begin annotating anywhere on your slides using
built-in features like the pen, highlighter, and Ink to Shape. However, please
note that PowerPoint Draw only allows annotation in Edit mode.

2. PowerPoint Pen Tools

Another option for native PowerPoint annotation tools that permit annotation
during slideshow mode can be found by clicking the pencil icon located in
the bottom right-hand corner of your screen during a presentation. You can
use the pen, highlighter, or laser tools to annotate any part of your slides
during the presentation.

3. ClassPoint Toolbar
The ClassPoint toolbar serves as an enhanced, free alternative to
PowerPoint's existing pen tools. It offers a broader range of additional
annotation features, including text boxes, shapes, spotlight effects, fully
customizable pens and highlighters, and more. This enables you to
transform your PowerPoint slides into a creative canvas that will captivate
your audience throughout your presentation.

Download ClassPoint for Free

PowerPoint Quizzes

PowerPoint quizzes add a two-way interactivity to PowerPoint presentations,

turning ordinary PowerPoint slides into an interactive and fun experience that
garners audience engagement.

The traditional way to add interactive quizzes to PowerPoint is through an

unfavourable process of combining complex animations with triggers and
hyperlinks. The good news is, creating interactive PowerPoint quizzes in PowerPoint
can be done in just a few clicks thanks to PowerPoint add-ins like ClassPoint, which
offers a wide range of interactive quizzes from Short Answer and Word Cloud, to
Multiple Choice questions and live polls that you can seamlessly integrate in your

Steps to turn your PowerPoint slides into an interactive quiz:

1. Add Button to Turn your Slide into an Interactive Quiz Question

Once you have downloaded ClassPoint, you will have additional interactive
features added to your PowerPoint ribbon. To turn your PowerPoint slide content
into interactive quizzes, simply click on any of the interactive quiz features and add
them to your slide. Change the settings as you wish.

2. Run the Interactive Quiz in PowerPoint Slideshow

You can start running the quizzes once you have entered PowerPoint Slideshow
mode by clicking on the quiz button. Your participants can join your class on any
device via by typing in the class code and their name.

You can access the class code on the top right corner of your screen or by clicking
on “My Class”. Click on the question button to begin running the quiz and receiving
responses real-time! When all of your participants have answered the quiz
question, you can “Close Submissions”.

3. Review Quiz Submissions After Presentation

Review the answer submissions and discuss with your participants after your
presentation by heading back to PowerPoint Edit mode and clicking on the quiz
button that has turned green, and “View Responses” on the side panel.

50 Use Cases for PPT Interactive Quizzes

Other Use Cases of PowerPoint Interactive Quizzes

Interactive PowerPoint Assessments

With the versatile PowerPoint add-in, ClassPoint, you can also create assessments
and collect real-time responses right inside PowerPoint.

ClassPoint's Quiz Mode introduces an automatic grading feature to your Multiple

Choice questions within PowerPoint presentations created with ClassPoint. This
feature not only automates the grading process but also includes automatic star
ratings, the option to select difficulty levels, and provides a quiz summary along
with an exportable quiz report, making it the perfect tool for classroom formative
assessments in PowerPoint!

Steps to set up automatic grading in PowerPoint using ClassPoint Quiz Mode:

1. Download ClassPoint.
2. Add interactive Multiple Choice questions to your PowerPoint slides.
3. Enable Quiz Mode at the side panel.
4. Enter slideshow and start running the assessment by clicking on the quiz
5. Access your quiz report by heading to “Quiz Summary” in your PowerPoint

Interactive PowerPoint Brainstorming
The uses of interactive PowerPoint add-ins like ClassPoint are not only limited to
teaching and learning. You can enhance your PowerPoint presentations and turn
them into an interactive brainstorming experience by incorporating Word Cloud in
PowerPoint, inviting participants to instantly contribute ideas, keywords, or

Steps to add an interactive Word Cloud into PowerPoint:

1. Download ClassPoint.
2. Click on the Word Cloud button in your PowerPoint ribbon and add it to your
slide. Change the settings as you wish.
3. Start running the interactive Word Cloud in PowerPoint Slideshow mode by
clicking on the Word Cloud button. Your participants can start contributing
their ideas on any device via by typing in the class code
and their name. You can access the class code on the top right corner of
your screen or by clicking on “My Class”. Click on the Word Cloud button to
begin collecting responses.

Interactive Word Cloud PowerPoint Tutorial

Collaborative Multimedia Uploading
With interactivity-driven PowerPoint add-ins like ClassPoint, you can venture
beyond the confines of uploading media in traditional PowerPoint by turning your
PowerPoint presentations into a collaborative arena of multimedia contribution.
With features like Image Upload, Video Upload and Audio Record, you can gather
and source multimedia contributions from your audience to enrich your
presentations and foster a more engaging and interactive environment, enhancing
the overall impact of your message.

Steps to add collaborative multimedia upload features in PowerPoint:

1. Download ClassPoint.
2. To allow audience to upload image, videos and audio to your PowerPoint
slides, click the Image Upload, Video Upload and Audio Record buttons in
your PowerPoint ribbon and add them to your slide.
3. Enter PowerPoint Slideshow mode and start gathering multimedia from the
participants. Participants can join on any device via by
typing in the class code and their name. You can access the class code on
the top right corner of your screen or by clicking on “My Class”. Click on the
buttons to begin collecting the multimedia.

PowerPoint Games

Much like interactive quizzes, PowerPoint games add a layer of interactivity and fun
to PowerPoint presentations. However, what sets PowerPoint games apart is their
ability to introduce competition through gamification.

3 Ways You Can Gamify Your PowerPoint Slides

1. Set Up a Point and Reward System: Define how your participants can earn
stars and points, and award stars to them when they have accomplished a
goal during your presentation. With ClassPoint downloaded, you can award
stars to the participants by clicking on either the “Name Picker”, Class Code
on the top right corner or “My Class” at the bottom left corner of your screen
during Slideshow mode.

How to Award Stars in PowerPoint

2. Add Levels and Badges to PowerPoint: Every game benefits from having
levels and badges, and your PowerPoint game is no exception. You can
create a simple game within PowerPoint by incorporating questions into
your slides and defining the points and scores needed to progress to higher
levels. When it comes to badges, you have the creative freedom to tailor
them to your audience. For example, in an educational setting, badges can
be skill-focused, while in a social gathering, they can take the form of fantasy
characters that participants aspire to collect.

Set Up Levels & Badges in PowerPoint

3. Add a Leaderboard to PowerPoint: Leaderboards are essential to keep track

of scores or points during a PowerPoint game. You can of course create a
manual leaderboard using PowerPoint’s tables and hyperlinks, but an easier
and more straightforward way of implementing a leaderboard in your
PowerPoint is using add-ins like ClassPoint and Vevox.

Add Leaderboard to PowerPoint

Create A PowerPoint Game Tutorial

PowerPoint Game Tutorials & Free Templates

Trivia Games
Trivia games are engaging quizzes where participants answer questions on a wide
range of topics to test their knowledge and compete for points or prizes.

Steps to create a trivia game in PowerPoint:

1. Add Trivia Questions and Quiz Buttons: Add trivia questions to your
PowerPoint slides and interactive quiz buttons from ClassPoint to turn the
questions into interactive quizzes.

2. Star the Game: Enter Slideshow mode to start the game by clicking on the
quiz buttons.
3. Award Points: Award stars to participants who answered the trivia questions
correctly by clicking on the class code on the top right corner of your screen
or “My Class” at the bottom left of your screen.

4. Display Leaderboard: Display the rankings on leaderboard by selecting the
“leaderboard” icon at ClassPoint toolbar.

Trivia Game Template

Family Feud Games
"Family Feud" is a well-known television game show where two families, each
typically comprised of five members, engage in friendly competition as they
attempt to guess the top answers from survey questions. These survey questions,
previously answered by a group of 100 individuals, usually offer multiple potential
responses and can be presented in multiple-choice or fill-in-the-blank formats.

Steps to create a Family Feud in PowerPoint:

1. Create the Question Slides for the Regular Rounds: Each question slide
should consist of a table with survey question and a list of answer options.

2. Add Questions and Answers: Fill in your survey questions in each game
board slide. Enter the possible answers.

3. Create the Face-Off Slide: Insert a new slide for the face-off round. Add a
question prompt at the top. And include 2 text boxes for the opposing
contestants’ names.

4. Create the “Fast Money” Round (optional): If “Fast Money” round is played,
create an additional question slide for the round, or simply use our template.
Use a timer to limit the contestant’s response time to 20 seconds for the first
contestant and 25 seconds for the second contestant.

5. Interactive Quiz Buttons: Add Word Cloud or Fill in the Blanks ClassPoint
interactive quiz buttons to turn your PowerPoint slides into an interactive
Family Feud Game.

6. Revealing the Answers Using Drag and Drop

a. First download ClassPoint for free.

b. Click “Draggable Objects” on your PowerPoint ribbon.
c. Add rectangular boxes on top of each answer option.
d. Select all the rectangular boxes used to cover the answer options and click
“Drag enabled” on the side panel.

e. To drag and reveal the answers: Enter slide show mode and click on the
Draggable Objects icon at the ClassPoint toolbar to start dragging and
revealing the answers underneath the rectangular boxes!

7. Add Gameplay

a. Before you start your Family Feud game, go to Class List at your PowerPoint
b. Add the contestants’ names/teams’ names.
c. Award Points – During each Family Feud game round, award stars to the
contestants/contesting teams by going to “My Classes” or “Name Picker” tab
at the ClassPoint toolbar during PowerPoint slide show mode.
d. Leaderboard – You can access the leaderboard feature at the ClassPoint
toolbar at the bottom of your screen during PowerPoint slide show mode to
keep track of the scores during the game.

8. Assign A Host/Moderator: Assign a host or moderator to read out the

questions and perform administrative tasks such as revealing the answers
and, if necessary, keeping track of the scores.

Family Feud Template

Jeopardy Games
"Jeopardy!” is another iconic American game show. The traditional show format
features three rounds: Jeopardy!, Double Jeopardy!, and Final Jeopardy!. In each of
these rounds, three contestants select clues from a game board with various
categories and cash values. These clues are presented as answers, and
participants must respond in the form of a question.

Steps to create a Jeopardy in PowerPoint:

1. Set the Game Rules: First, set the game rules on team formation, reward
types, and game format. Depending on you and your team’s preferences,
you can modify the rules to better suit your needs.

2. Create a Game Board and Jeopardy Clues: A game board should consist of
6 columns or categories of different quiz types, and under each column are
5 clues phrased in answer form, in increasing point value and difficulty.

3. Decide on the Daily Doubles! Pick at least 1 clue on the board to be the “Daily
Double” – when picked, the contestant/contesting team wager any amount
of points up to their current points. If they answer correctly, they win the
round. If they don’t, they lose the points.

4. Create the Clues for Double Jeopardy and Final Jeopardy! This is an
optional step. If you are playing Double Jeopardy, you need to create a
separate game board, doubling the amount of rewards for each clue. If Final
Jeopardy is played, create a separate slide for the Final Jeopardy clue. Like
Daily Double, the contestant/contesting team wager any amount of points

up to their current points, and the contestant/contesting team has to answer
the quiz under a time limit.

5. Set Up the Answers: Once you have decided on the different clue categories
and the respective clues to include for each Jeopardy round, prepare a
separate slide for the answers.

6. Reveal Clues Using ClassPoint’s Draggable Objects

You can utilize ClassPoint’s Draggable Objects to reveal the clues behind each
point value during the game.

ClassPoint Draggable Objects Tutorial

Alternatively, you can add hyperlinks to connect the point values and their
respective clues to allow better navigation between the slides.

7. Add Gameplay
Use ClassPoint’s built-in gamification features in PowerPoint to award scores and
access to a leaderboard right at your fingertips. Follow the instructions for adding
gameplay as shown in other games above.

Jeopardy Template

Wheel of Fortune Games
Wheel of Fortune, also an American TV game show, involves contestants solving
word puzzles by spinning a wheel to win cash and prizes. It consists of three rounds:
toss-up, main game, and bonus round, typically with three contestants. The main
game includes spinning the wheel, guessing consonants for cash, and solving the
puzzle. Special tokens and wedges add excitement. The bonus round is a timed
puzzle-solving challenge. Likewise, you can simplify the game by choosing not to
play the toss-up and bonus rounds when playing in PowerPoint.

Steps to create a Wheel of Fortune Game in PowerPoint:

1. Set Up the Wheel of Fortune: To do this, we will utilize ClassPoint’s Name
Picker spinning wheel as the Wheel of Fortune, and the spinning wheel
wedges as the Wheel of Fortune wedges.
First add the Wheel of Fortune options to the Name Picker using Class List.
Click on “Class List” within the Inknoe ClassPoint tab on your PowerPoint
ribbon. You can upload this CSV template we have prepared to ClassPoint’s
Class List. Once done, the reward options will automatically link to
ClassPoint’s Name Picker Spinning Wheel wedges.

To run the “Wheel of Fortune” using the Name Picker, enter slide show mode,
and click on “Name Picker” in the ClassPoint toolbar at the bottom of your
screen. Then, start spinning!

2. Add Special Tokens: You can introduce variations to the Wheel of Fortune
rewards by incorporating special tokens into the list for different rounds of
the game.
For example, during the second round, known as the “Mystery Round”, you
have the opportunity to enhance excitement by including a Mystery
Wedge on the spinning wheel! To achieve this, navigate to the Class List
within the Inknoe ClassPoint tab on your PowerPoint ribbon. Choose “Add
New Class” and upload this CSV template we have prepared to ClassPoint’s
Class List with special tokens.

3. Set Up the Puzzle Boards: Insert puzzle board slides to each round of the
game in PowerPoint. Then, add the letters into the puzzle boards, and create
multiple copies of the letter boxes to conceal the letters.

4. Revealing the Letters: Reveal the letters with each correct guess with
ClassPoint’s Draggable Objects. To turn the boxes in your PowerPoint slides
into Draggable elements, click “Draggable Objects” on your PowerPoint
ribbon and click “Drag enabled”.

ClassPoint Draggable Objects Tutorial

5. Add Scoreboards: Create manual scoreboards to tabulate the scores of

each contestant, or simply make use of the Wheel of Fortune PowerPoint
template we have provided. Alternatively, you can also employ ClassPoint’s
gamification features such as Award Stars and Leaderboard to give points
and automate the process of updating the scoreboard.

Wheel of Fortune Template

Classroom Games & Quests

Classroom games and quests can easily inject an element of fun and competition
into the classroom, and turn traditional sleep-inducing lectures into dynamic,
immersive experiences.

5 Examples of Classroom PowerPoint Quests

#1 Scavenger Hunts
Scavenger hunts are games where students seek hidden questions or tasks that
guide them to valuable rewards like bonus points or badges. Setting up scavenger
hunts on PowerPoint is easy. You can create a Scavenger hunt board with clues,
and allocate a certain amount of points to each tasks. Then, use this leaderboard
in PowerPoint to keep track of the stars you have awarded to your students who
have accomplished the tasks. Students can also up-level and earn badges, just like
in real-life games.

#2 Current Event Question Hunt

Engage students and test their current event knowledge by posing questions
related to current events or topics in the form of interactive quizzes in PowerPoint.
Correct answers can earn students points and a higher position on the leaderboard.
For extra credit, teachers can introduce bonus questions on learning management
systems or social media, encouraging students to answer outside of class.

#3 Mission QR Codes
You can also turn classroom quests into exciting missions using mission QR codes
linked to quiz questions in PowerPoint. You can easily set this up by first creating
quiz question sets in your PowerPoint, and then taking a screenshot of your
ClassPoint class QR code. Finally, scatter these QR codes throughout your
classroom and you will soon witness your students eagerly engaged and on the
edge of their seats. You can also encourage students to learn beyond class hours
with mission QR codes using PowerPoint add-ins which allow asynchronous
learning like Mentimeter.

#4 Drag and Drop
Utilizing drag and drop features in classroom quests adds a dynamic and
interactive dimension to the learning experience. Trust us, utilising drag and drop
in PowerPoint is like adding magic to your slides content when you can move things
freely anytime during your presentation! We recommend integrating your
classroom quests with this interactive puzzle using Draggable Objects. That way,
you can add more anticipation and suspense when you reveal the clues or hidden
information to any of the quest games you created. We bet your students cannot
wait for you to reveal the next piece of clue or task!

Pro Tip:
And don’t forget to add a spinning wheel of names to your PowerPoint to spice up
any of these classroom games with suspense and anticipation. Whether it is
selecting participants for a quiz, grouping team members, or even choosing a
random student to answer a question, the spinning wheel of names can instantly
elevate the classroom atmosphere and turn your PowerPoint into an interactive,
unforgettable tool your students love!

Interactive PowerPoint Bitmoji

Creating An Interactive Bitmoji Presentation

Interactive Bitmoji Presentation Via Hyperlinks

1. Add Classroom/Meeting Room Background: Select an appropriate
background that mimic physical classrooms, boardrooms, or any other
setting you prefer and add that to your presentation slides.
2. Add Bitmoji: The heart of your bitmoji presentation is, of course, the bitmoji
itself. Choose or create a bitmoji that represents you or your virtual host. You
can customize your bitmoji's appearance, expressions, and attire to match
the theme or mood you want to convey. You can import your bitmoji from or Snapchat.
3. Add Hyperlinks to Resources: To make your bitmoji presentation interactive
and educational, incorporate hyperlinks to various resources. These
resources could include documents, websites, or multimedia. When
participants interact with your bitmoji or specific elements in the
presentation, they can access these resources seamlessly.

Interactive Bitmoji Presentation Via PowerPoint Morph

1. Download Different Bitmoji Poses: Download various Bitmoji poses of the
similar style (i.e., the Bitmoji should be wearing the same clothes, be in the
same setting or similar orientation) from or Snapchat.

2. Import the Bitmoji Poses into PowerPoint: Next, import your chosen Bitmoji
poses into PowerPoint and position each of them on separate slides based
on the sequence of movements you want your Bitmoji to depict. For instance,
you want your the first stage of the sequence to be a sitting position,
gradually transitioning to a running position.

3. Apply PowerPoint Morph: Apply PowerPoint Morph to all slides except the
first by heading to Transitions > Morph.

Interactive Bitmoji Presentation Via 3D Animated Bitmoji

1. Create Your Bitmoji in Snapchat: First, you will need to create your own
Bitmoji in Snapchat by tapping the Profile icon at the top right corner and
select ‘Create My Avatar’.
2. Apply Snapchat Bitmoji Filter: Head over to Snapchat filter and search
“Bitmoji”. Pick any of these Bitmoji filters. These filters will then automatically
applied to your Bitmoji, turning it into an animated augmented 3D model in
your Snapchat screen.

3. Download the Video: Record the video of your 3D animated Bitmoji against
a plain background and download it to your device.
4. Remove the Video Background: Remove the video background and turn it
into a gif using any video background removers like Unscreen which will
automatically remove the background of your video and turn it into a gif.

5. Upload the gif to PowerPoint: Finally, upload the transparent background gif
into your PowerPoint.

Interactive Bitmoji Presentation Tutorial

Resources for Interactive PowerPoint

PowerPoint Native Tools

• Animations
• PowerPoint Macros/VBA
• Hyperlinks
• 3D Animated Model

Best Interactive PowerPoint Add-Ins

• ClassPoint: Integrate interactive quizzes, games and presentation tools like
Timer and Name Picker into PowerPoint.
• Mentimeter: Integrate interactive polls, quizzes, and word clouds into
PowerPoint, suitable for corporate use.
• Hypersay: Integrate live polls, questions, and quizzes to your PowerPoint.
• Poll Everywhere: Integrate polls into PowerPoint.
• Camtasia: Adding interactive videos and screen recordings to PowerPoint.
• Slido: Add live polls, quizzes, and Q&A sessions to PowerPoint.
• Slide Lizard: Integrate interactive quizzes and polls into PowerPoint.
• Socrative: A classroom tool for quizzes, polls, and assessments integrated
with PowerPoint.
• Aha Slides: Integrate interactive quizzes, Q&A and polls into PowerPoint.
• PowerPoint Labs: Add custom animations, zoom in and pan between
different parts of your PowerPoint slides.
• Mapbox: Embed interactive geographic content/map to PowerPoint.
• Infogram & ChartBlocks: Create interactive data visualizations in PowerPoint.
• H5P: A free, open-source tool for creating interactive content that you can
embed into PowerPoint presentations.
• ThingLink: Add interactive hotspots to images and videos in PowerPoint for
extra info.
• ClassPoint AI: Create interactive quiz slides in seconds.

More PowerPoint Add-Ins for Enhanced Productivity

Interactive PowerPoint Templates

Hangman game PowerPoint template Memory game PowerPoint template

Mandela effect game PowerPoint AI quiz game PowerPoint template


Hidden picture game Trivia PowerPoint template

Family Feud PowerPoint template Jeopardy PowerPoint template

Wheel of Fortune PowerPoint template Interactive Puzzle PowerPoint template

Timeline PowerPoint Morph Template 3D PowerPoint Morph Template

Split Text PowerPoint Morph Template Rotating Wheel PowerPoint Morph


Rotating Cogs PowerPoint Morph Photo Gallery PowerPoint Morph

Template Template

Slide Zoom PowerPoint Morph Template Reveal PowerPoint Morph Template

Zoom Focus PowerPoint Morph Parallax Effect PowerPoint Morph
Template Template

Continuous Slide Transition PowerPoint Frame PowerPoint Morph Template

Morph Template

TV Frame PowerPoint Morph Template Netflix PowerPoint Morph Template

Now that you've embarked on a journey with our Interactive PowerPoint Playbook
designed to help you make next level interactive PowerPoint presentations, you are
better prepared to leave your old and dusty PowerPoint toolkit behind and embrace
these refreshing ideas.

Follow these steps to start creating your first interactive PowerPoint presentation

Create Interactive PowerPoint Presentations in 4 Simple Steps:

1. Download ClassPoint

2. Interactive Quiz Buttons: Add a wide range of interactive quiz

buttons available at your PowerPoint ribbon to your PowerPoint slides.

3. Interact with Your Audience: Start interacting with your audience

and collecting responses in Slideshow mode by clicking on the quiz
4. Add Annotation: Turn your PowerPoint slides into a creative canvas
where you can freely annotate during Slideshow mode by utilizing the
annotation tools from the ClassPoint toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
5. Gamify Your Slides: Gamify your slides by awarding stars to the
participants and displaying a Leaderboard from the ClassPoint toolbar
during PowerPoint slide show mode.


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PowerPoint Teaching Tool


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