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Faculty of Engineering Technology and Science

Chemical Engineering Technology

CHE 4433- Petroleum and Petrochemical Processing



Dr. Zin-Eddine Dadach


Yasir Mahmood

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Table of Contents
Laboratory Safety ....................................................................................................................................................3
Academic Honesty Statement .................................................................................................................................5
Grading Rubric .........................................................................................................................................................6
Lab 1: Measure the Density and API gravity of petroleum products using a density meter. .................................8
Lab 2: Atmospheric distillation of crude oil and measuring API gravity of distillation fractions. .........................10
Lab 3: Determine Cloud Point of Petroleum Products. .........................................................................................13
Lab 4: Determine Pour Point of Petroleum Products. ...........................................................................................15
Lab 5: Determination of octane number of gasoline. ...........................................................................................17
Lab 6: Determine Flash Point of Petroleum Products. ..........................................................................................19
Lab 7: Determine the Freezing Point of the petroleum Products. ........................................................................21
Lab 8: Determination of Kinematic Viscosity of lube oils. .....................................................................................23
Lab 9: Determination of dropping point of lubricating greases. ...........................................................................26
Lab 10: Analyze the evaporation loss tendencies of lubricating oils.....................................................................28

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Laboratory Safety


Laboratory Conduct Code should be followed, to minimize the risk of hazards to human health.

People who work in laboratories are required to be suitably trained, informed, instructed, and
supervised, and to ensure that equipment used is fit for purpose, maintained, inspected, and used in
accordance with recommended requirements.

Rules and Regulations:

Besides the General Rules of Labs and the Computer Utilization Policy, other specific rules apply
to this lab:

− Proper PPE is required in physical labs which includes lab coat, gloves, close shoes and
goggles if needed.
− Unauthorized personnel are not allowed in the laboratory without special permission.
− Smoking, eating, and drinking are not allowed.
− Horseplay or other acts of carelessness are prohibited.
− Students are not allowed to work alone in the laboratory.
− Understand the operation of apparatus before using them. Prior permission from the Lab
Supervisor must be obtained if any change is to be made.
− If in doubt about the operation of apparatus, electrical safety, etc, consult the laboratory
− Handle all apparatus with care. Turn OFF the apparatus when not in use.
− All equipment, apparatus, and stools must be RETURNED to their original place after use.
− Do not take any things out of the laboratory without special permission.
− The experiment must be completed within the given time.
− Clean up laboratory work areas before leaving the workplace.
− Report immediately to the laboratory engineer or instructor any injury incurred.
− Report to the laboratory engineers any damage to equipment, hazards, and potential hazards.
Know the location of all safety equipment (e.g. eyewash, fire extinguisher, fire blanket, safety
showers, and spill kit) and how to use them.
− Consumption of food or beverages in the laboratory is forbidden. Food may not be stored in
refrigerators located in a laboratory.
− Wash hands before leaving the lab and before eating.

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− Read labels carefully.
− Keep the work area clear of all materials except those needed for your work. Coats should be
hung in the hall or placed in a locker. Extra books, purses, etc. should be kept away from
equipment that requires air flow or ventilation to prevent overheating.
− Disposal - Students are responsible for the proper disposal of used material if any in the
appropriate containers.

Safety Precautions in general:

− Do not touch any exposed wires.

− Do not unplug the cable while the power is switched on.
− Make sure that long hairs are tied.
− Always keep the door close.

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Academic Honesty Statement

In accordance with HCT policy LP201- Academic Honesty

• Students are required to refrain from all forms of academic dishonesty as defined and explained in HCT
procedures and directions from HCT personnel.
• A student found guilty of having committed acts of academic dishonesty may be subject to one or more of
the disciplinary measures as outlined in Article 33 of the Student and Academic Regulations.
‫إﻓﺎدة اﻷﻣﺎﻧﺔ اﻷﻛﺎدﯾﻤﯿﺔ‬
‫ اﻷﻣﺎﻧﺔ اﻷﻛﺎدﯾﻤﯿﺔ‬- LP201 ‫وﻓﻘًﺎ ﻟﺴﯿﺎﺳﺔ ﻛﻠﯿﺎت اﻟﺘﻘﻨﯿﺔ اﻟﻌﻠﯿﺎ‬
‫ ﻛﻤﺎ ھﻮ ﻣﺒﯿّﻦ وﻣﻮﺿﺢ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺴﯿﺎﺳﺎت واﻹﺟﺮاءات اﻟﺨﺎﺻﺔ ﺑﻜﻠﯿﺎت اﻟﺘﻘﻨﯿﺔ‬،‫• ﯾُﻄﻠﺐ ﻣﻦ اﻟﻄﻠﺒﺔ اﻻﻣﺘﻨﺎع ﻋﻦ ﻛﺎﻓﺔ أﺷﻜﺎل ﺳﻮء اﻷﻣﺎﻧﺔ اﻷﻛﺎدﯾﻤﯿﺔ‬
.‫ واﻟﺘﻮﺟﯿﮭﺎت اﻟﺼﺎدرة ﻣﻦ ﻣﻮظﻔﻲ اﻟﻜﻠﯿﺎت‬،‫اﻟﻌﻠﯿﺎ‬
‫• ﻓﻲ ﺣﺎﻟﺔ ارﺗﻜﺎب اﻟﻄﺎﻟﺐ أي ﺷﻜﻞ ﻣﻦ أﺷﻜﺎل ﺳﻮء اﻷﻣﺎﻧﺔ اﻷﻛﺎدﯾﻤﯿﺔ ﺳﻮف ﯾﺘﻌﺮض اﻟﻰ واﺣﺪ أو أﻛﺜﺮ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺘﺪاﺑﯿﺮ اﻟﺘﺄدﯾﺒﯿﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻨﺤﻮ اﻟﻤﺒﯿﻦ‬
.‫ ﻣﻦ اﻷﻧﻈﻤﺔ اﻷﻛﺎدﯾﻤﯿﺔ‬33 ‫ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﺎدة‬
Declaration: Group/Individual
1. No part of this assignment has been copied from another source, (not from another group or
student, an internet source or a book).
2. No late submission will be accepted.
3. When another person’s words are used, this is shown in the text with “…” and referenced.
4. No part of this assignment has been written by anyone other than the member(s) of the group
named below.
5. We/I have a copy of this assignment that we/I can produce if the first copy is lost or damaged.

N.B. The marker may choose not to mark this assignment if the above declaration is not signed.
 If the declaration is found to be false, appropriate action will be taken.
Plagiarism is copying and handing in someone’s work as your own. Any student found guilty of this type
of cheating will be dismissed from the college.

Student Name: ____________________ Signature: _____________

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Grading Rubric

Part I: Individual assessment (40%)

Each student will be evaluated individually during the lab time according to the following aspects

PI- Marks Obtained

S. Aspect for PLO Maximum
No. Evaluation Marks Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4

Health & Safety

1. Housekeeping and 5%
Participation/ Work
2. independently/ Oral 10%
Set up the
experiment/ using
3. 10%
equipment and
measuring tools
Troubleshooting and
4. 10%
problem solving.
Time management/
5. 5%
Late/ finish on time


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Part II: Group assessment (60%)
Each group will be evaluated as a team based on their submitted report according to the following

Introduction/ Objective/
1. 5%

Calculations /Codes/
2. 5%

Data collection/ Findings /

3. 5%

Diagrams / Charts / Figures

4. 10%
and Plots with Captions

Analysis & Discussion /

5. 15%
(theory vs actual)

Conclusions/ Summary
6. 15%

Quality of work performed

7. including quality of lab 5%
report, neatness etc.


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Lab 1: Measure the Density and API gravity of petroleum products using a density

1. Objective:

Determination of Density and API Gravity of Crude Petroleum Products by Density Meter

2. Apparatus and Materials

1. Density meter (RUDOLPH DDM 2909)

2. Test Tubes
3. Cleaning Solvents
4. Thermometer
5. Petroleum Products Samples

3. Introduction

Density or API gravity is a factor governing the quality and pricing of crude petroleum. However, this
property of petroleum is an uncertain indication of its quality unless correlated with other properties.
Density is an important quality indicator for automotive, aviation and marine fuels, where it affects
storage, handling and combustion.

API gravity express the gravity or density of crude oil and liquid petroleum products. The American
Petroleum Institute and the NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology, devise API jointly.
The measuring scale is calibrated in terms of degrees API.

API Gravity can be calculated as:

°API = (141.5 / SG) - 131.5 (1)

°API = Degrees API Gravity

SG = Specific Gravity (at 60oF)
Specific gravity can be calculated from API gravity:
SG = 141.5 / (°API+131.5) (2)
Note! Oil with the least specific gravity has the highest API gravity

4. Procedure

1. Turn ON the Density Meter and wait until it is stabilized.

2. Clean the sample line with a cleaning solvent such as Toluene or Acetone.

3. Inject the sample into the Density Meter manually by the use of a syringe.

4. Select the desired temperature to measure the density of the sample fuel.

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5. Click on START button and wait until the Density Meter displays a reading.

6. Note down the Density and calculate the API Gravity by using formula.

7. Repeat the test for all the test samples.

Experimental Results

Density Meter Reading

Sample Density Specific Gravity API Gravity
@ 15 0C (S.G)


Heavy Gas Oil

Light Gas Oil

Aviation Fuel

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Lab 2: Atmospheric distillation of crude oil and measuring API gravity of distillation

1. Objective:

To understand the atmospheric distillation of petroleum using a laboratory batch distillation unit to
determine quantitatively the boiling range characteristics of the petroleum products.

2. Apparatus & Resources:

1. Atmospheric Distillation Unit with accessories

2. Measuring cylinders
3. Samples
4. Density meter

3. Introduction

The basic test method of determining the boiling range of a petroleum product by performing a simple
batch distillation has been in use as long as the petroleum industry has existed. The distillation
(volatility) characteristics of hydrocarbons have an important effect on their safety and performance,
especially in the case of fuels and solvents. The boiling range gives information on the composition,
the properties, and the behavior of the fuel during storage and use. Volatility is the major determinant
of the tendency of a hydrocarbon mixture to produce potentially explosive vapors.

The distillation characteristics are critically important for both automotive and aviation gasolines,
affecting starting, warm-up, and tendency to vapor lock at high operating temperature or at high altitude,
or both. The presence of high boiling point components in these and other fuels can significantly affect
the degree of formation of solid combustion deposits. Also, volatility, as it affects rate of evaporation, is
an important factor in the application of many solvents, particularly those used in paints.

Figure 1. Atmospheric Distillation Unit

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4. Procedure

1. Measure and pour 100 mL of the crude oil sample into a distillation flask and allow the sample
to drain into the flask for about 30 seconds.

2. Put three 3-4 boiling chips into the distillation flask.

3. Place the flask in the distillation apparatus, fix the temperature measuring probe and cork into
the top of the distillation flask.

4. Get eight (8) clean 10 mL measuring cylinders and label them 1 to 8.

5. Record the temperature when the first drop of distillate comes out (initial boiling point) in the
data table.

6. Keep on adjusting the heater setting so that the distillate comes out at a rate of 4 or 5 mL/min
(about two drops per second).

7. Record the temperature reading of the distillation thermometer after collecting 5, 10, 20, 30,
40, 50, 60 and 70 mL of distillate, in the data table.

8. Stop heating the crude oil when the temperature reaches 2750C. Turn OFF the heater.
Continue collecting the remaining distillate in the last measuring cylinder used.

9. Measure the density of each collected sample.

5. Experimental Results

Sample Description: …………….. Sample charge:…………………

Cut Number Cut Temperature (0C) Density Colour Smell
Volume (ml)

1 0-5
____˚C to ______˚C

2 5 - 10
_____˚C to ______˚C

3 10 - 20
_____˚C to ______˚C

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4 20 – 30
_____˚C to ______˚C
5 30 – 40
_____˚C to ______˚C
6 40 – 50
_____˚C to ______˚C
7 50 - 60
_____˚C to ______˚C
8 60 - 70
_____˚C to ______˚C

7. Results

Initial boiling point (IBP)………………….

End point (EP)……………………..

Dry point……………..

Percent recovery……………..
Front end loss…………….

Percent residue……………

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Lab 3: Determine Cloud Point of Petroleum Products.

1. Objective

To determine the Cloud point of the given petroleum product sample.

2. Apparatus and Resources

• Cloud Point Apparatus with accessories

• Temperature Measuring Device
• Constant temperature bath

3. Introduction

In petroleum products and biodiesel fuels, the temperature of a liquid specimen when the smallest
observable cluster of wax crystals first occurs upon cooling under prescribed conditions, this is called
cloud point.
The cloud point and the pour point are related to the flow conditions of crude and its products at low
temperature.The cloud point gives the rough idea of the temperature above which the oil can be handled
safely, without any fear of congealing or filter clogging.The pour point is determined to estimate the
temperature at which a sample of oil becomes sufficiently solid to prevent its movement by pumping.
The pour point temperature depends to a large extent on the thermal history of the sample. Also the pour
point indicates the waxy nature of the sample.

FIGURE. 1 Apparatus for Cloud Point Test

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4. Procedure:

1.Pour the specimen into the test jar to the level mark.
2.Adjust the position of the cork and temperature measuring device so the cork fits tightly..
3.For liquid-in-glass, the thermometer bulb should be immersed so the beginning of the capillary is
3 mm below the surface of the specimen.
4.. Place the disk in the bottom of the jacket.
5.After the specimen has cooled to allow the formation of paraffin wax crystals, take great care not
to disturb the mass of specimen nor permit the thermometer to shift in the specimen.
6.Cloud points are expressed in integers that are positive or negative multiples of 3 °C. Begin to
examine the appearance of the specimen when the temperature of the specimen is 9 °C above the
expected Cloud point (estimated as a multiple of 3 °C).
7.The test tube is cooled continuously. The test tube is withdrawn often for 5 0C fall of temperature
to observe the flow or Cloud point of the sample.
8.The temperature at which the oil does not flow in the tube even when kept horizontal for 5sec is
recorded as Cloud point.

5. Data Collection & Results

Sample Description Observed Cloud Point (°C) Comments

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Lab 4: Determine Pour Point of Petroleum Products.

1. Objective

To determine the pour point of the given petroleum product sample.

2. Apparatus and Resources

• Pour Point Apparatus with accessories

• Temperature Measuring Device
• Constant temperature bath

3. Introduction

The pour point is related to the flow conditions of crude and its products at low temperature. In
petroleum products, this the lowest temperature at which movement of the test specimen is observed
under prescribed conditions of test. The cloud point gives the rough idea of the temperature above
which the oil can be handled safely, without any fear of congealing or filter clogging. The pour point is
determined to estimate the temperature at which a sample of oil becomes sufficiently solid to prevent
its movement by pumping. The pour point of a petroleum specimen is an index of the lowest temperature
of its utility for certain applications.

FIGURE. 1 Apparatus for Pour Point Test

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4. Procedure:

1. Pour the specimen into the test jar to the level mark.
2. Adjust the position of the cork and temperature measuring device so the cork fits tightly..
3. For liquid-in-glass, the thermometer bulb should be immersed so the beginning of the capillary
is 3 mm below the surface of the specimen.
4. . Place the disk in the bottom of the jacket.
5. After the specimen has cooled to allow the formation of paraffin wax crystals, take great care
not to disturb the mass of specimen nor permit the thermometer to shift in the specimen.
6. Pour points are expressed in integers that are positive or negative multiples of 3 °C. Begin to
examine the appearance of the specimen when the temperature of the specimen is 9 °C above
the expected pour point (estimated as a multiple of 3 °C).
7. The test tube is cooled continuously. The test tube is withdrawn often for 5 0C fall of
temperature to observe the flow or pour point of the sample.
8. The temperature at which the oil does not flow in the tube even when kept horizontal for 5sec
is recorded as pour point.

5. Data Collection & Results

Sample Description Observed Pour Point (°C) Comments

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Lab 5: Determination of octane number of gasoline.

1. Objective:

To determine octane number of gasoline.

2. Introduction

Octane number is one of the main parameters used in quality control of gasoline and provides
information about the resistance to auto ignition. This phenomenon occurs when the temperature of the
fuel–air mixture under the effect of compression, leading to sufficiently increased self-detonation of
the mixture without the help of a spark . Fuel self-detonation generates pressure pulses in the engine
cylinder and causes an increase in fuel consumption, loss of engine power and, at worst, may even
damage the engine. Octane number is mainly affected by the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons,
isoparaffins, olefins and additives such as ethanol and esters. The chemical structure of hydrocarbons
in gasoline has great influence on detonation. Paraffins that have many ramifications, olefins and
aromatics (benzene, toluene, xylenes) are very resistant to self-detonation, and conversely the long
chains paraffins with less ramifications and olefins, with more than four carbon atoms, are more
susceptible to the phenomena of self detonation.

Apparatus & Resources

1. Octane Number Analyzer

2. Fuel samples
3. Cleaning solvents
4. Sample holder

Octane Number Analyzermeasures octane number via near-infrared (NIR) transmission spectroscopy
utilizing 14 near-infrared emitting diodes with narrow bandpass filters, a silicon detector system, and a
fully integrated microprocessor. Simple octane number determination requires three easy steps:
sampling a background signal, acquiring two absorption spectra of the gas sample, and then acquiring a
second background signal. Analyzer is pre-calibrated for unleaded gasoline and ethanol-blended fuels,
and can be calibrated for up to eight additional fuel types.

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3. Procedure

1. Compression ratio and fuel-air ratio are adjusted to produce standard K.I. for the sample fuel,
as measured by a specific electronic detonation measurement system
2. The fuel-air ratio for the sample fuel and each of the primary reference fuel blends is adjusted
to maximize K.I. for each fuel.
3. The engine is calibrated to operate at standard K.I. in accordance with the guide table.
4. The fuel-air ratio of the sample fuel is adjusted to maximize the K.I.
5. Bracketing procedure ratings may be determined using either the equilibrium or dynamic fuel-
air ratio approach.
6. A calibration is performed to establish standard K.I. using the cylinder height specified by the
guide table for the O.N. of the selected PRF

4. Result and Observations

No. Sample Flash Point Comments

1 Diesel

2 Kerosene

3 Jet Fuel

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Lab 6: Determine Flash Point of Petroleum Products.

1. Objective:

To determine the Flash point of the petroleum products by Pensky Martens Closed Cup Flash Point

2. Introduction

The flash point of a volatile material is the lowest temperature at which vapors of the material will ignite,
when given an ignition source. The flash point may sometimes be confused with the auto-ignition
temperature, which is the temperature at which the vapor ignites spontaneously without an ignition
source. The fire point is the lowest temperature at which vapors of the material will keep burning after
being ignited and the ignition source removed. The fire point is higher than the flash point, because at
the flash point more vapor may not be produced rapidly enough to sustain combustion.

The flash point is a descriptive characteristic that is used to distinguish between flammable fuels, such
as petrol (gasoline in the US), and combustible fuels, such as diesel. It is also used to characterize the
fire hazards of fuels. Fuels which have a flash point less than 37.8 °C (100.0 °F) are called flammable,
whereas fuels having a flash point above that temperature are called combustible.

3. Resources

1. Pensky-Martins closed cup tester

2. Gas supply source with igniter
3. Fuel Samples
4. Cleaning Solvents

Figure 1. Pensky Martens Closed Cup Flash Point Tester.

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4. Procedure

1. Fill the cup with the sample to be tested, up to the fill mark, on the inside of the cup.
2. Put the cup into the tester, put the lid on the cup, make sure it is on properly, and make sure the
locking device is properly engaged.
3. Insert the thermometer and connect the stirrer driver shaft.
4. Turn the heater ON and bring the sample to a temperature of 110C lower than the estimated flash
5. Light the pilot flame to give approximately 4mm diameter flame.
6. Adjust the heater controller so that it heats the sample at about 5 to 6 0C per minute.
7. Turn the stirrer motor ON.
8. If you know the sample will have a flash point of 1100C or less, start the flash test when the
sample temperature is 17 to 28 0C below the expected flash point.
9. Keep on testing the sample for every 10C in temperature until it flashes.
10. If you know that the flash point is above 1100C, begin testing the flash point 17 to 280C below
the expected flash point and keep on testing the flashpoint at every 20C.
11. Record as the observed flash point, the temperature shown on the thermometer at the time the
test flame application caused the flash on the Data Sheet.

5. Result and Observations

No. Sample Flash Point Flammable or Combustible

1 Diesel

2 Kerosene

3 Jet Fuel

6. Answer the following question and include in section 11 (Conclusion Reference) of Lab report.

Identify at least two sources of error when carrying out the above experiment, and explain how one
would eliminate or minimize the above sources of error.

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Lab 7: Determine the Freezing Point of the petroleum Products.

1. ObjectiveThe aim of an experiment or test explains why it was done.

To determine the Freezing Point of Petroleum Fuels.

2. Introduction

The freezing point of an aviation fuel is the lowest temperature at which the fuel remains free of solid
hydrocarbon crystals that can restrict the flow of fuel through filters if present in the fuel system of the
aircraft. The temperature of the fuel in the aircraft tank normally falls during flight depending on aircraft
speed, altitude, and flight duration. The freezing point of the fuel must always be lower than the
minimum operational tank temperature. Crystallization point is the temperature at which crystals of
hydrocarbons first appear when the test sample is cooled.

Figure 1. Freezing Point Apparatus.

4. Resources

5. Freezing Point Apparatus

6. Fuel Thermometer
7. Carbon Dioxide (Solid) or Dry Ice
8. Cleaning Solvents
9. Samples

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5. Procedure

1. Measure out 25 mL of the fuel and transfer it to the clean, dry, jacketed sample tube. Close the
tube tightly with the cork holding the stirrer, thermometer, and moisture proof collar and adjust the
thermometer position so that its bulb does not touch the walls of the tube flask and is approximately
in the center. The bulb of the thermometer should be 10 to 15 mm from the bottom of the sample
2. Clamp the jacketed sample tube so that it extends as far as possible into the vacuum flask. The
surface of the sample should be approximately 15 to 20 mm below the level of the coolant. Unless
the medium is cooled by mechanical refrigeration, add solid carbon dioxide as necessary
throughout the test to maintain the coolant level in the vacuum flask.
3. Stir the fuel continuously, moving the stirrer up and down at the rate of 1 to 1.5 cycles/s, except
when making observations, taking care that the stirrer loops approach the bottom of the flask on
the down stroke and remain below the fuel surface on the upstroke.
4. Disregard any cloud that appears at approximately − 10°C and does not increase in intensity as the
temperature is lowered, because this is due to water.
5. Remove the jacketed sample tube from the coolant and allow the sample to warm, stirring it
continuously at 1 to 1.5 cycles/s.
6. Record the temperature at which the hydrocarbon crystals completely disappear.

6. Result and Observations

No. Sample Observed Observed Literature

Crystallization Point Freezing Point Freezing Point
(0C) (0C) (0C)
1 Diesel 48 -42
2 Jet Fuel-Jet A1 59 -53
3 Kerosene-Jet B 70 -65

6. Post Lab Question.

Answer the following questions, add them in section 11 (Conclusion/Reference) of the lab report.
1. Explain the term Freezing Point and state why it is important.
2. Identify at least two sources of error when carrying out the above experiment, and explain how
one would eliminate or minimize the above sources of error.

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Lab 8: Determination of Kinematic Viscosity of lube oils.


To determine the Kinematic and Dynamic viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids by ASTM
D445 Method.


Viscosity is a measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow. It is one of the most important properties of a
fluid and plays a very prominent role in the petroleum industry. The viscosity of a crude oil affects
our ability to pump it out of the ground; the viscosity and volatility of a fuel affect how easy it is to
atomize in the fuel injector; the viscosity of a lubricant affects its ability to protect an engine. It is an
important measurement characteristic in the food, paint, polymer coating and other industries where
flow is a critical product or use characteristic.
Small changes in viscosity can have a dramatic impact on the properties of petroleum fluids.
Kinematic means that the measurement is made while fluid is flowing under the force of gravity. It
is determined by measuring the time it takes for a volume of fluid to flow under gravity through a
calibrated glass capillary viscometer.


1. Constant temperature Kinematic Viscosity bath

2. Stop watch
3. Calibrated viscometers
4. Oil samples

Fig. 1. Constant temperature Kinematic Viscosity bath with viscometer.

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4. Procedure:

1.1. Turn the oil bath main switch ON.

Turn the oil bath light ON.
Turn the pump/stirrer ON.
Turn the heater ON.
1.2. Use the hand pump to suck the oil up into the viscometer.

1.3. The Technician has placed two viscometers with oil samples into the oil bath for you. Write
the type of oil samples in your data sheet.

1.4. The viscometers are held in position using holders.

1.5. When the oil bath and samples are at the correct temperature, start taking the viscosity
measurements. Use your left hand to grip the holder. Squeeze the air out of the hand pump
then put it over the right hand side of the viscometer and suck
the oil into the viscometer until it fills part of the bulb above the
top line. (see the diagram)

1.6. Use a stopwatch to time how long it takes for the oil to flow
from the top line to the bottom line.

1.7. Repeat the test 3 times for each oil sample. Write the results in
the Data Sheet each time. Calculate the average time and enter
this into the table.

1.8. When you finish inform the technician, before you turn the oil
bath off.

5.Readings and calculations:

1.9. Calculate the kinematic viscosity, ν (centiStokes, cSt), from the

measured flow time, t (sec) and the instrument constant, C
(taken from the certificate for your viscometer at 40 0C in cSt/s), by using the equation: 𝜈𝜈 = 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶

1.10. Calculate the dynamic viscosity, μ (cP or mPa/s), from the calculated kinematic viscosity, ν
(cSt), and the density, ρ (g/mL), by using the equation: 𝜇𝜇 = 𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌
Density of ADNOC Light Lube Oil #32 = 0.8342 g/mL

Density of ADNOC Special Gasoline Engine Oil = 0.857 g/mL

Density of ADNOC Heavy Lube Oil = 0.87719 g/mL

1.11. You will need to be told the density of each oil or use a hydrometer to find it if it is not on the
list above.

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6.Experimental Data:

Report your results for kinematic and dynamic viscosity to 3 decimal places on the data sheet.

Flow Flow Flow
Test flow
Oil Sample & Viscosity time in time in time in Kinematic Dynamic
Temperat time
Density constant seconds seconds seconds Viscosity Viscosity
ure (Second
#1 #2 #3


Density:_______ 100˚C
_ g /cc

Density:_______ 100˚C
_ g /cc

Density:_______ 100˚C
_ g /cc

Density:_______ 100˚C
_ g /cc

_ g /cc 100˚C

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Lab 9: Determination of dropping point of lubricating greases.

1. Objective:

Determination of the dropping point of lubricating oils.

2. ResourcesWrite down all the tools and instruments used to conduct the experiment. Add your
apparatus below:

The apparatus consist of the following:

1. Dropping Point Apparatus
2. Grease oil
3. Thermometer
4. Test tube

3. Introduction
The dropping point is the temperature at which the grease passes from a semisolid to a liquid state under
the conditions of test. This change in state is typical of greases containing as thickeners soaps of
conventional types. Greases containing as thickeners materials other than conventional soaps can,
without change in state, separate oil. This test method is useful to assist in identifying the grease as to
type and for establishing and maintaining bench marks for quality control.

Dropping point determinations are used for identification and quality control purposes, and can be an
indication of the highest temperature of utility for some applications. The sample is heated at a prescribed
rate in a precision machined cup whose sides slope toward an opening at its center. The temperature at
which a liquid drop first falls from the cup is the dropping point of the sample.

Dropping Point Apparatus performs dropping point determinations on lubricating greases at

temperatures of up to 550°F (288°C). Consists of dropping point cup, test cell with accessories and oil
bath with stirrer and heater. Test cell is immersed in a 400mL Borosilicate Glass bath for heating at the
prescribed rate. A 750W variable stepless control heater and 1⁄40hp stirrer permit accurate, uniform
control of bath temperature rate of rise. Heater assembly includes refractory top plate and reference dial.

Fig. 1. Dropping Point Apparatus.

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4. Procedure

7. Thoroughly clean the cup and test tube with mineral spirits
8. Use only cups that are clean and free from any residue from previous runs. When the interior
plating of the cup shows indications of wear, discard.
9. Test tube shall be clean and free of residues. Inspect the tube for evidence of chipping or
cracking, particularly the points of indentation. Replace when necessary.
10. Inspect both cork ring guide and upper cork for charring or distortions in shape. Total clearance
between the cork ring guide and the inside wall of the test tube is 1.5 mm. When either cork is
abnormal, replace.
11. Inspect the bulb end of the thermometer to be used in the test tube. Clean if there is any residue
12. Note down the temperature at which the grease passes from a semisolid to a liquid state under
the conditions of test.

5. Data Collection & Results

No. Sample Softening Point Dropping Point

(0C) (0C)
1 Diesel

2 Kerosene

3 Jet Fuel

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Lab 10: Analyze the evaporation loss tendencies of lubricating oils.


To determine the Evaporation Loss of Lubricating Oils by the Noack Method.

2. Introduction

The evaporation loss is of particular importance in engine lubrication. Where high temperatures occur,
portions of an oil can evaporate. Evaporation may contribute to oil consumption in an engine and can
lead to a change in the properties of an oil. Many engine manufacturers specify a maximum allowable
evaporation loss. Engine manufacturers, when specifying a maximum allowable evaporation loss, quote
this test method along with the specifications.

3. Resources

1. Noack Evaporative Apparatus

2. Cleaning solvents
3. Drying paper
4. Gloves

Evaporation Loss of Lubricating Oils by the Noack Method


1. Prepare the automated apparatus for operation in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions for calibrating, checking, and operating the equipment.
2. Clean the glass bottles, the glass tubing, and the Y-piece to prevent a build-up of condensate
3. Condensate should not be allowed to build up in the 2 L glass bottles. These should be washed
out with solvent and dried before a maximum 2 cm of condensate collects

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4. Locate the instrument on a laboratory bench if possible (rather than a hood) to minimize
atmospheric pressure fluctuation. Vent the vacuum pump outlet provided on the back of the
instrument with a metal or plastic tube leading to a suitable exhaust outlet.
5. Insert the thermocouple connector into the thermocouple receptacle on the back of the cabinet.
Be sure that the inside of the reactor vessel is clean and that the other hardware and tubing are
free of any oil residue.

6. If collection of the volatilized oil is desired, clean the coalescing filter housing with a
hydrocarbon solvent, dry, and install new filter cartridge.

5. Data Collection & Results

No. Sample Softening Point Evaporation Losses

1 Diesel

2 Kerosene

3 Jet Fuel

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