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Topic: Media, Focus: Part 1-2

Strategies for part 1

- Using but, because, and, so to expand ideas

- Providing details/examples: name, time, with whom, where
- Using IF/WHEN to expand ideas

1. Do you like watching films?
I don’t really like watching films because it wastes my
time. If I don’t have classes at school, I may watch one
or two films. If I have classes, I just focus on learning
the lessons and doing homework.
Strategies for part 1

- Using but, because, and, so to expand ideas

- Providing details/examples: name, time, with whom, where
- Using IF/WHEN to expand ideas

1. Do you like watching films?
2. Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?
3. What kinds of movies do you like best?
4. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?
5. Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?
Part 2: Describing a media product (film/TV show/newspaper/…)


- Name?/Genre?
- People/channel involved?
- Contents?/Rules?/Awards?
- Your feeling? (Like/don’t like)
Part 2: Describing a media product (film/TV show/newspaper/…)
Name?/Genre? I’d like to tell you about [name of program].
It is a [genre] program/movie/film/newspaper.

People - Movie/Film: the main actor/actress, the director, the producer was…
involved?/ - TV program: It is/ was shown on Channel … , at… every… from… to…
It is/was released on on Official Youtube/Tiktok channel everyday.
- Newspaper: It is released every… in…/The updates are posted on the official website everyday.

Contents?/Rules? - Movie/Film: The movie/film is about… . He/she/they + be + …., and he/she/they + V + … . In the
/ Awards? end,...
- Who they are
- What they do
- TV program: In this program, the contestants/guests will … . The winner will get/The award is …
- What happen in - Newspaper: The articles/The posts are often about… .Sometimes, they also cover news about…
the end [normally 3-5 sentences, avoid telling too many details]

Your feeling? I find [sth] + adj (outstanding, moving, gripping, entertaining, disappointing, disgusting, …)
(Like/don’t because…
The only weak point /strong point of it is that…
[Comments can be on: actor, sound, music, rule, MC, award, design, contents, ….]
Part 2: Describing a media product (film/TV show/newspaper/…)

- Using but, because, and, so to expand ideas

- Providing details/examples: name, time, with whom, where

Describe a film that you would like to see in the future.

You should say:
- what the film is called
- what it is about
- how you heard about this film
and why you would like to see it.
Vocabulary about media products

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