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Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________ Period: _______

Shark Tank
Watch a full episode of “shark Tank” and answer the following questions.

1. What companies are featured in this episode? What products or services do they offer?
a. Scrub daddy, a special sponge

b. rat and bear dog snacks Ice cream for dogs

c. sbu tricycle

d. shemie clothes

2. Why are these entrepreneurs looking for an investment from the Sharks?
a. Setup his own facility to make his product because hes on their schedule and he needs a lot



3. What value did the entrepreneurs set for their company? (e.g., if they are seeking a $500,000
investment for 30% stake).
a. 100k for 50%, 50k for 15%, 100k for 30%, 100k royalty and 50 cents per unit until 100k paid
then royalty dropped to 10 cents, 150k for 25%, 100k for 25%, 150k for 25%, 175k for 25%,
200k for 25%, 200k for 20%

b. $125,000 for 20% equity



4. What turns (good or bad) took place in this episode?

a. Good, bro got double what asked for 20%




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