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The caste system has existed for over 3000 years

Its origin is actually recorded in the Manusmriti which governs Hindu laws. This
defines in detail the laws to which individuals are subject by distinguishing four mains
castes with several restrictions.We will then try to answer this question : How India’s
caste system worsen inequalities of the citizen’s life.First, we will study the history of
the Caste System in India.After that, we will analyze the social conditions for the
citizens. Finally, we will approach the current situation of the caste system and the

The caste system in India has a long and complex history that dates back over
2,000 years. It is believed to have originated with the arrival of the Indo-Aryans in the
Indian subcontinent around 1500 BCE. Initially, it was a division of labor based on
occupations, but over time, it became rigidly hierarchical, with four main varnas
(caste categories) - Brahmins (priests and scholars), Kshatriyas (warriors and
rulers), Vaishyas (merchants and farmers), and Shudras (laborers and servants).
The caste system was reinforced by religious texts like the Manusmriti and became
deeply ingrained in Indian society. Discrimination and social inequality based on
caste have persisted for centuries, leading to social injustice and inequality greatly
influencing the social conditions of members of Indian society.

In fact, India’s caste system was formed based on socio-economic factors or

ideological factors that impacted the professional lives of citizens because there is a
significant amount of public sector jobs that are allocated based on caste
reservation. Which more, the caste system affects education too. In fact, Public
universities have caste-based reservations for students coming from underprivileged
backgrounds. A person from this background can secure a seat in a top tier college
with required or below average academic grades upon reservation. In addition to
that, India’s Caste system impacts Marriages too because Most Indian marriages are
arranged by parents, one’s caste is a very significant factor for the choice of the
parents because people do not want their son or their daughter to marry a person
from another caste.

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