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following text is for questions 31 to 33.

1. What product is the label about?

Text for number 2 to 4

Donita is the winner of the National Storytelling Contest. Now she’s intervied by one of Altansa Magazine crew,
Rianda : Congratulation on your success as the winner of story telling contest.
Donita : Thank you. It is an honor.
Rianda : The way you told story is very impressive
Donita : Thanks. I practiced a lot.
Rianda : Did you do it by yourself?
Donita : I didn’t. My teacher and my trainer help me.
Rianda : You must be grateful to them.
Donita : Very much. They did great job.
Rianda : Tell us more about the story that you chose.
Donita : I told a folktale and a fairytale.
Rianda : What are they about?
Donita : Both of them are about respecting others
Rianda : Good choices
Donita : I’d like young people learn about respecting others.
Rianda : OK. Thanks for coming, We hope you always keep studying hard and have more achievements.
Donita : My pleasure
2. How many participants are in the dialogue?
3. Who interviewed Donita?
4. What are talking about?
5. 1) Ok, I hope they let you go. The party would not merry without you.
2) I’m waiting.
3) Din, will you come to my birth day party this evening? I have a small party to celebrate it.
4) I hope so. I’ll call you later.
5) That would be great! But I have to ask for permission first to my parent.
The correct arrangement of the dialog above is....
6.. What do the people pray for other people's success, achievements and good fortune
7. Udin: You should go to the doctor, Edo
Edo: I don't think that's a good idea.
The underlined sentence shows …
The procedure text is for no. 8 to 10

8. What should we do before serving the warm pancake with desired sweet or savory toppings?
9. How much cups of whole milk that we need to make 15 servings of the pancakes?
10. What should we do before mixing all the ingredients together?

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