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Literasi Bahasa Inggris

20 soal

The questions number 1-3 are based on the following passage.

Jack Ma is a true rags-to-riches story. He grew up poor in communist China, failed his
college entrance exam, and was rejected from dozens of jobs, before finding success with
his third internet company. Without money or connections, the only way Ma could get ahead
was through education. After high school, he applied to go to college, but failed the entrance
exam twice. After a great deal of studying, he finally passed on the third try, going on to
attend Hangzhou Teacher's Institute. He graduated in 1988 and started applying to as many
jobs as he could.

He received more than a dozen rejections, including from KFC, before being hired as an
English teacher. Ma was a natural with his students and loved his job, though he made only
$12 a month at a local university. Ma had no experience with computers or coding, but he
was captivated by the internet when he used it for the first time during a trip to the US in

Though his first two ventures failed, four years later he gathered 17 of his friends in his
apartment and convinced them to invest in him and his vision for an online marketplace he
called "Alibaba." The site allowed exporters to post product listings that customers could buy
directly. Soon, the service started to attract members from all over the world. By October
1999, the company had raised $5 million from Goldman Sachs and $20 million from
SoftBank, a Japanese telecom company that also invests in technology companies.

Ma stepped down from his post as CEO in 2013, staying on as executive chairman. Alibaba
went public on Sept. 19. The company's $150-billion IPO was the largest offering for a US-
listed company in the history of the New York Stock Exchange. It also made Ma the richest
man in China, with an estimated worth of $25 billion.

(Adapted from


1. What does the passage mainly talk about?

a. How Alibaba had the U.S.’s largest IPO
b. The richest man in China
c. Jack Ma was rejected a dozen times
d. The success story of Jack Ma
e. Jack Ma failed his college entrance exam

Jawaban: D
Soal menanyakan gagasan utama dari teks. Untuk menentukan gagasan utama keseluruhan
teks, gagasan utama dari setiap paragraf perlu dipahami terlebih dulu.

Paragraf 1 bercerita tentang kehidupan Jack Ma muda yang gagal 2 kali ujian masuk
universitas sampai akhirnya lulus kuliah.

Paragraf 2 bercerita tentang banyaknya penolakan yang dihadapi Jack Ma untuk

mendapatkan pekerjaan sebelum akhirnya diterima menjadi guru Bahasa Inggris.

Paragraf 3 bercerita tentang proses awal Jack Ma membangun perusahaannya dengan

meyakinkan 17 temannya.
Paragraf 4 bercerita tentang kesuksesan Jack Ma dalam membawa Alibaba memiliki IPO
terbesar di bursa saham US, dan menjadikan dia orang terkaya di Cina.

Secara keseluruhan, dapat dipahami bahwa gagasan utama teks tersebut adalah cerita
perjalanan Jack Ma menjadi sukses. Dengan demikian, pilihan D Tepat.
Pilihan A (Bagaimana Alibaba memliki IPO terbesar di US) tidak tepat. Pencapaian Jack
Ma hanya di bahas di bagian akhir, Jadi hal ini bukan fokus utama teks.

Pilihan B (Orang terkaya di China) tidak tepat. Paragraph terakhir memang membahas
Jack Ma sebagai orang terkaya di China, tetapi hal ini bukan fokus utama teks.

Pilihan C (Jack Ma ditolak berkali-kali) tidak tepat. Mengenai penolakan yang dihadapi Jack
Ma hanya dibahas di paragraph 2, tidak menjadi fokus utama teks.

Pilihan E (Jack Ma gagal di ujian masuk kampus) tidak tepat. Sama seperti pilihan C,
kalimat ini hanya sebagian cerita dari perjalanan hidup Jack Ma, tidak merangkum secara

2. It is stated in the passage that…

a. Ma was a naturalist and he loved his job
b. Ma received job from KFC
c. Ma was an excellent teacher at a local university
d. in 2013, Ma fell down on the job as a CEO of Alibaba
e. Ma is the founder of the New York Stock Exchange

Jawaban: C
Soal tersebut menanyakan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan teks.

Pilihan A (Jack Ma adalah seorang naturalis atau ahli tumbuhan dan dia menyukai
pekerjaannya) tidak tepat. Memang ada kata natural di paragraf 2, namun makna
kontekstual dari kata tersebut bukan ahli tumbuhan, melainkan orang yang mampu
melakukan sesuatu dengan baik.

Pilihan B (Jack Ma mendapat pekerjaan dari KFC) tidak tepat. Di paragraf 2 diceritakan
bahwa Jack Ma mendapat penolakan kerja, termasuk dari KFC.

Pilihan C (Jack Ma adalah seorang guru yang luar biasa di universitas lokal) tepat. Seperti
yang disampaikan di paragraf 2 bahwa Jack Ma mampu melakukan pekerjaannya dengan
baik dan dia menyukai pekerjaanya.

Pilihan D (pada tahun 2013, Jack Ma gagal sebagai CEO Alibaba) tidak tepat. Di paragraf
terakhir ada kata stepped down yang artinya mengundurkan diri berbeda dengan konteks
kata fell down di pilihan D yang berarti gagal.

3. Based on the passage, we can conclude that ….

a. Alibaba went public in stock Exchange after 3 years
b. Ma becomes wildly successful after facing failure and rejections
c. Without money or connections Ma was hard to succeed
d. Having good English did not benefit Ma throughout his career path
e. Ma was computer and coding literate before building Alibaba

Jawaban: B
Soal tersebut menanyakan kesimpulan dari keseluruhan teks.
Pilihan A (Alibaba menjadi perusahaan publik masuk ke pasar saham setelah 3 tahun) tidak
tepat. Karena teks di atas menggambarkan proses panjang sebelum Alibaba mejadi
perusahaan publik, lebih dari 3 tahun.

Pilihan B (Jack Ma menjadi sukses besar setelah menghadapi beberapa kegagalan dan
penolakan) adalah jawaban yang tepat. Jika ditarik dari keseluruhan cerita di setiap
paragraf, pilihan B menyampaikan kesimpulan dari teks.

Pilihan C (tanpa uang atau koneksi Jack Ma sulit untuk sukses) tidak tepat. Karena menurut
teks di atas walaupun Jack Ma berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu, dia mampu menggapai

Pilihan D (punya kemapuan Bahasa Inggris tidak memberi kontribusi terhadap karir Jack Ma)
tidak tepat. Di paragaf 2 justru karena kemapuan Bahasa Inggrisnya Jack Ma mampu
mendapat pekerjaan pertamanya.

Pilihan E (Jack Ma menguasai computer dan coding sebelum dia membangun Alibaba)
tidak tepat. Di paragraf 2 disampaikan bahwa Jack Ma tidak punya pengalaman di bidang
Komputer dan coding tetapi dia punya ketertarikan terhadap internet.

The questions number 4-5 are based on the following passage.

Dozens of shipping containers full of waste will be returned to France and other developed
countries, Indonesia said on Tuesday, as Southeast Asian nations increasingly reject serving
as dumping grounds for international trash. The 49 containers were loaded with a
combination of garbage, plastic waste and hazardous materials in violation of import rules,
according to customs officials on Batam island.

"We are coordinating the with the importer to immediately process their return," customs
office spokesman Sumarna, who goes by one name, told AFP. The waste came from the
United States, Australia, France, Germany and Hong Kong, he added.

Last month, Jakarta returned five containers of waste to the United States. China's decision
in 2018 to ban imports of foreign plastic waste threw global recycling into chaos, leaving
developed nations struggling to find places to send their waste. Huge quantities of rubbish
have since been redirected to Southeast Asia.

In May, neighbouring Malaysia vowed to ship back hundreds of tons of plastic waste.
The Philippines, meanwhile, returned about 69 containers of rubbish back to Canada last
month, putting an end to a diplomatic row between the two countries.

Around 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year, according to the Worldwide Fund
for Nature (WWF), with much of it ending up in landfills or polluting the seas, in what has
become a growing international crisis.

(Adapted from


4. What does the text mainly deal with?

a. Malaysia shipped back tons of plastic waste
b. Huge quantities of rubbish redirected to Southeast Asia
c. China's decision to ban imports of foreign plastic waste
d. Rejection from Southeast Asian nations to be dumping grounds for international trash
e. The pollution in the Pacific ocean
Jawaban: D
Soal tersebut menanyakan topik utama yang dibicarakan dalam teks bacaan. Topik utama
suatu teks dapat disimpulkan dari informasi yang disampaikan pada paragraf-paragrafnya.

Paragraf pertama menyampaikan puluhan kontainer sampah yang akan dikembalikan ke

negara asalnya karena ditolak oleh Indonesia.

Paragraf kedua menyampaikan data yang diutarakan oleh petugas bea cukai mengenai
proses pengembalian kontainer dan dari negara mana saja sampah tersebut berasal.

Paragraf ketiga menyampaikan kebijakan Cina melarang impor sampah plastik masuk ke
negaranya menyebabkan negara-negara maju kelimpungan untuk menemukan
penampungan sampah mereka.

Paragraf keempat menyampaikan Malaysia berjanji untuk mengembalikan sampah ke

negara asalnya, begitu juga Filipina yang sudah memulangkan puluhan kontainer ke

Paragraf kelima menyampaikan jumlah produksi plastik setiap tahunnya yang menyebabkan
krisis global.

Topik utama teks adalah topik yang mencakup semua informasi tersebut dan, dari lima
pilihan jawaban yang tersedia, pilihan yang dapat mencakup semua poin informasi di atas
adalah adalah Rejection from Southeast Asian nations to be dumping grounds for
international trash sehingga pilihan D tepat.

Pilihan A, B dan C tidak tepat karena topik-topik pada ketiga pilihan ini hanya mencakup
informasi pada paragraf 3 dan 4 saja.
Pilihan E tidak tepat karena topik pada pilihan ini sama sekali tidak dibicarakan dalam teks.

5. The word threw in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to …….

a. release
b. decline
c. disrupt
d. disconnect
e. remove

Jawaban: C
Soal tersebut menanyakan kata yang memiliki makna paling dekat dengan kata threw sesuai
dengan konteks kalimat di teks. Kata threw terdapat pada kalimat 2 paragraf 3 yaitu China's
decision in 2018 to ban imports of foreign plastic waste threw global recycling into chaos
yang memiliki arti mengacaukan, dan kata yang memiliki makna paling mendekati adalah
disrupt (mengganggu, mengacaukan).
Kata release berarti ‘melepaskan’, decline berarti ‘menolak’, disconnect berarti ‘memutus’,
remove berarti ‘menghapus’.

The question is based on the following passage.

Getting good sleep can play a role in supporting your heart and overall health, and maybe
even how long you live, according to new research being presented at the American College
of Cardiology's Annual Scientific Session Together with the World Congress of Cardiology.
The study found that young people who have more beneficial sleep habits are incrementally
less likely to die early. Moreover, the data suggest that about 8% of deaths from any cause
could be attributed to poor sleep patterns.

Researchers assessed different factors of quality sleep using a low-risk sleep score they
created based on answers collected as part of the survey. Factors included: 1) ideal sleep
duration of seven to eight hours a night; 2) difficulty falling asleep no more than two times a
week; 3) trouble staying asleep no more than two times a week; 4) not using any sleep
medication; and 5) feeling well rested after waking up at least five days a week. Each factor
was assigned zero or one point for each, for a maximum of five points, which indicated the
highest quality sleep.

Among men and women who reported having all five quality sleep measures (a score of
five), life expectancy was 4.7 years greater for men and 2.4 years greater for women
compared with those who had none or only one of the five favorable elements of low-risk
sleep. More research is needed to determine why men with all five low-risk sleep factors had
double the increase in life expectancy compared with women who had the same quality

Previous studies have shown that getting too little or too much sleep can negatively affect the
heart. It's also been widely reported that sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that causes someone
to pause or stop breathing while asleep, can lead to a number of heart conditions, including
high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation and heart attacks.

(Adapted from

6. From the research on the correlation between sleep quality and how long people live, we
know that…
a. woman with high quality sleep has lower life expectancy than men with poor quality sleep
b. bad sleep habits can cause high blood pressure, heart attacks, and other health problems
c. young people who have more beneficial sleep habits are usually die early
d. poor sleep patterns are common among young people
e. men and women have the same quality sleep.

Jawaban: B
Teks membahas tentang pengaruh kebiasaan tidur terhadap kondisi kesehatan dan umur
manusia. Paragraf 1 menyampaikan temuan bahwa anak muda yang punya kebiasaan tidur
yang baik cenderung berumuh lebih panjang. Paragraf 2 menyampaikan bahwa riset
dilakukan menggunakan 5 faktor kualitas tidur. Paragraf 3 menyampaikan temuan bahwa
pria dan wanita yang punya 5 faktor kualitas tidur dengan skor sama memliki angka harapan
hidup yang berbeda. Paragraf 4 menyampaikan hasil temuan sebelumnya bahwa tidur terlalu
banyak atau terlalu sedikit bisa berdampak negatif pada jantung, begitu juga gangguan tidur
dapat memicu tekanan darah tinggi bahkan serangan jantung. Dengan demikian, pernyataan
yang tepat adalah bad sleep habits can cause high blood pressure, heart attacks, and other
health problems (Kebiasaan tidur yang buruk dapat memicu tekanan darah tinggi, serangan
jantung, dan masalah Kesehatan lainnya).

Pilihan A (perempuan dengan kualitas tidur tinggı memiliki harapan hidup lebih rendah
dibanding laki-laki dengan kualitas tidur yang buruk) tidak tepat, karena tidak sesuai
dengan isi teks.
Pilihan C (anak muda yang punya kebiasaan tidur lebih baik biasanya berumur pendek)
tidak tepat, karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.
Pilihan D (pola tidur yang buruk lumrah terjadi di kalangan anak muda) tidak tepat, karena
tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.
Pilihan E ( laki-laki dan perempuan memiliki kualitas tidur yang sama) tidak tepat, karena
tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.

The questions number 7-8 are based on the following passage.

Mother to Son

Well, son, I’ll tell you:

Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor—
But all the time
I’se been a-climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landin’s,
And turnin’ corners,
And sometimes goin’ in the dark
Where there ain’t been no light.
So boy, don’t you turn back.
Don’t you set down on the steps
’Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.
Don’t you fall now—
For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

(Adapted from

7. What does the poem try to display?

a. The struggles and hardships of life
b. Some attributes at home
c. Advice when the house is out and dark
d. Mother and son bonding time
e. Poverty the family experience

Jawab: A
Soal menanyakan tema dari teks puisi di atas. Secara sekilas teks bercerita tentang seorang
ibu yang menyapa putranya, menyampaikan tentang betapa sulit dan menantangnya
hidupnya selama ini. Penulis menggunakan metafora tangga untuk menggambarkan
perjuangan dan kesulitan hidup. Dengan demikian pilihan yang tepat adalah The struggles
and hardships of life.

Some attributes at home (Beberapa perlengkapan rumah), Advice when the house is out and
dark (Nasihat ketika rumah padam dan gelap), Mother and son bonding time (kebersamaan
ibu dan anak lelakinya), Poverty the family experience (kemiskinan yang dialami keluarga

8. What is the main message of the poem?

a. How to become a good mother
b. Mother is the first teacher to a son
c. Hope and encouragement to move forward in life, despite all difficulties
d. To keep climbing even though no crystal stair
e. To be a strong person without a mother

Jawab: C
Soal menanyakan pesan utama dari teks puisi di atas. Pada teks terlihat jelas sang ibu
memberi nasihat kepada putranya untuk tetap punya harapan dalam hidup “don’t you turn
back”, “Don’t you set down”, “Don’t you fall now”, memberi dorongan untuk maju dalam
hidup, terlepas dari semua kesulitan. Dengan demikian pilihan yang tepat adalah Hope and
encouragement to move forward in life, despite all difficulties.

How to become a good mother (bagaimana menjadi ibu yang baik), Mother is the first
teacher to a son (ibu adalah guru pertama bagi putranya), To keep climbing even though no
crystal stair (untuk terus memanjat walaupun tidak ada tangga kristal), To be a strong person
without a mother (untuk menjadi pribadi yang kuat tanpa seorang ibu).

The questions number 9-11 are based on the following passage.

Before the mid-1860's, the impact of the railroads in the United States was limited, in the
sense that the tracks ended at the Missouri River, approximately the centers of the country.
At that point the trains turned their freight, mail, and passengers over to steamboats,
wagons, and stagecoaches. This meant that wagon freighting, stagecoaching and
steamboating did not come to an end when the first train appeared; rather they became
supplements or feeders. Each new "end-of-track" became a center for animaldrawn or
waterborne transportation. The major effect of the railroad was to shorten the distance that
had to be covered by the older, slower, and more costly means. Wagon freighters continued
operating throughout the 1870's and 1880's and into the 1890's, although over constantly
shrinking routes, and coaches and wagons continued to crisscross the West wherever the
rails had not yet been laid.

The beginning of a major change was foreshadowed in the later 1860's, when the Union
Pacific Railroad at last began to build westward from the Central Plaints city of Omaha to
meet the Central Pacific Railroad advancing eastward form California through the formidable
barriers of the Sierra Nevada. Although President Abraham Lincoln signed the original
Pacific Railroad bill in 1862 and a revised, financially much more generous version in 1864,
little construction was completed until 1865 on the Central Pacific and 1866 on the Union
Pacific. The primary reason was skepticism that a railroad built through so challenging and
thinly settled a stretch of desert, mountain, and semiarid plain could pay a profit. In the words
of an economist, this was a case of "premature enterprise", where not only the cost of
construction but also the very high risk deterred private investment. In discussing the Pacific
Railroad bill, the chair of the congressional committee bluntly stated that without government
subsidy no one would undertake so unpromising a venture; yet it was a national necessity to
link East and West together.
(Adapted from:

9. Based on the passage, what could happen to coaches and wagon freighters after the
railroads expanded?
a. They developed competing routes
b. Their drivers refused to work for the railroads
c. They began to specialize in transporting goods
d. They were not used as much as before
e. They totally stopped operating

Jawab: D
Soal menanyakan urutan atau proses sebuah kejadian, apa yang akan terjadi pada kereta
pos dan gerobak pengangkut setelah rel kereta api diperluas?. Di baris ke 4 paragraf
pertama dijelaskan bahwa gerobak pengangkut, kereta pos, dan kapal uap tidak akan
berhenti beroperasi saat kereta api pertama muncul, mereka justru akan melengkapi
angkutan tersebut. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah D. They were not used as much as
before (Mereka tidak digunakan sebanyak sebelumnya).

Pilihan A (Mereka mengembangkan rute saingan), B (Pengemudinya menolak untuk

bekerja di perusahaan kereta api), C (Mereka mulai mengkhususkan diri sebagai
pengangkut barang), dan E (Mereka berhenti beroperasi secara total) tidak tepat karena
tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.

10. The author refers to the impact of railroads before the late 1860's as "limited" because
a. the tracks did not take the direct route from one city to the next
b. passenger and freight had to transfer to other modes of transportation to reach western
c. passengers preferred stagecoaches
d. railroad travel was quite expensive
e. steamboats, wagons, and stagecoaches became feeders

Jawab: B
Soal menanyakan alasan mengapa dampak kereta api sebelum akhir tahun 1860-an
terbatas. Pada bagian awal paragraf pertama dijelaskan alasannya bahwa jalur kereta
berakhir di Sungai Missouri, mereka kemudian mengalihkan barang, surat, dan penumpang
ke kapal uap, gerbong pengankut, dan kereta pos. Dengan demikian, pilihan yang tepat
adalah B. passenger and freight had to transfer to other modes of transportation to reach
western destinations (penumpang dan barang harus dipindah ke moda transportasi lain
untuk sampai ke tujuan akhir).

Pilihan A (jalurnya tidak ada yang langsung dari satu kota ke kota berikutnya), C
(penumpang lebih memilih kereta pos), D (perjalanan kereta api cukup mahal), dan E (kapal
uap, gerbong pengangkut, dan kereta pos menjadi alat transportasi sampingan) tidak tepat
karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.

11. The Pacific railroads were considered a "premature enterprise" because

a. the technology of railroad cars was not fully developed
b. there was not enough wood and steel for the tracks
c. the cost and risks discouraged private investment
d. there were insufficient numbers of trained people to operate them
e. no experience in railroad construction

Jawab: C
Soal menanyakan sebab atau alasan mengapa The Pacific railroads dianggap “perusahaan
prematur”. Pada bagian akhir paragraf 2 dijelaskan bahwa alasan utama pembangunan rel
kereta di wilayah pasifik memakan waktu yang panjang adalah skeptisme banyak pihak
terhadap proyek tersebut yang memakan banyak biaya dan penuh resiko sehingga
mematahkan keinginan pihak swasta untuk berinvestasi. Dengan demikian jawaban yang
tepat adalah C. the cost and risks discouraged private investment .

Pilihan A (teknologi gerbong kereta api belum sepenuhnya berkembang) tidak tepat, karena
tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.
Pilihan B (tidak ada cukup kayu dan baja untuk relnya) tidak tepat, karena tidak sesuai
dengan isi teks.
Pilihan D (jumlah orang yang terlatih tidak mencukupi untuk mengoperasikannya) tidak
tepat, karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.
Pilihan E (tidak memiliki pengalaman dalam hal konstruksi kereta api) tidak tepat, karena
tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.

The questions number 12-14 are based on the following passage.

L’Oreal Paris Extraordinary Clay shampoo is said to be a Purifying & Hydrating Shampoo
that is enriched with the extraordinary power of clay. It claims to purify and hydrate your hair,
leaving it clean and fresh for 72 hours. This shampoo also claims to wash off all impurities
and oil while intensely hydrating and moisturizing your hair from root to tip.

I am very skeptical about using the right kind of shampoo for my oily scalp which is also
overly sensitive. When I used L’Oréal clay shampoo for the first time, it left me speechless
with the results.

Over a period of time, I have observed that it keeps my hair fresh, nourished, and
moisturized. I have noticed dryness and oiliness reduce. I can now go on for more than a day
without feeling oily and greasy.

There was also no irritation on my scalp while using the shampoo. During applying it gives a
cooling effect and leaves a nice and lasting fragrance. The only disadvantage from this
product is that it has less quantity as compared to other similar shampoos.

( Adapted from


12. Besides purifying and hydrating hair, L'Oreal Paris Extraordinary Clay shampoo is also
good for ...
a. fading hair’s texture and shine
b. face and body care
c. keeping skin fresh and nourished
d. moisturizing all parts of hair
e. making hair prone to breakage

Jawab: D
Soal menanyakan keunggulan lain dari sampo L'Oreal Paris Extraordinary Clay selain
membersihkan dan menghidrasi rambut. Di paragraf pertama terdapat kalimat This shampoo
also claims to wash off all impurities and oil while intensely hydrating and moisturizing your
hair from root to tip. (Sampo ini juga mengklaim dapat membersihkan semua kotoran dan
minyak, menghidrasi secara intens dan melembabkan rambutmu dari akar sampai ujung),
jadi pilihan yang tepat adalah D.

Pilihan A fading hair’s texture and shine (memudarkan tekstur dan kilau rambut), dan
pilihan E making hair prone to breakage (membuat rambut mudah patah) tidak tepat
karena tidak membahas manfaat sampo tetapi justru sebaliknya.

Pilihan B face and body care (perawatan wajah dan tubuh), dan pilihan C keeping skin
fresh and nourished (menjaga kulit tetap segar dan ternutrisi) tidak tepat karena tidak
membahas tentang rambut tetapi justru membahas perawatan bagian tubuh lainnya.
13. The author assumes that L'Oreal Paris Extraordinary Clay shampoo is beneficial for her
hair, but ….
a. she is skeptical about using the shampoo
b. her scalp is overly sensitive
c. she doesn’t like the fragrance
d. no irritation on her scalp while using the shampoo
e. it has less quantity as compared to other similar shampoos

Jawab: E
Soal menanyakan kekurangan sampo L'Oreal Paris Extraordinary Clay sesuai dengan
ulasan di atas. Pada paragraf terakhir, menurut penulis kekurangan dari sampo ini hanya
kuantitasnya yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan sampo lainnya yang jenisnya sama.
Jadi pilihan yang tepat adalah E. it has less quantity as compared to other similar

Pilihan A (dia ragu menggunakan sampo), B (kulit kepalanya terlalu sensitif), C (dia tidak
suka wanginya), dan D (tidak ada iritasi pada kulit kepalanya saat menggunakan sampo)
tidak tepat karena tidak menjelaskan kekurangan sampo yang dimaksud.

14. How does the second paragraph relate to the third paragraph?
a. it explains the benefits the author felt after using the L'Oreal shampoo several times
b. it shows the disadvantages of L'Oreal Paris Extraordinary Clay shampoo
c. it states that the shampoo is not suitable for oily hair
d. it argues that the shampoo gives false claims
e. it shows the appropriate quantity required by the customers

Jawab: A
Soal menanyakan hubungan antara paragraf 2 dan paragraf 3.

Paragraf 2 menyampaikan kekaguman penulis terhadap sampo L'Oreal Paris Extraordinary

Clay setelah percobaan pertama, dan paragraf 3 menjelaskan lebih rinci alasan
kekagumannya, karena dia merasakan banyak manfaat dari sampo tersebut. Dengan
demikian jawaban yang sesuai adalah A. it explains the benefits the author felt after using
the L'Oreal shampoo several times (menjelaskan manfaat yang penulis rasakan setelah
menggunakan sampo L'Oreal tersebut beberapa kali).

The questions number 15-16 are based on the following passage.

While social media can promote healthy relationships and communication between family,
friends, and acquaintances, significant social media use can also alter familial relationships
and behaviors.

Out of all age groups, teenagers are most susceptible to social media’s destructive and
addictive nature with excessive usage. This age group is also vulnerable to feelings of social
isolation and depression from the social comparison that social media fosters. This can
further manifest itself in family relationships and communication between parents and

Most families these days provide their children with technological devices like cell phones or
tablets, allowing them to connect to social media early on. Some families even communicate
through social media messages within their households, which can create complex
relationship structures within a family. Excessive social media users’ most common negative
emotional effects included depression, frustration, and social comparison.

(Adapted from

15. The author would apparently agree on the idea that ....
a. technology minimizes the potential for children’s learning
b. excessive usage of social media may lead to low quality in family relationships
c. social media provides teenagers with enjoyable experiences
d. technology is bad for our daily life
e. communication can create complex relationship structures within a family

Jawab: B
Soal menanyakan kesimpulan tersirat penulis menurut teks tersebut.

Berdasarkan kalimat di paragraf pertama (significant social media use can also alter familial
relationships dan behaviors), dan kalimat di paragraf ke 2 (teenagers are most susceptible to
social media’s destructive and addictive nature with excessive usage. This can further
manifest itself in family relationships and communication between parents and adolescents).
dapat disimpulkan bahwa penulis mengungkapkan penggunaan media sosial yang
berlebihan dapat menyebabkan rendahnya kualitas hubungan keluarga. Dengan demikian
jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

16. The author holds the assumption that ....

a. social media makes young people feel like models and actresses
b. television programs are no longer needed today
c. depression and social comparison are the most common negative effects of social media
d. Most families these days allow their children to play mobile games
e. parents are vulnerable to social media’s destructive and addictive nature

Jawab: C
Soal menanyakan asumsi penulis berdasarkan teks bacaan di atas.
Berdasarkan kalimat (This age group is also vulnerable to feelings of social isolation and
depression from the social comparison that social media fosters), dan kalimat terakhir
(Excessive social media users’ most common negative emotional effects included
depression, frustration, and social comparison) menunjukkan konsistensi pendapat penulis
bahwa perasaan terisolasi secara sosial, depresi, frustasi, dan perbandingan sosial adalah
efek umum dari penggunaan media social yang berlebihan. Oleh karena itu, pilihan C tepat.

The questions number 17-20 are based on the following passage.

Artificial Intelligence will alter deterrence dynamics and coercion between nuclear weapon
states in unique ways. Perhaps the most notable global shift in the past decade has been the
rapid transformation in technological innovation. The 21st century has brought significant
new developments for waging warfare, both intuitively and intentionally, as artificial
intelligence (AI) increasingly becomes relevant and changes our world.

Militaries are now making hay in AI sunshine, and its application is considered almost as
revolutionary as the discovery of gunpowder. AI allows machines – and weapons – to
perform tasks like learning, planning, reasoning, and executing missions simulating human
While AI has exciting prospects for knowledge-sharing and innovation, its significant
development also raises serious concerns regarding its future implications on national
security and strategic stability at the regional and international levels.

In 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that “whoever reaches a breakthrough in
developing AI will come to dominate the world.” He was stating the obvious and aiming to
catch up to the US technologically.

(adapted from


17. The application of AI in military is revolutionary that ....

a. it transforms gunpowder into electricity
b. It could prevent the destruction of a building
c. it is capable of manipulating our enemy's mind
d. it can control war equipment and carry out missions like humans
e. It could lead to serious tension between nuclear weapon states

Jawab: D
Soal menanyakan tentang penjelasan lanjutan mengapa penggunaan AI di bidang militer
dianggap revolusioner.

Informasi tersebut dapat ditemukan pada paragraf kedua yang menjelaskan bahwa
penggunaan AI dianggap hampir sama revolusionernya dengan penemuan bubuk mesiu. AI
dapat menendalikan mesin dan senjata untuk melakukan tugas-tugas seperti belajar,
merencanakan, menganalisa, dan menjalankan misi seperti kecerdasan manusia. Dari 5
pilihan yang ada, Pilihan D adalah yang tepat.

18. Which statement is CORRECT based on the passage above?

a. AI encourages some states to have virtual war
b. Rivalry in AI development could result in world war 3
c. A country with advanced AI technology can dominate the world
d. The military in every country is now busy developing AI
e. Russia shows the world that its technology is superior to the US

Jawab: C
Soal tersebut menanyakan pernyataan yang tepat berdasarkan teks.

Pilihan A (AI mendorong beberapa negara untuk melakukan perang virtual), dan Pilihan B
(Persaingan dalam pengembangan AI dapat mengakibatkan perang dunia ketiga)
tidak tepat, karena tidak ada pernyataan demikian pada teks.

Pilihan C (Negara dengan teknologi AI canggih dapat mendominasi dunia) tepat, di paragraf
terakhir penulis mengutip pernyataan Presiden Vladimir Putin bahwa siapa pun (negara
manapun) yang mencapai terobosan dalam mengembangkan AI akan mendominasi dunia,
kutipan tersebut dilampirkan untuk mendukung pernyataan sebelumnya.

Pilihan D (Militer di setiap negara kini sibuk mengembangkan AI) tidak tepat, karena tidak
sesuai isi teks, tidak disebutkan bahwa setiap negara mengembagkan AI.

Pilihan E (Rusia menunjukkan kepada dunia bahwa teknologinya lebih unggul dari AS) tidak
tepat, kalimat terakhir pada paragraf terakhir menyimpulkan pernyataan Putin yang
mengindikasikan bahwa Rusia punya tujuan untuk mengejar AS secara teknologi, bukan
telah mengungguli AS.

19. The purpose of the passage is ….

a. To reveal the war crimes
b. To express concerns about the use of AI in the military
c. To announce the latest technological innovation
d. To inform about controversy of Artificial Intelligence
e. to warn some countries about the dangers of AI

Jawab: B
Soal menanyakan tujuan penulisan teks bacaan tersebut.

Teks tersebut secara garis besar menyampaikan kekhawatiran penulis mengenai

perkembangan AI yang signifikan, mengenai implikasinya di masa depan terhadap
keamanan nasional dan stabilitas strategis di tingkat regional dan internasional. Karena
teknologi AI saat ini sudah banyak digunakan untuk militer. Dengan demikian, Pilihan yang
tepat adalah B. To express concerns about the use of AI in the military (Untuk
menyampaikan kekhawatiran tentang penggunaan AI di militer).

20. What can be inferred from the passage?

a. The development of AI is terrifying
b. Militaries are making hay in the rice field
c. Without Artificial Intelligence a country will be far behind
d. We cannot ignore the rapid development of AI
e. AI is such a double-edged sword, to support science or be a threat to world security

Jawab: E
Soal menanyakan kesimpulan tersirat yang tepat berdasarkan informasi pada teks tersebut.

Paragraf pertama menyampaikan transformasi cepat dalam inovasi teknologi yang

mengubah dunia kita, dan mengubah dinamika dalam dunia perang. Paragraf kedua
menyampaikan betapa canggihnya kemampuan AI ketika digunakan di militer. Paragraf
ketiga menyampaikan baik dan buruknya AI, bisa membantu perkembangan ilmu
pengetahuan tetapi juga dapat menjadi ancaman keamanan. Paragraf keempat
menyampaikan pernyataan presiden Putin bahwa negara manapun yang punya terobosan
dalam mengembangkan AI akan mendominasi dunia.

Informasi pada keempat paragraf tersebut menunjukkan bahwa faktanya teknologi AI ibarat
pedang bermata dua, dapat digunakan untuk mendukung kemajuan science atau menjadi
ancaman bagi keamanan dunia. Dengan demikian, pilihan E tepat.

Pilihan A (Perkembangan AI sangat menakutkan), B (Militer membuat jerami di sawah), C

(Tanpa Artificial Intelligence suatu negara akan tertinggal jauh), dan D (Kita tidak bisa
mengabaikan perkembangan pesat AI) tidak tepat karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks,
beberapa kata memang terdapat pada teks, namun tidak sesuai dengan konteks.

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