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What is a walkable place? The walkability debate in urban design

Article in URBAN DESIGN International · December 2015

DOI: 10.1057/udi.2015.22


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1 author:

Ann Forsyth
Harvard University


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Original Article
What is a walkable place? The walkability debate in urban

Ann Forsyth

UPD, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, 48 Quincy Street, Harvard GSD,
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.

Abstract What exactly is meant by the term ‘walkability’? In professional, research and public debates the
term is used to refer to several quite different kinds of phenomena. Some discussions focus on environmental
features or means of making walkable environments, including areas being traversable, compact, physically
enticing and safe. Others deal with outcomes potentially fostered by such environments, such as making places
lively, enhancing sustainable transportation options and inducing exercise. Finally some use the term walkability
as a proxy for better design whether composed of multiple, measurable dimensions or providing a holistic
solution to urban problems. This review both problematizes the idea of walkability and proposes a conceptual
framework distinguishing these definitions. This matters for urban design, because what is considered a walkable

place varies substantially between definitions leading to substantially different designs. By mapping the range of
definitions, this review highlights potential conflicts been forms of walkability.
URBAN DESIGN International advance online publication, 14 October 2015; doi:10.1057/udi.2015.22

Keywords: walkability; pedestrian; vitality


The Problem of Walkability urban places – with some paying attention to walk-
ability being multidimensional and measurable

There is currently much talk about creating walk- and others proposing that enhancing walkability
able environments and improving walkability. provides a holistic solution to a variety of urban

Such strategies are meant to solve numerous pro- problems.

blems from the obesity crisis and a lack of central This review problematizes the idea of walkabil-
city vibrancy to traffic congestion, environmental ity and draws out implications for debates in urban
injustice, and social isolation. However, what design. It first explores why the confusion about

exactly is meant by ‘walkability’ and the related the term and the outcomes it can produce is
idea of the walkable place? This article reviews problematic, not least because some of the out-

the English-language literature on walkability – comes conflict. It then proposes nine different
from research, practice and popular discussions – themes dealt with in definitions. These themes
and proposes that the term is used to refer to imply varying approaches to improving walkabil-
several quite different kinds of phenomena. Some ity, from the compact city and New Urbanism to
discussions of walkability focus on the means or Radburn planning, safe routes to school, and trail-
conditions by which walking is enabled, including based approaches. It concludes by proposing two
areas being traversable, compact, physically approaches to defining physical walkability that
enticing, or safe. Others propose that walkability nest into a larger conceptualization of the term.
is about the outcomes or performance of such First is a minimal definition based on having basic
walkable environments, such as making places conditions for walking (traversability), combined
lively and sociable, enhancing transportation with closeness and minimal safety. Second, the
options, or inducing exercise. A final set of discus- term walkability can be more clearly specified in
sions uses the term walkability as a proxy for better terms of purpose. In doing this, scholars and

© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International 1–19

practitioners would also more clearly distinguish Works cited in articles, reports and books identi-
between walkability features or means, walkability fied in these earlier searches were also located.
outcomes, and walkability as a proxy for Other sources included dictionaries and profes-
improved, or at least measurable, place-making. sional literature on pedestrians (including reports
In addition, more can be done in urban design to and pedestrian plans). Some meanings are more
consider the many factors beyond physical compo- prominent in public debates or practice, others in
nents that come together to make a walkable place, research, but the boundary between research work
however it is defined. These include pricing of and practice is quite porous.
relevant alternatives (from automobile use to Given that the terms walkable and walkability
recreation centers), policies and programs support- are very widely used in such areas as the news
ing walking, and characteristics of the population media and public meetings, the works cited in this
(preferences, motivations, demographics, and so article are not an exhaustive list. Rather the search
on). Although the fields of health and transporta- concluded when there were no new definitions
tion typically do consider these issues, they are not emerging from additional investigation. The speci-
always prominent in urban design discussions. fic works included in this article thus typify the
overall range of definitions. It was not possible to
quantitatively analyze which uses were most com-
Why Bother to Define Walkability? mon as such assessments would be too sensitive to
which literatures were included – research reports
The term walkable has been in use since at least the and articles, professional and media publications,
eighteenth century (Oxford English Dictionary, 2014). and/or more speculative design work.
In contrast, walkability is a more recent term rela- In health, one of the fields investigating walk-
tively rarely defined in dictionaries but in common
use. If people are using the terms successfully, why
bother to more clearly define them? Conflicting
ability, a common format for conducting a literature
review is the systematic review where the gold
standard for such reviews aims to identify, analyze
definitions cause problems, however, as they affect and synthesize empirical research studies valuing
how people try to create walkable places in practice, rigorous quantitative study designs (Evans and
measure environmental walkability, and assess the Kowanko, 2000; Callahan, 2014). There are, how-

costs and benefits of creating walkable environ- ever, many other forms of literature review (Booth
ments. Practitioners and researchers may talk with et al, 2012, p. 22). This article’s approach is ‘inter-
great conviction about how to make environments pretive’ focusing on literature relevant to identify-

more walkable, but could well be proposing con- ing the range of definitions in use (Barnett-Page and
flicting solutions. The lack of clarity also makes it Thomas, 2009). The final aim of such a review is a

difficult to develop a theory to guide practice conceptualization or theory, grounded in the litera-
(Caplan and Nelson, 1973).1 ture to identify themes and make an argument

about their relationships (Dixon-Woods et al, 2006).

Indeed, one of the motivations for this article was a
Identifying Walkability frustration that systematic reviews of the literature
on aspects of walkability often come up with a set of

Review approach very mixed findings because the definitions of

walkability vary among studies. When practi-

To explore the issue of walkability, Google, Google tioners, who may have yet another conceptualiza-
Scholar, Bing, and the related Microsoft Academic tion of walkability, try to apply the findings to
Search were searched for the terms ‘walkability’ design and planning proposals, there are further
and ‘walkable’. The specific phrases ‘define walk- problems. By mapping out the range of definitions,
ability’, ‘define walkable,’ or ‘walkability defini- this review can help provide a more specific lan-
tion’ were also included in various combinations guage for future comparisons and proposals.
and orders. Google has been shown to be superior This review was able to build on some earlier
to others in locating publications (Hodge and work (Forsyth and Southworth, 2008). One prior
Lacasse, 2011), though recent changes in Bing article had directly, and at length, tackled the issue
made it a viable alternative. Key web sites were of defining walkability, providing a historical
identified in these early searches and from general and thematic overview of pedestrian planning
knowledge of the field – for example, the Active (Lo, 2009). Lo reviewed and critiqued transporta-
Living Research web site and tion guidelines and analyses, outlined measures

2 © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International 1–19

Walkability debate in urban design

such as level of service or walkability indices, opportunities for those who cannot use cars
examined walkability planning in the context of because of age, income or disability.
multimodal transportation, described supports ● Many search for an exercise-inducing environ-
such as aesthetics, and explored proposed out- ment with features that lead to higher than
comes such as sociability and improved health average levels of walking either in total or for
(Lo, 2009). A major focus of Lo’s very useful paper transportation or exercise.
was on measuring walkability; Lo was also critical
Finally, walkability is often used as a kind of proxy
of conventional transportation planning that, for
for better design. These proxies involve compi-
example, proposed in the tradition of automotive
lations of dimensions and very broad claims
level of service (LOS) calculations that lower den-
about outcomes. While it is certainly possible to
sities of pedestrians were better (p. 163). As walk-
criticize them as definitions, I include them
ability discussions have flourished, the range of
because they are in common use as definitions of
uses of the term has increased. It seemed time to re-
address this issue and to expand beyond profes-
sional debates in transportation was a major, ● For some, walkability is multidimensional in terms
though not exclusive, focus of Lo’s paper.
of means and these dimensions are measureable.
This kind of definition creates indicators of the
Key themes or dimensions conditions of walkability akin to definitions of
livability or sustainable development based on
The first cluster of definitions includes themes or indicators.
dimensions related to the community environ- ● Last, walkability is in many cases a way of
ment, some of the means for creating walkability. talking about environments that are simply
● Traversable environments have the basic physical
conditions to allow people to get from one place
better – with walkability representing a holistic
solution to improving urban areas – slower
paced, more human scaled, healthier, and hap-
to another without major impediments, for
pier. This encompasses many of the other defi-
example, relatively smooth paths.
● nitions in an integrated package that is less
Compact places provide short distances to desti-
about walking as such and more about a gen-

nations for those who are walking for utility.

● Several different dimensions are key to places erally good place to be.
being safe for walking – perceived and actual This is a listing of definitions in the literature, not a

crime and perceived and actual traffic safety. hierarchy. It is, however, possible to create a
Both are about potential harm to the person. hierarchy as definitions in the first list are typically

● Physically enticing environments have full pedes- preconditions for those in the second, and they are
trian facilities such as sidewalks or paths, combined in the third. Figure 1 demonstrates one

marked pedestrian crossings, appropriate light- way to conceptualize these relationships between
ing and street furniture, useful signage, and themes and their associated specific definitions
street trees. They may also include interesting based on means, outcomes and as proxies. The
architecture, pleasant views and abundant ser- top of the chart includes minimum means or

vices attractive to those who have other choices conditions and the bottom focuses more on out-
for getting around and getting exercise. comes. The right show how these are combined in

the proxy measures. Basically all definitions

The second set of definitions relate to perceived
include the dimensions at the top (compactness,
outcomes of walking.
traversability, safety), including the physically
● A walkable environment is often attractive enticing theme. However, in the literature, except
because it is lively and sociable – pleasant, clean, for those explicitly looking at issues of hierarchy
and full of interesting people. Such definitions (for example Alfonzo, 2005; Methorst et al, 2010),
are much used in relation to shopping areas and walkability is rarely seen in this way. People
mixed-use neighborhoods. instead favor one or two of the definitions, using
● In other cases, walkability is seen as a way to the same terms (walkable, walkability) to mean
achieve both the environmental preservation quite different things.
and social equity components of sustainable Figure 2 demonstrates how these themes map
urban form providing sustainable transportation onto specific kinds of places. Environments like the
options. This both saves energy and provides one in image 1 are classic ‘walkable’ places and

© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International 1–19 3


Figure 1: Framework linking definitions of walkability and walkable places.

widely promoted as such, although depending on practitioners, advocates, and the public talk and
the location and population, there may be more write about walkability.
general liveliness than walking (Zook et al, 2012).

In contrast, a great deal of walking occurs in

places like those illustrated in the remaining Related Concepts
photos. Image 2 shows women at lunch time

walking in a park for exercise; the environment It is also important to note the overlap between
is quite different to the kind of place that sup- walkability and related terms (Lo, 2009). Older

ports walking for transportation. Image 3 illus- terms that overlap substantially with walkability
trates a woman and children in a low-income are pedestrian-oriented planning or pedestrian-

new town walking in the central shopping dis- oriented places. The term pedestrian is likely to be
trict. It demonstrates a more minimal set of defined in legislation while walkability is not.
supports for walking including closeness and Pedestrians certainly walk, but many regulations
destinations but lacks some of the physical char- define the term more broadly to include people in

acteristics (street furniture, plantings) many wheelchairs and even, in some cases, those stand-
associate with walkability. Image 4 captures ing and not moving (Lo, 2009, p. 146).

pedestrians taking a shortcut, using a major Some of the confusion over walkability is
pedestrian path that has, however, very few of because of the issue of purposes and motivations.
the conditions or outcomes often associated with Walking can be done for many purposes such
walkability in the literature. as transportation, exercise, and recreation.
Of course many authors are not as precise as the However, such purposes are often mixed, for
listing of nine distinct dimensions would indicate. example ‘walking around the lake to buy the
There is also some overlap among the definitions. paper’ (Forsyth and Krizek, 2010). Further,
For example, walkability as a holistic solution each purpose may have a different underlying
typically also involves creating lively and sociable motivation. For example, exercise or recrea-
places. Others do not explicitly define the term tional walking may be done for stress reduc-
walkability, but rather imply a definition within a tion, increasing fitness, losing weight, getting
description. However, these features and outcomes out of the house, meeting people, even to
together map the range of ways that academics, enjoy a beautiful place. Each purpose might be

4 © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International 1–19

Walkability debate in urban design


Figure 2: Examples of places demonstrating different dimensions or themes. Locations: (1) Minneapolis, MN (in a college area);
(2) Columbus, IN; (3) Paris, France (in a suburban new town); (4) Vijayawada, India (shortcut across rail line). Photos by author. * Bold

themes are outcomes; standard fonts are means or conditions; italics are proxies. Only major themes are listed; others may also be present.

suited by a slightly different kind of walkable (for reviews see Maller et al, 2005; Wells et al,
place. 2007; Barton and Pretty, 2010; Bowler et al,
There are also walking purposes that are rarely 2010).
discussed in the literature on walkability. ● In addition, walking may be incidental to some
other purpose – perhaps called ‘being on your
● One health-related form of walking is where feet’ rather than walking. For example, people
people walk not for exercise but for restoration caring for children or waiting on tables do a lot
or stress reduction (often in a ‘natural’ or of walking, but the literature on walkability does
vegetated setting) (Kaplan, 1995). Typically, not deal with such activities.
such environments are seen as restorative, ● Finally, much walking occurs indoors. Little of
relaxing or recreational, but not ‘walkable’ this makes it into the walkability discussion that

© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International 1–19 5


Figure 3: Contrasting community-design level walkability approaches. Grid and small block: (1) With traditional footpath/sidewalk:

Washington DC, USA; (2) With shared street: Chiba, Japan Superblock; (3) Low-density version: Stockholm, Sweden; (4) High density
version: Hong Kong. Photos by author.

is focused on the scale of the block, street, trail, clothing), and other kinds of strategies need to be

and district. enlisted such as programming, pricing, and other

policies. This might include restricting parking,

It is unsurprising then that theories of walking are making driving expensive, educating motorists,
quite varied. Many urban design theories impli- and/or providing supports to pedestrians (for
citly assume physical features will make people example safe routes to school). Further, such fac-
want to walk. However, the field of health has tors as incomes, individual preferences, cultural

created a number of different theories of behavior values and climate also affect walking. The same
change, many of which focus on personal charac- place may be more or less walkable, or have more

teristics, individual behaviors, and social contexts, or less actual walking, depending on such charac-
with the physical environment only incidental teristics (Alfonzo, 2005; Forsyth and Krizek, 2010).
(Baranowski et al, 2003). Where the environment is The nine themes or definitions are reflected in
considered, it may be at a very small scale – in this different kinds of planning and design for walk-
literature, anything beyond the person is part of able environments. Some focus on specific compo-
the environment, including such items as clothing. nents – for example, sidewalk, trail, crosswalk,
It may also focus on non-physical environments signage, and signal design. However, at the larger
such as the social, media, or policy environments level of the neighborhood or city, two main clus-
(Alfonzo, 2005; Wells et al, 2007). ters of approaches contend for dominance in the
This is an essential insight – that to create area of physical community design (see Figure 3).
‘walkable’ places, block and neighborhood designs On the one hand is the fine-grained multifunc-
are not enough in themselves. Rather, other scales tional street pattern seen in compact city, New
of the environment are also important (for example Urbanist, Jane-Jacobs-inspired, mixed-use, transit-

6 © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International 1–19

Walkability debate in urban design

oriented approaches that cluster people and desti- walkable is ‘capable of being traveled, crossed, or
nations close together. This is typically in a grid or covered by walking: a walkable road; a walkable dis-
small block street pattern lined with sidewalks, but tance’ (, 2015a, b, italics in original).
may take more organic forms based on historic city Walkability in this sense is about the very basic
patterns. On the other side are the various forms of physical infrastructure to get from one place to
superblocks, where vehicular traffic is kept largely another – is there a continuous path with some
to the outside, or moves through with difficulty, reasonable surface and no major hazards? This is in
and pedestrians infiltrate the center. In the current part about the quality of the path and in part about
period this takes a number of forms, including its configuration relative to origins and destina-
college campuses, pedestrianized downtowns, the tions, an issue of urban form (dealt with in many
leafy Radburn-style designs of modernist high and urban design literatures including aspects of space
low-rise superblocks, and even innovations like the syntax and responsive environments) (Bentley et al,
fused grid (Southworth, 1997; Lee and Ahn, 2003; 1985; Southworth, 2005). What traversibility means
Grammenos et al, 2008; Lo, 2009). will also vary with the walker’s age, preferences,
It is interesting that the grid/small block and encumbrances such as strollers or packages, level
superblock approaches emphasize some similar of disability, weather, time of day, the attraction of
dimensions – such as traffic safety, personal safety, the destination, perceived safety, other options
and sociability – and have both been touted as available, hilliness, and numerous other factors.
holistic solutions to urban problems. However, A literature on perceived walkability has investi-
their designs are quite different in how they mix gated some of these personal differences (for
people and cars and in their emphasis on green example Gebel et al, 2009).
space. Overall, a walkable place is a complex and Traversability and the following two themes
contested phenomenon. The following section
unpacks some of that complexity. PY
(compactness and safety) are related to a key
purpose of walking: to get to a destination. This is
a dominant view in transportation and an intuitive
and commonsense definition. It does, however,
Nine Themes Unpacked omit many factors dealt with in later themes.

Conditions or means
Compact or close
Traversable A related but slightly different definition of a place

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, walk- being walkable is that destinations are close enough
ability is not a word. Walkable is one, however. to get to in a reasonable time on foot. Thus the

The first meaning, ‘Of terrain, a road, path, compact place – with a high density or proximity of
environment, etc.: that is suitable, fit, or safe for destinations and people – is a walkable place. The

walkers’, was in use by 1736 at least (Oxford second definition of walkable in the Oxford English
English Dictionary, 2014). This first definition of Dictionary is of this genre. ‘Of a distance: that is
walkable places as traversable or suitable for short enough to be walked. Also of a place: close
walking turns out to be the main dictionary enough to be reached by walking’ was in use by the

definition across a variety of sources. For exam- end of the eighteenth century (Oxford English
ple, Merriam-Websters (2015) defines walkable as Dictionary, 2014). The Australian Macquarie Diction-

‘capable of or suitable for being walked’ though ary does not define walkable – except as being the
one usage example they give is a ‘walkable adjective associated with the word walk – but does
distance’ dealt with in the next theme. define a ‘walkable neighbourhood’ as ‘a neighbour-
The internet-based is one of the hood designed so that facilities, such as shops,
few dictionaries to count walkability as a word – parks, transport, etc., are within walking distance
though the adjective ‘walkable’ is the main form. for most residents’ (Macquarie Dictionary, 2014).
This source is based on the older Random House Thus these definitions focus on distance to destina-
Unabridged Dictionary as well as the American Heri- tions, and closeness of complementary functions,
tage and Harper Collins dictionaries but it has its including other modes of transport (Southworth,
own lexicographers who can presumably keep 2005). For example, the neighborhood generator tool
abreast of current usage. For this source, being of the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure
walkable combines the theme of condition with that Network (2014) creates neighborhood polygons for
of closeness (dealt with below): something that is ‘walkability analysis … based on the user supplied

© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International 1–19 7


parameters of maximum distance along the network transportation – to get somewhere – rather than
to traverse and a buffer value …’. This kind of recreation, although a number of definitions,
distance-based buffering approach is a very common including and some more academic
way of assessing walkability (Brownson et al, 2009; approaches, do include recreational destinations
Sohn et al, 2012; Terzano and Morckel, 2012, p. 96). (for example Giles-Corti et al, 2005).
More popular discussions also feature the issue
of proximity. For example, an Irish Times article on
‘Making urban areas more walkable is a step Safe
towards fitness’ paraphrases the words of a plan- While safety is intimately related to other features
ner: ‘One of the major reasons for this [lack of of the walkable environment, it deserves a section
walking and cycling], he says, is because of the of its own because the lack of safety is a key barrier
poor design of pedestrian routes and the distances to walking. This is true of safety from crime as well
people have to travel to get to basic amenities such as traffic safety. When outlines the
as schools, parks, shops, bus stops and work’ (Irish weaknesses of its algorithm, safety is involved in
Times, 2013, p. 11). the first two items it mentions:
Something that is compact in terms of having an ‘There are a number of factors that contribute to
intensity of activities or destinations within close walkability that are not part of our algorithm:
proximity, however, also needs relatively direct
Street design: Sidewalks and safe crossings
and passable routes between those destinations
are essential to walkability. Appropriate
(also raised in the prior theme). Thus definitions
automobile speeds, trees and other features
of walkability as compactness often go beyond
also help.
distance to include some combination of residen-
tial density and land use mixture along with a
measure of connectivity (block size, intersection
density, measures of gridded versus cul-de-sac
Safety from crime and crashes: How much
crime is in the neighborhood? How many
traffic accidents are there? Are streets well-
street patterns, and the quality of paths).2 Talen
lit?’ (, 2014b)
and Koschinsky (2013, p. 42), in a review of the
literature on walkable neighborhoods, define Although safety seems narrow as a definition, it is

walkability as comprising ‘ geographical access an important dimension in public and professional

as well as route quality’,Moudon et al’s (2006) discussions. For example, it is key in the Complete
operational definition of walkability includes Streets movement:

compactness (residential density, short dis-

Complete Streets are streets for everyone.
tances to eating and drinking places) and small
They are designed and operated to enable

blocks for directness (see also Porta and Renne,

safe access for all users. People of all ages and
2005; Frank et al, 2010; Manaugh and El-Geneidy,
abilities are able to safely move along and

2011; Ozbil et al, 2011).

across streets in a community, regardless of
This issue of distance, destinations and connec-
how they are traveling. Complete Streets
tivity is also at the base of the
make it easy to cross the street, walk to shops,
algorithm, which as of early 2013, was based on
and bicycle to work. They allow buses to run

street network distance to nine destination types –

on time and make it safe for people to walk to
for example restaurants, schools, and parks, and a
and from train stations. (National Complete

penalty for big blocks and low intersection density

Streets Coalition, 2014)
(, 2013a). This has become a very
popular way of defining walkability, featured in Safe Routes to School is an intervention also con-
venues from Good Housekeeping to the British Jour- cerned with this issue, promoting both physical
nal of Sports Medicine (Carr et al, 2011; Pivo and changes and programs (Stewart, 2011).
Fisher, 2011; Shapley, 2014). In terms of defining walkability in terms of safety,
This does raise questions. Exactly how compact the draft World Bank Global Walkability Index
a place needs to be and how close the destinations focuses centrally on safety and security. Of 14
vary with a number of characteristics related to measures generally in the areas of safety and
culture, perceptions, the level of attraction of the security, convenience and attractiveness, and policy
destination(s), and the ability to pay for alternative support, fully eight deal with safety (Krambeck and
modes of transportation (Methorst et al, 2010; Sohn Shah, 2006). Littman (2014, p. 1) distinguishes
et al, 2012). It is also biased toward walking for between ‘walking (the activity) and walkability

8 © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International 1–19

Walkability debate in urban design

(the quality of walking conditions, including safety, needs for walking, safety typically is not placed at
comfort and convenience)’. The Federal Highway the most basic level (for example Alfonzo, 2005;
Administration’s ‘Resident’s Guide for Creating Mehta, 2008; Risser and Risser, 2010). However,
Safe and Walkable Communities’ uses the terms traversibility, the first in the list, does include a
‘walkable’ and ‘pedestrian-friendly’ interchange- weak version of safety, being ‘suitable, fit, or safe
ably (US. DoT FHWA, 2013a, b). While the publica- for walkers’ (Oxford English Dictionary, 2014).
tion focuses on several dimensions, including equity Safety certainly deserves separate consideration.
and physical activity (related to exercise and quality
of life), it has a clear emphasis on safety (see also
Lyons et al, 2012). It provides a succinct definition of
Physically enticing
walkability that combines these dimensions:
A walkable community is often defined as some-
Definition: A walkable community is one thing more than just traversable, compact, and safe
where it is easy and safe to walk to goods and but also rich in pedestrian-oriented infrastructure,
services (i.e., grocery stores, post offices, health including wide and well-maintained sidewalks,
clinics, etc.). Walkable communities encourage active street frontages, traffic calming mea-
pedestrian activity, expand transportation sures, street trees and vegetated buffers, marked
options, and have safe and inviting streets that and signalized pedestrian crossings, benches, way-
serve people with different ranges of mobility. finding signage, and pedestrian-scaled lighting
(USDoT FHWA, 2013a, b, p. x) (Al-Hagla, 2009). It should have views to diverse
buildings and open spaces. This makes the area
An article from the Toronto Globe and Mail demon-
interesting as well as convenient, drawing people
strates the link between safety and walkability in a
to walk. Such a perspective is related to work by
popular discussion:
Toronto’s walkability varies greatly, though,
and in many parts of the city people on foot
such authors as Jan Gehl (1987) and Jeff Speck
(2012); however, their emphasis is on environ-
ments that achieve the outcome of sociability in
the next theme even if they create physically
face a too-risky daily reality. Although pedes-
trian deaths have been cut in half in the last enticing environments to achieve that. In this
two decades, the number of people hit by theme the actual environment is front and center.

vehicles remains stubbornly steady at around For example, the City of Geelong in Australia
2200 annually. (Moore, 2013, M4) proposes the following definition of walkability:

A walkable environment in terms of traffic safety Walkability is a quality of the built environ-
has some combination of low traffic volumes or ment that invites people to get around on

protection for pedestrians (buffers, signalized foot, not because they have to but because
crosswalks, traffic calming and the like) (Zeeger, they will feel like they are missing out if they

1995; Bike Walk Twin Cities, 2013). If crime is don’t. … A walkable community is far more
the lens, the focus is on a place perceived to be than just a neighbourhood that makes walk-
safe – well lit, without entrapment spots, perhaps ing possible. It needs to offer experiences to
free signs of disarray or of people perceived as the walker that make them want to walk.

threatening. One question is whether the most To do this the physical infrastructure needs to
important factor is perceived safety or reported have characteristics that make people not just

crime. The research findings are mixed (Carver realise walking is possible but also that it is
et al, 2008; Foster and Giles-Corti, 2008; Ding preferable to other modes of transport for at
et al, 2011). Perceived safety is probably most least some of their journeys. (David Lock
important for walkability, though perceptions Associates and City of Geelong, 2008, p. 4;
vary greatly with factors such as gender and social Healthy Spaces and Places, 2009)
class (Lorenc et al, 2012).
One reviewer suggested that rather than traver- Similarly, the measurement report in the lengthy
sibility and compactness, safety should be the basic European Pedestrians’ Quality Needs study includes a
requirement for walkability and it should go first. definition of walkability in its core ‘assessment
Which element is most important, and whether model for measuring walking’, involving ‘Infra-
they should be placed in a hierarchy, is a fascinat- structure & public realm: features, qualities (“walk-
ing question with perhaps no definitive answer. ability”)’ (Sauter et al, 2010, p. 19). Southworth
Notably, where people do present hierarchies of (2005, pp. 247–248) proposes a complex definition

© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International 1–19 9


including compactness and safety but physical making cities more livable and successful]
enticement is a strong theme: will follow. (Speck, 2012, p. x)
Mehta’s (2008, pp. 238–239) work refining a hier-
Walkability is the extent to which the built
archy of walking needs places this dimension at
environment supports and encourages walk-
ing by providing for pedestrian comfort and the top as the ‘sense of belonging’; in addition,
‘presence of people and activities’ is in Mehta’s
safety, connecting people with varied desti-
penultimate category called sensory pleasure.
nations within a reasonable amount of time
A secondary part of this literature relates to social
and effort, and offering visual interest in
connectedness and walkability, proposing that
journeys throughout the network.
more walkable places have higher social capital or
Southworth defines six components of urban provide mental health benefits from interaction
design for walkability, with two relevant to this (Berke et al, 2007; Rogers et al, 2011).4
topic. First is ‘path context, including street design, As Zook et al propose in an article on smart
visual interest of the built environment, transpar- growth and walkability, ‘Walkability and urban
ency, spatial definition, landscape, and overall liveliness are not the same thing, nor does the
explorability’. It also related to ‘path quality’ that presence of one guarantee the presence of other’
provides comfort and safety though infrastructure (Zook et al, 2012, p. 232). For those using defini-
and design.3 tions related to this theme, however, there is a
This is a definition of walkability prominent in great deal of overlap.
the media and design professions. It assumes
people are motivated to walk by certain forms of
Sustainable transport option
design – something that may be more true for some
demographic groups, walking purposes, and
regional locations (Leslie et al, 2007).
Walkability defined in terms of being a sustainable
transportation option combines several key dimen-
sions including economics, social equity, and
energy use (Greenberg and Renne, 2005). How-
Outcomes ever, the focus in this group of definitions is on
transportation options.

The next set of themes focus on outcomes thought In this area, walkability is typically proposed as
to come from walkability. an alternative to the car. An article in the ESRI
newsletter Arc User provides such a definition

related to transportation alternatives: ‘What Is

Lively and sociable
Walkability? Walkability is a measure of the
Walking for socializing or just to be out and about

effectiveness of community design in promoting

in a lively environment near other people has a long
walking and bicycling as alternatives to driving
history – for example, window shopping or pro-

cars to reach shopping, schools, and other com-

menading. In these definitions, when someone
mon destinations’ (Rattan et al, 2012). Greenberg
says they are improving walkability, or that a place
and Renne (2005, p. 91) propose, in an article on
is very walkable, they are referring to a general
neighborhood walkability and environmental jus-
sense of liveliness, vitality, sociability, or vibrancy.

tice, that the term walkable is a shorthand for

They often refer to the work of Jane Jacobs (1961),
environments that support walking, jogging, run-
William Whyte (1980) or Jan Gehl (1987) that has a

ning, biking, in-line skating, and other non-

more sociological view of good design and spa-
motorized forms of travel.
tially they focus on commercial, mixed-use or high-
Some of these definitions are combined with
density residential areas. Walking may be quite slow
other themes, though with transportation alterna-
– movement or physical activity is not the central
tives as a focus. For example, the US National
aim. As Speck explains in his book Walkable Cities:
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (2015)
Walkability is both an end and a means, as Coastal Waterfront and Smart Growth web site
well as a measure. While the physical and provides a range of instructions about develop-
social rewards of walking are many, walk- ment. Its fourth element is ‘Create walkable com-
ability is perhaps most useful as it contributes munities with physical and visual access to and
to urban vitality and most meaningful as an along the waterfront for public use’. At the very
indicator of that vitality … . Get walkability beginning, in the statement of principle, it pro-
right and so much of the rest [in terms of poses that ‘In a walkable community, trips by

10 © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International 1–19

Walkability debate in urban design

bicycle or on foot are viable transportation alter- undertake in some kinds of more walkable loca-
natives to the car’. It goes on to mention several tions can translate into increased overall physical
other dimensions including mixed use (compact- activity. The results are complex. People certainly
ness), safety, and infrastructure. However, it con- walk more for transportation in places with higher
cludes its statement of this principle with densities and accessible destinations. According to
‘Walkable communities offer more transportation some systematic reviews of the literature, walking
choices, higher levels of social interaction, greater may increase total physical activity to a modest
opportunities for physical activity, and reduced extent among all but older adults. However, there
emissions from automobile travel’. may be a self-selection bias where people who
Overall, sustainability is a complex outcome. want to walk move to ‘walkable’ places, magnify-
It may also be one of many dimensions in a more ing the effects of environment – the importance of
holistic definition. this effect is much debated (Cao et al, 2009;
McCormack and Shiell, 2011). Does more walking
reduce obesity? This is not as clear according to
Exercise-inducing those same systematic reviews of research in
The issue of the most supportive environments for both adults and children (Lee et al, 2008; Faulkner
walking outdoors and their relationships to exer- et al, 2009; Giles-Corti et al, 2009; Van Stralen et al,
cise or physical activity is the area where research- 2009; Van Cauwenberg et al, 2010; Durand
ers have spent a great deal of time over the past et al, 2011; Lubans et al, 2011; McCormack and
decade or so. In this work, the term walking may Shiell, 2011; Bauman et al, 2012; Kerr et al, 2012;
be used interchangeably with the term physical Sugiyama et al, 2012; Wanner et al, 2012). This
activity. However, physical activity is obviously could be true because people who walk more, and
broader, including work-related tasks, recreation
and sports, household work, cycling, moving
around in buildings, and the like. The big idea
who are more physically active, may also eat more.

Proxy definitions
behind this work is to identify the specific dimen-
sions of a walkable environment by examining
The final set of definitions use walkability as a term
where and how much people are walking.
to represent places that are complex and well-

From this empirical work it can be seen that

designed. These draw together elements of prior
what counts as a walkable environment – in the
themes but have prominence in public debates and
sense of one that induces or at least supports

in certain subfields of pedestrian planning and

exercise – is not the same for every person,
purpose, or place. For example, in one of a

number of recent systematic reviews Sugiyama

et al (2012) reviewed the literature to date and Multidimensional and measurable

found that many studies identified associations This is a complex theme that obviously builds on
between travel walking and destinations or land prior categories. However, many definitional state-
use mix. There were more modest associations ments that start ‘walkability is’ focus on it being
with such factors as sidewalks and connectivity – multidimensional and state that those dimensions

results tended to vary between studies. Recrea- are measurable individually or combined into an
tional walking had still more muted associations index or indicator. Measuring walkability has

with environmental features – mainly recrea- become a thriving industry among researchers,
tional destinations and aesthetics of routes. Many practitioners and the wider public, which the
of the aspects of environments perceived to success of Walkscore, described earlier, demon-
enhance walkability, and which are reviewed strates. This is particularly the case in health,
elsewhere in this article, were not found to practice, and advocacy.
increase the amount of actual walking (also As the Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
Bauman et al, 2012). Logically, for example, places tion declare on the ‘Worksite Walkability’ section
deemed ‘walkable’ in one definition may be too of their web site, ‘Walkability is the idea of
convenient to allow much exercise (Gebel et al, quantifying the safety and desirability of the
2009, 2011; Lovasi et al, 2009; Van Dyck et al, 2009; walking routes’ (C.D.C. Healthier Worksite
Xu et al, 2010). Initiative, 2013). Talen and Koschinsky’s (2013)
A core interest in this literature is whether the review of the literature on walkable neighbor-
increased transportation walking that people hoods reflects this. They present three themes

© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International 1–19 11


with the first being measurement (and the others outlines a number of the measurement tools used
criticism and assessment of benefits). Jane’s Walk, in such studies.
an organization promoting the work of Jane The examples above are quite complicated lists
Jacobs, has a similar approach: ‘Walkability is a of multiple items or questions. Other approaches
quantitative and qualitative measurement of how create walkability indices or multidimensional
inviting or un-inviting an area is to pedestrians’ scores. The World Bank’s walkability index con-
(Jane’s Walk, 2013). siders ‘the safety, security, economy, and conve-
Walkscore, one measure of walkability, is based nience of traveling by foot’ (Krambeck and Shah,
on compactness and connectivity but many other 2006; also Ewing et al, 2006; Ewing and Handy,
definitions go much further, dealing with many 2009; Ewing and Clemente, 2013). Many of these
more variables. As Pivo and Fisher (2011) state in indices and measures focus on walking for trans-
an analysis of the (positive) effect of walkability on portation, but there is a substantial subset examin-
commercial real estate values and returns: ing recreational walking and tourism (Boarnet et al,
2011; Samarasekara et al, 2011).
We define walkability as the degree to which
an area within walking distance of a property
encourages walking trips from the property Holistic solution
to other destinations … it is a multidimen- Finally, walkability can be a proxy for better
sional construct composed of different factors environments that generate investment, are more
that together comprise a single theoretical sustainable (in economic and social terms as
concept. Contributing attributes include well as environmental), and that are generally
urban density, land use mixing, street con- good places to be. As Talen and Koschinsky
nectivity (i.e., the directness of links and the (2013, p. 43) outline in their review of the walk-
density of connections), traffic volume, dis-
tance to destinations, sidewalk width and
continuity, city block size, topographic slope,
able neighborhood literature ‘The idea that a
place (or neighborhood) should be “walkable”
conjures up a pre-19th century, holistic view of
perceived safety and aesthetics. (Pivo and health and well-being, combining notions of
Fisher, 2011, p. 186) citizenship, civic life, democracy, resiliency,
spiritual health, beauty, and social justice’.

Similarly Lo’s (2009, p. 163) paper exploring the Although such definitions may be seen by some
as overly broad, they are commonly in use and are
issue of walkability concludes by partially defining

also the definitions most likely to stress the eco-

it in terms of measures, specifically in terms of
nomic growth potential of walkability. The non-
‘factors that appear in a number of different walk-
profit organization Jane’s Walk provides an example

ability measures or metric[s] …’ including side-

of this kind of definition, elaborating on an initial
walk presence and maintenance, universal access,
definition based on measurement and social vitality:

directness and connectivity, safety (at grade cross-

ings, traffic, buffering), land use, landscaping, Walkability is a quantitative and qualitative
aesthetics, and security (perceived and actual measurement of how inviting or un-inviting
crime). Leinberger and Alfonzo (2012) use the an area is to pedestrians. Walking matters

observational tool, the Irvine Minnesota Inventory, more and more to towns and cities as the
to propose a related list dealing with aesthe- connection between walking and socially

tics, connectivity, density, form, pedestrian ame- vibrant neighborhoods is becoming clearer.
nities, personal safety, recreational facilities, land Built environments that promote and facil-
uses, public spaces, and traffic measures itate walking – to stores, work, school and
(Leinberger and Alfonzo, 2012, p. 6; also Boarnet amenities – are better places to live, have
et al, 2006; Day et al, 2006; Leinberger, 2012). Some higher real estate values, promote healthier
measures rely on perceptions. The Neighborhood lifestyles and have higher levels of social
Environment Walkability Scale, later renamed cohesion. (Jane’s Walk, 2013)
Neighborhood Quality of Life Study survey, asks
This kind of definition is used by governments.
respondents scores of questions about environ-
As a promotional web site for Downtown
mental features – housing types, other land uses,
Wilmington, NC states:
access to services, streets, places for walking
and cycling, surroundings, and safety (Saelens Walkability is the cornerstone and key to an
et al, 2003; Cerin et al, 2006). The appendix urban area’s efficient ground transportation.

12 © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International 1–19

Walkability debate in urban design

Walkable communities put urban environ- designing an environment based on ideas about
ments back on a scale for sustainability of sociable walkable areas when the aim is to support
resources (both natural and economic) and increased exercise. Such a design may fail in its
lead to more social interaction, physical fit- aim.
ness, diminished crime and other social pro- Can there be a shared definition of walkability?
blems. Walkable communities are more While a single definition is unlikely, it is useful to
livable communities that lead to whole, have clear, shared definitions to foster dialog and
happy, healthy lives for the people who live understanding.
in them. (Downtown Wilmington, 2013) Three possible ways forward frame options for
shared definitions:
Common in practice-oriented sources, this kind of
walkability is an indicator of better urban areas ● Create a minimal definition of physical walkabil-
that attract redevelopment, population increase ity focused on path condition/traversability and
and have high livability (Addison et al, 2013). This closeness with some basic level of safety – these
makes it an inclusive definition, but critics might are the core requirements for walking. Of course
say it is overly broad. It also avoids the question of people can walk on remarkably rough surfaces
incompatible outcomes of walkability, for exam- and will walk fair distances to attractive destina-
ple, if walkable places have higher housing costs tions or to obtain exercise.
they may have less vibrancy. ● Use specific terms for different kinds of walk-
able places related either to features (for example
compact) or to outcomes (for example exercise-
What Next? supporting places). The definitions would share
This article first traced the problem of defining
walkability. Nine key themes or dimensions can be
extracted from these definitions, including walk-
● PY
a family resemblance (Wittgenstein, 2009).
Develop a comprehensive definition that moves
beyond the kind of physical place that supports
walking to also consider policies, programs, pri-
ability as involving basic conditions or traversabil-
cing and people (demographics, preferences,
ity, compact environments, high levels of personal perceptions and so on). One idea is to create a
safety, or physical enticement. Alternatively, walk-

kind of indicator out of the various dimensions

ability can be seen to promote outcomes such as or themes as has been done with sustainability
liveliness, sustainable transport options, or exer- and livability (Miller et al, 2013). However, this is
cise. Finally it is seen to be broadly about good

difficult because some of the dimensions are at

design whether this is multidimensional and mea- odds (for example closeness and exercise).
surable or about holistic solutions to various

human problems. In the end perhaps the best that can be hoped for is
In the remainder of the article, I examine several more specificity in these debates.

implications of this diversity of themes, including

how to clarify different types of walkability and
Walkable places
the urban design and planning implications of the

A related issue is how does this affect the field of

urban design? What sorts of interventions and places

Clearer definitions do each of the definitions lead to? Table 1 provides

some insights. Key dimensions include infrastruc-
Given the large differences in environmental fea- ture – both whether it is provided and its quality; the
tures and outcomes associated with different pedestrian network and accessibility of destinations;
approaches to walkability, there turn out to be the kinds of activities that the place supports; and the
many different kinds of walkable environments. kinds of policies and programs that help create the
Those who use the common idea-generating pro- place and support the activity. Measures tap into
cess of examining precedents to develop proposals what is important about that definition. At one end,
for action may well draw on examples of walkable a traversable place might have fairly minimal sup-
places that represent one definition that will sim- ports for walking and could be in a variety of
ply not have the desired features or achieve the contexts, and at the other end, walkability as a
kinds of outcomes envisaged by another. This has holistic solution is meant to create happy people
substantial implications in that one may be and economically thriving districts. Overall, Table 1

© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International 1–19 13


Table 1: Walkability themes and examples of related interventions

Interventions (across) Measures
Themes (down); Infrastructure provision Infrastructure Pedestrian network Distances Activities supported Programming/policy Example measures
design/quality examples

Environmental conditions
a a
Traversable Paths that are Basic level Relatively complete Being able to get Path presence; basic
relatively level, around at all on foot condition

Compact/ close As above Basic level Connected, direct Close destinations Getting to important High density planning Distances to destinations;
© 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317

(destinations, paths destinations block size

density, layout)
Safe Separated paths, safe Pedestrian- Safe links/crossings, Getting around on Community policing, Safety features (crossings,
crossings, traffic scaled no movement food without fear of design for safety, speed lighting, good sight

calming lighting, clear predictors violence or limits, limits to lines), perceived and
sight lines accidents pedestrian unfriendly actual crime figures
uses (for example
abandoned properties)

Physically-enticing Many paths, street Many Relatively complete Both walking to Maintenance/ cleaning; Presence of infrastructure
furnishings, aesthetically destinations and design guidelines, elements
landscaping pleasing recreational streetscape

treatments, human elements walking; excitement improvements, public
scaled building art


URBAN DESIGN International

Lively and sociable Provided Pedestrian scaled Relatively complete Close to substantial residential Shopping, cultural Activities that bring Numbers of people
densities and/or highly activities, people out and about outdoors; people in

accessible by transit /car recreational groups, mapping,
walking traces, interviews
Sustainable Provided Basic level Complete Close destinations Walking to Parking pricing, Transportation mode split;

transportation destinations; affordable housing near energy use, transit
option creating alternative to car jobs access by population,
Exercise-inducing Provided At least to a basic Complete Close enough (though not too Both walking to Social supports, exercise Distance walked; total
level close!) destinations and campaigns physical activity

Multidimensional Sidewalks, lighting, Measurable Complete, connected Close destinations Both walking to All above. Multidimensional
street trees and so destinations and indicators
on recreational
Holistic solution Provided Many Complete Close destinations Both walking to Pedestrian overlay Happiness (surveys),
aesthetically destinations and districts, redevelopment redevelopment
pleasing recreational agencies, healthy city investment, population
elements walking programs increase

Dimension less important in this theme.
Walkability debate in urban design

demonstrates the differences among varying defini- the second is accessibility (which includes the first two themes
tions of walkability in terms of design and planning in this paper among other factors). The other needs are safety,
comfort and pleasurability dealt with in later themes. See
strategies (like infrastructure, networks and policy Mehta (2008) for a revision of this hierarchy.
supports) and the measurable outcomes. 3 Southworth’s six dimensions of a walkable environment
include path connectivity, ‘links to other modes, safety, path
quality, and path context’ (2005, p. 249).
Final thoughts 4 Bauman et al (2012), in a review of reviews, of a related
question, found that results are inconclusive as to whether
Better defining walkability has several benefits: more walking is done in places where with a positive social
environment. Of course this is different to the idea that
● It shows that walkable environments are not all walkable places produce other health benefits like social
the same. This is a key finding of this review. connections.
● It illustrates the biases and assumptions in some 5 However, many measures of walkability have been tested for
reliability, particularly those used in health research
popular definitions of walkability. (Brownson et al, 2009; Charlier Associates et al, 2012; Active
● It demonstrates that walkable environments for Living Research, 2013; National Cancer Institute, 2013;
transportation and recreation purposes some- National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research).
times overlap but often do not.
● It highlights that while walkability is defined in
multiple ways, some major purposes of walking
– such as restoration and walking that is inci- References
dental to other activities – are not well-covered
Active Living Research. (2013) Tools and measures: http://www
by such definitions and risk being left out of,
debates. accessed 6 June 2013.
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National Centre for Research Methods Working Paper.
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study analysis. Environmental Science and Technology
44(10): 3947–3955.
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Martin, B.W. (2012) Correlates of physical activity: Why are
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sociology and ‘suburbs’ within urban studies (Hillery, 1955; (1985) Responsive Environments: A Manual for Designers.
Williams, 1976; Chaskin, 1997; Forsyth, 2012). London: The Architectural Press.
2 Alfonzo (2005), in one of the more sophisticated approaches Berke, E.M., Gottleib, L.M., Moudon, A.V. and Larson, E.B.
to walking, proposes a hierarchy of transport and recreational (2007) Protective association between neighborhood walk-
walking needs mainly related to environmental and social ability and depression in older men. Journal of the American
features. The first level is feasibility, which is more personal; Geriatrics Society 55(4): 526–533.

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18 © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International 1–19

Walkability debate in urban design

Table A1: Domains of measurement tools for walkability and walking

Research Practitioner Public

Measures of walkability
Walkability audits xx X xx
Urban design audits xx x —
School audits x xx x

Computer-based and mechanical methods

Individual GIS measures of environments xx x —
Composite environmental scores or walkability indices xx x xx

Surveys (population and/or facility based)

Surveys of perceived environmental walkability xx x x
Surveys of correlates (for example income) of walkability xx xx —

Measures of walking
Pedestrian counts x x x
Surveys of actual walking (self-report, diaries) xx x —
GPS tracking of actual routes xx — xx (crowdsourced)
Measures of movement (pedometer, accelerometer) xx — x

xx=major domain of activity and x=minor.

those items at the top of the table measure walk-

ability and not walking. Relatively few walkabil-
actually predict walking (Cerin et al, 2006;
Rosenberg et al, 2009; Boarnet et al, 2011; Zook
ity measures have been tested to see if they et al, 2012).5

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