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1. Continue the following sentences (1 – 5), choosing their correct endings (a – e).
1. Englishman Charles Babbage developed the difference engine, a mechanical
2. Commercial computer system development has followed
3. Because of the enormous size, unreliability, and high cost of these computers,
4. Minicomputers were regarded as dedicated application machines
5. Such systems might communicate with users and programmers in

a) many people assumed they would remain very expensive, specialized tools, not
destined for general use.
b) the development of hardware technology.
c) with limited processing capability compared to that of large scale machines.
d) that carried out a sequence of computations specified by the setting of levers, gears
and cams.
e) natural languages, rather than in specialized computer languages.

2. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the
1. The difference engine (to be) a mechanical device that (carry) out a sequence of
computations specified by the setting of levers, gears and cams.
2. No, computer devices (begin) to change very rapidly.
3. We are now (witness) the development of fifth-generation systems.
4. Techniques of artificial intelligence (simulate) some aspects of human thought.
5. What languages expert systems (communicate) with users and programmers?
6. We (expect) to make extensive use of the artificial intelligence techniques in the
nearest future.
7. What the fourth-generation computes (rely) on?
8. We (live) in the digital age now.
9. What a computer (allow) you to do?

3. Continue the following sentences using words and expressions given below.
1. In addition all tubes had to be working … , they were subject to … … .
2. Programming with numbers alone made using the computer … … .
3. For primary storage, magnetic core was the… … of technology used.
4. In 1957 magnetic tape was introduced as a faster, … … … of storing data.
5. After the development of the symbolic languages came … … .
6. An integrated circuit is a complete electronic on a … … … .
7. A cylinder of silicon is sliced into wafers, each about … … …, and wafer is
“etched” repeatedly with a pattern of electrical circuitry.
8. The fourth generation was, in fact, an … of third-generation technology.
extension , higher-level languages, difficult and time-consuming, 3inches in diameter,

principal form small chip of silicon more compact method simultaneously

frequent burnout

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