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EN122- Engineering Mechanics

Lab report#1

Title: Exploring Structural

Behavior through Truss Testing

Name: Dabuma Jnr AYA

Course: BEEL-1
ID#: 23300754
Group: A
Tutor: Mr. Nichodimous Romo
Lecturer: Dr. Steve k Ales
DUE DATE:15/08/2023

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Truss structures are integral components of engineering and architecture, widely used for
their efficiency in supporting loads. A truss comprises interconnected elements that work
collaboratively to bear external forces. This experiment delves into the fundamental
principles of truss behavior, focusing on the relationship between applied loads and
resultant displacements within the structure.
Under the guidance of Mr. Nichodimous Romo, the objective of this experiment was to
comprehend how trusses respond to varying loads, shedding light on the distribution of
forces and the structural flexibility of truss configurations. The theoretical underpinning
from Dr. Steve K Ales facilitated our understanding of structural mechanics.

The experiment employed the following materials:
1. Roof truss setup
2. Ruler (for height and length measurements)
3. Incremental loading masses (0.31 kg, 0.51 kg, 0.71 kg, 1.21 kg, 1.71 kg)

4. Spring balance (for measuring tension)


Experimental Procedure:
1. Set up the roof truss.
2. Record the initial measurements of truss height, length, and displacement.
3. Gradually add masses to the truss, simulating different load scenarios.
4. For each load increment, measure the resulting tension using the spring balance and
record the corresponding displacement.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for multiple trials.

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Trial No. Load (kg) Tension (N) Height (m) Length (m) Displacement
Initial 0 0 0.110 0.26 0.470
1 0.31 3 0.107 0.26 0.472
2 0.51 5 0.105 0.26 0.474
3 0.71 9 0.102 0.26 0.476
4 1.21 18 0.093 0.26 0.480
5 1.71 55 0.00 0.26 0.510
Table 1.0, Data collected from the lab experiment.

Graph 1.0, Representation of the table above.

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Discussion and Interpretation
The provided table encapsulates the results of a comprehensive truss test experiment,
offering a detailed overview of the relationship between applied loads and resulting
structural responses. The data encompasses various trials, each corresponding to distinct
load scenarios applied to the truss structure.
The "Trial No." column sequentially enumerates each experimental trial, offering a
chronological sequence of load applications. The "Load (N)" column records the magnitude
of the applied load, a pivotal parameter influencing the truss's behavior. With the
progression of trials, the applied load systematically increases, creating a spectrum of
loading conditions.
The "Tension (N)" column quantifies the internal forces experienced within the truss
elements due to the applied loads. These tension values reflect the truss's capacity to
redistribute forces among its components, as the load magnitude escalates.
The "Height (m)" and "Length (m)" columns document the truss's specific dimensions in the
height and length directions, respectively. These measurements remain constant across all
trials, ensuring consistent conditions for analyzing the truss's response to varied loads.
The "Displacement (m)" column, a vital output of the experiment, denotes the extent of
truss deformation in response to applied loads. As the load magnitudes increase, the
associated displacements illustrate the truss's flexibility and its ability to adapt to varying
external forces.
Of notable interest is the data trend observed in the "Tension (N)" and "Displacement (m)"
columns, where increased loads correspond to higher tension values and larger
displacements. This relationship underscores the truss's mechanical response and its
capacity to absorb and redistribute loads.
Furthermore, the inclusion of an "Initial" trial provides a benchmark for the truss's unloaded
state, offering a baseline against which subsequent trials can be compared.
In summary, this data table serves as a cornerstone in comprehending the intricate interplay
between loads, tensions, and structural deformations in truss structures. The systematic
progression of trials offers insights into the truss's behavior under varied conditions,
emphasizing its adaptability and the importance of empirical experimentation in
engineering analysis and design.

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Determining the theoretical values of tension(T) using the equation below:

Trial No. Load (N) Tension (N) Tension (N)
(Experimental) (Theoretical)
Initial 0 0 0
1 3.1 3 3.418691589
2 5.1 5 5.755714286
3 7.1 9 8.283333333
4 12.1 18 15.61290323
5 17.1 55 Failure
Table 2.0, Adding the calculated theoretical tension.
The provided table displays the tension values for each trial, both experimentally obtained and
theoretically calculated.
It is evident that for trials involving relatively lower loads, such as in Trial No. 1 and 2, the experimental
and theoretical tension values exhibit a close alignment. This suggests that the truss's behavior, under
these loads, adheres well to theoretical predictions, reflecting the accuracy of the analytical models used
to anticipate truss responses.
However, as the load increases beyond a certain point, such as in Trial No. 3 and 4, a disparity emerges
between the experimental and theoretical tension values. In these instances, the experimental tension
surpasses the theoretical estimation. This discrepancy can be attributed to various real-world factors that
are not always accurately accounted for in theoretical calculations, including material nonlinearity,
imperfections, and localized stress concentrations.
Notably, Trial No. 5 represents a critical juncture where the experimental tension value reaches a point
leading to structural failure. Here, the experimental value is significantly higher than the theoretical
prediction. This discrepancy highlights the inherent complexity of real-world systems and the limitations
of purely theoretical models in capturing extreme conditions and dynamic responses that lead to failure.

Determining the theoretical and experimental values of compression(P) using the

equation below:

Ρ=√(( )𝟐 + 𝑻𝟐 )
Load (N) P(Experimental.) P(Theoretical)
0 0 0
3.1 3.376758801 3.753658506
5.1 5.612708793 6.29529562
7.1 9.6748385 9.011998175
12.1 18.98953659 16.74411082
17.1 55.66060097 Incomplete variable
Table 3.0, Data collected from calculating the compression.
For the lower load conditions (Trials 1 and 2), the experimental and theoretical compression values
exhibit a relatively close correlation, affirming the validity of the equation's application within the realm
of theoretical assumptions. However, as the loads escalate in Trials 3 and 4, a noticeable divergence
emerges between the experimental and theoretical compression values. This discrepancy underscores

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the complex interplay of factors that influence experimental results, including material properties, stress
concentrations, and dynamic behaviors that theoretical models might not fully encompass.
An intriguing observation arises in Trial 5, where the experimental compression value is categorized as
"Incomplete variable." This signifies an experimental circumstance where the applied load led to a point
where the truss's behavior deviated from the expected range, possibly approaching instability or failure.
This phenomenon accentuates the inherent complexity of real-world structures and the challenges in
predicting their behavior solely through theoretical equations.

Calculating the stress in tie bar using the equation below:

Load(N) 0 3.1 5.1 7.1 12.1 17.1
Stress Tie-Bar 0 0.986760647 1.62338042 2.260000192 3.851549623 5.443099054
Table 4.0, Data collected using the above equation and added to the table

The truss test experiment provided an opportunity to delve into the mechanical behavior of truss
structures under varying loads. The data collected serves as a foundation for understanding how
forces are distributed within truss components and how the truss deforms in response to these
loads. By further analysing the data in conjunction with the height and length measurements,
engineers can gain valuable insights into designing robust and efficient truss configurations.

1. Hibbeler, R. C. (2016). "Structural Analysis." Pearson.
2. Beer, F. P., Johnston, E. R., DeWolf, J. T., & Mazurek, D. F. (2015). "Mechanics of Materials."
McGraw-Hill Education.
3. Furlong, R. W. (2007). "Structural Mechanics: Modelling and Analysis of Frames and
Trusses." Taylor & Francis.
4. Timoshenko, S., & Young, D. H. (1965). "Elements of Strength of Materials." Van Nostrand.

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