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Waste Management 29 (2009) 1901–1915

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The use of LCA in selecting the best MSW management system

Giovanni De Feo *, Carmela Malvano
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, via Ponte don Melillo 1, 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper focuses on the study of eleven environmental impact categories produced by several munici-
Accepted 12 December 2008 pal solid waste management systems (scenarios) operating on a provincial scale in Southern Italy. In par-
Available online 24 January 2009 ticular, the analysis takes into account 12 management scenarios with 16 management phases for each
one. The only difference among ten of the scenarios (separated kerbside collection of all recyclables, glass
excepted, composting of putrescibles, RDF pressed bales production and incineration, final landfilling) is
the percentage of separated collection varying in the range of 35–80%, while the other two scenarios, for
80% of separate collection, consider different alternatives in the disposal of treatment residues (dry res-
idue sorting and final landfilling or direct disposal in landfill). The potential impacts induced on the envi-
ronmental components were analysed using the life cycle assessment (LCA) procedure called ‘‘WISARD”
(Waste Integrated System Assessment for Recovery and Disposal). Paper recycling was the phase with the
greatest influence on avoided impacts, while the collection logistics of dry residue was the phase with the
greatest influence on produced impacts. For six impact categories (renewable and total energy use, water,
suspended solids and oxydable matters index, eutrophication and hazardous waste production), for high
percentages of separate collection a management system based on recovery and recycling but without
incineration would be preferable.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction mizes environmental impacts and management costs (De Feo

et al., 2005).
The current state-of-the-art of solid waste disposal is based on This paper focuses on the study of the environmental impacts
the concept of integrated management. The European Union regu- (eleven categories were considered) produced by several municipal
lation proposes a hierarchical system based on four subsequent solid waste management systems operating on a provincial scale
levels (EU, 2006): (1) reduction of solid waste production, (2) (the district of Avellino) in Southern Italy in the Campania region,
recovery of material, (3) recovery of energy and (4) landfill an area suffering from a situation of weighty solid waste emer-
disposal. gency over the last 15 years. In particular, the analysis carried
There is not sufficient knowledge of this hierarchy to develop an out takes into account twelve management scenarios. The only dif-
adequate management system due to the variables relating to the ference among ten of the scenarios is the percentage of separated
environmental, social and economic aspects along with the techni- collection, while the other two scenarios consider different alterna-
cal aspects. In fact, when choosing the most appropriate solid tives in the disposal of treatment residues.
waste management system for a certain territory, decision makers The potential impacts induced on the environmental compo-
have to take adequately into account not only the technical aspects nents were analysed using a life cycle assessment (LCA) procedure.
and implementation costs but also the environmental impacts pro- LCA is a general methodological framework introduced to assess all
duced by the treatment and disposal processes as well as the opin- the environmental impacts related to a product, process or activity
ion of the local communities. As a matter of fact, consensus of the by identifying, quantifying and evaluating the overall resources
local population is a prerequisite for the subsequent implementa- consumed as well as all the emissions and wastes released into
tion of a solid waste management plan (Rahardyan et al., 2004; the environment.
De Feo et al., 2005). In 1990, the society for environmental toxicology and chemistry
Environmental, economic and social variables are strongly cor- (SETAC) defined the concept of LCA and developed a general meth-
related to the process that leads to the choice of the ‘‘best” muni- odology for the carrying out of LCA studies (Azapagic, 1999). The
cipal solid waste management system. For example, the local term ‘‘LCA” is used most frequently to describe all the cradle-to-
community could easily accept a management system that mini- grave approaches (Curran, 1996). A lot of these tools have been
separately developed by different groups of specialists in order to
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 089 964113; fax: +39 089 964045. support the decision maker within environmental management
E-mail address: (G. De Feo). processes (SETAC, 1996). LCA methodology, as defined by SETAC

0956-053X/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1902 G. De Feo, C. Malvano / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1901–1915

or by ISO (International Organization for Standardization), consists (2005) emphasized that LCA is a useful approach to becoming
of four steps (Curran, 1996; SETAC, 1996): (1) goal and scope def- aware of the most important indicators of the incineration process
inition, (2) inventory analysis, (3) impact assessment and (4) impact, as well as giving important information about the sustain-
improvement assessment. ability of a process, compared to a set of other alternative activities,
LCA can be useful and conveniently applied only to the life cycle in particular in the application to waste management. Viotti et al.
related to the collection, treatment and landfill disposal of solid (2005) proposed a model for the implementation of integrated
waste. In this particular case, the reference flux is given by the MSW management policies as well as an application of the model
amount of waste produced by a community, while the output is addressed to the specific scenario which characterizes the MSW
represented by the emission of pollutants due to the several parts management system currently adopted in the district of Frosinone
of the MSW management system. Therefore, the LCA procedure ap- (Lazio, Italy). Viotti et al. (2005) found that the most severe im-
plied to the MSW management can be seen as a useful analysis pacts were related to the methane produced at the landfill and sug-
instrument aimed at the evaluation of possible actions. As a matter gested that such effects might be substantially reduced by means
of fact, the European Commission’s Thematic Strategy on the pre- of a proper landfill gas control policy.
vention and recycling of waste outlines how adopting a life cycle Finally, the research carried out by Arena et al. (2003) is par-
perspective is essential for the sustainable management of wastes ticularly important because it deals with the same region in
(Koneckny and Pennington, 2007). Southern Italy. Nevertheless, Arena et al. (2003) considered the
The activity carried out in this study is part of a relatively recent entire region, while in this study only one of the five districts
field of research, which is not only currently being developed was considered. As a matter of fact, the Italian legislation consid-
throughout Europe but is also continuously and rapidly becoming ers the self-sufficiency of each district in terms of MSW manage-
more widespread. As a matter of fact, several authors have treated ment. Arena et al. (2003) performed an analytical comparison
the topics of LCA in different countries and scenarios. For example, between three selected scenarios with reference to some crucial
Heilmann and Winkler (2005) considered a city of 480,000 inhab- environmental impact categories, including energy and material
itants (Dresden, capital of Saxony, Germany), and studied the influ- consumptions, climate change, acidification, air and water emis-
ences of different waste collection systems (bank collection and sions as well as solid waste production. The results quantified
kerbside collection) on the environmental performance of the mu- the poor performance of the landfilling option and the adopted
nicipal waste management system in comparison with a situation procedure not only gave several changes in the proposed design
with incineration without separate collection. Heilmann and Win- and operating criteria but it also quantified the magnitude of
kler (2005) found that a material bank collection system is ecolog- the related improved environmental performances. Finally, Arena
ically preferable to a kerbside collection system. Even for low et al. (2003) suggested the utilization of sorting devices for glass
recovery rates, the material bank collection performed better than and aluminium recovery in the RDF production units, and
the kerbside collection system, except in terms of global warming. strongly lower limits for pollutants concentration in the flue gas
Salhofer et al. (2005) considered a similar community in the from the RDF combustion facility.
province of Salzburg, Austria, and developed a comparison among
four management scenarios combining two recycling levels (more
recycling and less recycling) with mechanical and biological treat- 2. Materials and methods
ment (MBT) and incineration. Salhofer et al. (2005) pointed out
that in the region analysed, where a high recycling rate had still 2.1. Study area and reference data
to be established, a further extension of recycling showed only
small environmental benefits. The aim of this study was to apply the LCA procedure to MSW
An interesting contribution was presented by Wassermann management on a provincial scale in order to choose the ‘‘best”
et al. (2005) who studied the relevance of the environmental im- management system in environmental terms (impacts minimisa-
pact of past and existing landfills in comparison to municipal tion). The study area was the Province of Avellino in the Campania
waste landfills over landfills for incineration residues (MSWI land- region, in Southern Italy, with a surface area of 2792 km2 and a
fills) and future landfills for residues after mechanical biological population of 422,292 inhabitants (National Institute of Statistics,
treatment (MBP landfills) across seven human health and environ- 1st January 2007). All the data necessary for the construction of
mental impact categories. Wassermann et al. (2005) demonstrated the analysed scenarios were deduced from the database of the
that the environmental impacts of future MBP and MSWI landfills competent authorities: the Province of Avellino and the two
are rather low, making up only a small fraction of the impacts pro- MSW management companies (Co.Sma.Ri AV1 and Co.Sma.Ri AV2).
duced by former types of landfills. The total MSW production was 140,177,372 kg, while the MSW
Mendes et al. (2004) compared the environmental impact of the composition was based on the presence of 42% of putrescibles, 30%
incineration and landfilling of municipal solid waste in São Paulo of paper and cardboard, 14% of plastics, 8% of glass and 3% of met-
City, Brazil. They showed that a shift in waste treatment from land- als and 1% of textiles (Table 1).
filling to incineration would decrease the overall environmental
impact while also allowing for energy recovery.
Ozeler et al. (2006) developed and compared different solid Table 1
waste management system scenarios for the municipal solid waste MSW composition of the study area.
management system of Ankara in Turkey. The results obtained in
Fraction Percentage (%) Production (t/year)
this study have led the authors to the conclusion that LCA can be
successfully applied to MSW management systems as a decision Putrescibles (excl. garden) 30 42,053.212
Putrescibles (garden) 12 16,821.284
support tool.
Paper and cardboard 30 42,053.212
Three studies are particularly interesting due to the fact that Plastics 14 19,624.832
they are related to the Italian case study. The first Italian LCA study Glass 8 11,214.190
considered, proposed by Morselli et al. (2005), deals with an incin- Metals 3 4,205.321
Textiles 2 2,803.547
eration plant in Coriano (Rimini, Italy). It is a medium-sized muni-
Undersieve 1 1,401.774
cipal solid waste incinerator with three incinerator lines, which Total 100 140,177.372
combusts approximately 450 ton/day of waste. Morselli et al.
G. De Feo, C. Malvano / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1901–1915 1903

2.2. The LCA WISARD procedure lowing contributions: construction and capping, landfill use (utili-
ties, e.g., HDPE lining, gaseous emissions from off-road vehicles),
Eleven environmental effect categories were analysed using the landfill site direct impacts (from landfill gas uncontrolled emis-
LCA procedure called ‘‘WISARD” (Waste Integrated System Assess- sions, flaring and combustion and leachate loss), leachate (sewage
ment for Recovery and Disposal). The commercial WISARD LCA tool sludge treatment), and electricity production from landfill gas.
was developed in France by the Ecobilan group. The tools underly- The WISARD database is quite limited for the types of recovery
ing software platform and interface is used by Eco-Emballages in facilities available (e.g. new technologies such as gasification and
France, the English environmental protection agency, the Scottish pyrolysis are currently not available) as well as the recycling pro-
environmental protection agency as well as authorities in New cesses available under each recovery category (such as sorting-
Zealand (Emery et al., 2007; Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006). In recycling) and the material reprocessing options. On the other
this research, separate databases were used to reflect Italian cir- hand, the software tool gives a good indication of the environmen-
cumstances, including energy sources. tal benefits of different waste management systems (Emery et al.,
The logical framework of WISARD allows the life cycle of MSW 2007).
to be followed from its production, collection, treatment and final WISARD develops calculations as well as mass and energy bal-
disposal in landfill with the aim of evaluating the matter and en- ances on the basis of the amount of waste to be treated, waste
ergy consumption as well as pollutant emissions in each step of composition and, obviously, organization of the management
the management process. The collection of MSW produces several system.
impacts due to the production and use of different types of bags
and containers, the use (and related consumptions) of transport
vehicles, the construction, maintaining and demolition of transfer 2.3. MSW management scenarios
stations, and transport to the treatment and final disposal plants.
WISARD contains a database with information related to collection The LCA study was developed considering twelve different
logistics, recycling facilities, composting plants, incinerators and MSW management scenarios. They were obtained considering dif-
landfills. ferent separated collection percentages, as well as various types of
The collection logistics phase takes into account the following treatment for the dry residue deriving from the MSW without the
contributions: construction and maintenance of trucks, trucks materials being separated, collected and recycled or composted.
use, containers, and fuel for transport, waste sacks/bags, construc- The MSW management scenarios considered can be conveniently
tion and demolition of transfer stations, operations of transfer sta- divided into two categories: the first includes the scenarios from
tion, off-road vehicles, and transportation after the transfer station 1 to 10 (Fig. 1) and is based on the incineration of the dry residue,
to the disposal or recovery facility. while the second relates only to scenarios 11 (Fig. 2) and 12 (Fig. 3)
The recycling phase contains the following contributions: con- and does not consider the thermal treatment of dry residue.
struction and demolition of municipal recycling facilities (MRF), The first ten scenarios were based on a separated kerbside col-
MRF utilities, generated transport for each type of material sorted, lection of paper and cardboard, putrescibles and dry residue, on a
material recycling chain (recovery) for each type of material sorted, combined kerbside collection of plastics and metals and, finally,
and avoided transport for each type of material sorted. The com- on a bring collection of glass with banks. The collected materials
posting treatment contains the following contributions: compost- of paper and cardboard, glass, plastics and metals are then
ing site construction, composting site direct impacts, compost transported to recycling plants. Putrescibles, after collection, are
spreading, and avoided impact for fertilizer (N, P2O5, K) production transported to a composting plant. The dry residue is firstly trans-
and use, avoided impact for bark production and use. formed into RDF pressed bales and secondarily transported to an
The incineration treatment contains the following contribu- incineration plant. Discards deriving from all the treatment pro-
tions: incinerator construction and demolition, incineration plant cesses are collected and transported to a landfill. The ten scenarios
utilities (e.g., grid electricity production and distribution, lime- (1–10) differ only in the percentage of separated collection. In
stone quarrying and off road vehicles), incineration plant direct im- fact, scenario 1 was based on a 35% separated collection, which is
pacts such as air and water emissions directly resulting from waste the lowest level allowed by Italian legislation, while scenario 10
incineration, bottom ash transport, bottom ash recovery and/or was based on an 80% separated collection, a threshold which is dif-
disposal, toxic waste transport, toxic waste landfilling, scrap iron ficult to achieve and only relates to a few and/or well organized
recycling (after incineration), avoided transport (scrap iron), gener- territories. Scenarios 2–9 were progressively obtained by adding
ated transport (scrap iron), and energy recovery from steam (steam a 5% value to the separated collection of the previous scenario
and/or electricity recovery). The landfill disposal contains the fol- (Fig. 1).

Recyclables (45-20%) Putrescibles (35-15%)

Municipal Solid Waste

Dry Residue
Glass Paper & Plastics (20-65%)
Cardboard & Metals

RDF plant

Recycling Recycling Recycling Composting

RDF incineration

Recycled materials Landfill

Fig. 1. Flow chart of MSW management scenarios 1–10.

1904 G. De Feo, C. Malvano / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1901–1915

Recyclables (45%) Putrescibles (35%)

Municipal Solid Waste

Dry Residue
Glass Paper & Plastics (20%)
Cardboard & Metals

Sorting plant

Recycling Recycling Recycling Composting

Recycled materials Landfill

Fig. 2. Flow chart of MSW management scenario 11.

Recyclables (45%) Putrescibles (35%)

Municipal Solid Waste

Dry Residue
Glass Paper & Plastics (20%)
Cardboard & Metals

Recycling Recycling Recycling Composting

Recycled materials Landfill

Fig. 3. Flow chart of MSW management scenario 12.

Management scenario 11 differs from scenarios 1–10 only for 3. Results and discussion
the treatment of the dry residue, which is transported to a sorting
plant for a supplementary recovery of materials, while the percent- The outputs from each option modelled were analysed under
age of separate collection is 80%, with the other separated materi- eleven environmental effect categories as suggested by the proce-
als being collected and treated in the same manner (Fig. 2). dure WISARD with the aim of carrying out a synthetic study of the
Management scenario 12 differs from scenario 11 with the dry res- data available (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006). The impact
idue being directly transported to a landfill (Fig. 3). assessment categories suggested are as follows: renewable energy
use, non-renewable energy use, total energy use, water, suspended
2.4. Basic assumptions solids and oxydable matters index, mineral and quarried matters,
greenhouse gases, acidification, eutrophication, hazardous waste,
As shown in Table 2 average-sized vehicles were selected for non hazardous waste.
the collection of separated materials, estimating an average annual Attention was focused both on measuring the overall impact
run of about 30,000 km. An extension of 3414 km for the road net- due to the application of the entire MSW management system
work was assumed. Since the considered study area has an exten- adopted, as well as the evaluation of the specific contribution pro-
sion of 2,798.36 km2, this assumption corresponds to 1.22 kmroads/ duced by each phase of the MSW management system.
km2. In fact, each system was subdivided in the following sixteen
Recycling mills were schematized as a ‘‘Facility Simple MRF”, phases: glass collection logistics (GCL), glass collection recycling
with 10% of discards in landfill. While the dry residue sorting plant (GCR), glass collection disposal (GCD), paper collection logistics
(adopted in scenario 11) was schematized as ‘‘Facility Dirty MRF” (PaCL), paper collection recycling (PaCR), paper collection disposal
with 15% of recovered materials and 85% of discards in landfill. (PaCD), plastics and metals collection logistics (Pl&MCL), plastics
The principal characteristic of the recycling facilities adopted in and metals collection recycling (Pl&MCR), plastics and metals col-
the MSW management scenarios developed are summarised in Ta- lection disposal (Pl&MCD), putrescibles collection logistics (PCL),
ble 3, which also reports the principal details of the composting putrescibles collection composting (PCC), putrescibles collection
plant. disposal (PCD), dry residue collection logistics (DRCL), dry residue
The facility for the production of RDF was simulated as a collection recycling (DRCR), dry residue collection RDF incineration
mechanical and biological treatment (MBT) defining the composi- (DRCI), and dry residue collection disposal (DRCD).
tion of the outlet material flow as reported in Table 4 which also Therefore, 192 management phases were considered (corre-
describes the RDF incinerator adopted in the MSW management sponding to the product of 16 phases for 12 scenarios), while
scenarios developed. Finally, Table 5 reports the principal charac- 2112 single impact values were analysed and compared (corre-
teristic of the landfill adopted in the MSW management scenarios sponding to the product of 11 impact categories for 192 manage-
developed. ment phases). Moreover, 132 total impact values were analysed
G. De Feo, C. Malvano / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1901–1915 1905

Table 2
Characteristics of waste vehicles and lorries for glass collection adopted in the MSW management scenarios developed.
Waste vehicle (10 m3) – WISARD (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006)
General characteristics
Lifespan (km) Consumption (l/100 Km) Fuel
200,000 90 (Urban) Diesel
Tyres Cleaning
Replacement frequency (/10000 km) Number of replacement Cleaning frequency (/1000 km) Water consumption (l)
0.22 5 7 321
Vehicle emission factor (g/100 km)
CO2 CO NMH CH4 Steam Particulates SOx NOx N2O NH3
246,685 272 630 0 97,200 14 68 4,500 0 0
Engine oil Hydraulic oil
Change frequency (1000 km) 1.25 0.25
Volume of oil (l) 22 100
Lorry for glass collection –WISARD (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006)
General characteristics
Lifespan (km) Consumption (l/100 Km) Fuel
250000 60 (Urban) Diesel
Tyres Cleaning
Replacement frequency (*10000 km) Number of replacement Cleaning frequency (*1000 km) Water consumption (l)
0.16 5.3 7 321
Vehicle emission factor (g/100 km)
CO2 CO NMH CH4 Steam Particulates SOx NOx N2O NH3
164,314 272 660 0 64,800 14 45.3 4,200 0 0
Engine oil Hydraulic oil
Change frequency (1000 km) 1 0
Volume of oil (l) 22 0

and compared (corresponding to the product of 11 impact catego- As shown in the Table 6, all the MSW management scenarios
ries and 12 management scenarios). considered gave negative results in terms of ‘‘Renewable Energy
The goal of the study was to evaluate the results obtained (val- Use”. Therefore, they represented an avoided impact as well as
ues of avoided or produced impact) in order to point out the most the highest percentage corresponded to the highest avoided im-
environmentally sound scenarios for each environmental impact pact. The most environmentally sound scenario was number 11
category, as well as the trend associated with the percentage of (‘‘80%S”: 80% separate collection, no RDF incineration, dries residue
separate collection (for the first ten MSW management scenarios), sorting).
thus evaluating the positive and negative effects of recycling and/ As shown in Table 9, the following phases avoided impacts in
or composting (Table 6). The LCA software tool calculates impact terms of ‘‘Renewable Energy Use”: all recycling contributions, dry
values, performing mass and energy balances on the base of the residue selection, RDF production and incineration. Since paper de-
amount of waste to be treated. For scenarios 1–10, these quantities rives from renewable resources (wood), ‘‘Paper Collection Recy-
vary linearly with the percentage of separate collection and there- cling” was the phase with the greatest avoided impact for each
fore impact values for each management phase also vary in the impact category and each MSW management scenario developed
same manner. Since the sum of linear function is a linear function, (Table 7). This fact depends on the lower renewable energy needs
the total impact values for each category also have to vary linearly. by production of recycled paper when compared with that of new
As a matter of fact, as shown in Table 6, the coefficient of linear cor- paper. In fact, it is well known that recycling saves energy. As a
relation between total impact value and percentage of separate matter of fact, producing paper and cardboard from recycled mate-
collection is practically one for all impact categories. rials requires less energy than manufacturing the same goods from
Moreover, for each impact category and MSW management sce- virgin materials (EPA, 2007).
nario developed, the management phase with the greatest avoided On the other hand, the following phases had positive impacts
impact (Table 7) and the management phase with the greatest pro- (Table 9): collection logistics and landfilling, which produce posi-
duced impact (Table 8) were pointed out. tive impacts for all considered impact categories, and composting.
Finally, scenarios 10, 11 and 12 were compared in order to point In particular, ‘‘Dry Residue Collection Logistics” was the manage-
out for what impact categories for high percentages of separate ment phase with the greatest produced impact for scenarios 1–9,
collection a management system based on recovery and recycling while ‘‘Glass Collection Logistics” was the management phase with
but without incineration would be preferable. the greatest produced impact for scenarios 10, 11 and 12 (Table 8).
The phases with the greatest produced impact were related to
3.1. Renewable energy use ‘‘Collection Logistics” because it takes into account contributions
that lead to renewable energy consumption. For the three ‘‘80%”
The impact category ‘‘Renewable Energy Use” represents the scenarios, the collection of glass gives the major contribution due
energy derived from sources that do not deplete natural resources. to the increasing of trucks, containers and waste sacks/bags re-
This includes hydroelectric, wind, solar or energy from biomass. In quired for the glass collection compared with trucks, containers
Table 6, the results were normalised and expressed in terms of and waste sacks/bags required for the collection of dry residue.
domestic energy usage for heating, lighting and transport. In par- As shown in Table 10, impacts produced from scenarios 10, 11
ticular, a consumption of 8.61 GJ/inhabitant/yr was assumed for and 12 differed only for the contributions given by the following
an Equivalent Inhabitant (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006). three phases: ‘‘Dry Collection Residue Disposal” (DRCD), ‘‘Dry
1906 G. De Feo, C. Malvano / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1901–1915

Table 3
Characteristic of the recycling facilities and composting plant adopted in the MSW management scenarios developed.
FR – MRF (packaging and newspaper 12 Kt/y) – WISARD (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006)
General characteristics Operation
Lifetime (yr) Treated tonnage Working time Type of facility Fuel consumption Water Lubricants Strapping
(t/month) (d/months) (l/month) (m3/month) (l/month) (kg/month)
10 1000 22 Semi-mechanized 0 480 2.8 2500

Sorting machines – P = power consumption (kW) – T = Working time (h/work day)

Conveyors Magnet Eddy currents Screen Air conditioning
30 14 5 14 5 14 10 14 20 16

Facility – Simple MRF (glass, plastics and non-metal) – WISARD (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006)
General characteristics Operation
Lifetime (yr) Treated tonnage Working time Type of facility Fuel consumption Water Lubricants Strapping
(t/month) (d/months) (l/month) (m3/month) (l/month) (kg/month)
20 1667 20.83 Semi-mechanized 0 375 2.8 2500
Sorting machines – P = power consumption (kW) – T = Working time (h/work day)
Weigh bridge Conveyors Magnet Air conditioning
0 16 11 16 5.8 16 1.1 16

FR – composting C1 – WISARD (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006)

General characteristics Compost utilisation
Lifetime (yr) Treated tonnage Working time Compost Fuel consumption Heavy metal Spreading Immobilised
(t/month) (d/months) (kg/twaste) (l/t compost) (% in compost) by tractor in ground
25 2,417 20 380 0.5 100

Savings Distribution of N and P (% of compost element)

Potassium fertilizer Lime (calcium % Magnesium fertilizer Wood chips Fertilized Mineralised
(% of K in compost) in compost) (% of Mg in compost) (kg/t of compost) saving non
in ground
20 20 20 0 20 95 80 5

Balance of site inputs and outputs

Garden green Kitchen Wood and Straw Paper Cardboard Glass Ferrous Aluminium Plastics Other
waste scraps pruning materials
Total (t/month) 17 676 0 0 392 225 317 92 2 268 428
Recycled (t/ 9 354 0 0 206 118 166 48 1 140 224
Rejected (t/ 8 322 0 0 186 107 151 44 1 128 204

Residue Collection Recycling” (DRCR) (not present in scenario 12) gas or nuclear materials. In Table 6, the results were normalised
and ‘‘Dry Residue Collection RDF Incineration” (DRCI) (not present and expressed in terms of domestic energy usage for heating,
in scenarios 11 and 12). This is a general statement: it is valid for lighting and transport. In particular, a consumption of 168.91 GJ/
all the considered impact categories. inhabitant/yr was assumed for an Equivalent Inhabitant (Pricewa-
In particular, in terms of renewable energy saving, scenario 11 terhouse Coopers, 2006).
(80%S) prevailed over numbers 10 and 12 because of the contri- As shown in Table 6, all the MSW management scenarios con-
bution ( 36,036 Equivalent Inhabitants) of the dry residue sort- sidered gave negative results in terms of ‘‘Non-Renewable Energy
ing plant (‘‘Facility Dirty MRF” with 15% of recovered materials, Use”. Therefore, they also represented an avoided impact as well
Table 3), while in scenario 10 (80%) there were lower savings as the highest percentage corresponded to the highest avoided im-
of renewable energy due to the RDF production plant (MBT, Ta- pact. The most environmentally sound scenario was number 10
ble 4) ( 8,839 E.I.) and the RDF incineration plant (Table 4) (‘‘80%”: 80% separate collection, RDF production and incineration).
( 2,040 E.I.). In scenario 12 (80%L), the three considered manage- The following phases avoided impacts in terms of ‘‘Non Renew-
ment phases produced insignificant use of renewable energy be- able Energy Use” (Table 9): all recycling contributions, composting,
cause DRCR and DRCI did not exist and the landfill disposal of dry residue selection, RDF production and incineration. Since plas-
the dry residue does not produce a saving but only a limited tics and metals derive from non-renewable resources (oil and min-
use of renewable energy (+46 E.I.). Therefore, in terms of erals), ‘‘Plastics and Metals Collection Recycling” was the phase
‘‘Renewable Energy Use”, for high percentages of separate collec- with the greatest avoided impact for each MSW management sce-
tion a management system based on recovery and recycling but nario developed (Table 7). This fact depends on the lower energy
without incineration would be preferable. needs by production of recycled plastics and metals when com-
pared with new plastics and metals (EPA, 2007). On the other hand,
3.2. Non-renewable energy use the following phases had positive impacts (Table 9): only collection
logistics and landfilling. In particular, ‘‘Dry Residue Collection
The impact category ‘‘Non-Renewable Energy Use” represents Logistics” was the management phase with the greatest produced
the energy derived from fossil materials such as oil, coal, natural impact for all MSW management scenarios developed (Table 8)
G. De Feo, C. Malvano / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1901–1915 1907

Table 4
Characteristic of the mechanical and biological treatment (MBT) and RDF incinerator adopted in the MSW management scenarios developed.
MBT (residue)
General characteristics
Lifetime (yr) Treated tonnage (t/month) Working time (d/moths) Type of facility
20 250,500 30 Mechanized
Percentage mass balance of site inputs and outputs
Inflow Outflow
Discards to landfill RDF to incineration Non ferrous metals Losses Stabilized organic fraction
Putrescibles 11.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 6.85
Putrescibles (exc. garden) 29.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 17.12
Fines 1.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.88
Non ferrous metal 2.95 0.00 0.00 2.95 - 0.00
Paper 29.52 4.54 24.98 0.00 - 0.00
Dense plastics 13.78 2.12 11.66 0.00 - 0.00
Textiles 3.03 0.47 2.56 0.00 - 0.00
Glass 7.87 7.87 0.00 0.00 - 0.00
Total 100.00 15 39.20 2.95 18.00 24.85
RDF Incineration – WISARD (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006)
General characteristics
Lifetime (yr) Treated tonnage (t/month)
30 83,300
Electricity (kWh/moth) Fuel consumption (l/month) Natural gas (m3/month) Propane (kg/month) Diesel for off-road vehicle (l/month)
0 0 75 0 0
Material outputs
Water (m3/month) Bottom ash Recovery (%) Iron scrap Aluminium scrap
0 9,166 0 0 0
Energy generation (output)
Steam (MJ/month) Water Gas (%) Coal (%) Oil (%) Electricity (kWh/month)
0 0 0 0 0 109,375,000
Gas cleaning (input)
Processed water (m3/month) Activated carbon (kg/month) Lime (quick, kg/month) Lime (slaked, kg/month) Fly ash (kg/month) Exhaust gases (Nm3/twaste)
14,594 208,333 2,083,000 266,560 10,208 9,000

Table 5
Characteristic of the landfill adopted in the MSW management scenarios developed.

Landfill – WISARD (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006)

General characteristics
Lifetime (yr) Treated tonnage (t/month) Working time (d/month)
20 10,000 25
Leachate Landfill gas
Produced (l/t) Discharge (%) Treatment system Discharge (%) First treatment (%) Second treatment (%) Furnace output efficiency (%)
85 10 Biological Treatment 30 70 0 32.5
Clay (t) Top soil (t) HDPE (t) Diesel (l)
950,000 285,000 0 0

because it takes into account the construction and maintenance of 3.3. Total energy use
trucks, containers and waste sacks/bags, which contribute to the
consumption of non-renewable energy. The impact category ‘‘Total Energy Use” represents a synthesis
As shown in Table 10, in terms of non-renewable energy saving, of the previous two scenarios considered, renewable and non-
scenario 10 (80%) prevailed over numbers 11 and 12 due to the renewable energy use. In Table 6, the results were normalised
sum of negative contributions of the RDF production plant and expressed in terms of domestic energy usage for heating,
( 1915 E.I.) and the RDF incineration plant ( 1619 E.I.). This is lighting and transport. In particular, a consumption of 177.52 GJ/
due to the fact that RDF production and incineration allows the inhabitant/yr was assumed for an Equivalent Inhabitant (Pricewa-
consumption of non-renewable resources for energy production terhouse Coopers, 2006).
to be reduced, while in scenario 11 (80%S) there was a lower saving As shown in Table 6, all the MSW management scenarios con-
of non-renewable energy due to the dry residue sorting plant sidered gave negative results in terms of ‘‘Total Energy Use”. There-
( 2968 E.I.). Finally, the landfill disposal of sorted dry residue in fore, they also represented an avoided impact as well as the highest
scenario 11 produced a reduced consumption of non-renewable percentage corresponded to the highest avoided impact. The most
energy (+76 E.I.) as well as the direct dry residue landfill disposal environmentally sound scenario was 11 (80%S), the same as
in scenario 12 (+84 E.I.). Since there was a difference of only 2.6% ‘‘Renewable Energy Use”. In fact, both ‘‘Paper Collection Recycling”
between the avoided impacts of scenarios 10 and 11, for high per- as well as ‘‘Plastics and Metals Collection Recycling” give their con-
centages of separate collection in terms of non-renewable energy tribution to avoiding impacts in terms of total energy use. How-
use, the presence or the absence of an incinerator plant is not so ever, ‘‘Paper Collection Recycling”, in particular, gives the major
relevant. contribution, especially with regard to renewable energy use,
Table 6
Summary of the numerical results obtained for each MSW management scenario developed in terms of avoided or produced impact.

Impact category MSW management scenario

35% (1) 40% (2) 45% (3) 50% (4) 55% (5) 60% (6) 65% (7) 70% (8) 75% (9) 80% (10) 80%S (11) 80%L (12)
Renewable energy use (Domestic energy usage 428,695 489,507 543,589 597,599 650,858 704,852 725,547 792,498 860,128 927,731 952,854 916,814
for heating, lighting and transport – Impact (inhabitant equivalent) = 10,628  (percentage of separate collection) 60,995; R2 = 0.9946b 2.7%c +1.2%c
equivalent inhabitant)
Non-renewable energy use (Domestic energy 14,934 15,927 17,227 18,149 18,912 20,158 21,379 22,249 23,494 24,284 23,655 20,679

G. De Feo, C. Malvano / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1901–1915

usage for heating, lighting and transport – Impact (inhabitant equivalent) = 209.89  (percentage of separate collection) 7,602.8; R2 = 0.9983b +2.6%c +14.8%c
equivalent inhabitant)
Total energy use (Domestic energy usage for 30,725 33,002 37,316 40,264 43,030 46,288 48,253 51,646 55,425 58,764 59,117 54,880
heating, lighting and transport – equivalent Impact (inhabitant equivalent) = 607.49  (percentage of separate collection) 9,640.4; R2 = 0.9979b 0.6%c +6.6%c
Water (Domestic use – equivalent inhabitant) 2,991 3,589 4,191 4,785 5,568 6,168 6,784 7,388 8,174 8,756 9,117 8,876
Impact (inhabitant equivalent) = 129.18  (percentage of separate collection) 1,588.2; R2 = 0.9993b 4.1%c 1.4%c
Suspended solids and oxydable matters index 6,905 7,905 8,945 10,075 11,032 12,031 13,039 14,044 15,045 15,894 16,393 15,874
(equivalent inhabitant) Impact (inhabitant equivalent) = 201.53  (percentage of separate collection) 96,36; R2 = 0.9995b 3.1%c 0.1%c
Mineral and quarried matters (t) 1,279 767 51 257 1,077 1,920 2,712 3,481 3,504 4,375 21,396 27,404
Impact (t) = 129.28  (percentage +389.1c +526.4%c
of separate collection) 5,910.4;
R2 = 0.9894b
Greenhouse gases (100 years – equivalent 58 677 108 788 969 1,466 1,444 1,899 2,077 2,337 4,370 10,425
inhabitant) Impact (inhabitant equivalent) = 51.85  (percentage of separate collection) + 1,810.7; R2 = 0.9328b +287.0%c +546.1%c
Acidification (equivalent inhabitant) 8,968 9,247 9,600 9,871 9,986 10,337 10,603 10,710 11,148 11,321 10,296 4,237
Impact (inhabitant equivalent) = 51.61  (percentage of separate collection) 7,211.8; R2 = 0.9931b +9.1c +62.6%c
Eutrophication (equivalent inhabitant) 1,120 1,291 1,460 1,634 1,806 1,979 2,152 2,314 2,486 2,593 2,619 2,517
Impact (inhabitant equivalent) = 33.47  (percentage of separate collection) + 40.8; R2 = 0.9987b 1.0%c +2.9%c
Hazardous waste (t) 1,375 1,427 1,480 1,543 1,565 1,617 1,659 1,702 1,755 1,807 2,204 1,642
Impact (t) = 9.32  (percentage of separate collection) 1,056.8; R2 = 0.9968b 22.0%c +9.1%c
Non hazardous waste (t) 21,023 21,488 22,038 22,511 23,065 23,676 24,263 24,732 25,387 25,824 42,317 43,470
Impact (t) = 108.89  (percentage +63.9%c +68.3%c
of separate collection) + 17,139;
R2 = 0.999b
The symbol ‘‘ ” (‘‘ ”) indicates an environmentally sound positive (negative) trends with % of separate collection (positive or negative effects of recycling and/or composting).
Linear correlation between percentage of separate collection (in the range 35–80%) and avoided or produced impact.
Percentage increase from avoided/produced impact related to the 80% scenery (‘‘+” indicates an environmental improvement; ‘‘ ” indicates an environmental worsening).
G. De Feo, C. Malvano / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1901–1915 1909

Table 7
Management phase with the greatest avoided impact for each impact category and for each MSW management scenario developed.

Impact category MSW management scenario

35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 80%S 80%L
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Renewable energy PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR
use (Domestic 380,753 441,945 496,339 550,732 605,125 659,518 679,916 747,908 815,899 883,891 883,891 883,891
energy usage for
heating, lighting
and transport –
energy use 10,791 12,140 13,759 15,378 16,727 18,345 19,694 21,313 22,932 24,281 24,281 24,281
(Domestic energy
usage for heating,
lighting and
transport –
Total energy use PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR
(Domestic energy 14,973 17,360 19,514 21,641 23,795 25,923 26,779 29,426 32,073 34,746 34,746 34,746
usage for heating,
lighting and
transport –
Water (Domestic use PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR
– equivalent 4,201 4,749 5,297 5,845 6,575 7,123 7,671 8,219 8,950 9,498 9,498 9,498
Suspended solids and PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR
oxydable matters 6,825 7,807 8,821 9,929 10,863 11,845 12,827 13,809 14,791 15,614 15,614 15,614
index (equivalent
matters (t) 7,200 6,622 6,043 5,575 5,490 5,948 6,446 6,954 7,452 7,951 7,951 7,951
Greenhouse gases DRCR Pl&MCR Pl&MCR Pl&MCR Pl&MCR Pl&MCR Pl&MCR Pl&MCR Pl&MCR Pl&MCR Pl&MCR Pl&MCR
(100 years – 11,152 12,280 13,518 15,346 16,583 18,416 19,667 21,499 22,736 24,569 24,569 24,569
(equivalent -16,488 -18,641 -20,795 -22,948 -25,101 -27,255 -29,408 -31,561 -33,715 -35,868 -35,868 -35,868
Eutrophication PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR PaCR
(equivalent 1,154 1,328 1,499 1,675 1,851 2,029 2,205 2,369 2,544 2,655 2,655 2,655
1,938 1,791 1,613 1,496 1,544 1,686 1,829 1,971 2,114 2,256 2,256 2,256
(t) 1,332 1,437 1,642 1,846 2,050 2,155 2,359 2,564 2,769 2,974 2,974 2,974

DRCL = dry residue collection logistics; DRCD = dry residue collection disposal; DRCR = dry residue collection recycling; PaCR = paper collection recycling; Pl&MCR = plastics
and etals collection recycling; GCR = glass collection recycling; PCC = putrescibles collection composting; PCD = putrescibles collection disposal.

while ‘‘Plastics and Metals Collection Recycling” produces non- As shown in Table 10, in terms of total energy saving, scenario
renewable energy conservation, but with a lower magnitude. 11 (80%S) prevailed over numbers 10 and 12 due to the negative
As shown in Table 9, the following phases avoided impacts in contribution ( 4239 E.I.) of the dry residue sorting plant, while
terms of ‘‘Total Energy Use”: all recycling contributions, compost- in scenario 10 (80%), there were lower savings of total energy
ing, dry residue selection, RDF production and incineration. In due to the RDF production plant ( 2180 E.I.) and the RDF inciner-
particular, ‘‘Paper Collection Recycling” was the phase with the ation plant ( 1635 E.I.). Finally, the landfill disposal of sorted dry
greatest avoided impact for each impact category and MSW man- residue in scenario 11 produced a reduced consumption of total
agement scenario developed (Table 7). On the other hand, only col- energy (+74 E.I.) as well as the direct dry residue landfill disposal
lection logistics and landfilling phases produced positive impacts. in scenario 12 (+82 E.I.). In the light of the above considerations,
In particular, ‘‘Dry Residue Collection Logistics” was the phase with in terms of ‘‘Total Energy Use”, for high percentages of separate
the greatest produced impact for each impact category and MSW collection a management system based on recovery and recycling
management scenario developed (Table 8). These results agree but without incineration would be preferable. Eriksson et al.
with the findings of Ozeler et al. (2006) who, among several man- (2005) and Emery et al. (2007) pointed out a similar conclusion.
agement options similar to those analysed, identified in the collec-
tion stage the phase with the highest contribution to the net 3.4. Water
energy use impact category. In comparison, Arena et al. (2003)
pointed out that the contribution of the transport in terms of en- WISARD estimates the net amount of water used for plants
ergy use has little influence on the other treatment phases because functioning or recovered by means of treatment processes. In Table
they considered a very low level of separate collection (10%). 6, the results were normalised and expressed in terms of domestic
1910 G. De Feo, C. Malvano / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1901–1915

Table 8
Management phase with the greatest produced impact for each impact category and for each MSW management scenario developed.

Impact category MSW management scenario

35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 80%S 80%L
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Renewable energy use (Domestic energy usage for DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL GCL GCL GCL
heating, lighting and transport – equivalent 1,020 952 816 748 680 626 558 483 394 347 347 347
Non-renewable energy use (Domestic energy usage for DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL
heating, lighting and transport – equivalent 5,935 5,666 5,126 4,586 4,317 3,777 3,237 2,968 2,374 2,023 2,023 2,023
Total energy use (Domestic energy usage for heating, DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL
lighting and transport – equivalent inhabitant) 5,748 5,486 4,961 4,440 4,178 3,657 3,135 2,873 2,299 1,959 1,959 1,959
Water (Domestic use – equivalent inhabitant) DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL
676 639 584 530 493 438 384 329 274 237 237 237
Suspended solids and oxydable matters index DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL PCD DRCD DRCD
(equivalent inhabitant) 41 38 35 32 29 26 23 20 16 17 21 24
Mineral and quarried matters (t) DRCD DRCD PCD PCD PCD PCD PCD PCD PCD PCD DRCD DRCD
9,412 8,711 8,510 9,412 10,413 11,414 12,615 13,716 13,818 15,019 18,424 21,727
Greenhouse gases (100 years – equivalent inhabitant) DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL PCD PCD PCD DRCD DRCD
10,003 9,269 8,535 7,828 6,929 6,222 5,502 5,415 5,832 6,249 8,053 10,527
Acidification (equivalent inhabitant) DRCL DRCL DRCL PCC PCC PCC PCC PCC PCC PCC PCC PCC
17,001 15,743 14,485 14,569 16,007 17,445 18,883 20,322 21,760 23,198 23,198 23,198
Eutrophication (equivalent inhabitant) DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL DRCL PCD PCD DRCD DRCD
69 65 58 53 49 44 39 34 37 39 49 55
1,262 1,165 1,068 970 903 806 719 631 580 610 610 610
11,020 10,019 9,219 10,021 11,023 12,024 13,026 14,028 15,030 16,032 20,040 21,046

DRCD = dry residue collection disposal; DRCL = dry residue collection logistics; DRCI = dry residue collection RDF incineration; DRCR = dry residue collection recycling;
GCL = glass collection logistics; PaCR = paper collection recycling; Pl&MCR = plastics and metals collection recycling; PCC = putrescibles collection composting;
PCD = putrescibles collection disposal.

Table 9
Summary of produced (+) and avoided impacts ( ) for each impact categories, for each MSW management phase and for all scenarios developed.

Impact category MSW management phase

Glass Paper Plasctics and metals Putrescibles Dry residue
Renewable energy use + + + + + + + + + + +
Non-renewable energy use + + + + + + + + + +
Total energy use + + + + + + + + + +
Water + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Suspended solids and oxydable matters + + + + + + + + + + +
Mineral and quarried matters + + + + + + + + + + +
Greenhouse gases + + + + + + + + + + + +
Acidification + + + + + + + + + + +
Eutrophication + + + + + + + + + + +
Hazardous waste + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Non hazardous waste + + + + + + + + + + + + +

GCL = glass collection logistics; GCR = glass collection recycling; GCD = glass collection disposal; PaCL = paper collection logistics; PaCR = paper collection recycling;
PaCD = paper collection disposal; Pl&MCL = plastics and metals collection logistics; Pl&MCR = plastics and metals collection recycling; Pl&MCD = plastics and metals col-
lection disposal; PCL = putrescibles collection logistics; PCC = putrescibles collection composting; PCD = putrescibles collection disposal; DRCL = dry residue collection
logistics; DRCR = dry residue collection recycling; DRCI = dry residue collection RDF incineration; DRCD = dry residue collection disposal.

consumption. In particular, a consumption of 683 m3/inhabitant/yr management scenario developed (Table 7). The highest percentage
was assumed for an Equivalent Inhabitant (Pricewaterhouse Coo- corresponded to the highest saving of water. In fact, since the life
pers, 2006). cycle for the production of recycled paper is shorter than the cor-
As shown in Table 6, all the MSW management scenarios con- responding life cycle for the production of new paper, producing
sidered gave negative results in terms of ‘‘Water”. Therefore, for recycled paper require a lower consumption of water. Moreover,
each scenario there is a net saving of water or, in other terms, an it is well known that paper mills require huge amounts of water
avoided consumption. Moreover, the highest percentage corre- (Byström and Lönnstedt, 1997). On the other hand, the following
sponded to the highest avoided impact. The most environmentally phases had positive impacts: collection logistics and landfilling,
sound scenario was 11 (80%S). composting, dry residue selection, RDF production and incinera-
Only the recycling phases avoided water consumptions (Table tion. In particular, ‘‘Dry Residue Collection Logistics” was the phase
9). In particular, ‘‘Paper Collection Recycling” was the phase with with the greatest produced impact for each impact category and
the greatest avoided impact for each impact category and MSW MSW management scenario developed. The highest percentage
G. De Feo, C. Malvano / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1901–1915 1911

Table 10
Avoided or produced impacts for the three management scenarios with 80% of separate collection and for the management phases involving dry residue recycling (DRCR),
incineration (DRCI) and disposal (DRCD).

Impact category MSW management scenario

80% (10) 80%S (11) 80%L (12)
MSW management phase MSW management phase MSW management phase
Renewable energy use (equivalent inhabitant) 8,839 2,040 7 10,872 36,036 0 41 35,995 0 0 46 46
Non-renewable energy use (equivalent inhabitant) 1,915 1,619 13 3,522 2,968 0 76 2,892 0 0 84 84
Total energy use (equivalent inhabitant) 2,180 1,635 12 3,802 4,230 0 74 4,155 0 0 82 82
Water (equivalent inhabitant) 20 119 3 142 237 0 18 219 0 0 22 22
Suspended solids and oxydable matters index 6 6 4 4 516 0 21 495 0 0 24 24
(equivalent inhabitant)
Mineral and quarried matters (t) 2,206 2,310 3,214 1,302 2,705 0 18,424 15,719 0 0 21,727 21,727
Greenhouse gases (100 years – equivalent inhabitant) 3,351 310 1,155 2,506 3,852 0 8,053 4,202 0 0 10,257 10,257
Acidification (equivalent inhabitant) 4,901 1,774 60 6,615 5,974 0 385 5,589 0 0 469 469
Eutrophication (equivalent inhabitant) 11 19 8 21 96 0 49 47 0 0 55 55
Hazardous waste (t) 612 447 0.0062 165 563 0 0.04 563 0 0 0.04 0
Non hazardous waste (t) 397 190 3,607 3,400 147 0 20,040 19,893 0 0 21,046 21,046

DRCR = dry residue collection recycling; DRCI = dry residue collection RDF incineration; DRCD = dry residue collection disposal.

corresponded to the lowest consumption of water because the results in lower water pollution. On the other hand, the following
magnitude of dry residue transport diminishes with the increasing phases had positive impacts: collection logistics and landfilling,
of the separate collection percentage. and RDF incineration. In particular, ‘‘Dry Residue Collection Logis-
As shown in Table 10, in terms of water saving, scenario 11 tics” was the management phase with the greatest produced im-
(80%S) prevailed over numbers 10 and 12 due to the negative con- pact for scenarios 1–9 (Table 8), because for the corresponding
tribution ( 4239 E.I.) of the dry residue sorting plant. In fact, level of separate collection, the transport of dry residue produces
recovering material corresponds to water savings not consumed a valuable organic water pollution, while ‘‘Putrescibles Collection
for the production of new materials. In comparison, in scenario Disposal” was the management phase with the greatest produced
10 (80%), there were consumptions of water due to the RDF pro- impact for scenario 10 and, finally, ‘‘Dry Residue Collection Dis-
duction plant (+20 E.I.), particularly for the stabilization of recov- posal” was the management phase with the greatest produced im-
ered putrescibles, the RDF incineration plant (+119 E.I.) and the pact for scenarios 11 and 12 (Table 8). In fact, the disposal of
landfill disposal (+3 E.I.). Finally, the landfill disposal of sorted putrescibles and dry residue determines the production of landfill
dry residue in scenario 11 produced a reduced consumption of leachate which is typically characterized by high concentrations of
water (+18 E.I.) as well as the direct dry residue landfill disposal suspended solids and BOD.
in scenario 12 (+22 E.I.). Therefore, also in terms of ‘‘Water”, for As shown in Table 10, in environmentally sound terms, scenario
high percentages of separate collection a management system 11 (80%S) prevailed over numbers 10 and 12 due to the negative
based on recovery and recycling but without incineration would contribution ( 516 E.I.) of the dry residue sorting plant. In fact,
be preferable. recovering material avoids the organic pollution of water related
to the production of new materials. All the other contributions re-
3.5. Suspended solids and oxydable matters index lated to the three 80% scenarios were negligible. Therefore, also in
terms of ‘‘Suspended Solids and Oxydable Matters Index”, a man-
The ‘‘Suspended Solids and Oxydable Matters Index” is ex- agement system based on recovery and recycling but without
pressed in terms of the amount of biochemical oxygen demand incineration would be preferable for high percentages of separate
(BOD) and suspended solids (TSS) one person emits into the envi- collection.
ronment per year. In Table 6, the results were normalised and ex-
pressed in terms of Equivalent Inhabitants (E.I.). In particular, for 3.6. Mineral and quarried matters
an E.I. a production of 47.6 (kgTSS + kgBOD5)/inhabitant/yr was as-
sumed (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006). Obviously, this index is The impact category of ‘‘Mineral and Quarried Matters” deals
an indicator of water pollution. with the depletion of non-renewable resources which is the
As shown in Table 6, all the MSW management scenarios con- decreasing availability of natural resources such as fossil and min-
sidered gave negative results in terms of ‘‘Suspended Solids and eral resources. This impact category is expressed in terms of the
Oxydable Matters Index”. Therefore, for each scenario there is an amount of aluminium mineral (bauxite) and iron mineral one per-
avoided pollution. Moreover, the highest percentage corresponded son consumes per year. In Table 6, the results were normalised and
to the highest avoided impact. Also for this effect category, the expressed in terms of Equivalent Inhabitants (E.I.). In particular,
most environmentally sound scenario was 11 (80%S). consumptions of 0.060 tbauxite/inhabitant/yr and 0.300 tiron_mineral/
As shown in Table 9, the following phases avoided impacts in inhabitant/yr were assumed for an E.I. (Pricewaterhouse Coopers,
terms of ‘‘Suspended Solids and Oxydable Matters Index”: all recy- 2006).
cling contributions, composting, dry residue selection and RDF pro- As shown in Table 6, in this case, on the contrary to the other
duction. In particular, ‘‘Paper Collection Recycling” was the phase impact categories considered, the impact levels are both positive
with the greatest avoided impact for each impact category and and negative, and with increasing values with the percentage of
MSW management scenario developed (Table 7). The highest per- separate collection. Therefore, the best environmentally sound sce-
centage corresponded to the highest reduction of suspended solids nario is immediately identified in number 1, which corresponds to
and oxydable matters pollution. In fact, since the life cycle for the scenario with the lowest percentage of separate collection: 35%.
production of recycled paper is shorter than the corresponding life Since this impact category deals with the consumption of non-
cycle for the production of new paper, producing recycled paper renewable resources, the disposal phase produces a loss of
1912 G. De Feo, C. Malvano / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1901–1915

resources and therefore positive impacts, while the recycling of the decreasing quantity of dry residue as well as the increasing
phases related to non-renewable resources (glass, plastics and quantity of putrescibles collected. While in scenario 11, the
metals) produce a recovery of resources and therefore negative im- adopted dry residue sorting plant was schematized as ‘‘Facility
pacts. As a matter of fact, the following phases avoided impacts in Dirty MRF” with 85% of discards in landfill. Finally, in scenario
terms of ‘‘Mineral and Quarried Matters” (Table 9): glass recycling, 12, dry residue is directly landfilled.
plastics and metals recycling, composting, dry residue selection, As shown in Table 10, in environmentally sound terms, scenario
RDF production and incineration. In particular, ‘‘Dry Residue Col- 10 (80%) prevailed over numbers 11 and 12 because the sum of
lection Recycling” and ‘‘Glass Collection Recycling” were the negative contributions of RDF production ( 3351 E.I.) and RDF
phases with the greatest avoided impact: DRCR for the first four incineration ( 310 E.I.) compensated for the positive terms of
scenarios, while GCR for the others (Table 7). On the other hand, dry residue landfilling (+1155 E.I). Globally, an equivalent contri-
the following phases had positive impacts (Table 9): collection bution of 2506 inhabitants was avoided in scenario 10, while in
logistics and landfilling, and paper recycling. In particular, ‘‘Dry scenario 11 (80%S), the saving of non-renewable resources due to
Residue Collection Disposal”(scenarios 1, 2, 11 and 12) and dry residue sorting ( 2705 E.I.) was outclassed by the positive im-
‘‘Putrescibles Collection Disposal” (scenarios 3–10) were the man- pact of the landfill disposal (+8053 E.I.). Globally, an equivalent
agement phases with the greatest produced impact (Table 8). contribution of 4202 inhabitants was produced in scenario 11. Fi-
As shown in Table 10, in terms of non-renewable resources sav- nally, the direct dry residue landfill disposal in scenario 12 pro-
ing, scenario 10 (80%) prevailed over numbers 11 and 12 because duced an impact corresponding to GHG emissions of 10,257
the sum of negative contributions of RDF production ( 2206 t) equivalent inhabitants. Therefore, in terms of GHGs, for high per-
and RDF incineration ( 2310 t) compensated for the positive terms centages of separate collection the absence of an incinerator plant
of dry residue disposal (+3214 t). Globally, 1302 t of non-renew- is not environmentally sound. Viotti et al. (2005) obtained similar
able resources were saved in scenario 10, while in scenario 11 results. As a matter of fact, they pointed out the treatment of or-
(80%S), the saving of non-renewable resources due to dry residue ganic matter and landfill disposal as the phase which affected
sorting ( 2705 E.I.) was dominated by the consumption term of the greenhouse gas emissions the most. Similarly, Arena et al.
the landfill disposal (+18,424 t). Globally, 15,719 t of non-renew- (2003) argued that the solution with RDF incineration is better
able resources were consumed in scenario 11. Finally, the direct than a total landfill disposal, reasoning in terms of climate changes.
dry residue landfill disposal in scenario 12 produced a consump- Also Emery et al. (2007) emphasized the role of the total incinera-
tion of 21,727 t of non-renewable resources. Therefore, in terms tion of waste as a phase capable of producing a positive effect in
of ‘‘Mineral and Quarried Matters”, the absence of an incinerator terms of greenhouse gas emissions.
plant is not environmentally sound for high percentages of sepa-
rate collection.
3.8. Acidification
3.7. Greenhouse gases
‘‘Acidification” is the process whereby air pollution, mainly
‘‘Greenhouse gases” (GHGs) refers to the gases (primarily water ammonia, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, are converted into
vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) present in the acidic substances. Some of the principal effects of air acidification
earth’s atmosphere which reduce the loss of heat into space and include Lake Acidification and forest decline. In Table 6, the results
therefore contribute to global temperatures through the green- were normalised and expressed in terms of an Equivalent Inhabi-
house effect. This impact category was expressed in terms of tant (E.I.). In particular, an E.I. corresponds to 0.00186 teq.H+/inhab-
greenhouse effect over 100 years. In Table 6, the results were nor- itant/yr (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006).
malised and expressed in terms of Equivalent Inhabitants (E.I.). In As shown in Table 6, all the MSW management scenarios con-
particular, a production of 8.680 teq.CO2/inhabitant/yr was assumed sidered gave negative results in terms of ‘‘Acidification” which
for an E.I. (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006). means an avoided production of acidification gases. Moreover,
As shown in Table 6, also in this case, analogously to ‘‘Mineral the highest percentage of separate collection corresponded to the
and Quarried Matters”, the impact levels are both positive and neg- highest avoided impacts; with scenario 10 being the most environ-
ative, but with decreasing values with the percentage of separate mentally sound scenario in terms of acidification.
collection. Therefore, the best environmentally sound scenario is As shown in Table 9, the following phases avoided impacts in
immediately identified in number 10 which corresponds to the terms of ‘‘Acidification”: all recycling contributions, dry residue
scenario with the highest percentage of separate collection: 80%. selection, RDF production and incineration. In particular, ‘‘Plastics
The following phases avoided impacts in terms of GHGs (Table and Metals Collection Recycling” was the phase with the greatest
9): glass recycling, plastics and metals recycling, dry residue selec- avoided impact for each MSW management scenario developed
tion, RDF production and incineration. In particular, ‘‘Dry Residue (Table 7). Moreover, the highest percentage corresponded to the
Collection Recycling” and ‘‘Plastics and Metals Collection Recy- highest avoided impact. In fact, recycling plastics and metals saves
cling” were the phases with the greatest avoided impact: DRCR emissions of acid gases at the manufacturing stage due to de-
for the first scenario and Pl&MCR for the other eleven scenarios creased energy demand due to using secondary materials in man-
(Table 7). In fact, recovering plastics and metals for recycling ufacturing (Craighill and Powell, 1996). On the other hand, the
avoids the production of GHGs (EPA, 2006). On the other hand, following phases had positive impacts (Table 9): collection logis-
the following were the phases with produced impacts (Table 9): tics and landfilling, and composting. In particular, ‘‘Dry Residue
collection logistics and landfilling, paper recycling and composting. Collection Logistics” (scenarios 1–3) and ‘‘Putrescibles Collection
In particular, ‘‘Dry Residue Collection Logistics” (scenarios 1–7), Composting” (scenarios 4–12) were the phases with the greatest
‘‘Putrescibles Collection Disposal” (scenarios 8–10), and ‘‘Dry Resi- produced impact for each MSW management scenario developed
due Collection Disposal” (scenarios 11 and 12) were the manage- (Table 8). In fact, for the first three scenarios the great amount of
ment phases with the greatest produced impact (Table 8). In fact, dry residue collected (65–55%) requires many trucks for the trans-
it is well known that the combustion of fossil fuels associated with port with the consequent emissions of acid gases. While for the
transporting and methane emissions from landfills produce GHGs other scenarios with decreasing quantity of dry residue, the com-
(EPA, 2006). For the first seven scenarios, the disposal of dry resi- posting produces greater impacts regarding acidification potential
due was more relevant than the disposal of putrescibles because due to a high emission of gaseous ammonia (Mendes et al., 2003).
G. De Feo, C. Malvano / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1901–1915 1913

As shown in Table 10, in environmentally sound terms, scenario ally, an equivalent contribution of 21 inhabitants was avoided in
10 (80%) prevailed over numbers 11 and 12 because of the sum of scenario 10. Finally, the direct dry residue landfill disposal in sce-
negative contributions of RDF production ( 4901 E.I.) and RDF nario 12 produced an impact corresponding to 55 equivalent
incineration ( 1774 E.I.) which overcompensated for the low posi- inhabitants. Therefore, it can be stated that in terms of ‘‘Eutrophi-
tive terms of dry residue landfilling (+60 E.I). Globally, an equiva- cation”, according to the results obtained by Salhofer et al. (2005)
lent contribution of 6615 inhabitants was avoided in scenario 10. and Emery et al. (2007), a management system based on recovery
While also in scenario 11 (80%S), the avoided impact due to the and recycling but without incineration would be preferable for
dry residue sorting ( 5974 E.I.) outclassed the limited positive im- high percentages of separate collection.
pact of the landfill disposal (+385 E.I.). Globally, an equivalent con-
tribution of 5589 inhabitants was produced in scenario 11. Finally, 3.10. Hazardous waste
the direct dry residue landfill disposal in scenario 12 produced an
impact corresponding to 469 equivalent inhabitants. Since there ‘‘Hazardous waste” concerns the hazardous solid waste produced
was a difference of only 9.1% between the avoided impacts of sce- in the scenarios and measured in tonnes (Pricewaterhouse Coopers,
narios 10 and 11, the presence or the absence of an incinerator 2006). As shown in Table 6, all the MSW management scenarios con-
plant is not as relevant for high percentages of separate collection sidered gave negative results in terms of ‘‘Hazardous Waste”. There-
in terms of acidification. Emery et al. (2007) and Ozeler et al. fore, for each scenario there is an avoided production of hazardous
(2006) obtained quite similar results. waste. Moreover, the highest percentage corresponded to the high-
est avoided production. Also for this effect category, the most envi-
3.9. Eutrophication ronmentally sound scenario was number 11 (80%S).
As shown in Table 9, the following phases avoided impacts:
‘‘Eutrophication” is the enrichment of mineral salts and nutri- glass recycling, plastics and metals recycling, dry residue selection
ents in marine or lake waters from natural processes and man- and RDF production. In particular, ‘‘Dry Residue Collection Recy-
made activities such as farming (Emery et al., 2007). This includes cling” and ‘‘Plastics and Metals Collection Recycling” were the
abatement in a wastewater treatment plant. In Table 6, the results phases with the greatest avoided impact: DRCR for scenarios 1–4,
were normalised and expressed in terms of an equivalent number while Pl&MCR for scenarios 5–12 (Table 7). In fact, recycling plas-
of inhabitants (E.I.) based on their contribution of phosphorus tics and metals avoids the production of hazardous waste in man-
emitted to the environment per person per year. In particular, a ufacturing new goods (EPA, 2007), but for the first four scenarios
production of 13.05 kgeq. PO4/inhabitant/yr was assumed for an (65–50% of dry residue), the mechanical and biological treatment
E.I. (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 2006). segregates major quantity of hazardous waste. On the other hand,
As shown in Table 6, all the MSW management scenarios the following phases had positive impacts in terms of ‘‘Hazardous
considered gave negative results in terms of ‘‘Eutrophication”. Waste” (Table 9): collection logistics and landfilling, paper recy-
Therefore, for each scenario there is avoided water pollution. cling, composting and RDF incineration. In particular, ‘‘Dry Residue
Moreover, the highest percentage corresponded to the highest Collection RDF Incineration” (scenarios 1–8), ‘‘Paper Collection
avoided impact. For this effect category, the most environmentally Recycling” (scenarios 9–12) were the management phases with
sound scenario was number 11 (80%S). the greatest produced impact (Table 8). In fact, recycling paper pro-
The following phases avoided impacts in terms of ‘‘Eutrophica- duces hazardous waste (Byström and Lönnstedt, 1997), but for the
tion” (Table 9): all recycling contributions, dry residue selection, first eight scenarios (65–30% of dry residue), the RDF incineration
RDF production and incineration. In particular, ‘‘Paper Collection produces a major quantity of hazardous waste.
Recycling” was the phase with the greatest avoided impact for each As shown in Table 10, in environmentally sound terms, scenario
impact category and MSW management scenario developed (Table 11 (80%S) prevailed over numbers 10 and 12 because the avoided
7). Moreover, the highest percentage corresponded to the highest impact due to the dry residue sorting ( 563 t) outclassed the low
reduction of eutrophication effects. In fact, since the life cycle for positive impact of the landfill disposal (+0.04 t). Globally, the pro-
the production of recycled paper is shorter than the corresponding duction of 563 t of hazardous waste was avoided in scenario 11.
life cycle for the production of new paper, producing recycled paper While also in scenario 10 (80%), the avoided impact due to the
generates lower water pollution (Byström and Lönnstedt, 1997; dry residue sorting ( 612 t) prevailed on the sum of the positive
EPA, 2007). On the other hand, the following phases had positive impacts of the RDF incineration (+447 t) and landfilling
impacts (Table 9): collection logistics and landfilling, and compost- (+0.0062). Globally, the production of 165 t of hazardous waste
ing. In particular, ‘‘Dry Residue Collection Logistics” was the man- was avoided in scenario 10. Finally, the direct dry residue landfill
agement phase with the greatest produced impact for scenarios disposal in scenario 12 determined the production of 0.04 t of haz-
1–8, because for the corresponding level of separate collection, ardous waste. In the light of the above considerations, it can be sta-
the transport of dry residue produces a valuable eutrophication ef- ted that also in terms of ‘‘Hazardous Waste”, a management
fect (Table 8). While, ‘‘Putrescibles Collection Disposal” was the system based on recovery and recycling but without incineration
management phase with the greatest produced impact for scenar- would be preferable for high percentages of separate collection.
ios 9 and 10 and, finally, ‘‘Dry Residue Collection Disposal” was
the management phase with the greatest produced impact for sce- 3.11. Non Hazardous waste
narios 11 and 12. In fact, the disposal of putrescibles and dry resi-
due determines the production of landfill leachate which is ‘‘Non Hazardous waste” concerns the solid waste produced in
strongly correlated to eutrophication effects. the scenario and measured in tonnes (Pricewaterhouse Coopers,
As shown in Table 10, in environmentally sound terms, scenario 2006). As shown in Table 6, in this case, differently from the other
11 (80%S) prevailed over numbers 10 and 12 because the avoided impact categories considered, the impact levels are all positive
impact due to the dry residue sorting ( 96 E.I.) outclassed the po- (production of non hazardous solid waste) and with increasing val-
sitive impact of the landfill disposal (+49 E.I.). Globally, an equiva- ues with the percentage of separate collection: the highest per-
lent contribution of 47 inhabitants was produced in scenario 11. In centage corresponded to the highest production of solid waste.
comparison, also in scenario 10 (80%), the sum of contributions of Therefore, the best environmentally sound scenario is immediately
RDF production ( 11 E.I.) and RDF incineration ( 19 E.I.) out- identified in number 1 which corresponds to the scenario with the
classed the positive terms of dry residue landfilling (+8 E.I). Glob- lowest percentage of separate collection: 35%.
1914 G. De Feo, C. Malvano / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1901–1915

The following phases avoided impacts in terms of ‘‘Non Haz-  For ‘‘Mineral and Quarried Matters” the MSW management sce-
ardous Waste” (Table 9): glass recycling, composting, dry residue narios considered produced positive and negatives impacts, and
selection and RDF production. In particular, ‘‘Putrescibles Collec- the highest percentage of separate collection corresponded to
tion Composting” was the phase with the greatest avoided impact the highest produced impact;
for each MSW management scenario developed (Table 7). In fact,  For ‘‘Greenhouse Gases”, the MSW management scenarios con-
the recovery of putrescibles for composting avoids that the great- sidered produced positive and negative impacts, and the highest
est MSW component collected is directly landfilled. On the other percentage of separate collection corresponded to the highest
hand, the following were the phases with positive impacts (Table avoided impact;
9): collection logistics and landfilling, paper recycling, plastics  For ‘‘Non Hazardous Waste” all the MSW management scenarios
and metals recycling, and RDF incineration. In particular, ‘‘Dry considered produced positive impacts, and the highest percent-
Residue Collection Disposal” was the management phase with age of separate collection corresponded to the highest produced
the greatest produced impact for scenarios 1, 2, 11 and 12, while impact;
‘‘Putrescibles Collection Disposal” was the phase with the greatest  For the following six impact categories (of the eleven consid-
produced impact for scenarios 3–10 (Table 8). In fact, for the first ered), for high percentages of separate collection (80%), a man-
ten scenarios, on the basis of the percentage production of dis- agement system based on recovery and recycling but without
cards corresponding to the adopted MBT (15%, Table 4) and com- incineration would be preferable: Renewable Energy Use, Total
posting plant (48%, Table 3) as well as the separate collection Energy Use, Water, Suspended Solids and Oxydable Matters
percentages (Fig. 1), the MBT (RDF production) prevailed on the Index, Eutrophication and Hazardous Waste;
composting plant in terms of discards production for scenarios  ‘‘Paper Collection Recycling” was the system component with
1 and 2. On the contrary for scenarios 3–10, the composting plant the greatest avoided impact for 45.5% of the cases considered;
prevailed on the MBT. While in scenario 11, the adopted dry res-  ‘‘Dry Residue Collection Logistic” was the system component
idue sorting plant was schematized as ‘‘Facility Dirty MRF” with with the greatest produced for 54.5% of the cases considered.
85% of discards in landfill. Finally, in scenario 12, dry residue is
directly landfilled. The following outcomes on the LCA WISARD software tool can
As shown in Table 10, in environmentally sound terms, sce- be stated:
nario 10 (80%) prevailed over number 11 and 12 because the
sum of non-hazardous waste produced by RDF incineration  WISARD tool gives a good indication of the environmental ben-
(+190 t) and dry residue disposal (+3607 t) was partly compen- efits of different waste management systems, as well as being
sated by the avoided impact in the production of RDF ( 397 t). very useful when comparing different alternatives;
Globally, 3400 t of non-hazardous waste were produced in sce-  WISARD database is limited to the types of recovery facilities
nario 10. While in scenario 11 (80%S), the low avoided production available, as well as the recycling processes available under each
of non-hazardous waste of 147 t was dominated by the high recovery category;
waste production for the dry residue landfilling (+18,424 t). Glob-  WISARD is quite rigid, while a more general and flexible soft-
ally, 19,893 t of non-hazardous waste were produced in scenario ware tool with a broader database would be preferable.
11. Finally, the direct dry residue landfill disposal in scenario 12
produced 21,046 t of non-hazardous waste (not compensated by Finally, the following general outcomes on LCA can be stated:
any other phase). Therefore, in terms of ‘‘Non Hazardous Waste”,
the absence of an incinerator plant is not environmentally sound  LCA is a powerful tool when comparing the environmental
for high percentages of separate collection. impacts produced by several MSW management system under
 One of the principal advantages of an LCA procedure is the pos-
4. Conclusions
sibility to take into account the peculiarity of the geographic
area being studied, as well as the specific characteristics of the
The following particular outcomes based on the results ob-
treatment and disposal plants;
tained can be stated:
 Lack of required data can induce and arbitrarily force the assign-
ing of values for some parameters, thus having a great influence
 Scenario number 11 (80% separate collection, no RDF incinera-
on the process.
tion, dry residue sorting) was the most environmentally sound
option for the following six impact categories: renewable energy
use, total energy use, water, suspended solids and oxydable
matters index, eutrophication, and hazardous waste;
 Scenario number 10 (80% separate collection, RDF production
The authors wish to thank the three anonymous referees for
and incineration) was the most environmentally sound option
their precious suggestions as well as dr. Sacha A. Berardo for his
for the following three impact categories: non-renewable
energy use, greenhouse gases, and acidification;
 Scenario number 1 (35% separate collection, RDF production and
incineration) was the most environmentally sound option for References
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