Pressure2 2022

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Notes by M.


To show that pressure increases with depth ( The spouting Jar Experiment)

The water emerges from C with greatest speed and covers the greatest horizontal distance.

C is found deepest in the water. Hence it can be deduced that pressure increases with depth


(i) A dam should be constructed thickest at its base where water pressure is maximum

(ii) Water pressure is same at same level. Pressure acts equally in all directions.

Atmospheric pressure

This is the pressure exerted by air above us.

Air has a mass and a weight. It can exert a force on a surface. The force exerted per unit area
represents the pressure.

Atmospheric pressure decreases on going higher up.

Notes by M.Armoogum
Notes by M.Armoogum

Demonstrating the presence of atmospheric pressure

(i) The collapsing can

As air is removed from the can, the pressure inside decreases. Atmospheric pressure acting on
the outside of the can then causes it to collapse.

(ii) Glass of water and cardboard

(iii) Magdeburg hemispheres

Notes by M.Armoogum
Notes by M.Armoogum

Using atmospheric pressure

(i) Rubber suckers

When the device is pressed against a smooth surface, some air is expelled. The pressure inside is
reduced. Atmospheric pressure acting on the rubber sucker then holds it in place.

(ii) Drinking from a straw

When air is removed from inside the straw, the pressure inside is reduced. Atmospheric pressure
acting on the liquid then causes it to rise up the straw.

Notes by M.Armoogum
Notes by M.Armoogum

Measuring atmospheric pressure

This is achieved by using an instrument known as the mercury barometer.

It consists of a long tube initially full of mercury, which is then inverted in a mercury container.
The mercury in the tube remains at a certain level due to atmospheric pressure acting on the
mercury in the container.

The height h gives a measure of the atmospheric pressure.

If the atmospheric pressure increases, the height h will increase proportionally.

The normal value of h is around 76cm of mercury

Q. Convert 76cm of mercury into pascal. (density of mercury = 13600kg/m3)

Notes by M.Armoogum
Notes by M.Armoogum

Reasons for using mercury in a barometer

(i) Mercury is very dense (density =13600kg/m3). Hence the height obtained is easily

If water was used in a barometer, the height obtained would be difficult to measure.

For eg

Patm = 100000Pa

Height of mercury =

Height of water = (density of water = 1000kg/m3)

(ii) Mercury is opaque and is easily seen

(iii) Mercury does not stick to glass

Notes by M.Armoogum
Notes by M.Armoogum

Pressure at different points in a mercury barometer

Pressure at a point in a liquid column is due to the height of liquid above that point

Pa = cm of Hg
Pb = cm of Hg
Pe= cm of Hg
Pf = cm of Hg

Notes by M.Armoogum
Notes by M.Armoogum


Notes by M.Armoogum

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