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Notes by M.


Chapter: Moment of a force

Moment refers to the turning effect of a force. Whenever you open a door, close a tap, turn a
steering wheel, use a spanner, you are making use of the moment of a force.

Notes by M.Armoogum
Notes by M.Armoogum

Definition of moment

It can be defined as the product of force applied and perpendicular distance between line of
action of force and pivot.

Moment = F x d

SI unit of moment: Nm

Common unit: Ncm

Moment can be either clockwise or anticlockwise about a pivot.

Q. Calculate the moment produced in each case and state its direction (Clockwise or



Notes by M.Armoogum
Notes by M.Armoogum



Principle of Moments

At equilibrium,

Total Clockwise Moment = Total AntiClockwise Moment

F1x d1 = F2 x d2

It states that at equilibrium, the total clockwise moments about a point is equal to the total
anticlockwise moments about the same point.

(Resultant moment = 0)

Notes by M.Armoogum
Notes by M.Armoogum

Applying the principle of moments

(i) Find the value of force X given that the system is in equilibrium

(ii) Given that the see-saw is in equilibrium, calculate the weight W of the girl

Notes by M.Armoogum
Notes by M.Armoogum


Explain how the see-saw can be maintained perfectly horizontal.

Notes by M.Armoogum

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