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‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 1 (9702 2012-Papor 11-08) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES AA light-meter measures the intensity I of the light falling on it. Theory suggests that J varies inversely as the square of the distance d. —_— ) —— Which graph of the results supports this theory? light-meter d I I 0, } a I 0, Ne d N 5 0 a af 1 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 2 - (9702 2012-Paper 12.04) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES ‘The diameter of a cylindrical metal rod is measured using a micrometer screw gauge. The diagram below shows an enlargement of the scale on the micrometer screw gauge when taking the measurement. 0.5mm/rev What is the cross-sectional area of the rod? A 381mm = -B 114mm? 2.8mm? =D 45.6mmt 3 (700 2012 Pipe 18-08) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES In an experiment, a radio-controlled car takes 2.50 + 0:05 to travel 40.0 £ 0.1m. What is the car's average speed and the uncertainty in this value? A 1641ms" 16.0 £0.2ms" B Cc 16.0£0.4ms~ D 16.00 £0.36ms" 2 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 4 = (9702 2012-Paper 12.05) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES ‘A mass is dropped from rest, and falls through a distance of 2.0m in a vacuum. An observer records the time taken for the mass to ‘all through this distance using a manually operated stopwatch and repeats the measurements a further two times. The average result of these measured times, displayed in the table below, was used to determine a value for the acceleration of free fall. This was calculated to be 9.8ms~ first measurement | second measurement | third measurement | average time/s 06 0.73 0.59 0.64 Which statement best relates to the experiment? A. The measurements are precise and accurate with no evidence of random errors. B_ The measurements are not accurate and not always recorded to the degree of precision of the measuring device but the calculated experimental result is accurate. © The measurements are not always recorded to the degree of precisionof the measuring device but are accurate. Systematic errors may be present D The range of results shows that there were random errors. made bat the calculated value is correct so the experiment was successful. 5 - (9702 2012-Paper 12-08) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES The diagram shows two complete pulses on the soréen ofa cathode-ray oscilloscope. A grid of 11cm squares covers the screen. The time-base setting is ts cm” tem How long does each pulse last? A 2us B Sus © Aus D 6x5 3 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 6 ~ 7002012 Paper 11-05) = MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES The density of the material of a coil of thin wire is to be found. Which set of instruments could be used to do this most accurately? A metre rule, protractor, spring balance B_ micrometer, metre rule, top-pan balance C stopwatch, newton-meter, vernier calipers D tape measure, vernier calipers, lever balance T ~ (8702-W 2012-Paper 1/2-Q5) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: A student is given a reel of wire of diameter less than 0.2mm and is asked\to find the density of the metal Which pair of instruments would be most suitable for finding the voluime of the wire? A balance and micrometer B metre rule and micrometer metre rule and vernier calipers D__ micrometer and vernier calipers 8 - (9702 2012-Paper 19-05) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES A cathode-ray oscilloscope displays @ square wave, as shown in the diagram. The time-base setting is 0.20ms per division. What is the frequency of the square wave? A 83Hz B 830Hz © 1300Hz D 1700Hz 4 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths Physics Topical MCO on ‘Alevel Cambridge (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 9 = (9702. 2012-Papor 11-06) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES A quantity X varies with temperature 0. as shown. x co 100°C 9 0 is determined from the corresponding values of X by using this'graph. X is measured with a percentage uncertainty of +1 % of its value at all temperatures. Which statement about the uncertainty in @ is correct? A The percentage uncertainty in dis least near 0°C. B_ The percentage uncertainty in dis least near 100°C. C The actual uncertainty in is least near 0°C. D The actual uncertainty in @is least near 100°C. 5 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 10 - (e702. 2012 Paper V2.0) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES Variables x and y are related by the equation y = p ~ qx where p and q are constants. Values of x and y are measured experimentally. The results contain a systematic error. Which graph best represents these results? A B y yh P. Pp 3 0 0 0 x x c D y vb p i . NK 0 x x 11 = (@702:012012-Paper 18-06) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES What will reduce the systematic errors when taking a measurement? A adjusting the needle on a voltmeter so that it reads zero when there is no potential difference across it B measuring the diameter of a wire at different points and taking the average reducing the parallax effects by using a marker and a mirror when measuring the amplitude of oscillation of a pendulum. D__ timing 20 oscillations, rather than a single oscillation, when finding the period of a pendulum 6 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 12 - (o702W 2012-Faper 11-07) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES ‘The measurement of a physical quantity may be subject to random errors and to systematic errors. Which statement is correct? ‘A Random errors can be reduced by taking the average of several measurements. B__ Random errors are always caused by the person taking the measurement. C Assystematic error cannot be reduced by adjusting the apparatus. D_Asystematic error results in a different reading each time the measurement is taken. 13 ~ e702.w 2012-Paper12-G7) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES ‘The speed of a car is calculated from measurements of the distance travelled and the time taken. The distance is measured as 200m, with an uncertainty of £2m. The time is measured as 10.0s, with an uncertainty of £0.2s, What is the percentage uncertainty in the calculated speed? A 205% B 21% c #2% De £3% 14 = o702.w 2012-Paper 18.07) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES In an experiment to determine the acceleration of free fall g, the time t taken for a ball to fall through distance s was measured. The uncertainty in the measurement of s is estimated to be 2%. The uncertainty in the measurement of fis estimated to be 3%, The value of g is determined using the equation (2s ‘e What is the uncertainty in the alculated value of g? A 1% B 5% c 8% D 11% 18-7008 2013-Paper 1/2.) MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES AA student carried out an experiment in which an electric current was known to decrease with time. The readings he found, from first to last, were 3.62mA, 2.81mA, 1.13mA, 1.76mA and 0.90mA, Which statement could not explain the anomalous 1.13mA reading? ‘A He has reversed the third and fourth readings in the results table. B__He read the ammeter incorrectly; the reading should have been 2.13mA, © He took the current reading at the wrong time. D There was a systematic error in the readings from the ammeter. 7 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 16 ~ (97025 2013-Papor 11-05) = MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES In an experiment to determine the acceleration of free fall g, the period of oscillation T and length of a simple pendulum were measured. The uncertainty in the measurement of /is estimated to be 4%, and the uncertainty in the measurement of T'is estimated to be 1%, The value of g is determined using the formula 4x2 Te ‘What is the uncertainty in the calculated value for 9? A 2% B 3% c 5% D 6% 17 ~ (o70282013-Paper 17205) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES The diagram shows a calibration curve for a thermistor, drawn with an-unusual scale on the vertical axis. 100000 resistance/Q 10000 1000 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 temperature /°C What is the thermistor resistance corresponding to a temperature of 40°C? A 1302 B 1500 © 4009 D 9400 8 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 18 - (o702.8 2013-Paper 118.05) - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES A student takes measurements of the current in a resistor of constant resistance and the potential difference (p.d.) across it. The readings are then used to plot a graph of current against p.d. There is a systematic error in the current readings. How could this be identified from the graph? ‘A Atleast one anomalous data point can be identified. B_ The data points are scattered about the straight line of best fit, © The graph is a curve, not a straight line. D The straight line graph does not pass through the origin. 19 - (6702.8 2013-Paper 17-5) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES The Y-input terminals of a cathode-ray oscilloscope (c.r.0.) are connected to a supply of amplitude 5.0V and frequency 50Hz. The time-base is set at 10ms per division and the Y-gain at 5.0V per division. Which trace is obtained? A B 9 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 20 - (o702.8 2013-Paper 16.05) - MEASUREMENT TECHMQUES The diagram shows the stem of a Celsius thermometer, marked to show initial and final temperature values, initial final temperature temperature Whaat is the temperature change expressed to an appropriate number of significant figures? A 14°C B 205°C © 21°C D 220°C 21 - (e702.W 2018-Paper 11-04) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES A signal that repeats periodically is displayed on the screen of acathode-ray oscilloscope. ‘The screen has 1m squares and the time base|is set at 2.00 ms cm What is the frequency of this periodic signal? A 50Hz B100Hz Cc 125Hz D 200Hz 22 (9702. 2012-Paper 11.08) = MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES ‘A micrometer screw gauge is used to measure the diameter of a small uniform steel sphere. The micrometer reading is 5.00mm + 0.01 mm. What will be the percentage uncertainty in a calculation of the volume of the sphere, using these values? A 0.2% B 04% C 0.6% D 1.2% 10 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 23 - o702W 2018-Faper 10.05) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES An uncalibrated analogue voltmeter P is connected in parallel with another voltmeter Q which is known to be accurately calibrated. For a range of values of potential difference (p.d.), readings are taken from the two meters. The diagram shows the calibration graph obtained, uncalibrated meter P scale rea 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 calibrated meter Q pdlV The graph shows that meter P has:a Zero error! This meter is now adjusted to remove this zero error. When the meter is recalibrated, the) gradient of the calibration graph is found to be unchanged. What is the new scale reading on meter P when itis used to measure a p.d. of 5.0V? A 68 B 67 © 72 D 74 " [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths Topical MCO on ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 24 - (o702.W 2018-Faper 11-06) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, KINEMATICS One object moves directly from P to R. on °o P ° In a shorter time, a second object moves from P to Qto R. Which statement about the two objects is correct for the journey from P to R?- A. They have the same average speed. B_ They have the same average velocity. © They have the same displacement. D_ They travel the same distance. 25. (702 2019-Faper 10:06) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIGLES A student wishes to determine the density p of lead. She measures the mass and diameter of a ‘small sphere of lead: mass= (0.508 = 0.005)g diameter = (2.20 + 0.02)mm. What is the best estimate of the percentage uncertainty in her value of p? A 1.9% B 2.0% Cc 2.8% D 3.7% 2 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 26 - (o702.8 2014.Paper 1/203) - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES A cathode-ray oscilloscope (c.r.0.) is connected to an alternating voltage. The following trace is produced on the screen. “AL | Tf \ HH \ ‘The oscilloscope time-base setting is 0.5ms cm” and the Y-plate sensitivity is Y tem Tem Which statement about the alternating voltage is correct? A. The amplitude is 3.5om. B The frequency is 0.5kHz. © The period is “ms D The wavelength is 4cm. 27 ~ (9700 2014-Paper 1/08) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHQUES ‘An experiment is carried out to measure the resistance of a wire. The current in the wire is (1.0 + 0.2)A and the potential difference across the wire is (8.0 + 0.4)V. ‘What is the resistance of the wire and its uncertainty? A (8.0+0.2)0 B (8.0+06)0 © @+1)2 D (@+2)2 13 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 28 -(o702 2014-Papr 1204) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES A quantity y is to be determined from the equation shown. px e ‘The percentage uncertainties in p, x and q are shown. percentage uncertainty 6% 2% gq 4% What is the percentage uncertainty in y? A 05% B 1% Cc 16% D> 192% 29 - (9702 2014-Paper 11408) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES ‘The resistance of a lamp is calculated from thé.value, ofthe potential difference (p.d.) across it and the value of the current passing through it Which statement correctly describes how to combine the uncertainties in the p.d. and in the current? A Add together the actual uncertainty in the pd: and the actual uncertainty in the current. B Add together the percentage uncertainty in the p.d. and the percentage uncertainty in the current, Subtract the actual uncertainty in the current from the actual uncertainty in the p.d. D Subtract the percentage uncertainty in the current from the percentage uncertainty in the p.d. 4 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 30 -(o702.s 2014.Paper 17-05) - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES The Young modulus of the material of a wire is to be found. The Young modulus & is given by the ‘equation below. FL nd?x E The wire is extended by a known force and the following measurements are made. Which measurement has the largest effect on the uncertainty in the value of the calculated Young modulus? measurement symbol value A | length of wire before force applied 1 | 2.043 + 0.002m B diameter of wire ad | 0.54 +0.02mer c force applied F 19.62 + 0.01N D | extension of wire with force applied | x 5.2 202mm, 31 - (9702.8 2014-Paper 1205) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES ‘A thermometer can be read to an accuracy of +0,5°C. This thetmometer is used to measure a temperature rise from 40°C to 100°C. What is the percentage uncertainty in the measurement of thé temperature rise? A 05% B 08% CG 1.3% D 17% 382 - (o702-8 2014-Paper 1.05) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES The display on a cathode-ray oscilloscope shows the signal produced by an electronic circuit. The time-base is set at 5.0ns per division and the Y-gain at 10 per division. \ What is the frequency of the signal? A 20x 10%Hz B 25x 10*Hz © 5.0% 10"Hz D 31x 10°Hz 6 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 33 - (0702.8 2014.Paper 168.05) - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES ‘A digital caliper is used to measure the 28.50mm width of a plastic ruler. The digital caliper reads to the nearest 0.04 mm. What is the correct way to record this reading? ‘A 0.02850 + 0.01m B 0.0265 +0.001m (2850 +0.001) x 10%m D_ (2.850 +0001) x 10m 34 - (e702 2014Paper 1-21) = MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES ‘A.0.10kg mass is taken to Mars and then weighed on a spring balance and on a lever balance. The acceleration due to gravity on Mars is 38% of its value on Earth, What are the readings on the two balances on Mars? (Assume that on Earth g=10ms~.) spring lever balance/N | balance/kg A 0.38 0.038 B 0.38 0.10 c 10 0.038 D 10 0.10 16 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 35 - e702 2014-Faper 172.09) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES The diagram shows the reading on an analogue ammeter. milliamperes (mA) Which digital ammeter reading is the same as the reading on the analogue ammeter? display units | display reading A A 1600 B WA 160 c mA 16.0 D A 1.60 7 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 36 - (o702.W 2014-Paper 11.00) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES In the circuit shown, an analogue ammeter is to be recalibrated as a thermometer. The graph shows how the resistance R of the thermistor changes with temperature T. Ih RID. Tree Which diagram could represent the temperature scale on the ammeter? A B c 2 B+ te, yoy ey Ste A . °c °c € 87 - o702.W 2014-Paper 11-04) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES A steel wire is stretched in an experimentto determine the Young modulus for steel. The uncertainties in the measurements are given below. measurement uncertainty load on wire 42% length of wire 40.2% diameter of wire 41.5% extension 1% What is the percentage uncertainty in the Young modulus? A 13% B 18% Cc 47% D 62% 18 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 38 - (700 W 2014 Paer 19.08) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES The diagram shows part of a thermometer. °C 25. 20: What is the correct reading on the thermometer and the uncertainty in this reading? reading /°C ete A 24 H B 24 +05 c 24 +02 D 24.0 +05 39 ~(s702.W 2014-Paper 18-08) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES The resistance R of a resistor is to be determined. The- current in the resistor and the potential difference V across it are measured, The results, with their uncertainties, are T= (2020.2)A V= (15.0 +0.5)V. The value of Ris calculated to be 7:50. What is the uncertainty in this value for R? A +030 B +050 © +070 D +10 19 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 40 -(o702.s 2018-Paper 1/209) - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES ‘An analogue ammeter has a pointer which moves over a scale. Following prolonged use, the pointer does not retum fully to zero when the current is tumed off and the meter has become less sensitive at higher currents than itis at lower currents, Which diagram best represents the calibration graph needed to obtain an accurate current reading? A B 4 scale scale reading reading true current true current c D 4 scale Scale reading ‘eading 0 {___, true current true current 41 ~ 6702.8 2015-Paper 1609) ~ MEASURENIENT TECHNIQUES The speed of an aeroplane in still air is 200kmh”". The wind blows from the west at a speed of 85.0kmh™ In which direction must the pilot steer the aeroplane in order to fly due north? A. 23.0° east of north B_ 23.0° west of north © 25.2° east of north D 25.2° west of north 20 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 42 - (0702.8 2016 Paper 1-0) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES ‘A.whale produces sound waves of frequency SHz. The waves are detected by a microphone and displayed on an oscilloscope. KAY Whaat is the time-base setting on the os scope? A O1msdiv’ B 1msdiv’ = © 10msdiv?—D_100msdiy” 43 - (97028 2015-Paper 1204) = MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES The arrow represents the vector R. SK Which diagram does not represent R as two perpendicular components? Law a? ee” a [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 44 - (o702.8 2016 Paper 1.04) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES A student is given a ree! of wire of diameter less than 0.2mm and is asked to find the density of the metal Which pair of instruments would be most suitable for finding the volume of the wire? A balance and micrometer B__ metre rule and micrometer © metre rule and vernier calipers D_ micrometer and vernier calipers 45 ~ (97025 2015-Papor 11-05) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES The angular deflection of the needle of an ammeter varies with the current in the ammeter as shown in the graph angular deflection current Which diagram could represent the appearance of the Scale on this meter? A B 1 LES@ AE o2i tit » 0 9 1234587 5 2 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 46 -(c702.s 2018-Paper 1/205) - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES ‘A power supply of electromotive force (e.m.f.) 50V and negligible internal resistance is connected in series with resistors of resistance 1000 and 5, as shown. 1002 52 6 s0V 9 Ww A voltmeter measures the potential difference (p.d.) across the 5 resistor and an ammeter measures the current in the circuit. ‘What are suitable ranges for the ammeter and for the voltmeter? ammeter | voltmeter range/A | range/V Al 0-04 0-1 B| 0-04 0-3 ce | 0-10 0-1 pd | 0-10 0-3 47 ~ (9702.8 2018-Paper 1(205) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHMQUES Four different students use acruler to méasuréthe length of a 15.0cm pencil. Their measurements are recorded on four different charts: Which chart shows measurements that are precise but not accurate? A 8 c D 1845 1845 1545 1845 152 152 152 } 152 sol 4 iso ‘50 150 ; E 148. E148. E 148. E 148. 2 46 Ze ze 2 46 B isa eB 144 Baa e F144 ea a2] ; ea ea 1404 t 1404 1404 1404 13.8: 13.8: 13.8: 13.8: 2 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 48 -(o702.8 2016 Paper 17-5) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES The strain energy W of a spring is determined from its spring constant k and extension x. The spring obeys Hooke's law and the value of Ys calculated using the equation shown. We Shan? The spring constant is 1002Nm” and the extension is 0.050+0.002m. What is the percentage uncertainty in the calculated value of W? A 6% B 10% Cc 16% D 32% 49 - 0702.8 2015-Papor 12208) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES A single sheet of aluminium foil is folded twice to produce a stack of four sheets. The total thickness of the stack of sheets is measured to be (0.80 + 0.02)mm. This measurement is made using a digital caliper with a zero error of (-0.20 + 0.02)mm. What is the percentage uncertainty in the calculated thickness of a single sheet? A 1.0% B 2.0% Cc 4.0% D\ 6.7% 50 - (o702.S 2015 Paper 18.05) - MEASUREMENT TECHMQUES In a simple electrical circuit, the current in a resistor is measured as (2.50 + 0.05) mA. The resistor is marked as having a value of 4.70 + 2%. If these values were used to calculate the power dissipated in the resistor, what would be the percentage uncertainty in the value obtained? A 2% B 4% C.6% D 8% 1 - (9702.8 2015-Paper 1207) ~ MEASUREWENT TECHMNQUES, KINEMATICS In an experiment to determine the. acceleration of free fall g, a ball bearing is held by an electromagnet. When the current to the electromagnet is switched off, a clock starts and the ball bearing falls. After falling a distance h, the ball bearing strikes a switch to stop the clock which measures the time f of the fall. If systematic errors cause t and h to be measured incorrectly, which error must cause g to appear greater than 9.81 ms? ‘A hmeasured as being smaller than it actually is and t is measured correctly Bh measured as being smaller than it actually is and t measured as being larger than it actually is Ch measured as being larger than it actually is and t measured as being larger than it actually is D__ his measured correctly and t measured as being smaller than it actually is 24 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths ‘Alevel Cambridge Physics Topical MCO on (Ch2 - MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES: 82 -(o702W 2015-Paper 11-08) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES A calibration graph is shown for an ammeter whose scale is inaccurate. 06: ammeter reading 05 ImA 04. 03 02 04 0 0 014 02 03 04 05 06 current nA Two readings taken on the meter at different times experiment are 0.13mA and 0.47 mA. By how much did the current really increase between taking the two readings? A 0.30mA B 0.35mA Cc 040mA D 044mA 53 - (9702-W 2015-Paper 1/3-Q4) ~ MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES Measurements are subject to systematic érror and random error. Which measurements have high accuracy and low precision? A__high random error and high systematic error B high random error and fow systematic error © lowrandom error and high systematic error D low random error and low systematic error 28 [Milon’s Academy For Physics & Maths

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