Sat Easy Word List

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DSAT Easy Word List

Abdicate (v) - to give up a position, right, or power

Abhor (v) - to hate, detest

Abstain (v) - to restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something

Acquire (v) - to obtain or get something

Adept (adj) - very skilled or proficient at something

Adhere (v) - to stick or hold onto something

Adversary (n) - one’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute

Adverse (adj) - unfavorable or harmful

Alleviate (v) - to make something less severe or lessen its impact

Ambiguous (adj) - unclear or open to more than one interpretation

Amiable (adj) - having a friendly and pleasant manner

Ample (adj) - enough or more than enough

Analogous (adj) - similar or comparable in certain respects

Antagonize (v) - to cause someone to become hostile or angry

Anticipate (v) - to expect or look forward to something

Appropriate (adj/v) - suitable or proper for a particular situation or purpose

Arrogant (adj) - having or showing an exaggerated sense of self-importance or supe-

Aspire (v) - to have a strong desire or ambition to achieve something

Authentic (adj) - genuine or real

Avid (adj) - enthusiastic or passionate about something

Banal (adj) - lacking in originality or freshness

Belittle (v) - to make someone or something seem less important

Beneficial (adj) - helpful or advantageous

Benevolent (adj) - kindly, charitable

Bias (n) - a preconceived opinion or prejudice for or against something

Bolster (v) - to support or strengthen

Brevity (n) - concise and exact use of words in writing or speech

Candid (adj) - truthful and straightforward; frank

Candor (n) - honesty, frankness

Censor (v) - to suppress or delete parts of books, films, or other materials

Clamor (n) - a loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting

Coherent (adj) - logical or consistent

Collaborate (v) - to work together on a project or task

Compassion (n) - sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of

Compassionate (adj) - showing sympathy and concern for others

Competent (adj) - having the necessary knowledge or ability to do something well

Complacent (adj) - overly satisfied with oneself and unaware of potential dangers or

Concur (v) - to agree or be in harmony with something

Condescending (adj) - showing a patronizing attitude toward others

Condone (v) - to accept and allow behavior that is considered morally wrong or
offensive to continue

Confident (adj) - having faith in oneself or one’s abilities 2
Conform (v) - to comply or follow rules or standards

Conscientious (adj) - diligent and careful

Consistent (adj) - always the same or behaving in the same way

Contradict (v) - to say the opposite of what has been said or suggested

Contribute (v) - to give or provide something

Convenient (adj) - fitting in well with one’s needs or plans; easy to use or access

Credible (adj) - believable or trustworthy

Criticize (v) - to express disapproval of someone or something

Crucial (adj) - extremely important or essential

Cynical (adj) - distrusting or disparaging the motives of others

Daunt (v) - to intimidate, discourage

Debunk (v) - to expose the falseness or hollowness of a myth or belief

Defiant (adj) - boldly resisting authority or an opposing force

Deliberate (adj/v) - intentional or done with careful thought or consideration

Depict (v) - to represent or describe something in words or images

Derive (v) - to obtain or receive something from a source

Desolate (adj) - empty or deserted

Deter (v) - to discourage someone from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of
the consequences

Detrimental (adj) - harmful or damaging

Deviate (v) - to depart from a course or standard

Diligent (adj) - hardworking and persistent

Disclose (v) - to make something known or reveal a secret

Discrepancy (n) - a difference or inconsistency between two things

Disdain (n/v) - a feeling of contempt or disrespect for something or someone

Dismal (adj) - gloomy or depressing

Disparage (v) - to belittle or criticize someone or something 3
Disperse (v) - to scatter or distribute something widely

Dissent (n/v) - to disagree or hold a different opinion

Distinguish (v) - to recognize or differentiate between two or more things

Dominant (adj) - having control or influence over others

Dubious (adj) - doubtful or uncertain

Eclectic (adj) - deriving ideas, style, or taste from a diverse range of sources

Egregious (adj) - outstandingly bad

Elusive (adj) - difficult to find, catch, or achieve

Emerge (v) - to come into view or become visible

Empathy (n) - the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person

Emphasize (v) - to give special importance or prominence to something

Endorse (v) - to publicly declare support or approval for someone or something

Enigma (n) - a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand

Erratic (adj) - not consistent or regular; unpredictable

Evoke (v) - to bring forth or recall to the conscious mind

Exaggerate (v) - to overstate or magnify something beyond the truth

Exemplify (v) - to serve as an example of something

Expedite (v) - to make an action or process happen sooner or be accomplished more


Explicit (adj) - stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt

Exploit (v) - to make use of something for one’s own benefit

Exquisite (adj) - extremely beautiful or delicate

Extol (v) - to praise highly or laud

Extravagant (adj) - excessive or elaborate in design, style, or cost

Facilitate (v) - to make easier

Fathom (v) - to understand or comprehend something deeply

Fickle (adj) - changing frequently, especially as regards one’s loyalties, interests, or

affection 4
Fluctuate (v) - to vary or change irregularly or erratically

Foster (v) - to encourage or promote the development of something, typically some-

thing regarded as good

Frivolous (adj) - lacking in seriousness or importance

Frugal (adj) - sparing or economical with regard to money or food

Garner (v) - to gather or collect something, especially information or approval

Gaunt (adj) - thin and bony

Gracious (adj) - courteous, kind, and pleasant

Gregarious (adj) - fond of company; sociable

Hamper (v) - to hinder or impede the movement or progress of

Hinder (v) - to make it difficult for something to happen or progress

Hostile (adj) - unfriendly or opposed

Hypocrite (n) - a person who claims to have moral beliefs or principles that they do
not actually possess

Ignite (v) - to set on fire or begin to burn

Illuminate (v) - to light up or make clear

Illusion (n) - a false perception or belief

Immaculate (adj) - perfectly clean, pure, or spotless

Immaterial (adj) - of no importance or relevance; insignificant

Imminent (adj) - about to happen; impending

Immune (adj) - resistant to a particular infection or disease

Impartial (adj) - treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just

Impede (v) - to hinder or obstruct the progress of something

Impetus (n) - a driving force or motivation

Implement (v) - to put into effect or carry out

Implicate (v) - to show or suggest that someone is involved in a crime or wrongdoing

Implicit (adj) - implied or understood without being stated directly

Implode (v) - to burst inward or collapse violently inward 5
Impose (v) - to force something to be accepted or put in place

Imposing (adj) - grand or impressive in appearance or size

Impoverished (adj) - very poor; lacking in resources or means

Impractical (adj) - not suitable or useful in practice; unrealistic

Impromptu (adj) - done or said without preparation; unplanned

Impudent (adj) - disrespectful or insolent

Inane (adj) - silly or stupid; lacking in sense or meaning

Inaugurate (v) - to officially begin or launch something, such as a new policy or


Incapacitate (v) - to disable or make someone unable to function normally

Incentive (n) - something that motivates or encourages one to do something

Incessant (adj) - continuing without pause or interruption

Inclination (n) - a natural tendency or preference

Incoherent (adj) - lacking clarity or logical connection; disjointed

Incompetent (adj) - lacking the necessary skills or ability to do something successfully

Incongruous (adj) - not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects
of something

Inconsequential (adj) - lacking importance or significance; trivial

Inconsistent (adj) - not in agreement or harmony with something else; irregular

Incorporate (v) - to include or blend something into a larger whole

Indecision (n) - inability to make a decision; hesitation or doubt

Indifferent (adj) - having no particular interest or concern; uninvolved or impartial

Indignant (adj) - feeling or showing anger or annoyance at something unjust or unfair

Indispensable (adj) - absolutely necessary or essential

Induce (v) - to bring about or give rise to something

Indulge (v) - to give in to one’s desires, especially in a way that is harmful or unwise

Inevitable (adj) - certain to happen; unavoidable

Infer (v) - to deduce or conclude something from evidence or reasoning 6
Infiltrate (v) - to secretly enter or gain access to a place or organization

Influx (n) - an arrival or entry of large numbers of people or things

Inherent (adj) - existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic


Inhibit (v) - to prevent or restrain something from happening or progressing

Initiate (v) - to begin or start something

Injustice (n) - unfair treatment or behavior

Innate (adj) - inborn or natural; existing from birth

Innovation (n) - a new method or idea; the introduction of something new

Inquisitive (adj) - curious or inquiring

Insidious (adj) - proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects

Insinuate (v) - to suggest or hint something in an indirect or unpleasant way

Insipid (adj) - lacking in taste or flavor; dull or uninteresting

Insistent (adj) - demanding attention or insisting on something; persistent

Integrity (n) - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles

Intense (adj) - having or showing strong feelings or opinions; extreme

Intention (n) - a plan or purpose; a desired outcome

Interact (v) - to communicate or work together with someone or something

Interfere (v) - to get involved in someone else’s business or affairs without being asked
or wanted

Intermittent (adj) - occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady

Internal (adj) - inside something; relating to the inside of something

Intervene (v) - to come between two things or people; to get involved in a situation

Intimate (adj) - closely acquainted or familiar; private and personal

Intrepid (adj) - fearless or adventurous

Intricate (adj) - very complicated or detailed

Intrigue (n/v) - a secret or underhanded scheme; to arouse interest or curiosity

Intrinsic (adj) - belonging naturally; essential 7
Intuition (n) - the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for
conscious reasoning

Invaluable (adj) - extremely useful or valuable; indispensable

Invoke (v) - to call upon or request something, especially help or support

Irrelevant (adj) - not relevant or important to the matter at hand

Irresponsible (adj) - not showing or exercising appropriate care or concern; reckless

or neglectful

Itinerary (n) - a planned route or schedule of travel

Jargon (n) - specialized language or terminology used in a particular field or profession

Jeopardize (v) - to put something or someone in a situation in which there is a risk

of loss, harm, or failure

Jovial (adj) - cheerful and friendly; jolly

Jubilant (adj) - feeling or expressing great joy or triumph

Judicious (adj) - having or showing good judgment or sense; wise or sensible

Juxtapose (v) - to place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast

Keen (adj) - having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm

Kindle (v) - to set fire to or ignite; to excite or inspire

Kinetic (adj) - relating to or resulting from motion

Laborious (adj) - requiring considerable effort and time; difficult or tiring

Lament (v) - to express sorrow, regret, or disappointment about something

Lavish (adj) - extravagant or luxurious in a way that shows a lack of restraint

Lethargic (adj) - sluggish or lacking energy; drowsy or apathetic

Lexicon (n) - the vocabulary of a language, profession, or subject

Loathe (v) - to feel intense dislike or disgust for something or someone

Lofty (adj) - elevated in character or status; grand or impressive

Lucid (adj) - expressed clearly; easy to understand; rational or sane

Magnanimous (adj) - generous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or less powerful


Malicious (adj) - characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm 8
Malleable (adj) - able to be hammered or pressed into different shapes without break-
ing or cracking; adaptable

Manifest (v) - to show or demonstrate something clearly; to reveal or display

Manipulate (v) - to handle or control something, especially in a skillful manner; to

influence or exploit

Melancholy (adj) - sad or pensive; causing or expressing sadness

Menial (adj) - relating to work that is considered to be lowly, unskilled, or boring

Mercenary (n) - a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army; a person who
does something solely for personal gain

Metaphor (n) - a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object

or action to which it is not literally applicable

Meticulous (adj) - showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise

Misconception (n) - a mistaken belief or idea about something

Mitigate (v) - to make something less severe or intense; to alleviate or lessen the
impact of something

Mock (v) - to ridicule or make fun of someone or something, often in a cruel or

insulting manner

Modest (adj) - unassuming or humble in manner or behavior; not overly showy or


Modify (v) - to make changes or alterations to something

Momentous (adj) - of great importance or significance; crucial or monumental

Morose (adj) - sullen, gloomy, or ill-tempered

Mundane (adj) - dull, boring, or ordinary; lacking interest or excitement

Naive (adj) - showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment; innocent or unso-


Negate (v) - to nullify or make ineffective

Nostalgia (n) - a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a
period or place with happy personal associations.

Notorious (adj) - famous or well-known, typically for something bad or negative

Novel (adj) - new or unusual; innovative or inventive 9
Nurture (v) - to care for and encourage the growth or development of something or
Oblivious (adj) - not aware or conscious of something; forgetful or absent-minded
Obscure (adj) - not well-known or familiar; difficult to understand or perceive
Obsolete (adj) - out-of-date, no longer in use
Obstruct (v) - to block or hinder the progress or movement of something or someone
Occasional (adj) - happening or occurring at irregular intervals; infrequent or sporadic
Ominous (adj) - giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is likely to
happen; threatening or sinister
Onslaught (n) - a fierce or destructive attack or assault
Optimistic (adj) - hopeful or confident about the future; having a positive outlook
Optimum (adj) - most favorable or advantageous; best suited for a particular purpose
or situation
Ornate (adj) - highly decorated or embellished; characterized by intricate or elaborate
Ostracize (v) - to exclude or banish someone from a group or society; to shun or avoid
Overwhelm (v) - to bury or submerge beneath a mass or flood of something; to
overpower or defeat completely
Pacify (v) - to calm or soothe someone who is angry, upset, or agitated; to ease tension
or conflict
Palpable (adj) - able to be touched or felt; easily perceived
Paradox (n) - a statement or situation that contradicts itself or appears to be illogical
or absurd
Paragon (n) - a model or example of excellence or perfection; a person or thing that
is regarded as a perfect or ideal version of something
Paramount (adj) - of the greatest importance or significance; supreme or dominant
Patronize (v) - to treat someone in a condescending or dismissive manner; to support
or frequent as a customer or client
Pensive (adj) - deeply thoughtful or reflective; engaged in serious or melancholy think-
Perceive (v) - to become aware or conscious of something through the senses or
intuition; to understand or interpret 10
Perennial (adj) - lasting or existing for a long time; enduring or recurrent

Permeate (v) - to spread or diffuse through something; to penetrate or fill every part
of something

Pernicious (adj) - having a harmful or destructive effect, especially in a gradual or

subtle way; injurious or damaging

Persuade (v) - to convince or influence someone to do something by reasoning or


Pertinent (adj) - relevant or applicable to a particular matter; germane or appropriate

Pessimistic (adj) - having a negative or gloomy outlook on life or the future; antici-
pating the worst

Phenomenon (n) - a fact or event that can be observed or experienced, especially

one that is unusual or remarkable

Philanthropy (n) - the practice of giving money and resources to charitable causes;
the desire to promote the welfare of others

Piety (n) - the quality of being religious or devout; reverence or devotion to religious
principles or beliefs

Pinnacle (n) - the highest point or peak of something; the culmination or apex of an

Pious (adj) - devoutly religious or devoted to religious duties; exhibiting reverence or


Plausible (adj) - seemingly or apparently reasonable or acceptable; credible or believ-


Ponder (v) - to think about or consider something deeply and carefully; to reflect or

Portray (v) - to depict or represent someone or something in a particular way; to

illustrate or describe

Postulate (v) - to assume or assert the existence or truth of something, especially as

a basis for reasoning or argument

Pragmatic (adj) - dealing with things sensibly and realistically; practical or pragmat-

Precarious (adj) - uncertain or insecure; dangerous or risky

Precedent (n) - an earlier event or action that serves as a guide or example for
subsequent situations or cases 11
Predicament (n) - a difficult or unpleasant situation, typically one that is hard to
escape from; a dilemma or quandary

Predilection (n) - a preference or liking for something; a bias or predisposition

Prejudice (n) - a preconceived opinion or attitude, especially one that is not based
on reason or actual experience; bias or discrimination

Preposterous (adj) - completely contrary to reason or common sense; absurd or


Prerequisite (n) - a necessary condition or requirement for something else to happen

or exist; a prerequisite or precondition

Presume (v) - to suppose or assume something to be true, especially without evidence

or proof; to take for granted or presume upon

Pretentious (adj) - attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent,

culture, etc., than is actually possessed; showy or ostentatious

Prevail (v) - to prove more powerful or superior; to be victorious or successful

Pristine (adj) - in its original condition; unspoiled or untouched; immaculate or pure

Prodigy (n) - a person, especially a young one, who possesses exceptional talent or
ability in a particular field or activity

Profound (adj) - having or showing great knowledge or insight; deep or intense; far-
reaching or significant

Prolific (adj) - producing many works, results, or offspring; fertile or productive

Prominent (adj) - standing out or projecting; well-known or famous; important or


Proponent (n) - a person who advocates or supports a particular idea or cause

Propose (v) - to suggest or put forward a plan, idea, or proposition; to offer or present
for consideration

Prosperity (n) - the state of being successful or thriving, especially economically;

wealth or abundance

Protract (v) - to prolong or extend in time or space; to draw out or lengthen

Provoke (v) - to deliberately or purposely annoy, anger, or irritate someone; to incite

or stimulate a reaction or response

Prudent (adj) - acting with or showing care and thought for the future; wise or
judicious 12
Pungent (adj) - having a strong, sharp taste or smell; acrid or biting
Pursue (v) - to follow or chase after something or someone, especially to achieve a
goal; to engage in or continue with an activity or course of action
Qualify (v) - to meet or conform to the necessary standards or requirements for
something; to make a statement less absolute or categorical
Quandary (n) - a state of perplexity or doubt
Quell (v) - to put an end to, typically by the use of force
Quench (v) - to satisfy a thirst or desire; to extinguish or put out a fire or flame
Querulous (adj) - full of complaints or grievances; irritable or petulant
Quirk (n) - a peculiar or unusual habit or characteristic; a strange or unexpected
feature or aspect
Quotidian (adj) - occurring or experienced on a daily basis; ordinary or mundane
Radiant (adj) - shining brightly; giving off light or heat; joyful or happy
Ramification (n) - a consequence or result of an action or decision; a branching out
or division into separate parts or directions
Rancor (n) - bitter or resentful feelings, especially long-standing ones; animosity or
Rapture (n) - a feeling of intense pleasure or joy; ecstatic delight or happiness
Ratify (v) - to approve or confirm something, especially a treaty, agreement, or law
Raze (v) - to completely destroy or demolish something, especially a building or struc-
Rebuke (v) - to express sharp disapproval or criticism of someone or something; to
reprimand or scold
Rebuttal (n) - a refutation or contradiction of an argument, accusation, or theory; a
counterargument or rejoinder
Recant (v) - to withdraw a statement or belief to which one has previously been
Recede (v) - to move back or away from a previous position or level; to become less
intense or severe
Reclusive (adj) - avoiding the company of other people; solitary or secluded
Rectify (v) - to make right or correct something that is wrong or mistaken; to remedy
or resolve 13
Redundant (adj) - no longer needed or necessary; superfluous or excessive

Refrain (v) - to avoid or abstain from doing something; to restrain or hold back from
a particular action or behavior

Refute (v) - to prove something to be false or incorrect; to deny or contradict some-


Regress (v) - to return to an earlier or less advanced condition or state; to move

backwards or decline

Relegate (v) - to assign or dismiss to a lower or less important position or rank; to

delegate or consign to a particular place or category

Relevant (adj) - closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand; pertinent or


Relinquish (v) - to give up or surrender something, especially a position, power, or

right; to release or let go of something

Remedial (adj) - intended to correct or improve something that is deficient or lacking;

therapeutic or corrective

Reminisce (v) - to indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events; to remember or

recall fondly

Renounce (v) - to formally declare or give up a claim, right, or possession; to disown

or reject a belief or allegiance

Renown (n) - the condition of being widely recognized or famous; celebrity or prestige

Reparation (n) - the making of amends for a wrong or injury done; compensation or

Repercussion (n) - an unintended consequence or result of an action or decision; a

reverberating effect or impact

Reproach (v) - to express disapproval or disappointment of someone or something;

to criticize or rebuke

Repudiate (v) - to reject or deny the validity or authority of something; to refuse to

accept or acknowledge something

Resilient (adj) - able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions; flexible
or adaptable

Resolute (adj) - admirably determined or unwavering in purpose or opinion; firm or


Resolve (v) - to settle or find a solution to a problem or dispute; to decide or determine 14
Respite (n) - a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant; a
break or interval

Retain (v) - to keep or continue to have something; to hire or employ someone for a
particular job or task.

Reticent (adj) - not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily

Retract (v) - to withdraw or take back a statement or promise; to draw back or


Retrospect (n) - a review or contemplation of past events or situations; a looking

back or reflection

Revere (v) - to regard with great respect, admiration, or affection; to venerate or


Rhetoric (n) - the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing; language designed
to have a powerful or emotional effect on an audience

Rigorous (adj) - extremely thorough, exact, or accurate; strict or demanding

Rouse (v) - to awaken or stir up from sleep or inactivity; to excite or arouse someone’s
feelings or emotions

Rudimentary (adj) - involving or limited to basic principles or concepts; primitive

or undeveloped

Ruthless (adj) - showing no mercy or pity; cruel or merciless in action or behavior

Salient (adj) - most noticeable or important; prominent or significant

Saturate (v) - to cause something to become completely soaked or filled with a sub-
stance; to saturate or imbue with a quality or feeling

Scrupulous (adj) - exact, careful, attending thoroughly to details

Scrutinize (v) - to examine or inspect something closely and thoroughly; to scrutinize

or investigate carefully

Seclude (v) - to keep or place someone or something apart from others; to isolate or

Seethe (v) - to be filled with intense anger, resentment, or agitation; to boil or surge
with emotion

Serene (adj) - calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil or composed

Sever (v) - to divide or cut something into two or more parts, especially by force or
violence; to separate or disconnect 15
Shrewd (adj) - having or showing sharp powers of judgment or perception; astute or

Simulate (v) - to imitate or replicate the appearance or behavior of something; to

simulate or pretend

Skeptical (adj) - not easily convinced or persuaded; doubtful or questioning

Solitude (n) - the state of being alone or isolated; seclusion or isolation

Somber (adj) - dark, gloomy, and depressing; solemn or serious in tone or atmosphere

Sporadic (adj) - occurring at irregular intervals or scattered locations; infrequent or


Spurious (adj) - false or fake; not genuine or authentic

Squander (v) - to waste something, especially money or time, in a reckless and foolish

Stagnant (adj) - having no current or flow; not developing or making progress; inactive
or dormant

Stifle (v) - to suppress or restrain something, such as a feeling, emotion, or noise; to

suffocate or smother

Strident (adj) - harsh, loud, and grating; shrill or discordant

Subdue (v) - to bring something under control or conquer; to calm or quiet someone’s
emotions or behavior

Subtle (adj) - delicate, elusive, or hard to detect; understated or indirect

Subvert (v) - to undermine or overthrow something, especially an established system

or authority; to corrupt or disrupt

Succumb (v) - to yield or give in to pressure or temptation; to submit or surrender

Sullen (adj) - showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve; dismal or

Superfluous (adj) - unnecessary or excessive; more than what is needed or required

Supplant (v) - to replace or substitute something or someone, especially by force or

deception; to supplant or usurp

Suppress (v) - to prevent or restrain something from being expressed or revealed; to

suppress or put down a rebellion or revolt

Surreal (adj) - having the quality of being dreamlike or unreal; bizarre or fantastic 16
Susceptible (adj) - likely or vulnerable to be influenced or affected by something;
susceptible or sensitive

Sustain (v) - to maintain or continue something at a certain level or rate; to provide

support or nourishment

Swindle (v) - to cheat or defraud someone, typically by gaining their confidence and
then taking their money or property; to swindle or deceive

Sympathy (n) - feelings of pity or sorrow for someone else’s misfortune; compassion
or understanding

Tactful (adj) - having or showing sensitivity in dealing with others; considerate or


Tangible (adj) - capable of being touched or felt; material or concrete

Tangible (adj) - capable of being touched; real, concrete

Tedious (adj) - too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous

Temperament (n) - a person’s or animal’s nature, especially as it permanently affects

their behavior; temperament or personality

Tenacious (adj) - tending to keep a firm hold of something; persistent or stubborn

Tentative (adj) - not certain or fixed; provisional or experimental

Terse (adj) - brief and to the point; concise or pithy

Thrive (v) - to grow or develop vigorously; to prosper or flourish

Timid (adj) - lacking in self-confidence or courage; shy or apprehensive

Tirade (n) - a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation; a tirade or diatribe

Tolerate (v) - to allow or endure something, especially something that is unpleasant

or difficult; to tolerate or put up with

Trivial (adj) - of little value or importance; insignificant or unimportant

Turmoil (n) - a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty; turmoil or chaos

Tweak (v) - to adjust or fine-tune something in a small way; to tweak or modify

Ubiquitous (adj) - present or appearing everywhere; ubiquitous or omnipresent

Unanimous (adj) - fully in agreement or agreement of all parties; unanimous or


Undermine (v) - to weaken or erode the foundation or support of something; to

undermine or subvert 17
Unequivocal (adj) - leaving no doubt or ambiguity; clear or unambiguous

Unfathomable (adj) - difficult or impossible to understand

Unprecedented (adj) - never before known or experienced; unprecedented or unpar-


Untenable (adj) - not able to be defended or maintained against attack or objection;

untenable or indefensible

Utilitarian (adj) - designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive or com-

fortable; utilitarian or functional.

Vacillate (v) - to alternate or waver between different opinions or actions; to vacillate

or hesitate

Validate (v) - to check or prove the validity or accuracy of something

Venerate (v) - to regard with great respect or reverence; to venerate or honor

Verbose (adj) - using more words than are necessary; wordy or loquacious

Vex (v) - to make someone feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial
matters; to vex or irritate

Vibrant (adj) - full of energy or enthusiasm; lively or bright in color

Vicarious (adj) - experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of

another person; vicarious or empathetic

Vigilant (adj) - keeping a careful watch for possible danger or difficulties; vigilant or

Vilify (v) - to speak or write about someone in an abusively disparaging manner; to

vilify or defame

Vindicate (v) - to clear someone of blame or suspicion; to vindicate or exonerate

Virtuoso (n) - a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit; a virtuoso
or maestro

Vitality (n) - the state of being strong and active; energy or vigor

Vivacious (adj) - attractively lively and animated; vivacious or spirited

Vulnerable (adj) - susceptible to physical or emotional harm or attack; vulnerable or


Waive (v) - to refrain from insisting on or using a right or claim; to waive or relinquish

Wane (v) - to lose size, strength, or power 18
Wary (adj) - feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems

Whimsical (adj) - playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an amusing way; whimsical

or capricious

Wistful (adj) - having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing; wistful or


Wry (adj) - using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor; wry or sardonic

Zealot (n) - a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious,
political, or other ideals; a zealot or fanatic

Zenith (n) - the highest point or culminating point; the zenith or pinnacle. 19

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