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Register Number:



II year B.Sc. Aviation Science

Course Code : U21AV406

Course Title : Air Regulation-II

Semester : IV

Time : 2 Hours Maximum: 60 Marks

Section A (20 x 1) = 20 Marks

(Bloom’s Taxonomy K1/ K2 Level)

Answer All Questions

The ICAO Annex which deals with entry and departure of persons and their baggage, cargo and K1
other articles on internal flights is

a) Annex 9 b) Annex 15 c) Annex 8 d) Annex 6

A contracting state which continues to require the presentation of a cargo manifest shall, apart K2
2. from the information indicated in the heading of the format of the cargo manifest, not require
more than the following items

The airway bill The airway bill

number and the number of
number of packages related The airway bill
Only the bill
a) packages b) to each airway c) number and the d)
related to the bill number and nature of goods
airway bill the nature of the
number goods

In case of aircraft registered in other contracting states, which are not engaged in schedule K2
international service, and which are making flights across the territory of a contracting state or
stopping for nontraffic purposes, such contracting state shall accept the information contained in a
flight plan as adequate advance notification. This information is to be received.

At least 2
At least 1 hours
hours in At least 4 hours in
in advance of At least 5 hours in
a) advance of b) advance of arrival c) d)
arrival advance of arrival

Controller of Examinations, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli-17.
An aircraft which is not engaged in scheduled international air services and which is making a K2
4. flight to or through any designated airport of a contracting state and is admitted temporarily free
of duty shall be allowed to remain with in that state without security for customs duty.

For a period to be
For a period of For a period of 48
a) b) c) established by d) No period of time
12 hours hours
that state

5. Which one of the statements is correct? K1

Contracting states
Contracting Contracting states
shall accept an
stated may not shall accept an
oral declaration of
a) accept oral b) c) oral declaration of d) None of the above
baggage form
declaration of baggage only
passengers and
baggage’s from passengers

6. An aircraft flying to another contracting state: K2

Is admitted to that
Is liable to pay
state temporary
customs duty Is admitted to that Only pay for the
free of customs
a) on all unused b) c) state temporarily d) fuel which has been
duty in regard to
fuel and oil free customs duty used
oil and fuel
remaining only

Contracting states shall not require the authorized agent or pilot in command to deliver to the K2
7. public authorities concerned, before departure of the aircraft, more than some coupes of general
declaration, cargo manifest and stores list. The numbers of the copies are:

2 copies of
2 copies of
and cargo
a) b) declarations and c) 2 of each d) No copies required
manifest and
of cargo manifest
one cope of a
and of a stores list
simple stores

In cases where a visitor travelling by air holds a valid passport and no visa is required of him, K2
contracting states

Shall not
require him to
obtain any
other identity
None of the In certain cases
document from On arrival visa
a) b) answers are c) any other identity d)
their required
applicable may be required
consultates or
operators prior
to initiate the

Controller of Examinations, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli-17.
9. The documents for entry and departure of aircraft: K1

Has to be
typewritten or
Are accepted in Are accepted at
produced by Emailing to the
a) b) handwritten block c) the contracting d)
electronic data authority
lettering in ink state discretion

10 K2
On a general declaration form, the following data can be found:

mark, flight
The nature of A complete
number, dare
goods embarked description of
and place of Only the passenger
a) b) on the aircraft c) payload d)
departure, list
(e.g. dangerous (passengers,
goods) cargo and mall)
and, number of
crew and

11 K1
What is the purpose of a crew members certificate (CMC)?

To allow flight
crew to be
exempted form
To permit access
customs, health To provide
to the air side of
a) and b) c) identification of d) None of the above
an aerodrome for
immigration aircrew

12 K1
What documentation is required by persons travelling by air for entry into a state?

Passport and
confirmation of Passport, visa and
The same as
inclusion on necessary health
would be required Passport and visa
a) the general b) c) documentation d)
if the person only
declaration (vaccination
arrived by ship
passenger certificates)

13 The crew number certificate (CMC) shall be accepted by each contracting state for identification K2
. purposes:

Controller of Examinations, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli-17.
Together with
None of the Together with a Passport and crew
a) a valid flight b) c) d)
above valid passport license
crew license.

Except in special circumstances determined by the public authorities concerned, when a passenger K2
is passing through the territory of a contracting state and has to stay in that contracting state until
the next flight for lack of facilities or any other circumstances, the contracting state where the
international airport is located shall permit such a passenger to remain within its territory without
requiring visa prior to the arrival when

The passenger The passenger is

The passenger is The passenger is to
is to leave that to leave that state
to leave that state leave that state
state within within two (2)
a) b) within one (1) c) d) within three (3)
two (2) days weeks form the
days form the day weeks form the day
form the day of day of his (her)
of his (her) arrival of his (her) arrival
his (her) arrival arrival

15 K2
ICAO was established in

a) 4th April 1947 b) 7th October 1989 c) 4th October 1947 d) 7th April 1947

16 K1
ICAO code for trichy is


17 K2
How many annexes in ICAO

a) 15 b) 12 c) 19 d) 10

18 K2
ICAO headquarters is in

a) England b) Canada c) Morocco d) Brazil

19 K1
ICAO code for Coimbatore

a) CB b) VOCB c) VCB d) VTCB

20 K2
ICAO is a specialized agency of

United nations
a) development b) c) United nations d) European union
monetary fund

SECTION – B (4 X 5 = 20 Marks)

(Bloom’s Taxonomy K2 / K3/ K4 Level)

Answer ALL the Questions

Controller of Examinations, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli-17.
21. (a) Write a short note on ICAO. (OR) K3

(b) Briefly explain about general declaration. K3

22. (a) Explain national provisions in facilitation. (OR) K4

(b) Explain customs duty on aircraft. K4

23. (a) Give a short note on rules of air. (OR) K2

(b) Define air traffic services. K2

24. (a) Explain in detail about airworthiness. (OR) K3

(b) Explain the metrological service provided for the air navigation. K3

SECTION – C (2 X 10 = 20 Marks)

(Bloom’s Taxonomy K4 / K5 / K6 Level)

Answer any TWO out of Three Questions

25 K5
Explain the customs requirement for crew, passengers and cargo.

26 K5
List out the annexes of ICAO.

27 K4
Explain the purpose and use of aircraft documents.


Controller of Examinations, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli-17.

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