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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Clinical Practice

Caren G. Solomon, M.D., M.P.H., Editor

Chronic Pancreatitis
Santhi Swaroop Vege, M.D., and Suresh T. Chari, M.D.​​

This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem. Evidence
­supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines, when they exist.
The article ends with the authors’ clinical recommendations.

A 52-year-old man reports having had two to three episodes of acute pancreatitis From the Division of Gastroenterology
each year for the past 6 years. During the past 6 months, debilitating, continuous and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
MN (S.S.V.); and the Department of Gas-
upper abdominal pain has gradually developed despite escalating treatment with troenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition,
meloxicam, tramadol, and, recently, oxycodone. He has three to four bulky, foul- Division of Internal Medicine, University
smelling stools daily; he reports no weight loss. He has a 20-year history of alcohol of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston (S.T.C.). Dr. Chari can be con-
use and a 25 pack-year smoking history. He has left his position at a company owing tacted at ­stchari@​­mdanderson​.­org or at
to frequent absences. Computed tomography of the abdomen reveals scattered pan- the Department of Gastroenterology,
creatic ductal calcifications, a dilated pancreatic duct, and an atrophic pancreas. Hepatology and Nutrition, Division of In-
ternal Medicine, University of Texas M.D.
How would you manage this case? Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe
Blvd., Houston, TX 77030.

The Cl inic a l Probl em N Engl J Med 2022;386:869-78.

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcp1809396
hronic pancreatitis is a progressive fibroinflammatory dis- Copyright © 2022 Massachusetts Medical Society.

ease. Classic chronic pancreatitis, usually associated with alcohol use, CME
smoking, or certain gene mutations,1 typically begins with recurrent pain- at
ful bouts of pancreatitis, followed by the insidious development of chronic, de-
bilitating pain during the next 3 to 5 years after an initial episode. Classic imaging
findings of one or more of the triad of pancreatic ductal calcifications, ductal
dilatation, and parenchymal atrophy indicate progression to chronic pancreatitis.
A substantive subgroup of patients also classified as having chronic pancreatitis
have neither pain (nearly 30%)2 nor a previous diagnosis of acute pancreatitis (ap-
proximately 50%).3 The primary form without pain or previous acute pancreatitis
may be a different disease with a distinct pathogenesis.3 In practice, “chronic
pancreatitis” is often used with a qualifier to describe other chronic inflamma-
An audio version
tory diseases of the pancreas (Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available
of this article
with the full text of this article at, which share some, but not all, of the is available at
characteristic features of classic chronic pancreatitis.4 This general overview is
focused only on classic chronic pancreatitis in adults.
The annual incidence of chronic pancreatitis in the United States ranges from
5 to 8 per 100,000 adults, and the prevalence ranges from 42 to 73 per 100,000
adults.5 Risk factors include alcohol use (in 42 to 77% of patients), smoking (in
>60%), and genetic mutations (in 10%); the disease is considered to be idiopathic
in 28% of patients.5 Alcohol use (>80 g per day for 6 to 12 years1) and smoking
(a smoking history of >35 pack-years increases the risk of chronic pancreatitis by
a factor of 51,5) have synergistic effects.1,5 Two thirds of patients with chronic pan-
creatitis are men, and risk is higher among Black persons than among White
persons.5 Genetic mutations most commonly involve cystic fibrosis transmem-
brane conductance regulator (CFTR), serine protease inhibitor Kazal type1 (SPINK1),

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Key Clinical Points

Chronic Pancreatitis
• Chronic pancreatitis, which is commonly associated with alcohol use, smoking, or genetic risk factors,
often manifests as recurrent bouts of abdominal pain or pancreatitis. Characteristic imaging findings
include pancreatic stones, dilated ducts, and atrophy.
• Complications of chronic pancreatitis include pseudocysts, biliary strictures, exocrine and endocrine
pancreatic insufficiency, bone loss, and pancreatic cancer; there is currently no effective early detection
strategy for pancreatic cancer.
• Exocrine insufficiency causing steatorrhea leads to weight loss, sarcopenia, and deficiencies of fat-
soluble vitamins and other micronutrients and is mitigated by treatment with pancreatic-enzyme
• Strategies for managing chronic abdominal pain include medical therapies (analgesic agents, limited
use of narcotics, antioxidants, and neuromodulators), endoscopic treatment (pancreatic stenting
with or without extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy), and surgical interventions (duct drainage and
resection procedures), as well as behavioral interventions for centrally mediated pain.

or chymotrypsin C (CTRC); more than 90% of tes (type 3c)10; loss of counterregulatory hor-
these cases manifest as apparently sporadic mones can cause wide swings in blood glucose
early-onset (<35 years of age) pancreatitis.4 Heredi- levels. Exocrine pancreatic dysfunction can prog-
tary pancreatitis, a rare autosomal dominant ress from a “pancreas sufficient” phase (stage I
disease caused by cationic trypsinogen (PRSS1) or II) to pancreatic exocrine insufficiency char-
gene mutation, accounts for approximately 1% acterized by steatorrhea (stage III or IV)11; pan-
of all cases.5 Regardless of the cause, chronic creatic exocrine insufficiency occurs with near
pancreatitis confers a predisposition to pancreatic total (>90%) loss of pancreatic exocrine func-
cancer. The cumulative risk is 1.8% at 10 years tion. Prolonged steatorrhea leads to weight loss,
and 4% at 20 years of follow-up among patients sarcopenia (decreased muscle mass), and defi-
with sporadic chronic pancreatitis and 7.2% by ciencies of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K),
70 years of age among those with hereditary vitamin B12, and other micronutrients (zinc and
pancreatitis.5,6 magnesium)1,12 (stage IV11). The chronic inflam-
Approximately 70% of patients present with matory state and deficiency of vitamin D and
episodic upper abdominal pain, nausea, and possibly vitamin K often result in osteopenia or
vomiting. Pain patterns include intermittent osteoporosis, with bone pain and low-impact
severe attacks with or without pancreatitis that fractures.13,14 Chronic pancreatitis is associated
occur early in the course of disease (type A), with increased mortality from any cause.15
persistent chronic pain between intermittent
severe attacks (type B), and chronic severe pain S t r ategie s a nd E v idence
without severe attacks (type C), which is the
most debilitating pain pattern (Table 1). Chronic Evaluation and Diagnosis
pain is attributed to peripheral and central neu- Evaluation for chronic pancreatitis and its com-
ral sensitization7-9 that results in visceral sensi- plications includes a careful clinical history tak-
tivity, allodynia (pain elicited by a stimulus that ing, laboratory testing, and imaging. Histologic
normally does not produce pain), and hyperalge- analysis (Fig. S1) is not needed for diagnosis and
sia. Severe disabling pain that warrants narcotic is often not available; definitive diagnosis rests
use disrupts patients’ lives, with consequences heavily on imaging findings. Laboratory testing
often compounded by alcohol use and psychoso- includes assessment of pancreatic endocrine
cial factors, such as poor resilience and inade- function (screening for diabetes mellitus) and
quate social support. exocrine function (described below).
Complications of chronic pancreatitis include
pseudocysts, bile-duct stricture, duodenal stric- Imaging
ture, splanchnic venous thromboses, and pan- Imaging methods include computed tomography
creatic cancer. Loss of islet mass and insulin (CT) (Fig. 1), magnetic resonance cholangiopan-
causes glucose intolerance and eventually diabe- creatography (MRCP), and endoscopic ultrasonog-

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Clinical Pr actice

Table 1. Suggested Assessments for Impairments in Biophysical Domains.

Domain and Assessment Categorization

Pain: duration since onset, intermittent or continuous, Pain patterns: type A is intermittent attacks of pain or pan-
frequency of flares, severity during and between creatitis without intervening pain; type B is intermittent
flares on visual analogue scale, documentation of attacks of pain or pancreatitis with intervening pain for
pancreatitis during flares (serum lipase or imaging which narcotics are not used (type B1), for which nar­
evidence), relationship of pain to activities such as cotics are used for ≤6 mo (type B2), or for which narcot-
eating and exercise, response to treatments, and ics are used for >6 mo (type B3) (centrally mediated
use and frequency of narcotics and side effects abdominal pain syndrome7); and type C is continuous
(constipation, bloating, and increased pain) narcotic-treated pain for >6 mo without intermittent
attacks of pain or acute pancreatitis or complications
(centrally mediated abdominal pain syndrome7)
Imaging: evidence on CT, MRI, or endoscopic ultrasonog- Examples: strictures, stones, pseudocyst, or dilated pancre-
raphy of amenability to endoscopic intervention or atic duct
surgical drainage
Pancreatic exocrine function*
Symptoms of steatorrhea Classic symptoms, suggestive but not diagnostic symptoms,
or no symptoms
Fecal elastase level Generally <50 μg per gram of stool in stage III or IV
Fecal fat test over period of 48 or 72 hr >7 g per day in stage III or IV
Serum fat-soluble vitamins (A and E) and other micro- Vitamin and micronutrient deficiency: present or absent
nutrients (zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B12)
Malnutrition: hand grip, body-mass index, unplanned Muscle wasting (none, mild, moderate, or severe), muscle
weight loss, and bone density† strength (normal or impaired), and osteoporosis or
­osteopenia: present or absent‡

* Treatment with pancreatic-enzyme replacement is appropriate if one or more of the following is present: classic symp-
toms of steatorrhea (bulky, foul-smelling, difficult-to-flush stools with weight loss); suggestive symptoms plus a fecal
elastase level of less than 50 μg per gram of stool or low micronutrient levels; or a fecal fat level of 15 g or more per day.
† The Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool calculator can be used to establish nutritional risk with the use of either ob-
jective measurements of height and weight to obtain a score and a risk category or subjective criteria to estimate a risk
category but not a score. The “Timed Up and Go (TUG)” instrument can be used for assessing fall risk (https://www​
‡ Interventions include strength training and nutritional supplementation.

raphy (EUS); endoscopic retrograde cholangiopan- Other Evaluations

creatography (ERCP) is no longer recommended Assessment of multiple domains (Tables 1 and
owing to complications and the availability of 2) is warranted, including the nature and sever-
noninvasive imaging.1 Of these, CT is the most ity of upper abdominal pain, imaging findings,
readily available and widely used. In a large nutritional status, substance abuse, disability
meta-analysis, the sensitivity and specificity of due to disease, resilience and motivation for
CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and behavioral change, and effect of the disease on
EUS did not differ significantly,16 but EUS is in- psychosocial function. Pancreatic exocrine func-
vasive, observer-dependent, and prone to false tion is evaluated by history taking and labora-
positive results. tory testing. Individual symptoms (abdominal
MRCP, especially after secretin stimulation, pain, diarrhea, and bulky, foul-smelling, difficult-
has the advantages of better delineation of the to-flush, pale, or oily stools) are neither sensitive
pancreatic and bile ducts, the absence of radia- nor specific for steatorrhea; however, a reduction
tion, and safety in patients with allergy to con- in symptoms with pancreatic-enzyme replace-
trast media or with renal insufficiency with the ment strongly supports steatorrhea.23 Persistent
use of noncontrast T2-weighted sequences. steatorrhea is associated with weight loss and
However, MRCP takes longer and is more ex- micronutrient deficiencies. In the absence of a
pensive than CT or MRI, is unsuitable for pa- classic symptom complex, exocrine function
tients with claustrophobia, and can miss calci- should be assessed by fecal elastase-1 measured
fication.17 in a single stool sample and, when indicated,

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Figure 1. Examples of Imaging Findings and Suggested Interventions in Painful Chronic Pancreatitis.
In Panel A, CT shows multiple calcifications (long arrow) with a dilated pancreatic duct (short arrows). Possible
interventions include duodenum-preserving resection of the head of the pancreas (Beger procedure), coring of the
pancreatic head with pancreaticojejunostomy (Frey procedure), or pancreaticojejunostomy (Partington–Rochelle
procedure). In Panel B, CT shows a single 1-cm stone in a pancreatic duct (long arrow) and upstream dilatation
of the duct (short arrow). Possible interventions include extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy with clearance of the
pancreatic duct by means of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography or pancreaticojejunostomy (Parting-
ton–Rochelle procedure). In Panel C, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography shows a stricture of the main
pancreatic duct (arrow). A possible intervention is endoscopic stenting with intermittent exchanges for 1 year. In
Panel D, CT shows a mass in the head of the pancreas (within circle). Possible interventions include duodenum-
preserving resection of the head of the pancreas (Beger procedure), pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple procedure),
or coring of the pancreatic head with pancreaticojejunostomy (Frey procedure).

quantitative fecal fat measured in stool collected through many academic centers and major refer-
over a period of 48 to 72 hours while the patient ence laboratories in the United States. Chal-
follows a diet containing 100 g of fat daily. lenges to its routine use include patient adher-
Measurement of the fecal elastase level is ence to the recommended diet, complete stool
simple, inexpensive, and widely available. Levels collection, and cumbersome manual laboratory
below 200 μg per gram of stool are considered testing and analysis. With proper instructions
to be abnormal, but only very low values (≤50 μg and adherence to the 100-g fat diet for 2 days
per gram or even <15 μg per gram, according to before and throughout the stool-collection period,
one report24) are reasonably predictive of steator- fecal fat testing provides the best estimate of di-
rhea.25,26 Abnormal levels above 50 μg per gram gestive capacity. A normal value for the coeffi-
occur in many other conditions, including dia- cient of fat absorption is at least 93%, and a
betes, old age, irritable bowel syndrome, inflam- normal amount of fat in stool is less than 7 g per
matory bowel disease, renal failure, functional 24 hours; elevated values occur in disorders of
dyspepsia, and any watery diarrhea26 and have absorption and digestion.
poor specificity for steatorrhea. The frequent In routine clinical practice, a fecal elastase
mischaracterization of any abnormality in fecal test can be performed annually as a screening
elastase levels as pancreatic insufficiency has led test for pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. A fecal
to overdiagnosis and overtreatment. fat test should be performed to confirm pancre-
Quantitative fecal fat testing is available atic insufficiency if fecal elastase levels or vitamin

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Clinical Pr actice

Table 2. Suggested Assessments and Interventions for Impairments in Psychosocial Domains.

Domain Assessment* Categorization Intervention†

Disability due Functional impairment at home, work, Disability: none, mild, moderate, Options include cognitive behavioral therapy,
to disease school, or in other social areas18 severe, or extreme resilience training, and formal pain rehabili-
tation programs
Substance use Use of tobacco, alcohol, prescription Addictions: present or absent; if Encourage patient to seek help from addiction
disorders medication, and other substances19 present, to which substances clinics
Resilience Ability to bounce back from setbacks20 Resilience: low, normal, or high If resilience is impaired, recommend referral to
stress management and resilience training
Motivation Motivation to initiate or maintain Motivation: low (not interested), For type B or C pain patterns, introduce pa-
­behavior changes21 moderate (skeptical but will- tients to and encourage participation in
ing to engage), or high (be- nonstructural interventions
lieves in and wants help)
Social support Quality of social relationships22 Social support: low, moderate, If social support is low, refer patient to social
or high worker

* Assessments can be performed at bedside in all patients, especially those with pain patterns type B and C. Validated questionnaires include
the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.018; Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medication, and Other Substance Use
(TAPS) Tool19; Brief Resilience Scale20; Motivation and Attitudes toward Changing Health (MATCH) scale21; and Multidimensional Scale of
Perceived Social Support.22
† The integrated (holistic) management of patients with impairments in multiple biophysical and psychosocial domains may require referral
to tertiary care centers.

A or E levels are very low in the absence of the pancreatectomy,29 particularly among those with
classic complex of symptoms of steatorrhea. prolonged preoperative narcotic use and alco-
holic and nonhereditary pancreatitis.
Management There is no effective medical treatment to
Indications for treatment in patients with chron- stop the recurrence of acute pancreatitis. For
ic pancreatitis are pain, complications, and func- acute and chronic pain, medical therapies in-
tional (endocrine and exocrine) insufficiency. clude analgesic agents, antioxidants, and neuro-
Treatment options are described below. modulators (e.g., gabapentinoids and tricyclic
antidepressants)1,5,9,30-32 (Table 3). Regular use of
Pain opioids should be avoided owing to risks of tol-
Management of pain in patients with chronic erance, addiction, narcotic bowel syndrome, and
pancreatitis has traditionally relied on the bio- a paradoxical increase in pain due to opioid-
physical model of health and disease, which induced hyperalgesia. Two meta-analyses of ran-
posits that all symptoms have a structural basis. domized trials of various commercially available
However, recognition of central sensitization antioxidant combinations (vitamins A, C, and E
and the role of psychological and social factors and S-adenosyl-methionine) have shown signifi-
associated with chronic pain support expansion cant reductions in the number of days with pain
of management approaches to include attention and in narcotic use.33,34 However, the trials in-
to nonstructural behavioral interventions.27,28 cluded small numbers of patients, and one trial
Management of pain starts with developing showed no benefit; the recommendation to use
a strong patient–physician rapport and acknowl- these is based on potential benefits and the ab-
edging patients’ pain and disability. Patients sence of adverse effects. Short-term placebo-
should be educated about both structural and controlled trials have shown reductions in pain
nonstructural interventions (Fig. 2). The latter are among patients with chronic pancreatitis with
particularly important for patients with centrally pregabalin alone31 or in combination with anti-
mediated abdominal pain syndrome and impair- oxidants.35 Other neuromodulators, such as gaba-
ments in nonstructural domains; this is sup- pentin, tricyclic antidepressants, and serotonin–
ported by evidence of a high incidence of ongo- norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, have also
ing long-term narcotic use (>40%) for abdominal been suggested as possible treatments, but ran-
pain among patents who have undergone total domized trials of their use specifically for pan-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Establish physician–patient rapport

Assess biophysical and psychosocial impairments

Pain pattern Psychosocial impairments

Type A Type B Type C

Intermittent, infrequent Intermittent severe Severe, constant pain without
attacks of pain or pancreatitis pain with continuous attacks of pain or pancreatitis
pain between attacks

Structural intervention based Structural intervention Structural intervention may Behavioral and psychosocial
on imaging (endoscopic and structural) be wholly or largely unsuc- interventions
Consider no structural based on imaging cessful Offer referral to one or
intervention in infrequent For pain warranting narcotics, Strongly emphasize nonstruc- more:
attacks (>1 yr apart) consider medical and tural interventions Addiction clinic
behavioral or psychosocial Psychologist for cognitive
interventions in tandem or behavioral therapy
sequentially with structural Pain rehabilitation
intervention through integrated
behavioral, physical,
and occupational
Stress management and
resilience training
Social worker in case of
poor social support

Figure 2. An Integrated Approach to Biophysical and Psychosocial Impairments.

creatitis-associated pain are lacking.42 Although mately 1 year) with the use of 10 French plastic
pancreatic enzymes can alleviate symptoms of stents, with intermittent stent exchanges, is
maldigestion, a systematic review and meta- generally warranted; pain relief is reported in
analysis showed no evidence of benefit for pan- more than 70% of patients.43 Endoscopic man-
creatic pain.36 agement is also indicated for some complica-
tions of chronic pancreatitis (e.g., pseudocysts
Endoscopic Therapy and pancreatic ascites).
Endoscopic therapy, predominantly involving the
removal of stones in a pancreatic duct, dilatation Surgery
of strictures, or both, is often the first interven- Options for surgery for pain relief include pan-
tion43 for moderate-to-severe pain (types A, B1, creatic resection for persistent focal inflamma-
and B2) that does not respond to medical thera- tion (standard pancreaticoduodenectomy and its
py. Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy is used variants or distal pancreatectomy), drainage of
for breaking up stones, either as a stand-alone an obstructed duct (longitudinal pancreaticojeju-
therapy (for stones <5 mm in diameter) or as an nostomy and its variants), or a combination of
adjunct to ERCP44 (Fig. 1). For strictures in a both (Frey procedure)45-47 or, in the most refrac-
pancreatic duct, prolonged dilatation (of approxi- tory cases, total pancreatectomy with or without

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Clinical Pr actice

Table 3. Interventions for Pain in Chronic Pancreatitis.*

Intervention Indications Comments

Analgesics: NSAIDs, tramadol, Initial treatment Use WHO pain ladder (for mild pain, nonopioid analgesics; for moderate
and opioids pain, weak opioids; and for severe pain, potent opioids with nonste-
roidal agents, the adjuvants listed below, or both); consider alternate
interventions if opioids are used continuously
Neuromodulators Within months after narcotic Can be used along with structural therapies; pregabalin superior to pla-
use, neuropathic pain cebo in randomized, controlled trial31; gabapentin and selective epi-
nephrine or norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors also recommended by
Antioxidants: vitamins A, C, and At any stage to reduce painful Reduced pain in meta-analyses of randomized trials of supplements33,34
E, selenium, and methionine attacks as well as days (although trials were small, and one showed no benefit); randomized
with pain trial showed benefit in combination with neuromodulators35; can be
combined with any intervention; generally given as fixed-dose combina-
tion; increased intake from dietary sources may be encouraged but has
not been formally studied
Treatment with pancreatic- Reduce bloating, cramping, Meta-analyses show no benefit for pain relief36
enzyme replacement and borborygmi
Pain procedures: celiac plexus Neuropathic pain, usually Evidence limited for acupuncture,37 spinal cord stimulation,38 and celiac
block, spinal cord stimula- after endoscopic and sur- plexus block9
tion, and acupuncture gical interventions, if no
Addiction treatment, counseling, Neuropathic pain, along with Abstinence from alcohol may protect against recurrence of attacks, slow
and psychosocial interven- or after endoscopic or deterioration of pancreatic function, and reduce mortality39; random-
tions (cognitive behavioral surgical interventions ized, controlled trial showed benefit of Internet-based cognitive behav-
therapy, stress management ioral therapy40; psychosocial or behavioral therapy effective for chronic
and resilience training, and pain41 and useful for motivated patients, especially those with clinically
pain rehabilitation) significant disability from disease, addictions, or poor resilience

* NSAIDs denotes nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, and WHO World Health Organization.

autologous islet-cell transplantation45,48 (Fig. 1). change the way patients think about and cope
Complications of chronic pancreatitis, such as with pain); stress management and resilience
biliary entrapment or pancreatic cancer, are ad- training (to reduce anxiety and improve coping
ditional indications for surgery. For best results, skills); dedicated pain rehabilitation programs
it is important to consider surgery before the that incorporate behavioral, physical, and occu-
development of opioid dependence and neuro- pational therapies; and treatment of addictions
pathic pain.8,42,47 (nicotine, alcohol, and narcotics) (Table 2). On
Three randomized trials have compared sur- the basis of studies of the management of
gery with endoscopic therapy for painful chronic chronic pain in other contexts51 and of clinical
pancreatitis46,49,50; all showed higher percentages experience with patients with chronic pancreati-
of patients having pain relief with surgery than tis, these interventions improve functional status
with endoscopy (34 to 78% vs. 15 to 39%), with and psychosocial well-being. A recent random-
similar complication rates and mortality and a ized, controlled trial showed efficacy of Internet-
greater use of reinterventions in the endoscopy based cognitive behavioral therapy for pain in
group. Because endoscopic intervention is less patients with chronic pancreatitis.40
invasive and does not preclude subsequent sur-
gery, it is typically preferred as the initial option. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
However, patients with persistence of pain de- Treatment with pancreatic-enzyme replacement
spite endoscopic therapy should be reevaluated mitigates the effects of steatorrhea.12 It is indicated
for surgery and nonstructural interventions (Fig. 1).
if a patient has one or more of the following:
classic symptoms of steatorrhea; suggestive but
Nonstructural Interventions not diagnostic symptoms plus a fecal elastase
Important adjuvants to structural interventions level of less than 50 μg per gram of stool or low
include cognitive behavioral therapy (to help micronutrient levels; or a fecal fat level of 15 g

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or more per day. All Food and Drug Administra- relationship between exocrine and endocrine dys-
tion–approved enzyme products are of porcine function (type 3c diabetes) in chronic pancreati-
origin, and most are coated to delay degradation tis and the role of newer diabetes therapies in
by gastric acid.52 Although enzyme therapy (usual treating type 3c diabetes are uncertain. Larger
starting dose, 20,000 to 50,000 U.S. Pharmaco- and longer-term trials are needed to better as-
peia units of lipase activity) generally does not sess pharmacologic, behavioral, and structural
abolish steatorrhea (mean coefficient of fat ab- interventions for chronic pain (particularly neuro-
sorption during enzyme therapy, approximately pathic type) associated with chronic pancreatitis.
85%),52 it reduces symptoms and ameliorates
nutritional deficiencies. Many factors influence Guidel ine s
the efficacy of enzymes, including the caloric
and fat content of the diet, secretion of gastric Several guidelines have been published in the
acid, gastric emptying, altered anatomy, variable past 5 years (Table S2), some involving overall
increase in extrapancreatic lipolysis, and bacterial evaluation and management and others focused
overgrowth in the small bowel. The effectiveness on one specific aspect of the disease. The recom-
of enzyme therapy may be increased by taking the mendations in this article are generally consis-
enzymes with meals (distributed throughout the tent with these guidelines, except that guide-
meal), distributing dietary calories across four lines have not addressed the evaluation and
or five meals per day, using acid-reducing agents, management of psychosocial domains contribut-
and testing and treating for bacterial overgrowth ing to chronic pain.
in the small bowel. Dietary fat restriction should
be avoided to prevent weight loss and deficiency C onclusions a nd
of fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids.53 R ec om mendat ions
Pancreatic Cancer The patient in the vignette has chronic pancre-
There is no effective screening strategy for early atitis associated with alcohol and smoking, with
detection of pancreatic cancer in patients with both centrally mediated and pancreatitis-related
chronic pancreatitis. In patients with hereditary pain (type B2). His history also suggests exo-
chronic pancreatitis, alternating MRI and EUS crine pancreatic insufficiency; confirmation with
have been recommended for screening without fecal elastase or fecal fat testing is recommend-
evidence of effectiveness or improved outcomes.6 ed. We would assess levels of fat-soluble vitamins,
Carbohydrate antigen 19-9, the best known sero- zinc, magnesium, vitamin B12, and glycated hemo-
logic marker of pancreatic cancer, may be falsely globin and consider baseline dual-energy x-ray
elevated in patients with chronic pancreatitis absorptiometry. If pancreatic insufficiency is con-
and is not helpful for screening. firmed, we would treat with pancreatic-enzyme
replacement and a balanced diet supplemented
with fat-soluble vitamins and micronutrients and
A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y
with normal fat content. For his chronic pain,
Further study is needed of strategies for early structural as well as nonstructural interventions
detection of chronic pancreatitis,54 prevention of will probably be necessary. Given the presence of
recurrent pancreatitis and its progression, iden- stones of more than 5 mm in diameter, extracor-
tification and assessment of centrally mediated poreal shockwave lithotripsy would be appropri-
chronic neuropathic pain, identification of pan- ate, with or without ERCP (if a stricture in a
creatitis-related diabetes (type 3c) as compared pancreatic duct is present) to clear the frag-
with other causes of diabetes, and early detec- ments, with a plan for surgical intervention if
tion of pancreatic cancer. The natural history of pain persists. For further management of ongo-
chronic pancreatitis is not well understood but ing pain, we would recommend pregabalin along
is currently being studied in a prospective cohort with referral to a pain rehabilitation program,
study in the United States (Prospective Evalua- where available, including cognitive behavioral
tion of Chronic Pancreatitis for Epidemiologic therapy. Counseling regarding alcohol, nicotine,
and Translational Studies [PROCEED]).55 The and narcotic use; stress management; and resil-

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ience training are important. Periodic follow-up, Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at
initially at intervals of 6 months or 1 year, will
We thank Ajit Goenka, M.D., for the high-resolution CT im-
be needed to evaluate the effectiveness of treat- ages in Figure 1.
ment and disease progression.

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