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Present Simple and Continuous

Present Simple Exercises:

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present simple tense.
• She ________ (read) books every evening.
• They ________ (work) at the company for five years.
• He ________ (like) to swim in the ocean.
• I ________ (have) a cup of coffee every morning.
Make negative sentences using the present simple tense.
• She ________ (not like) spicy food.
• They ________ (not play) basketball on Sundays.
• He ________ (not watch) TV in the morning.
• I ________ (not speak) Spanish.
Ask questions using the present simple tense.
• ________ she like pizza?
• ________ they live in New York?
• ________ he work on Saturdays?
• ________ you enjoy reading?
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the present simple tense.
• She always ________ (brush) her teeth before bed.
• We usually ________ (go) to the gym on Mondays.
• Cats ________ (hunt) for mice.
• My mom ________ (cook) dinner every night.
Rewrite the sentences as true statements using the present simple tense.
• I am reading a book. → I ________ a book.
• They are watching TV. → They ________ TV.
• She is playing the piano. → She ________ the piano.
• We are eating lunch. → We ________ lunch.
Present Continuous Exercises:
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present continuous tense.
• He ________ (study) for his exams right now.
• They ________ (play) soccer in the park.
• She ________ (read) a book at the moment.
• I ________ (cook) dinner for tonight.
Make negative sentences using the present continuous tense.
• She ________ (not watch) TV now.
• They ________ (not play) basketball at the moment.
• He ________ (not work) on Sundays.
• I ________ (not study) right now.
Ask questions using the present continuous tense.
• ________ she watching a movie?
• ________ they playing video games?
• ________ he working today?
• ________ you studying for the test?
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense.
• The kids are ________ (play) in the garden.
• She is ________ (read) a novel this week.
• They are ________ (swim) in the pool right now.
• I am ________ (wait) for my friend.
Rewrite the sentences as true statements using the present continuous tense.
• He is reading a book. → He ________ a book.
• They are eating lunch. → They ________ lunch.
• She is writing a letter. → She ________ a letter.
• We are watching a movie. → We ________ a movie.
Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Exercises:
Complete the sentences with either the present simple or present continuous tense.
• She usually ________ (walk) to work, but today she ________ (take) the bus.
• They ________ (read) a book right now, and they ________ (read) books every day.
• I ________ (work) at a restaurant. I ________ (serve) customers at the moment.
Make negative sentences using either the present simple or present continuous tense.
• He ________ (not watch) TV often, but he ________ (watch) it right now.
• They ________ (not play) tennis regularly, but they ________ (play) it today.
• She ________ (not swim) in the river. She ________ (swim) in the pool now.
Ask questions using either the present simple or present continuous tense.
• ________ she usually eat breakfast? What ________ she eating now?
• ________ they often travel? Where ________ they traveling today?
• ________ he work on weekends? What ________ he working on today?
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in either the present simple or
present continuous tense.
• He ________ (read) the newspaper every morning, but he ________ (read) a
magazine right now.
• They ________ (play) chess on Sundays, but they ________ (play) cards tonight.
• She ________ (study) French, and she ________ (study) Spanish this semester.
A Day in the Life of a Globe-Trotting Photographer
Every day, globe-trotting photographers (1) ________ (live) a thrilling life filled with
adventure and creativity. Let's explore a typical day in the life of one such photographer.
The day typically (2) ________ (start) early. The alarm clock (3) ________ (go off) at 5:00
AM, and the photographer (4) ________ (open) their eyes to a new location. Currently, they
(5) ________ (travel) in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, capturing its breathtaking
After waking up, they (6) ________ (grab) their camera equipment and (7) ________ (set)
off on a jungle expedition. Right now, they (8) ________ (hike) through dense foliage,
seeking the perfect shot of elusive wildlife.
Around midday, it's time for a break. The photographer (9) ________ (sit) by a tranquil
river, where they (10) ________ (enjoy) a packed lunch while reviewing the morning's
In the afternoon, the focus (11) ________ (shift) to post-processing. Currently, they (12)
________ (work) on enhancing their photographs in a makeshift editing studio in the jungle.
As the sun sets, the photographer (13) ________ (capture) the mesmerizing twilight scenes,
and they (14) ________ (plan) to do some night photography to capture the Amazon's
nocturnal creatures.
Evenings are often spent under the starry sky, and right now, they (15) ________ (set up)
their tripod for a long-exposure shot of the Milky Way.
Around 10:00 PM, it's time to retire to their hammock for a well-deserved rest, knowing that
tomorrow holds another day of discovery and storytelling through their lens.
This glimpse into the life of a globe-trotting photographer underscores the excitement and
creativity of their work, where every moment (16) ________ (bring) new challenges and
opportunities for capturing the wonders of the world.

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