Divisão Dos Personagens - Grupos para o Teatro

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Division of characters/groups for the theater


· Character 1: Hugo

· Character 2: Emelyn

· Character 3: Ingrid

· Character 4: Ketelen

· Character 5: Leticia P.

· Character 6: Everson

· Character 7: Bianca

· Character 8: Guilherme

· Character 9: Davi R.

· Character 10: Diogo

Script for the Theater (Formare 3M Sumaré)


We will portray a scenario that has been happening a lot these days, on social

A famous person has his birthday on an island, known as the Ilha de Caras, because
only famous people go there. So, to generate more engagement for the man, he
decides to invite people who have a fight with the others, but so far they don't know,
until they go out on a gossip site and everyone finds out.

Hugo, very happy that everything is working out, celebrates. But little does he know
what could end up happening.

At the moment so long awaited by everyone: the party, everyone enjoys it a lot, but
where is the owner of the party?
After calling the police and hours passing, they finally managed to find the influencer.
He had been kidnapped by a person who knew his whole plan from the beginning
and in exchange for silence he asked for a sum of money.

After the police ensure everyone's safety, they go back to enjoying the party. The
famous person knows that he did not act correctly and decides to tell the whole truth.
But what he didn't expect is that people from the "rival" groups started talking again.

The story will be told in first person.

Character 1 (principal):He will represent the figure of the famous, the owner of the
party, the birthday person. The character will pass on an image of selfishness for
wanting to invite people just to generate followers and engagement for the same. But
he won't let it show to his colleagues

Character 2: She will represent the image of a famous person who was invited by
the birthday boy, and will be part of one of the rival groups.

Character 3: She will represent the image of a famous person who was invited by
the birthday boy, and will be part of one of the rival groups. She will pass the image
of a loyal friend to the owner of the party.

Character 4: She will represent the image of a famous person who was invited by
the birthday person. She doesn't like David, because they already have a history of
misunderstanding between the two.

Character 5: She will represent the image of an employee of the house that the
famous will spend their days. She will be responsible for showing part of the house
to the guests.

Character 6: He will represent the image of an employee of the house where the
famous will spend their days. He will be responsible for presenting the other half of
the house.

Character 7: She will represent the image of a famous person who was invited. Sua
fala sempre é a mais animada.

Character 8: He will represent the image of a famous person, who was invited by
the owner of the party.
Character 9: He will represent the image of a famous person, who was invited by
the owner of the party. It will convey the image of being the most responsible person.
And he has a history of misunderstanding with Ketelen

Character 10: He will impersonate the hijacker's image. He will send the message
that you want something in exchange for silence.

Division of friend groups

Group 1: Emelyn, Ketelen e Guilherme

Group 2: Davi R., Ingrid e Bianca

Others: Leticia, Diogo, Hugo e Everson


In his house, a calm and well-lit environment, the main character enters the
scene walking and looking at his cell phone, thoughtful.

Hugo – Character 1: I'll invite to my birthday on the island: Guilherme, Davi,

Ketelen, Everson, Bianca, Emelyn, Diogo, Ingrid, Leticia P. even David and Ketelen
having conflict with each other, but they cannot find out. [with sarcasm and happily
and leaves the scene].

In another environment, everyone who was invited to the party coincidentally

is at the same event and everyone receives the invitation at the same time.
[both groups tense and look at each other].

group 1 Emelyn - Character 2: [ In amazement and disbelief, shaking his head in

the negative]Oh my God.

group 2 Ingrid - Character 3:[firm and confident voice] Come on, let's do this for

group 1Ketelen - Character 4: [snorting and rolling his eyes] It's not going to be
easy to put up with Davi on this island.

[Everyone leaves the scene]


Hugo – Character 1: [He passes by reacting to the news that came out on
the gossip site (Background news)] Wow, it's already out on the gossip site,
it's going to get a lot of engagement. [Very happy and thrilled and leaves the


Arriving at the island house, the main character receives his guests.

[Everyone proceeds to the entrance of the house].

Hugo – Character 1: [goes to meet the guests] Welcome, the island of guys

Leticia– Character 5: [Enters the scene next to Hugo] come in [Happy and
[Everyone enters looking at every corner of the house]

Ketelen – Character 4: What a beautiful house!

Hugo – Character 1: Shall we do a tour of the house?

Todos: [screaming with excitement] YEEEEEESSSSS!

Leticia – Character 5: [Starting the tour and leading people into the house] Here we
have the living room, next to it are the bedrooms for the employees, just ahead is the
kitchen, and here, near the stairs, we have some bathrooms.

Everson – Character 6: [Enters the scene, coming from Leticia's side] Let's go see
the rooms. [Everyone walks a little, Everson in front] We have 4 rooms and 2 suites.

Bianca – Character 7:[In a good tone of voice] Shall we settle down? Because
soon, soon we will have a party! [Cheerful]

[Everyone leaves the scene]


At 9:00 o'clock p.m everyone is already at the party. [All, except character 1,
enter the scene in a party mood, dancing to the music].

group 1Ketelen - Character 4: What a beautiful party!

group 1 Emelyn -Character 2:Yes, it's very beautiful. And the food is really good.

group 1 Guilherme – Character 8: [With cell phone in hand in recording position]

Shall we take a photo and record stories?

group 1 Emelyn - Character 2: Yes, let's call Hugo too.

group 1 Guilherme – Character 8:[worried and confused]But where is he? Have

you seen it? Since that hour I haven't seen him.

[People (Ingrid, Davi R and Bianca) from the other group (group 2) pass by and
listen to what they are saying and comme

group 2 Ingrid - Character 3: Many people in the same place, and nothing from the
owner of the party.

group 2 Davi R. - Cyggharacter 9: Arrive and not see him, it makes no sense
[The groups start talking to each other]

group 2 Davi R. - Character 9: Let's call the police [Takes the cell phone, starts
dialing the number and brings the object to the ear]


In a dark and unfamiliar environment:

kidnapper Diogo – Character 10: [Angry and focused on Hugo] I already knew
your whole plan. You shouldn't have done that. Now I want something in return.

Hugo – Character 1: [ Sitting on the floor sad and thoughtful]

[Door slamming and footsteps]

unknown character: You are stuck! [arresting the kidnapper]


After a few hours, with everything already resolved [all celebrating the party
and talking]. Hugo seizes the moment and apologizes to everyone.

Hugo – Character 1: Forgive me for all this confusion. But I'm glad they all got it
sorted out now.

[Ketlen and Davi hug]

Bianca – Character 7: Now let's enjoy!!

[All celebrate and finish].

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