End-Exam Preparation Answering

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1. **Culture: **
- *Explanation: * Culture is like a big box of shared ideas, beliefs, and ways of doing things
that a group of people have in common.
- *Example: * In some cultures, it's polite to bow when you meet someone, while in others,
a handshake is more common.

2. **Society: **
- *Explanation: * Society is like a big group of people who live together in a certain place
and follow similar rules and customs.
- *Example: * The people who live in your town or city are part of your society.

3. **Instincts: **
- *Explanation: * Instincts are like automatic, natural behaviors that we're born with. They
help us survive and do things without thinking too much.
- *Example: * Babies have an instinct to cry when they're hungry or uncomfortable.

4. **Reflexes: **
- *Explanation: * Reflexes are super quick, automatic movements or reactions our bodies
make in response to certain things, like touching something hot.
- *Example: * When a doctor taps your knee with a little hammer, your leg kicks up - that's
a reflex!

5. **Drives: **
- *Explanation: * Drives are strong needs or desires that push us to do certain things, like
being hungry and wanting to eat.
- *Example: * When you're really thirsty, the drive to get a drink of water is strong.

6. **Sociobiology:**
- *Explanation: * Sociobiology is like studying how our natural instincts and behaviors are
influenced by our biology and the society we live in.
- *Example: * Sociobiologists might study how animals work together in groups to find
food and protect themselves.

7. **Symbols: **
- *Explanation: * Symbols are like special signs, words, or objects that represent bigger
ideas or meanings in a culture.
- *Example: * A heart shape is a symbol for love, even though it doesn't actually look like a
real heart.

8. **Adultery: **
- *Explanation: * Adultery is when someone who's married has a romantic relationship with
someone who isn't their spouse.
- *Example: * If a married person secretly dates someone else, that's considered adultery.
9. **Domestic Violence: **
- *Explanation: * Domestic violence is when someone in a family or close relationship
hurts or mistreats another person physically or emotionally.
- *Example: * Yelling, hitting, or pushing a family member is a form of domestic violence.

10. **Child Custody and Guardianship: **

- *Explanation: * Child custody is like deciding who will take care of a child when parents
can't, usually after a divorce. Guardianship is when someone who isn't the child's parent
becomes responsible for them.
- *Example: * If parents split up, a judge might decide that the child will live with one
parent most of the time.

11. **Parenting: **
- *Explanation: * Parenting is the job of taking care of and raising a child, which involves
making sure they're safe, happy, and learning important things.
- *Example: * Changing diapers, reading bedtime stories, and helping with homework are
all parts of parenting.

12. **Foster Care: **

- *Explanation: * Foster care is like a temporary home for children who can't live with their
birth parents, often because of problems at home.
- *Example: * A kind family might open their home to a child in foster care until the child
can go back to their own family.

13. **Empty Nest: **

- *Explanation: * Empty nest is a term for when parents' children grow up and move out,
leaving the parents with an 'empty nest.'
- *Example: * When their last child went off to college, Jane and John experienced the
empty nest feeling.

14. **Socialization: **
- *Explanation: * Socialization is like learning how to behave and fit into your culture or
society by watching and interacting with others.
- *Example: * A child learns to say 'please' and 'thank you' by watching their parents and
hearing others say it.

15. **Marriage vs Cohabitation: **

- *Explanation: * Marriage is when two people legally commit to each other and become
partners for life. Cohabitation is when a couple lives together without being married.
- *Example: * Some couples choose to get married in a big ceremony, while others are
happy just living together.

16. **Endogamy vs Exogamy: **

- *Explanation: * Endogamy is when people marry within their own cultural, social, or
religious group. Exogamy is when people marry outside of their group.
- *Example: * In some communities, it's expected that couples practice endogamy by
marrying someone from the same religious background.

17. **Arranged Marriage vs Forced Marriage: **

- *Explanation: * Arranged marriage is when families help find and introduce potential
partners, but the individuals still have a choice. Forced marriage is when one or both parties
don't have a say in the marriage and are pressured or coerced into it.
- *Example: * In some cultures, parents might introduce their son or daughter to someone
they think would be a good match. If both people agree, it's an arranged marriage. If one
person is pressured and doesn't have a choice, it becomes a forced marriage.


1) **Culture vs Instinct: **

- **Explanation: ** Culture is like a big collection of shared ideas and ways of

doing things in a group of people. Instinct is more like automatic, natural reactions
we're born with.

- **Example:** If you see a delicious cake but it's not polite to eat it with your
hands in your culture, you'll use a fork. That's because culture helps us decide how to

- **Our Group's Perspective:** We agree that culture is very important in how

people behave. It helps us understand what's expected in different situations. Instincts
are important too, but culture helps us use them in the right way.

2) **Genetics and Experience: **

- **Explanation:** Genetics is like the special instructions we get from our parents
that affect how we look and sometimes how we act. Experience is what we learn and
go through in life.

- **Example: ** If your parents love music, you might have a natural talent for it
because of genetics. But, with practice and learning (experience), you can become
really good at playing an instrument.
3) **Elements of Cambodian Culture:**

- **Nonmaterial Elements:** These are ideas and beliefs. In Cambodia, respect for
elders, the belief in karma, and the strong bonds within families are important
nonmaterial elements.

- **Material Elements:** These are things you can touch or see. In Cambodia,
traditional clothing like the Krama scarf, ancient temples like Angkor Wat, and
special dance costumes represent the culture.

4) **Values and Beliefs:**

- **Explanation:** Values are like the important things a group of people believe
in, like honesty or helping others. Beliefs are like the ideas they hold, often connected
to religion or philosophy.

- **Example: ** Many cultures value kindness and believe in the importance of

family. These are parts of their values and beliefs.

5) **Language Forms: **

- **Explanation:** Language is how we talk, write, and understand each other. It

comes in three forms: words we say or write (verbal), how we use our body to
communicate (nonverbal), and the symbols and letters we use in writing (written).

6) **Language and Social Behavior:**

- **Explanation: ** Language affects how we interact with others. At university or

work, using polite words and clear communication helps everyone get along and
understand each other.

7) **Language and Thought: **

- **Explanation:** Some experts believe that language is really important for
thinking complex thoughts. It helps us express big ideas and understand them better.

8) **Cohabitation in the US:**

- **Explanation:** Cohabitation means living together without getting married. In

the late 20th century, this became more common because people started to see it as a
way to test if they're compatible before getting married. It's more common among
younger people because they often want to make sure they're really ready for

9) **Views on Parenthood: **

- **Explanation:** Different people have different thoughts on becoming parents.

Some see it as a wonderful life goal, while others might not want to have kids for
personal reasons like work or other interests.

10) **Common Reasons for Divorce:**

- **Explanation:** People get divorced for many reasons. Problems with

communication, being unfaithful, money troubles, or realizing they're just not right
for each other are some common reasons. In Cambodia, besides these, cultural
expectations about families and gender roles can also play a big role in divorces.

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