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Combat Order Using Nudges Circumstances

1. All participants make a If facing two or more conditions, dice pool grows/ shrinks by no more than 1.
● Inflict 1 extra damage.
wits roll (+ Favourable examples:
● Eliminate one of the target’s Action of Defense Dice (from what remains after the attack).
●Successful ambush (generally with Wits vs. Wits Contest).
circumstance/power ● Gain a bonus Action Die in the following round.
●Character took last round to aim, brace, focus, or catch their breath.
advs.) to determine the ● Gain an insight/detail/hint about the Conflict or target.
●Character has the high ground or the sun at their back.
combat order. ● Add a dramatic flourish (e.g. leave a small scar / sever strap)
●Flanking or unseen by the target.
The same attack may be Nudged in the same way more than once.
2. On a character’s turn, With three or more Nudges you can spend them all to catch a Beat, immediately gaining another
Adverse examples:
action before anyone else can act. This does not grant more dice.
they may move and take ●Character distracted by a successful attack at least once this round.
an action (tactic). ●Character is also moving this round.
●Character’s senses are impaired (watery eyes, ringing ears, etc.)
3. When a character is first ●Ranged attack against partly obscured target.
attacked, they choose an ●Target is partly behind solid cover.
●Target is within Striking Range of one or more allies.
attribute/power to
represent their defense
for that round. They must
spend dice from the
defense dice pool each Range and Movement
time they are attacked.
The pool is replenished ●May normally take one step toward or away from any opponent during each Beat (adverse
after their turn. condition.
●May take two steps but not gain any Action or Defense Dice for the round.

Physical Burdens
- ¼ of current Health grants a Serious Burden.
- ½ of current Health grants a Grave Burden.

Reaching 0 health - especially in a violent manner- may grant a Grave or Mortal Burden.

Form a dice pool form relevant attribute/power. Contest against target’s defense. Half defense dice pool this round.
Attack Successful attack deals 1 damage to target health, plus any bonuses, minus any armour etc.

Active Defense No penalty to defense dice pool this round.

● Aim to hit a particular spot. The Narrator and the player discuss the effect if the called shot hits, which may include damaging/destroying an item (e.g. a
misting vial), assigning a Serious Burden (like “Nicked by…”), or something else entirely.
Calling a Shot ● Shot is successful is contest is won with at least to Nudges. Whole attack fails otherwise.
● If contest is won with four or more Nudges, the called shot has a greater effect (e.g. shattering two vials, or inflicting a Grave Burden). Called Shots can not be
used to inflict a Mortal Burden.

● Wrestling a weapon, shield, or other item from target: With successful Physique vs. Physique, item falls to target’s feet.
Disarm ● With an additional two or more Nudges, the disarmer can also seize the item.

● Physique vs. Physique to grapple and pin target. Whilst grappled, target can only spend Action Dice only to break free (once per round), and cannot spend
Grapple Defense Dice until free.
● The Grappler may only take one step each round, and cannot perform other actions whilst grappling.
The Audience Using Nudges Circumstances
Your success depends on the audience’s reaction. If facing two or more conditions, dice pool grows/ shrinks by no more than 1.

●Who is a witness? The same attack may be Nudged in the same way more than once. FAVOURABLE EXAMPLES

●What are their starting opinions? ● Inflict 1 extra damage. ●Audience is predisposed to believe the character’s stance.
● Eliminate one of the target’s Action of Defense Dice (from what remains after the ●Character has proven trustworthy in the past.
●How might they respond to various strategies? attack). ●Character’s stance is well-reasoned or well-supported (e.g. by hard evidence).
● Gain a bonus Action Die in the following round. ●Character’s stance is appealing.
●Ardent supporters hard to sway but may be tricked/convinced. Less devoted advocates ● Gain an insight/detail/hint about the Conflict or target. ●Character’s stance is presented at the right time (e.g. a call for revolt shortly after a target in
easier but does not wound the target as dearly. Luring the uninitiated is always helpful but ● Add a dramatic flourish (e.g. leave a small scar / sever strap) power has persecuted a hero of the people).
long and arduous path to victory. ● With three or more Nudges you can spend them all to catch a Beat, immediately gaining ●Character’s stance is presented at the right place (e.g. at a monument to the audience’s beliefs).
another action before anyone else can act. This does not grant more dice.
● Reputation score represents their social footing across the whole of Scadrial, but you may ADVERSE EXAMPLES
want to introduce groups and individuals whose stances diverge, as this enriches the world
and makes it more believable and entertaining. ●Character has proven deceitful in the past.
●Character’s stance is ludicrous or farcical.
● The audiences reacts to Tools, Circumstances, and importantly, traits. ●Character’s stance is disagreeable.
●Character’s stance is presented at the wrong time (e.g. a call for revolt shortly after a target in
power has brutally killed a hero of the people to send a message to his or her followers).
●Character’s stance is presented at the wrong place (e.g. at a monument to the target’s

Social Burdens


(¼ of current Reputation)
Embarrassed/ doubted/ censured ; Local or passing scandal ; Turmoil within Crew, noble
house, or other group ; Seizure of select personal possessions, or handful of skaa servants ;
Obligator interest (a distraction, with no real merit) ; Targeted by opportunistic criminal.


(¼ of current Reputation)
Humiliated/ criticised/ fined ; Citywide or persistent scandal ; Ejected from Crew, noble
house, or other group ; Seizure of a holding and all its contents, or all skaa servants ;
Targeted by opportunistic Crew ; Obligator investigation (with potentially serious charges).


(Violent reach of 0 Reputation)
Shunned or exiled ; Mocked ; Denied the right to own skaa ; Pervasive or unforgettable
scandal ; Branded enemy by Crew, noble house, or other group ; Forfeiture of a holding and
all its contents, or all skaa servants ; Targeted by opportunistic noble house or military
force ; Obligator manhunt (found guilty of something).

● Rumor mongering, blackmail, lies to shatter the rival’s standing through alienation, ridicule, and scorn. Charm or Wits vs. Influence.
Character ● Beneficial traits: “Good Listener” or “Inviting” (to learn what people are saying about the target). “Master Manipulator” or “Clever Liar” (to warp or exaggerate findings as desired. “Silver tongued” or “Smiling Devil” (to sell the slander).
Best secrets to reveal are those that sully the target’s good name in the eyes of as many supporters as possible. Strong Circumstances include the target making questionable mistakes or being caught in a lie, while admired allies and transparency support a

target’s defense.

● Influence vs. Influence (possibly Charm or Wits when a campaign takes the high or low road).
● Winning a round earns valuable political capital or weakens the opponent’s place in the hierarchy, or both. Winning can oust or demote the opponent, and possibly claim the character a new office, rank or title as well.
Dirty ● Beneficial traits: “Insightful” or “Brilliant Strategist” (to craft a compelling platform or message). “Savvy Negotiator” or “Polished Speaker” (to deliver it). “Caustic” or Doomsayer” (to convince those in power that the opponent shouldn’t be).
Secrets should also speak to those in power — the people with the ability to determine who sits in each seat — and the very best Secrets show the opponent either can’t or won’t do what’s expected in a seat, or that he or she doesn’t share ideals with those in


● Audience is mandatory, making this a very social exchange despite its physical nature. Fought like combat. Physique is used, and damage is also applied to Reputation. The first character to 0 reputation loses.
Beneficial traits: “Skillful Swordsman” or “Burly Brawler”, and “Sneaky when Armed” or “Dirty Fighter” if the character’s willing to risk losing a point of Reputation if he or she is found out.
Honour Duels

● Secrets rarely contribute directly to an honor duel, though sometimes used to draw attention for the unveiling of a particularly juicy reveal.
Attribute Checks

Physique Wits Charm and Mental Conflicts

Physical fitness, speed, strength, agility, and endurance. Inherent intelligence and insight, wisdom, raw knowledge, resourcefulness. Natural charisma and social skills, appearance, ability to lead.
- Success depends on diminishing the target’s willpower.
- Success can potentially compel a target to act outside his or her typical mindset but this doesn’t mean the
Difficulty Effect Difficulty Effect target is emotionally shattered or a slave. Defeat merely compels the target to act on one emotion or
impulse, nothing more. Mental Conflicts should not replace roleplay.
- Any secret the Narrator determines has the desired effect immediately inflicts 2 Willpower damage (if
minor) or 4 Willpower damage (if major). Hence acquiring secrets and dirt can be a valuable pursuit.
- Normal Conflict rules (i.e. nudges) apply. The target can usually fight back and the instigator may receive
willpower damage via discouragement or sympathy.
Automatic - Toss/catch a small object to/from a nearby ally.
Automatic - Scan the room.
- Climb a rope with a vertical surface. Circumstance
- - Shoot a target within close range out of combat. - - Remember common knowledge. type

- Target’s risk is slight (e.g. loss of irrelevant iterm or betraying an oft-violated principle).
- Target’s incentive is great (e.g. coveted prize or long-sought achievement).
- Character has previously delivered on promises made to the target.
Favourable - Character’s approach is novel and clever.
- Snap a wooden plank. - Character’s approach is careful and measured.
- Force open a stuck or broken door. - Character can back up any threats he or she makes (or so the target believes).
- Pull a stuck or wedged object loose. - Learn about Keep Hasting’s occupants and upcoming events. - Character has twice as much time as needed for planning and preparation.
- Jump from one rooftop to the next. - Follow visible tracks (eg snow or mud).
Untrained Untrained - Follow a well-worn trail through a forest.
- Climb a lamp-post/rope with no vertical surface/ a wall with
(Simple) adequate handholds (rocky wall/ ornamented wall).
(Simple) - Identify a particularly obvious trap, secret, coded message. - Target’s risk is great (e.g. loss of a loved one or betraying a cherished ideal).
1 - Clear a low-lying object (hedge or low wall). 1 - Forge/identify such a document (level of success determines how - Target’s incentive is slight (e.g. unexciting prize or immaterial achievement).
- Stay upright in a turbulent situation. good the forgery is). - Character has previously broken promises made to the target.
- Walk along a narrow ledge. - Spot a prominent landmark/structure in the far distance. Adverse - Character’s approach is uninspired or predictable.
- Shoot a target within range out of combat. - Character’s approach is reckless and rushed.
- Character’s threats, if any appear hollow to the target.
- Character has half as much time as needed for planning and preparation.

- Backflip. TYPE - Simple Contests

- Eavesdrop on a conversation in the next room.
Trained - Break through a flimsy wooden door. Trained - Spot a naturally-obscured object or feature. - Lie to a low-stakes Extra: Charm vs Wits
(Challenging) - Hold onto a wagon while being dragged behind it. (Challenging) - Follow an abandoned or forgotten trail. - Seduce a low-stakes Extra: Charm vs Charm
2 - Pick a simple lock. 2 - Identify a typical trap. - Intimidate a low-stakes Extra: Charm or Physique vs Wits or Physique
- Steer a carriage around a tight corner. - Determine the time or cause of death of recently deceased. - Running a confidence scheme (Extended): Charm vs Wits
- Bribing a common guard: Resources vs Spirit
TYPE - ‘Social’ Seduction, Tests of Will
- Non-romantic seduction: Charm or Wits vs Spirit (depending on the target)
- Seduce: Charm or Physique (if you have a relevant trait) vs Spirit
- Bribe or Incentivise: Influence or Resources vs Spirit
Expert - Get a bullseye at medium range. Expert - Acquire a detailed floor plan of Keep Hasting.
- Test of will: Spirit vs Spirit
(Difficult) - Escape from tight rope bindings. (Difficult) - Forage for a day’s worth of food in the wilderness.
- Pick a typical lock. ❖ Winning a round means a moment of hesitation on the other side, winning the Conflict can (at least temporarily) sway the
3 3 - Identify a well-hidden trap. object, feature, or area. opposition, win an argument or debate, close a ‘lucrative’ deal, or convince a target to ‘give them a chance’.
TYPE - Blackmail and Harassment
- Blackmail using a Secret in order to coerce for a specific result: Charm vs Spirit.
- Blackmail used to harass to cause Willpower Damage: Wits, Influence, or Spirit vs Spirit.

❖ With each loss, the loser may become more frustrated, a relevant Circumstance.
- Climb a wall with very few handholds. ❖ Blackmail is not a guaranteed success. The target may eventually refuse and accept the consequences, effectively ending the
Master - Walk across a tightrope. Master conversation.
(Very Hard) - Break through a wooden door reinforced with iron. (Very Hard) - Acquire a detailed floor plan of Keep Hasting. ❖ Equally, a target may yield long before their Willpower is gone.
- Topple a stone statue. - Identify a well-hidden trap. object, feature, or area. ❖ The target may not necessarily be aware of the instigators of their harassment.
4 4
- Pick an elaborate lock.
TYPE - Interrogation and Torture
- Interrogation used to attack the target’s Willpower: Wits vs Spirit
- Torture used to attack the target’s Willpower: Physique vs Spirit

❖ Each won round may elicit minor details and cracks in the target’s composure. If the Conflict is won, target can no longer
resist the demands and releases information or confesses as prescribed. A rare exception to the rule that every character
- Rip someone’s head off. maintains free will.
Legendary - Climb a slippery/sheer wall with little or no handholds. Legendary
❖ Target can launch counter-attacks: Usually with Spirit or Wits but sometimes with Charm (laughing off the instigator’s
(Nearly Impossible) - Break through a heavy, reinforced door (prison or armoury door). (Nearly Impossible) - Spot a nearly-invisible object or feature. efforts), or even Influence or Resources (offering the instigator something to rethink the Conflict). Equally, each round won
- Hold a door shut against a room filling with water. - Eavesdrop on a hushed conversation behind a heavy door.
5 5 by the target shows cracks in the instigator’s resolve, and if the target wins the Conflict, the instigator becomes disinterested
- Pick a masterwork lock/manacles. or disillusioned, or gives up for the time being.
❖ If word gets out about the heroes’ use of interrogation and torture, they may suffer Reputation damage.
BURDENS - Serious Grave Mortal
Physique Contests Influence Contests - Depression or withdrawal -Violent mood swings - Split personality
- Uncommon phobia (kandra or plants) -Common phobia (Terris people or metal) - Omnipresent phobia (skaa or ash)
- Arm wrestling: Physique vs Physique - Flashbacks -Delusions or dementia - Hallucinations
- Sneaking past a guard: Physique vs Wits - Trickery: Wits vs Wits - Fascination -Compulsion - Obsession
- Plant or steal an object form a target: Physique vs Wits - Determine if someone is lying: Wits vs Charm - Nightmares -Night terrors - Blackouts
- Intimidation: Physique or Charm vs Physique or Wits - Notice someone sneaking/hiding/pickpocketing: Wits vs Physique - Anxiety -Nausea - Paranoia
- Racing in a foot chase (Extended): Physique vs Physique - Temporary amnesia (a day or less) -Temporary amnesia (many days or longer)- Permanent amnesia
- Dramatic outbursts -Mania - Mute
Standing Checks
Resources Influence Spirit
Wealth, privilege, and capacity to muster financially-driven resources. Political power, contacts, and the ability to call in favours.
Assembling forces requires 6 or more Resource. Changing laws requires 6 or more dice. Fate, link to the metaphysical, and ability to survive against the odds.

Difficulty Effect Difficulty Effect Difficulty Effect

- Gather a tiny crowd of onlookers (>25) - Request a limited/broad hint: “Is he acting strangely?” or “What is
- Affordable/common service: Reserve a private room, travel by horse, - No risk favour: Grant access to Skaa’s home; provide the names of Untrained the crowd’s general mood?”
Untrained employ a team of skaa labourers. Untrained Extras in a noble’s employ; offer information about rarely used trade (Simple) - Catch a negligible/believable lucky break: Mild inclement
- Assemble forces: A unit of 20 soldiers or 1 Extra. routes. 1 weather starts up or the colour of a lady’s dress is different than it
(Simple) - Bribe the predisposed: Act upholds current laws, supports the
(Simple) - Negligible/ simple change of law: Change definition of fraud or was.
1 Extra’s morals, or presents an opportunity for personal gain (e.g 1 trespassing; suspend a curfew; create a new trade ordinance.
getting back at a rival or lying to a mutual enemy). - Suppress insignificant/ house scale event: Death of a small-time
underworld figure or a change to an oft-ignored law.

Trained - Request an alluding/general hint: “Do I have a gut feeling about

(Challenging) this guy?” or “Is there anything I might be able to use here?”
- Costly/uncommon service: Have a message delivered in absolute - Gather a small crowd (a village, 100-200) - Catch a minor/reasonable lucky break: A guard leaves his sword
secrecy, travel by carriage, or employ a bodyguard. - Low risk favour: Grant access to skaa merchant’s home; provide the
2 belt unbuckled or an earthquake rocks the base of an ashmount.
Trained - Assemble forces: A warband of 100 soldiers or 2 Extras. Trained name of a noble’s illegitimate child; offer information about an
- Bribe the indifferent: Act breaks no known laws and doesn’t violate enemy’s army.
(Challenging) the Extra’s morals, or harms no one the Extra cares about (e.g.
(Challenging) - Minor/ involved change of law: Change definition of theft or bribery;
2 revealing a Minor Secret of little apparent import, feigning ignorance 2 suspend the decree of a minor lord; create a new title.
about the Crew - assuming they aren’t clearly criminals, or granting - Suppress obscure/ neighborhood scale event: Death of a skaa
access to an exclusive event). merchant or the formation of a new criminal gang.
- Request an enlightening/close hint: “What does this guy do for a
Expert living?” or “Is there a weapon in the room?”
(Difficult) - Catch a significant/dubious lucky break: A guard leaves his sword
3 hanging on his chair or the character produces an item he or she
never mentioned before.
- Gather a medium crowd (a town, 500)
- Expensive/scarce service: Hire a private tutor, travel by barge, or - Some risk favour: Grant access to a noble lord’s house; provide the
Expert employ a thieving crew. Expert name of a noble’s secret lover; offer information about inner workings
- Assemble forces: A company of 500 soldiers or 3 Extras. of the Steel Ministry.
(Difficult) - Bribe the wary: Act could break laws or violate the Extra’s morals, or
(Difficult) - Significant/ elaborate change of law: Change the definition of
3 only harms “bad people” (e.g. betraying a friend or ally, or handing 3 assault or kidnapping; suspend a jail sentence; create a day of rest.
over an item stolen from an enemy). - Suppress notable/ city scale event: Death of an influential Obligator Master - Request a revealing/specific hint: “What sort of man is he?” or
or the institution of new trade regulations. (Very Hard) “Which of these two doorways should I choose?”
- Catch a major/unlikely lucky break: A guard falls asleep on the job
4 or that key the character found just happens to work in this lock.

- Gather a large crowd (large town, 1000)

- Very expensive/rare service: Host a grand ball, travel with an armed
- Great risk favour: Grant access to a Steel Ministry facility; provide
entourage, or employ a team of hazekillers. - Request a definite/exact hint: “What’s his next move?” or “Where
Master Master the name of a rebel skaa leader; offer information about lord’s
- Assemble forces: A regiment of 1000 soldiers or 4 Extras. Legendary would Lord Penrod hide his vault?”
treasure vault.
(Very Hard) - Bribe the reluctant: Act clearly breaks laws, violates the Extra’s (Very Hard) Catch a radical/far-fetched luck break: A noble house alarm fails
morals, or harms anyone (e.g. revealing a Major or damaging Secret,
- Major/ convoluted change of law: Change the definition of murder or (Nearly Impossible) -
4 4 arson; suspend an execution; create a new holiday. just as the Crew makes its escape, or a mistwraith arrives the
harboring a known fugitive, or granting access to the Imperial 5 moment before a gravely wounded character is attacked by a
- Suppress remarkable/ dominance scale event: Death of a powerful
armory). superior opponent (and now everyone has to deal with the creature).
noble lord or open war between rival houses.

Surviving against the odds

A will to survive no matter the costs above impossible odds. When Resilience 5 or lower:
- Gather a massive crowd (small city, 10,000) Spirit Challenge equal to current Resilience score (min 1): success recovers 1
- Mortal risk favour: Grant access to Kredik Shaw; provide the real Resilience + nudges.
- Extravagant/very rare service: Rebuild a village, travel with the Lord
name of a Steel Inquisitor; offer first-hand information about a Available even when Resilience is at 0 and defeated (unconscious, dying, disgraced, etc.).
Legendary Ruler’s entourage, or employ a Kandra. Legendary clandestine deal to overthrow the Lord Ruler. Does not restart a failed conflict, just helps the character bounce back.
- Assemble forces: An army of 10000 soldiers or 5 Extras.
(Nearly Impossible) - Bribe the opposed: Act flagrantly breaks laws or violates the Extra’s
(Nearly Impossible) - Radical/ byzantine change of law: Change the definition of heresy or After the attempt, Spirit score drops by 1.
5 5 treason; suspend the decree of a king or emperor; create a new
morals, or could harm the Extra (e.g. betraying a loved one or
territory. Making a last ditch effort (Requires 6 Spirit)
committing treason).
- Suppress staggering/ world scale event: Death of the Lord Ruler or a A hero with a deep connection to the world is not merely lucky, but fated to succeed by
Great House’s betrayal of the Empire. drawing on power beyond themselves.
Spend 1 Spirit to retry any roll. The new roll replaces the old roll.
Spend 2 Spirit to retry after an Outcome has already been determined.
Gains no additional dice from any modifiers (traits, tools, circums…) but penalties still
Resource Contests Influence Contests apply as before.
After the attempt, Spirit score drops by 1.
- Bribery: Resource vs. Resource. - Swaying a bribed jurdy: Influence vs. Resources
- Debating at the Assembly (possibly Extended): Influence vs. Influence
Spirit Contests
- Impressing a mystic with wealth: Resource vs Spirit.
- Defending at a legal trial (Extended): Influence vs. Influence - Making a skeptic believe: Spirit vs. Spirit.
Charm vs. Influence - Convincing a crowd that it’s the end of the world: Spirit vs. Influence.
- Tricking Ruin into revealing a plan (Extended): Spirit vs. Wits.
Awarding Advancements Complications (measuring failure) Outcomes
Outcome “That was…”
● Average expect to earn 1 to 3 advancements per session (can vary due to pace ● A single Complication for each point of negative Outcome. An outcome of -3 or worse may
and cruciality of events in the session) introduce a single Complication that affects the whole crew and nearby allies. 6 Godlike

● Completing a scheme or achieving a personal goal. ● Many Complications may be applied more than once. 5 Legendary

● Making a critical choice at a Turning Point in the game. 4 Astounding

● When a Villain or Extra suffers a negative Outcome, players may suggest Complications, on the
Narrator’s approval. 3 Amazing
● Revealing a powerful Secret. (In a Social Conflict).
● When Complications come with penalties, they should be marginal as per the following examples: 2 Excellent
● Defeating a central Villain. (Has emotional significance to the heroes). ○ Lockpick breaks. Have to spend a beat fishing it out of the lock.
○ Villain is distracted, shrinking his Wits pool by a die for a beat. 1 Good
● Fulfilling your character’s Destiny. ○ A typically graceful hero runs from obligators and slams into a merchant’s stand. They do not lose 0 Passable
time, but this will have future consequences (they may have to impress someone who was a witness,
● Overcoming your character’s tragedy. (Must in some way face it and grow as a shrinking their pool by 1 as a result). -1 Just shy
person). ○ A Villain’s henchmen jumps from rooftop to another: falls just shy and scrambles losing a beat/
lands poorly, losing health/ Villain notices, costing henchman reputation/ if -3 or worse, may break -2 Unfortunate
● Grappling with one of your character’s Burdens. (Not ignoring but accepting it. 1 shingles making it harder for his fellow troops.
Adv. the first time each Burden is applied in each session). -3 Cringe-worthy
● Each Nudge reduces the number of Complications, before they are chosen. -4 Horrible
● Achieving something that is vital to the story of the Crew’s survival.
-5 Disastrous
● Staying in character. (Dedicate sincere effort toward portraying his or her
character, or a portrayal that is particularly accurate, dramatic, or moving, may -6 Catastrophic
receive a single Advancement for the effort).

● Selflessly improving the quality of the game for everyone.

Chances of Success
Using Nudges Dice Pool 1 2 3 4 5

2 dice 14% 11% 8% 6% 3%

● Not strictly about a destination; it’s about the many steps taken to get there. ● Can be spent on mechanical advantages in conflict.
Advancements are earned accordingly - by engaging with it in ways that are ● When scored three or more Nudges, can spend them all to catch a Beat (extra action but not extra 3 dice 37% 30% 22% 15% 7%
meaningful and important to the Crew and its goals, the larger story, and your dice).
character’s personal narrative. ● Flourishes. 4 dice 61% 50% 38% 26% 13%

● If a character fulfills a Destiny, or overcomes a Tragedy, it might be appropriate EXAMPLES 5 dice 80% 68% 53% 37% 20%
to evolve it.
6 dice 91% 81% 66% 48% 26%
● Reduce time to pick lock by a Beat. (This is a special case, in that Nudges can’t ever reduce the time
needed to do something by less than one Beat.) 7 dice 97% 89% 78% 58% 33%
● Villain hunting Heroes through a manor intimidates her prey, promising dire consequence. Grants
bonus die especially if Wits or Spirit roll. 8 dice 99% 94% 84% 67% 40%
● Sail over merchant's stand, shoot a dazzling smile at the merchant’s handsome son, who then helps
you. 9 dice 99% 97% 90% 74% 46%
● Henchman kicks loose shingles away, so his troops can pass. Refreshes point of their willpower.
Villain might commend this. 10 dice 99% 98% 93% 80% 52%
● Same Nudge can be applied more than once if the situation supports it.

One “combat round” (in a Physical Conflict) 5 seconds

Chasing someone down 15 seconds

Picking a lock 30 seconds

Sneaking past a guard 1 minute

Bribing a guard 2 minutes
SHORT BREATHERS (hour to a day) Persuading a mark 5 minutes

● Recover half of lost Health (rounded up) if sits the Breather out. Making a speech 10 minutes
● Recover half of lost Reputation or Willpower (rounded up) if sits the Breather out.
● Recover half of each spent Standing (rounded up) if sits Breather out. Aiding a wounded character 1 minute
● May store up to 10x Feruchemy rating in charges in any one metalmind. Debating a rival 30 minutes

Cooking a meal 1 hour

Brewing an Allomantic vial 2 hours

LONG BREATHERS (multiple days or longer)
Plotting a heist 4 hours
● Recover all lost Health, Reputation, and Willpower.
● Recover all spent Standings. Crafting a weapon 8 hours
● Replace all lost/destroyed Props.
Traveling a long distance 1 day to 1 week or more
● Discard all equipment that isn’t a Prop, including anything purchased with Resources or taken from
defeated foes. Reading an entire book 2 days
● May store up to 30x Feruchemy rating in charges in any one metalmind.
● May spend Advancements. Gathering an army 1 week

Creating a new law 2 weeks

Running for political office 1 month

Building a new keep 1 year

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