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Homework: Passive voice (future and modals)
Objective: The student is able to recognize and apply the passive voice in future and modals.

Writing Activity

Change the following sentences to passove voice with modals:

They can make pancakes on a stove.
The pancakes can be made on a stove by them.
People can ride bikes on this bikepath.
Bicycles can be ridden on the bike path by people.
They have to warn people that there are crocodiles in this área.
People should be warned that there are crocodiles in this area
She has to do her work by tomorrow or she’ll get in trouble with her boss.

Her work has to be done by tomorrow, otherwise she will have problems with her boss
They should do something about global warming.
Something should be done about global warming.
They can raise a lot of cows in a productive farm.
A lot of cows can be raised on a productive farm
Then create story in 70 words including all the sentences in passive voice.

One sunny morning Sara's mom makes some pancakes on the stove for breakfast while Sara plays
in the street with Bicycles can be ridden on the bike path by people in front of her house. During
the day, Sara's grandfather took her for a walk through a river full of crocodiles, the grandfather
told the neighbors! People should be warned that there are crocodiles in this area, at that time
there was a woman on the bank of If you don't care about your work, it has to be finished by
tomorrow, otherwise you will have problems with your boss. Since his project Something must be
done about global warming, he was scared and ran to a farm where he found many productive
Speaking Activity

The Headmaster of Areandina has decided to give you and your class group a sum
of money to do improvements in whatever aspect of the school that you want.
However, he has some special requirements that you need to meet in order to
receive the sum of money.

The special areas to be improved are:

• The classrooms aspect
• The green areas
• Garbage management
• Information Resources

If your plan of action is good enough you will receive the money to do those
changes and other changes in the areas that you want.

Write down the ideas that you have for your plan, giving s upporting details and
using passive voice in future. When you finish, organize it by points because you
are going to record your voice.

Record an audio including the given information.

The student needs to record his/her voice on

Entrega de audio
Mensaje de voz de Vocaroo
Once the students finished the recording, the recording link will be sent to the student`s

Then, copy and paste the link sent to the student`s email in this document for the teacher
to verify and grade your production. Send this document to your tutor.

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