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16 Personalities Reflection

Write a half page minimum below describing:

 Whether or not you feel that this is an accurate depiction of your personality (why or why not).
 How your traits and skills connect to your career plan.

Don’t forget to:

 Share WHAT your designation is (the FOUR LETTERS).

 Provide details and examples where possible
 Use paragraphs in your writing


My designation is ISTP.
This test has a mostly accurate depiction of my personality, I do agree with most of the main
points. I do not agree with how Virtuosos can burst into rage at some points since I have always
been kind throughout my life, and I hope to continue being kind throughout my life. The
personality test accurately represents my personality, ranging from how Virtuosos are
introverted to when you have friendships with them. When you are lucky enough to be friends
with a Virtuoso, you will have a relaxed and flexible friendship with them. Virtuosos mainly live
in a day-by-day lifestyle which perfectly depicts me also Virtuosos enjoy whatever life brings
them in the present, they just live in the present day and take it one day at a time.
Whether being in a crisis job or a trades job people with a Virtuoso’s character traits are well-
liked by their colleagues, people with Virtuoso traits tend to be very productive as well as quiet
and reserved. Those traits are usually what I bring into a school environment, I always try my
hardest to be productive during class time and outside of class. Virtuosos treat their friends and
colleagues and general people around them with how they would like to be treated, I also treat
people the way I want to be treated: with kindness and respect. Most of the work Virtuosos do
is hands-on work and I have been doing hands on work in the past for example: cooking, I have
been taking cooking classes provided by R.E Mountain ever since grade nine and I was fortunate
enough to be accepted into the grade 12 cooking course next semester which I am looking
forward to. Once I choose a career path, I believe I will either go into policing, firefighting,
paramedic, or a type of trade.

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