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Governmental funding

The allocation of funds for research is a topic of great interest

to governments and the public alike. Recently, in our class, we
watched a television discussion on the areas of research that
governments should spend money on. The discussion focused
on two areas: space exploration, green energy.
Green energy is an area that is critical for governments to
invest in. As we face the threat of climate change, it is
essential to develop sustainable and clean sources of energy.
Research into green energy can help us reduce our
dependence on fossil fuels and minimize the impact of climate
change. Governments should prioritize funding for research in
this area because the benefits of green energy are significant
both for the environment and for society.
Space exploration is another area that has captured the
imagination of scientists and the public for decades. The vast
expansion of the universe provides limitless opportunities for
discovery and exploration. Governments have a responsibility
to fund research in this area because the knowledge we gain
from space exploration can lead to ground-breaking
discoveries and innovations that benefit society as a whole.
In conclusion, out of the two outlined above, I consider that
investing governmental money in the production of green
energy is more urgent. This is because it seems reasonable to
take immediate steps towards protecting the environment
from further pollution, and ensuring that humanity does not
run out of fossil fuels.

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