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1 Ventilation and Smoke Extraction in Large Garages

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Apelt,


Ventilation and Smoke

Extraction in Large
Compliance with German fe-
deral regulations

According to the Garage Ordinan-

ces of the various German states
(Länder), large enclosed parking
facilities for motor vehicles must
be equipped with appropriate ven-
tilation and smoke exhaust devi- 7
ces. In general, ventilation is to be
Type BVZAXN 12/56/650 two-stage axial-flow garage smoke exhaust fan for
ensured via two fans per ventilati-
400°C - 120 minutes (tested according to EN 12101, Part 3) in a multi-storey car park at Stuttgart airport
on system which provide the re-
quisite volume flow when opera-
ting in combination. Natural venti- expedient as a first step toward ensu- stipulates that the construction of buil-
lation is permitted in defined ca- ring a uniform implementation of a dings likely to generate access and
ses. major regulatory instrument, the Buil- exit traffic is permissible only if par-
ding Products Directive, which had king capacity and garages of adequa-
At the same time, preventive fire been adopted by European Commu- te size and quality are provided at the
protection regulations have to be nity member states as part of the har- same time [1]. Aside from construc-
met. The requirements defined in monization process. The MBO versi- tional requirements, such facilities
this regard vary between the fe- on dated May 4, 1990, had already must meet fire protection rules.
deral states. The ordinances tend served as a model for corresponding Moreover, garages and ancillary
to follow Model Building Codes of legislation in the East German Länder structures have to be equipped with
more or less recent vintage, but re- created upon re-unification and thus ventilation systems.
flect varying empirical findings of prevented a further divergent deve-
the local fire brigades. Accor- lopment of building regulatory law. To ventilate enclosed medium- and
dingly, the installation of sprink- large-sized garages and ensure com-
lers and powered smoke and heat The Garage Ordinances forming part pliance with preventive fire protection
exhaust installations is not gene- of the Laender building codes are li- regulations, it is necessary to provide
rally required but both may be pre- kewise based on the ARGEBAU’s powered air supply/extraction and
scribed individually or in combina- model text. This rule applies, as it did smoke exhaust systems. The fans in-
tion. The following article compa- previously, to the (now revised) Gara- stalled for this purpose either meet
res the Garage Ordinances of the ge Ordinances of the new and old the two functions separately or are
individual German Länder in terms Länder alike, albeit with some regio- designed as a single unit with pole-
of their requirements on ventilati- nally specific modifications and addi- changing motors for use in air or smo-
on and smoke exhaust equipment. tions. The latter reflect the different ke extraction mode. Where smoke
The actual technology of powered consultation processes in place in the exhaust fans are employed, they
smoke and heat exhaust ventilati- individual Länder, which have resul- must meet government standards re-
on systems for large garages shall ted in the integration of, e.g., empiri- garding increased service temperatu-
be examined in detail in the follo- cal findings contributed by the fire bri- re ratings and heat exposure resi-
wing article (chapter 8 in this gades (thus, Baden-Wuerttemberg stance times.
book). became the first Land to stipulate the
use of smoke exhaust fans) or social Aside from mechanical (powered)
The Working Group of German Län- policy objectives (such as when North equipment, specific building regulati-
der Ministers in charge of Construc- Rhine-Westphalia became the first ons also allow natural ventilation or
tion, Housing and Urban Develop- state to require non-secluded “Wo- natural smoke exhaust systems, de-
ment (ARGEBAU) adopted the new men Only” parking places in large ga- pending on site conditions. Moreover,
version of the Model Building Code rages). for closely specified applications the
(MBO) dated February 14, 1991, on installation of sprinkler systems is de-
February 21 and 22, 1991 [1;2]. This In section 48 (“Parking Capacity and scribed.
re-enactment of the MBO appeared Garages”) the Model Building Code
Ventilation and Smoke Extraction in Large Garages 2

The present article compares the re- two Model Building Codes dating on or if the expected volumes of ac-
quirements on ventilation and pre- from different periods. Nevertheless, cess and exit traffic are small enough
ventive fire protection imposed by the the older ordinances (Berlin, Bremen, to generate CO loads that will not ex-
Garage Ordinances of the German Saarland, Sachsen-Anhalt) and their ceed a certain low (defined) limit.
Länder. On a more application-speci- more recent counterparts (Baden-
fic note, it also reviews the experien- Württemberg, Bavaria, Brandenburg, The stipulated basis of assessment
ce gathered with axial-flow fans and Hamburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Vor- for all cases (i.e., enclosed and open-
their control systems in a garage ven- pommern, Lower Saxony, North Rhi- type large garages) is that the mean
tilation context, and examines the ne-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, volumetric concentration of carbon
economic efficiency of these units in Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Thurin- monoxide in the air, taking into ac-
comparison with centrifugal fans gia) share a number of common basic count expected peak traffic loads, will
(please refer to Chapter 8). elements. not exceed 100 ppm (equivalent to
100 ccm per m3).
Garage Ordinances of the Classification of garages acc. to
German Länder their useful surface area Definitions of the mean value, and of
the measuring technology to be em-
The Garage Ordinances of the indivi- 1. Small garages: up to 100 sq.m. ployed , vary between ordinances.
7 dual Länder are published in each re-
spective Land’s “Law Gazette”. The 2. Medium-sized garages: Thus, the garage ordinances follo-
currently applicable ordinance versi- 101 – 1000 sq.m. wing the older pattern stipulate that
ons and the publishing firms entru- 3. Large garages: > 1000 sq.m. readings must be taken over one hour
sted with their publication are sum- at a point situated 1.50 m above floor
marized in Table 1. The building re- level. Under the other ordinances, ex-
gulatory law of specific German Län- All garage ordinances stipulate that cept for that of Hesse, the mean value
der, including aspects of their Garage enclosed medium-sized and large ga- is usually calculated over 30 minutes
Ordinances, form the subject of nu- rages must be equipped with powe- (so-called “half-hour mean”). As a
merous additional publications. An red air exhaust systems. At the same common feature, readings must ge-
exemplary summary for the Federal time, such garages are required to nerally be taken continuously over a
Republic of Germany, with quotations have large, appropriately distributed period of at least one month.
for each federal state, is presented in make-up air inlet openings. Where
the bibliographic references ([3 to 14] adequately sized openings of this ty- The requirements on enclosed gara-
albeit without any claim to completen- pe cannot be provided for structural ges are generally deemed to be fulfil-
ess. Corresponding compilations for reasons, powered air supply systems led if the powered air exhaust system
the new Länder, sometimes drawn up must be provided as well. extracts an hourly volume of
as loose-leaf collections, are current-
However, under specified conditions, 쎱 atleast 6 m3 per sq.m of useful ga-
ly under preparation.
the ordinances allow natural ventilati- rage surface area in the case of ga-
Ventilation on, not only for open but also for enc- rages with low access/exit traffic;
losed-type large garages, if such sy-
The regulations of the various federal 쎱 at least 12 m3 per sq. m. of useful
stems are designed to ensure a con-
states concerning the ventilation of garage surface area in the case of
sistent and adequate cross-ventilati-
garages currently are still based on all other garages (with the excepti-
on of Hesse, which stipulates an
hourly 50 ppm threshold and 8 m3
or 16 m3 of extracted air, respec-
tively, per sq.m.).
Where particularly high traffic peaks
are encountered regularly, evidence
of compliance with these performan-
ce demands on the air exhaust sy-
stem may have to be submitted.

Throughout Germany, enclosed ga-

rages with more than low levels of ac-
cess and exit traffic must be equipped
with CO measuring, control and war-
ning systems. As a rule, these CO
monitoring devices will issue an alarm
when the CO concentration begins to
Type ZAXN 12/56/500 two-stage axial-flow garage smoke exhaust fan exceed 250 ppm.
3 Ventilation and Smoke Extraction in Large Garages

This alarm is given in conjunction with More recent ordinances (e.g. the Ga- are located more than 4 m on aver-
an instruction to motorists to turn off rage Ordinance of North Rhine-West- age below the natural ground surface,
engines and to leave the garage with- phalia, section 11) allow smoke zo- smoke zones may be increased to
out delay. One exception is Hamburg, nes to extend to several building le- twice the stipulated size only if
where a response is made mandatory vels. Needless to say, fire resistance
if the half-hour mean rises above 100 ratings for the walls which partition - powered smoke and heat exhaust
ppm. Hesse defines air CO levels of the garage into fire compartments are installations as well as sprinkler sy-
85 ppm over 15 minutes as its alarm specified in all ordinances. stems are provided, or
criterion. - smoke and heat exhaust ope-
Importantly, an enlargement of fire
compartments or smoke zones to al- nings/shafts are provided in addi-
The process technology of powered tion to sprinkler systems. “
air exhaust systems has remained most twice their size is deemed ac-
unchanged: ceptable. The installation of automa- Additional general provisions concer-
tic fire extinguishing equipment is ning the use of fire-extinguishing sy-
쎱 Each ventilation system must com- mandatory if, and only if, this option is stems and smoke/heat exhaust in-
prise at least two equally sized fans used. Further, section 9 of the Gara- stallations are set forth in a separate
which will jointly deliver the speci- ge Ordinance of Baden-Wuerttem- section. Naturally, the latter is of spe-
fied overall volume flow when ope- berg states some interesting alterna- cific interest to manufacturers of auto- 7
rating concurrently. tives in this context: matic fire-extinguishing installations
쎱 Each fan in a powered air supply or Smoke zones may be extended to a (i.e., sprinkler systems) and of powe-
air exhaust system must run on its maximum of twice their size if they red ventilation and smoke/heat ex-
own power circuit to which no other comprise the following features: haust equipment (i.e., centrifugal and
equipment is connected. axial-flow fans). Here again, a com-
1. smoke and heat exhaust openings parison between older and more re-
쎱 Each branch or auxiliary circuit of a or shafts (having a total unobstruc- cent garage ordinances reveals a
powered air supply or air exhaust ted cross-sectional area of 1000 number of differences, as well as so-
system must be designed such that cm2 per garage parking space, and me variations between the provisions
an electrical fault will not result in a set no more than 20 m apart); of the more recent ordinances them-
failure of the entire ventilation sy- selves.
stem (Bavarian Garage Ordinan- 2. powered smoke and heat exhaust
ce). systems; Thus, the Garage Ordinance of Berlin
(considered here as a representative
쎱 Ifthe ventilation system is intended 3. automatic fire-extinguishing equip-
of the older type of ordinance) stipu-
to operate temporarily on a single ment with spray nozzles distributed
lates in section 16 that large garages
fan only, the fan circuit must be de- situated on parking levels below the
signed such that if one fan fails, the building’s uppermost basement floor
other will come automatically on Max. temperature load 300°C must have automatic fire-fighting sy-
stream. Exposure duration: 60 min. stems with spray nozzles distributed
Preventive fire protection - govern- Air change rate: 10 / h throughout the garage, such as
ment regulations Max. volume flow 70.000 m3/h sprinkler installations.
(in Baden-Wuerttemberg only)

Withstand time of Moreover, standards are imposed

A comparison of the safety standards
electrical wiring 60 min. with regard to the distribution of wall
enshrined in older and more recent
hydrants and the availability of fire ex-
garage ordinances initially reveals a
Over and above the foregoing, a tinguishers.
coincidence in the maximum useful
sufficient supply of make-up air
surface areas allowed per fire com- However, some of the more recent
must be ensured.
partment or smoke zone on under- garage ordinances contain certain re-
ground and above-ground enclosed strictions regarding the use of auto-
garage levels. (For open garages, on- over the surface area (this last pro- matic fire-extinguishing equipment.
ly the older ordinances specify useful vision also appears in other garage
surface areas per fire compartment First of all, these ordinances (e.g., the
ordinances). Garage Ordinance of Hamburg, sec-
and level). Limits are imposed as fol-
lows (e.g., in the Saxonian Garage In Baden-Wuerttemberg, empirical ob- tion 15) likewise contain the require-
Ordinance, section 11): servations gathered by fire-fighting or- ment that only large garages on buil-
ganizations (refer also to the discussi- ding levels situated more than 4 m
- for above-ground enclosed gara- on below) have led to the adoption of (on average) below the natural
ges: 5000 sq.m per level the following provision (section 9): ground surface (“Large underground
garages” within the meaning of sec-
- for other enclosed garages: 2500 “Where garage levels of buildings not tion 17 of the North Rhine-Westphali-
sq.m. per level exclusively dedicated to parking use an Garage Ordinance, or “Levels be-
Ventilation and Smoke Extraction in Large Garages 4

low the first underground floor” within

the meaning of section 15 of the Ba- State Publication Version Available from
varian Garage Ordinance) must have
automatic fire-extinguishing systems Baden- Law Gazette of the Garage Ordinance (GaVO) Staatsanzeiger für Baden-
Wuerttemberg State of dated September 13, 1989 Württemberg GmbH
with spray nozzles distributed over Baden-Wuerttemberg Breitscheidstr. 69
the surface area. (Gesetzblatt für Baden- 70176 Stuttgart
Württemberg - GB) Phone 07 11/6 6601-32/39
Fax 07 11/6 66 01-34
However, this stipulation applies only
Bavaria Bavarian Law Gazette Garage Ordinance (GaVO) Max Schick GmbH
to buildings not intended exclusively (Bayrisches Gesetz- dated November 30, 1993 Druckerei und Verlag
for garage use. Fire-extinguishing sy- und Verordnungsblatt (spring 1998 edition stipu- Karl-Schmidt-Straße 13
BGVBL) lates exclusive use of 81829 München
stems are not deemed mandatory if accredited experts for Phone 0 89/42 92 01-02
the garage is unconnected to building inspections) Fax 0 89/42 84 88
levels dedicated to other uses. Under Berlin Law Gazette for Berlin Garage Ordinance (GaVO) Kulturbuch-Verlag GmbH
the Bavarian Garage Ordinance, the (Gesetz- und Verord- dated December 12, 1973 Sprosserweg 3
nungsblatt für Berlin) 12351 Berlin
type of fire-extinguishing system to be Phone 0 30/6 61 84 84
installed must be coordinated with the Fax 0 30/6 61 78 28

fire brigade on a case-by-case basis. Brandenburg Law Gazette for the BbgGStV dated Brandenburgische Universitätsdruckerei
7 On the other hand, the existence of
State of Brandenburg October 12, 1994
(Gesetz- und Verord-
und Verlagsgesellschaft Potsdam mbH
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25
wall hydrants at prescribed points of nungsblatt für das 14476 Golm b. Potsdam
Land Brandenburg - Phone 03 31/5 68 90
the stairwell enclosure is mandatory GVBl) Fax 03 31/56 89 16
in medium-sized and large garages. Bremen Law Gazette of the Free BremGaVO dated Verlag Carl Ed. Schünemann KG
Fire extinguishers are, or may be, Hanseatic City of Bremen November 10, 1980 Zweite Schlachtpforte 7
(Gesetzblatt der freien 28195 Bremen
specified. Hansestadt Bremen - Phone 04 21/3 69 03 71
Brem. Gbl) Fax 04 21/3 69 03 39
With regard to powered smoke and Hamburg Hamburg Law Gazette Garage Ordinance (GarVO) Lütcke & Wulff
heat exhaust systems, the Garage (Hamburgisches dated April 17, 1990/ Buchdruckerei und Verlag
Gesetz- und Verord- Amendment of Heidekampsweg 76 B
Ordinance of Baden-Wuerttemberg nungsblatt - GVBl) November 20, 1994 20097 Hamburg
(section 14), contains the following (combined in a special Phone 0 40/2 35 12 90
offprint, 1995) Fax 0 40/23 27 86
supplementary clause:
Hesse Law Gazette of the Garage Ordinance (GarVO) A. Bernecker Verlag GmbH
State of Hesse dated November 16, 1995 Unter dem Schöneberg 1
“In buildings not exclusively dedica- (Gesetz- und Verord- 34212 Melsungen
ted to parking use, the parking levels nungsblatt für das Phone 0 56 64/94 90 30
Land Hessen- GVBl) Fax 0 56 64/94 80 40
of large garages having a floor situa-
Mecklenburg- Law Gazette of Meck- Garage Ordinance (GarVO) cw Obotritendruck GmbH
ted more than 4 m on average below Vorpommern lenburg-Vorpommern dated November 10, 1993 Schwerin
the natural ground surface, the alter- (Gesetz- und Verord- Münzstraße 3
nungsblatt für Meck- 19055 Schwerin
native requirements set forth earlier in lenburg-Vorpommern) Phone 03 85/55 85 20
the section on “Doubling of Smoke Fax 03 85/55 85 222
Zones” shall be met separately, i.e Lower Saxony Law Gazette of Lower Garage Ordinance (GarVO) Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt und
with regard to Saxony (Niedersäch- dated September 4, 1989 Druckerei
sisches Gesetz- und Hans-Böckler-Allee 7
Verordnungsblatt - 30173 Hannover
- smoke or heat exhaust openings or GVBl) Phone 05 11/85 40-430
shafts; Fax 05 11/85 50-400

North Rhine- Law Gazette for the State Garage Ordinance (GaVO) August-Bagel-Verlag
- powered smoke and heat exhaust Westphalia of North-Rhine-Westphalia dated November 2, 1990 Grafenberger Allee 100
systems; or (Gesetz- und Verordnungs- Amendment dated 40237 Düsseldorf
blatt für das Land Nord- January 1, 1996 Phone 02 11/96 82-241
rhein-Westfalen- GVBl) Fax 02 11/96 82-229
- sprinkler systems.”
Rhinland- Law Gazette for the State Garage Ordinance (GarVO) Landeshauptarchiv Rheinland-Pfalz
Palatinate of Rhineland-Palatine dated July 13, 1990 Karmeliterstraße 1-3
A number of ordinances enacted or (Gesetz- und Verord- Amendment dated 56068 Koblenz
revised later than the Garage Ordi- nungsblatt für das Land July 16, 1997 Phone 02 61/91 29-158
Rheinland-Pfalz - GVBl) Fax 02 61/91 29-112
nance of Baden-Wuerttemberg also
contain specifications for powered Saarland Official Gazette of the Garage Ordinance (GarVO) Verlag Raueiser GmbH
Saarland (Amtsblatt dated August 30, 1976 St. Johanner Markt 30
smoke and heat extraction systems. des Saarlandes - (June 1995 and 1997 buil- 66111 Saarbrücken
The following alternative may be cited Amtsbl) ding law amendments to Phone 06 81/3 79 18-0
be taken into account) Fax 06 81/3 79 18-50
here by way of example:
Saxony Saxonian Law Gazette SächsGarVO of Sächsisches Druck- und
(Sächsisches Gesetz- January 17, 1995 Verlagshaus GmbH
Enclosed large garages must have und Verordnungsblatt) Tharandter Straße 23-27
defined smoke and heat exhaust ope- 01159 Dresden
Phone 03 51/4 20 31 82
nings (1000 cm2 per parking place, Fax 03 51/4 20 31 86
max. distance between openings: 20
m) connecting to the outdoors, or else Table 1: Garage Ordinances/Codes in the Federal Republic of Germany
be equipped with powered smoke (valid as of September 1997)
5 Ventilation and Smoke Extraction in Large Garages

and heat exhaust systems meeting Discussion and research results Baden-Wuerttemberg, which was the
the following requirements: first to envisage smoke exhaust fans
An expert consulting report on the di- as an alternative solution. Other fe-
- automatic activation in the case of mensioning and effectiveness of deral Länder have adopted similar
smoke emission; smoke and heat extraction systems clauses (Bavaria, Hesse, Saxony,
for large underground garages with Thuringia) or raised the severity of
- max. load withstand temperature of and without sprinkler systems was standards for exhaust air fans (Bran-
300 °C during 1 hour exposure time; prepared by the Technical University denburg, Hamburg). The Garage Or-
of Karlsruhe’s Fire Protection Tech- dinances of other German Länder do
- air change rate of 10 / hr; nology Unit under a contract of the In- not contain such provisions; it re-
stitute of Building Technology, Berlin. mains for the approving fire brigade to
- electrical wiring systems must re- The report has been available since formulate a case-by-case request re-
main operative for at least 1 hour November 1985 [15]. lated to the specific garage project.
under the influence of an exterior fi-
re. The study examined the basic case of Status of industrial research
three burning passenger cars. It is
These regulations can be found in the clear from the results that, when it co- Powered smoke and heat extraction
Garage Ordinances of the following mes to ensuring fire protection, powe- systems have become a fixture in 7
German states: red smoke and heat exhaust systems preventive fire protection strategies
and sprinkler installations provide two today. The advanced capabilities of
- Bavaria: section 15, “Fire-extinguis- highly suitable instruments. They are the current generation of smoke ex-
hing equipment, extraction of smoke particularly effective when used in haust fans reflect 20 years of industri-
and heat” combination. Smoke exhaust fans al experience. As pointed out else-
designed for maximum burning rates where [16], such fans are used in es-
- Hesse: section 17, “Fire-extinguis- and hence, maximum smoke volume sentially three forms designed as
hing equipment, extraction of smoke flows, are less effective in isolation. It centrifugal or axial-flow units. Roof-
and heat” is the additional use of a sprinkler sy- mounting and wall-mounting smoke
stem which restricts the propagation exhaust fans of the centrifugal type
- Thuringia: section 16, “Fire-extin-
of fire and the development of smoke. are the most commonly employed de-
guishing equipment, extraction of
vices. In underground garages, the
smoke and heat” It follows that the requirement of sec-
use of axial-flow fans has become
tion 17 of the Model Building Code
- Saxony: section 16, “Fire-extinguis- standard by now.
[1], stipulating that structures must be
hing equipment, extraction of smoke designed to facilitate the rescue of These fan ranges for preventive fire
and heat” (departing from the above humans and animals and effective fi- applications have been further refi-
in that it stipulates functional integri- re-fighting operations in the event of a ned and adapted to improve their per-
ty at 300°C, 10 air changes / hr. and fire, is best met by a combination of formance over their standard-use
30 minutes withstand time; ventilati- the two systems. counterparts. In official testing of
on equipment may serve for extrac- smoke exhaust fans, stringent stan-
tion if suitable for that purpose). As noted above in the section on
dards were applied from a very early
“Preventive Fire Protection”, the Ga-
date to ensure compliance with the
Other regulations already impose rage Ordinances in force in the Fe-
law in the context of EC-wide harmo-
more stringent specifications on po- deral Republic of Germany prescribe
nization efforts.
wered air exhaust systems in their the use of sprinkler systems only in
“Ventilation” sections (in these cases, defined cases for large underground
the standard section on “Fire-extin- garages. This is not fully consistent
guishing equipment, extraction of with the experience and results re-
smoke and heat” merely addresses fi- flected in the above-quoted consul-
re-extinguishing systems). tancy report. The law defines the
most economic route, refraining from
- Brandenburg: section 16, “Ventila- imposing regulations that would raise
tion” (conditions correspond to the safety levels further.
above, except that an air change ra-
te of 10 / hr. is not mentioned) A study has shown that powered Literature
smoke and heat exhaust systems, alt- [1] Ammon, B.: Musterbauordnung, Fassung
- Hamburg: section 14, “Ventilation” hough permitted in all garages, are vom 14. Januar 1991 [Model Building Code,
amended version of January 14, 1991], Berlin:
(no numbers are specified, the text not a mandatory requirement for this Kulturbuch-Verlag, April 1991
merely states that “powered air ex- type of structure. On the other hand,
haust systems must be suitable for the experience of fire-fighting orga- [2] Ammon, B.: Musterbauordnung und ergän-
zende Bestimmungen [Model Building Code
ensuring an effective extraction of nizations should not be ignored. A ca- and supplementary provisions], 2nd edition,
smoke in the case of fire”). se in point is the Garage Ordinance of Berlin: Kulturbuch-Verlag, 1996
Ventilation and Smoke Extraction in Large Garages 6
[3] Armin, von, A.; Schlotterbeck, K-H.: Lan- VDI Guideline versus the building code legislation authority
desbauordnung für Baden-Wuerttemberg -
LBO [Building Code of the State of Baden-Wu- Laender regulations in Germany rests with the individual
erttemberg], 3rd ed., Stuttgart: Richard Boor- Länder. According to his survey, a to-
berg Verlag, 1996 Reader’s comment on the article “Po- tal of 13 Garage Ordinances and Co-
wered smoke and heat exhaust venti- des of at times varying content are in
[4] Simon, A.: Bayerische Bauordnung [Bavari-
an Building Code], 11th ed. (including 57th lation systems for large garages” force in the Federal Republic of Ger-
supplement of 1997), Munich: Beck’sche Ver- many.
lagsbuchhandlung 1994 (a revised version of In HLH 8/98, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen
the entire code was issued in the spring of Apelt and Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Herbert Ei-
In his comment, Mr. Spinzig contrasts
dam address the subject of powe- these regulations with VDI 2053,
[5] Ammon, B: Bauordnung für Berlin [Building red smoke and heat exhaust venti- sheet 1, 8.95 (Air Handling Systems
Code for Berlin], 8th ed., Berlin: Kulturbuch- lation systems for large garages.
Verlag, 1996
for Garages and Tunnels). The out-
HLH reader Dipl.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter door air demand calculated from the-
[6] Alexy, K; Brandes, J; Franke, U., et al.: Bre- Spinzig, Hamburg, misses a refe- se guidelines is much lower, at times
mische Landesbauordnung [State Building Co- rence to VDI Guideline 2053, 2.2 by as much as 50%, than the figures
de of Bremen], 1995 (loose-leaf collection),
Bremen: Architektenkammer der Freien Han- (“Guidelines for the Determination given in the Garage Ordinances.
sestadt Bremen of Outdoor Air Demand”) in the
7 authors’ discussion of the requisi- Let me start out with the following two
[7] Alexejew, I: Hamburgische Bauordnung
[Hamburg Building Code], 14th ed., Kiel: Deut-
te make-up air volumes. Below, we comments:
scher Gemeindeverlag, 1995. publish our reader’s letter on this
쎱 The Garage Ordinances and Co-
subject as well as the authors’ res-
[8] Allgeier, E.; Lutzau, von, J.: Neue Bauord- des enacted by the federal Länder
nung für Hessen [New Building Code for Hes-
se], 4th ed., Mainz: Deutscher Gemeindever-
are law supplementing the Building
lag, 1996. Letter from Dipl.-Ing. K.-D. Spinzig Ordinance.
I was interested to read your item on 쎱 VDI sheets are technical guidelines
[9] Binnewies, W.: Das Baurecht in Nieder-
sachsen [Building Law of Lower Saxony], with powered smokle and head extraction possessing no legal force.
46th supplement of August 1997), Hannover:
Verlag Heinz Heise systems for large garages. However,
In the federal states, it is a prerequisi-
among the air demand calculation
[10] Thiel, F.; Rößler, H.G.; Schumacher, W.:
te for building approval of air exhaust
modes mentioned early in the article
Baurecht in Nordrhein-Westfalen [Building Law systems designed to ventilate and ex-
under ‘Air throughput of powered air
in North Rhine-Westphalia] (with 144th supple- tract fumes and smoke from large ga-
ment of August 1997), Cologne: Carl Heym- exhaust systems’, I find no mention
anns Verlag.
rages that they conform to the appli-
being made of the calculation method
cable Garage Ordinances and Co-
for determining outdoor air demand
[11] Oppermann, W.; Wieseler, H.: Neue Bau- des. Consequently, the article refe-
ordnung für Rheinland-Pfalz [New Building Co- (equal to the air exhaust volume) as
renced above deals exlusively with
de for Rhineland-Palatinate], 3rd ed., Mainz: described in VDI 2053, 2.2 “Guideli-
Deutscher Gemeindeverlag 1996 the Garage Ordinances and Codes of
nes for the Determination of Outdoor
the various federal states. It should
[12] Limburg, W.; Lichtenauer, G.: Baurecht im Air Demand”. The volume rates obtai-
be noted, moreover, that the working
Saarland [Building Law of the Saarland], 2 ned by this calculation method are
vols., supplements up to and including 1997, groups charged with drafting these
clearly lower, at times by as much as
Sarbrücken: Verlag H. Raueiser, 1980 Garage Ordinances and Codes inclu-
50 %, than the global values set forth
de experienced representatives of
[13] Limburg, W.: Garagenbaurecht im Saar- in the Laender codes.
land, Kommentar [Garage Building Law in the professional fire-fighting organizati-
Saarland, Comments], May 1980 update, Your article thus fails to identify a sig- ons.
Saarbrücken, Verlag H. Raueiser, 1980
nificant energy and cost saving po-
In Mr. Spinzig’s view, the use of the
[14] Domning, H.; Möller, G.: Bauordnungs- tential. I believe that the above facts
recht Schleswig-Holstein [Building Regulatory calculation values stated in VDI 2053
would warrant a supplement to the
Law of Schleswig-Holstein],19th ed., Kiel, would yield a significant savings po-
Deutscher Gmeindeverlag, 1996
“Ventilation of Large Garages” article.
tential. Needless to say, this potential
[15] Forschungsstelle für Brandschutztechnik Reply from cannot simply be ignored.
der Universität Karlsruhe [University of Karlsru- Dipl.-Ing. (FH) H. Eidam
he, Fire Safety Technology Research Unit]: I therefore propose and request that
Consultancy Report on Assessment Bases for First of all, I am grateful for your ex- Springer-VDI-Verlag should ask the
Smoke and Heat Exhaust Systems for Under-
ground Garages, T 1827, Stuttgart, Informati- pert comment. Our subject article is head of the VDI 2053 editorial team to
onszentrum Raum und Bau Fhg, IRB-Verlag, based on the item “Ventilation and contact the editors of the Garage Or-
1986 Smoke Extraction in Large Garages, dinances of the individual federal sta-
[16] Apelt. J.: Maschinelle Rauch- und Wärme- Review of Nationwide Regulations” tes with a view to addressing these
abzugsanlagen. Techniken, Tendenzen und originally published in HLH, vol. 49 differences. This would be the only
Entwicklungen [Powered Smoke and Heat Ex- (1998) No. 5, pp. 53-58. In this paper, way to harmozine the different calcu-
haust Systems. Technologies, Trends and De-
velopments], TAB-Technik am Bau 22 (1991) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Apelt addresses the lation values or air flow figures, res-
9, p. 697-704 problems springing from the fact that pectively.

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