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100 Quirks & Peculiarities

By Dungeons-And-Danis
d100 Quirk/Peculiarity d100 Quirk/Peculiarity
1 Monotonous voice 42 Has a severely lapsing memory
2 Sweats often Constantly disappears when you turn away from
3 Strict, military-like mannerisms
44 Only uses magic for incredibly mundane tasks
4 Asks too many rhetorical questions
45 Always eating
5 No fingernails
46 Always drinking (alcohol or otherwise)
6 Port wine birthmark
47 Always out of breath
7 Vitiligo-like skin patterning
48 Always late
8 Cleanfreak/Germaphobe
49 Has an extremely archaic vocabulary
9 Nose bleeds often
50 Mixes up languages spoken
10 Always scratching rash
51 Lazy eye
11 Long pauses when speaking
52 Picks ears
12 Smells like alcohol and/or other illicit substances
53 Pathological liar
13 Loud talker
54 Is always sleepy and yawning
14 Quiet talker
55 Talks in rhymes
15 Invades personal space too often
56 Talks in riddles
16 Doesn’t let things go
57 Taps on things incessantly
17 Repeats themselves too much
58 Spits whilst talking
18 Is always intimidatingly sharpening a knife
59 Has little to no teeth
19 Carves animal figurines for children
60 Quotes religious texts incessantly or exclusively
20 Compliments way too sincerely
61 Pregnant
21 Overly blunt to the point of offense
62 Limp
22 Gets attached way too fast
63 Lisp
23 Asks for loyalty right away
64 Picks teeth often
24 Hydrophobic
65 Overbite/Underbite
25 Bites fingernails
66 Buckteeth
26 Can’t recognize rejection
67 Snaggletooth
27 Is terrified of rejection
68 Vain and cares about their appearance too much
28 Overly defensive
69 Unhygienic or unnaturally dirty
29 Sneezes whenever someone says their name
70 Is a nosey and/or a gossip
30 Obsessively organizing things in front of them
71 Falsely claims they are/were an adventurer too
31 Compulsion to sketch everyone they first meet
72 Agoraphobic
32 Illiterate
73 Horrible cook
33 Spits on the floor all the time
74 Blinks really hard
34 Psychoanalyzes everyone they meet
75 Rubs eyes often
35 Zones out or daydreams often
76 Is overtly formal despite potential familiarity
Introduces self by a different name every time you
see them 77 Fidgets often
37 Always speaks in hypotheticals 78 Gestures wildly with hands
38 Over exaggerates often 79 Has a bad cough
39 Overly laid back 80 Absent minded
40 Adjusts glasses often 81 Klutzy
41 Always avoiding eye contact 82 Constantly looking over shoulder

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
d100 Quirk/Peculiarity
83 Has dramatic mood swings
84 Paranoid
85 Paces often
86 Is a twin
87 Is a triplet
88 Speaks slowly and deliberately
89 Near Sighted
90 Far Sighted
91 Uses some sort of signature phrase
92 Speaks very quickly
93 Experiences chronic pain of some sort
Has a terminal disease/disorder that will surely kill
them given time
95 Amputee
96 Blind
97 Hard of Hearing
98 Deaf
99 Does not/cannot speak
100 Utilizes a wheelchair

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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