A2Z of Parenting

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A Drive towards Effective Parenting

Parenting from the Soul

Parenting is a gift of Allah (SWT)
Parenting is Cultivation
The World blooms in face of kid. By taking out the best in
your kid, you bring out the finest in this World.
Parenting is Faith (Trust)
The major faith is being entrusted with a life. The major
responsibility is to live that faith through out your
Parenting is Effort of Love
The restless nights, the profession sacrifices, the
delaying of your so many activities.
Parenting is Effort of Love
The prize of parenting
comes at a price.
Parenting is Enjoying
Laughing together, playing together with your kid…..are
most pleasurable moments of your life.
 Practical Importance of Parenting
 Myths and Truths related to Parenting
 Different Parenting Styles and their results
 Effective Parenting Skills (A2Z of Effective Parenting)
Practically, Parenting is……
 Meeting the kid’s needs to age of 18 or sometimes
 Guiding the kid toward the goal of becoming a capable
Human-being .
Parenting Myths and Truths
Parenting Myths and Truths
Parenting Myths and Truths
Myth #1: All parenting skills are natural
 Nobody is born with all the training needed to be
an effective parent
 Many parenting skills must be well-educated
through gaining statistics and experience
Myth# 2: A mature adult can be a perfect parent A mature
adult can be a perfect parent
adult can be a perfect parent

A mature adult can be a perfect parent

 Human Being are not perfect, so no one can be a
perfect parent
 Mature adults should struggle to become capable
parents, not perfect parents
Myth 3#: Good parenting promises good children
Myth 3#: Good parenting promises good children
 Influences outside the family, such as friends, adults
other than parents, and media affect children in
healthy or unhealthy ways
Myth #4:Parenting is always pleasurable
• Facts:
– Like any other profession, parenting can be
entertaining, miserable, thrilling, boring, satisfying,
and annoying.
– Adults should have realistic hopes about parenting
Parenting Styles and Results
Strict : Limits without Freedom
These parents are
tremendously strict
and are often cold.
They interconnect
through lectures,
punishment, and
Strict : Limits without Freedom

Strict : Limits without Freedom

Strict : Limits without Freedom

•No expression of
•Not High Doers
Lenient: Freedom without limits

On the other extreme of the

parenting variety is
permissive parenting. As the
name suggests, permissive
parenting is more of an
"anything goes" approach.
These parents do not effort
to apply any sort of control
over their Kid’s.

•Least self—reliant
•Least self-
•Least exploratory
•Most unhappy
Democratic: Freedom within limits
Democratic parenting is the
middle ground method
and is often measured the
parenting model.
Democratic parenting is
based on warmth, love,
leadership, and
constructive discipline.
•Mostly self-reliant
•Mostly self-
•Content, friendly,
A2Z of Parenting
A-Accept your Kid for the great
individual he or she is
B-Be a good role ideal in all you say
and do.
C- Communicate respectfully and
listen carefully to your kid.
D- Discipline equally, firmly and
with love
E- Encourage good eating habits
F- Find methods to get and stay fit
G- Give tasks that built responsibility
H- Hug your kid to build self-worth
I- Implant respect for other people
J- Join school activities to assess
kid’s progress
K- Keep your promise or don’t
make them
L- Laugh together and relish
each other’s company
M- Make family guidelines and
impose them consistently
N- Never apply physical power on
your kid
O- Offer your support whenever
it’s wanted
P- Praise your kid for achievements as well as for
hard work
Q- Quickly stop your kid from
dangerous activities.
R- Read together frequently and
make reading enjoyable
S- Show patience and remember
nobody is perfect
T- Teach health and safety
U- Use each opportunity to
show your love
V- Value your kid’s thoughts and
W- Wait till you calm down before
disciplining your kid
X- Xerox and save records of your kid’s
Y- You can make a change in your
kid’s life….so parent with pride.
Z- Zoom over this A2Z again and
What are some appropriate solutions to the
following situations?
 Your daughter/son is throwing a ball in the room and
blows over a lamp.
 Your daughter/son leaves dirty clothes on the floor instead
of putting them in the bucket where they are supposed to
 Your child refuses to do schoolwork and keeps on viewing
Parent’s Pledge
Parent’s Pledge

I Promise…I will show

my children I LOVE
them .
Parent’s Pledge

I will listen and

value what my
children say.
Parent’s Pledge

I will praise my child’s

efforts towards
Parent’s Pledge

I will respect my
children as
Parent’s Pledge

I will enjoy with
my children

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