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Getting The Universe Uncaused From Nothing


Ian Beardsley

Copyright © 2023
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1.0 Ground Work……………………………………………5

2.0 Getting the Universe from Nothing…………………..9

3.0 Solving The Calendar………………………………….12

4.0 Discussion………………………………………………21
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The natural constants measure the properties of space and time. We can list some of them here:

mP : 1.67262 × 10−27 kg (Proton Mass)

h : 6.62607 × 10−34 J ⋅ s (Planck Constant)
rp : 0.833 × 10−15m (Proton Radius)
G: 6.67408 × 10−11N 2 (Gravitational Constant)
c : 299,792, 459m /s (light speed)
α : 1/137 (Fine Structure Constant)
qp = qe = 1.6022E − 19coulom bs
Nm 2
ke = 8.988E 9 2
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We utilize a curious equation I arrived at that gives one second nearly perfectly in terms of the
atom. I find the same holds for the Earth/Moon/Sun orbital system. It is the orbital periods of
these bodies upon which the calendar was developed since ancient times, so it is interesting that
it comes up with the duration of a second so nicely that we find in terms of the proton and
celestial orbits, here. I undertake to solve the calendar, to find the idea behind it that gives the
second describing the proton and heavenly bodies like this. Most interestingly I show that the
number six is six protons. This is important because the logical positivists lead by Bertrand
Russel sought to explain the meaning of numbers as objects which in the end was a formal
system and thus contradicted itself. They gave up on their set theory when Godel published his
Incompleteness Theorem, which showed all formal systems are based on at least one unprovable
statement, and are thus incomplete. In solving the calendar we find why we have base 10
counting and it is not just because we have 10 fingers to count on.
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The old enigma, the Universe is here, but it needs a cause. If we present a cause, then when
need a cause for that cause. Essentially it is as if the Universe is magic because it should not
be here; it is an uncaused cause. But, can we see that that can happen in terms of

I had a theory for what matter is, or inertia. Mass is that which lls space over time. What is
space and time? We don’t know, it is our starting point and is not described by anything. For
instance what is velocity? It is the change in distance with time, meters per second (m/s). Let
us write velocity:

Equation 1. v = x /t
But what is the distance x? It is velocity over time, that is how we de ne it. Let’s write that:

Equation 2. x = vt
Let’s put our value of velocity into equation 2:
x= t
We have t cancels with t leaving x=x meaning distance is distance, so we have not said
anything about distance (spacial extension in one of the dimensions). We can in fact put all of
the relationships between mass, length, and time in any equation in physics and it will return

m a ss = m a ss

distance = distance

t im e = t im e
So in the end we may have formally written out for instance an equation for gravity that will
land us on the Moon, but the equation reduces to saying nothing about what reality actually is.

Back to my theory that is my theory for inertia. That theory is another subject, but I would like
to show how it suggests we can have something from nothing, which makes me wonder if this
mathematical trick I have found, is connected to how we might actually have something from
nothing, or that perhaps even something is nothing. Let’s lay the groundwork of that theory
brie y:

1.0. Ground Work

We suggest the property of matter to have inertia, which is to say it resists change that the
particle a proton, a fundamental unit of matter, is a the cross-section of a 4D hypersphere in 3D
space. As such one could consider inertia as the “friction” of space given by the normal vector
holding the space-bubble in a lower dimensional “plane”:

Thus the mass of a proton mp is given by the force of space measured by G, the energy given
to it given by h, the speed at which things happen c, and the surface area of this sphere 4π rp2
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that is the cross-section of the hypersphere and the ne structure constant squared α 2
because the fine structure constant squared is the ratio of the potential energy of an electron in
the first circular orbit to the energy given by the mass of an electron in the Bohr model times the
speed of light squared, that is it represents the ground state. It is

Equation 1.1 α2 =
mec 2
Thus the equation of inertia can be expressed as proton-seconds. We find that it is six-fold in
nature given the smallest integer for time (1-second) gives carbon the core element of life
chemistry, and 6-seconds is the largest integer before you get fractional protons. That is

1 h 4π rp2
Equation 1.2. = 6pr oton ⋅ secon d s = carbon(C )
α mp
2 Gc

1 h 4π rp2
Equation 1.3. = 1pr oton ⋅ 6secon d s = hydr ogen(H )
α mp
2 Gc

From which instead of saying the left sides of these equations are seconds, we say they are
proton-seconds by not letting mp cancel with the bodies of these equations on the left, but
rather divide into them, which are in units of mass, giving us a number of protons. I say this is
the biological because as we shall see our equations are based on one second is 6 protons is
carbon, and 6 seconds is one proton is hydrogen, these making the hydrocarbons which are
the skeletons of biological life. We see this is a mystery of six-fold symmetry based around
biological life in the following computer program I wrote and its output:

1 h 4π rp2
α 2 mp Gc
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Is proton-seconds. Divide by time we have a number of protons because it is a mass divided by

the mass of a proton. But these masses can be considered to cancel and leave seconds. We
make a program that looks for close to whole number solutions so we can create a table of
values for problem solving.

By what value would you like to increment?: 0.25

How many values would you like to calculate for t in equation 1 (no more than 100?): 100
24.1199 protons 0.250000 seconds 0.119904 decpart
12.0600 protons 0.500000 seconds 0.059952 decpart
8.0400 protons 0.750000 seconds 0.039968 decpart
6.0300 protons 1.000000 seconds 0.029976 decpart
4.0200 protons 1.500000 seconds 0.019984 decpart
3.0150 protons 2.000000 seconds 0.014988 decpart
2.1927 protons 2.750000 seconds 0.192718 decpart
2.0100 protons 3.000000 seconds 0.009992 decpart
1.2060 protons 5.000000 seconds 0.205995 decpart
1.1486 protons 5.250000 seconds 0.148567 decpart
1.0964 protons 5.500000 seconds 0.096359 decpart
1.0487 protons 5.750000 seconds 0.048691 decpart
1.0050 protons 6.000000 seconds 0.004996 decpart
0.2487 protons 24.250000 seconds 0.248659 decpart
0.2461 protons 24.500000 seconds 0.246121 decpart

A very interesting thing here is looking at the values generated by the program, the smallest
integer value 1 second produces 6 protons (carbon) and the largest integer value 6 seconds
produces one proton (hydrogen). Beyond six seconds you have fractional protons, and the rest
of the elements heavier than carbon are formed by fractional seconds. These are the
hydrocarbons the backbones of biological chemistry. Here is the code for the program:
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

int n;
oat value=0, increment,t=0, p=1.67262E-27, h=6.62607E-34,G=6.67408E-11,

printf("By what value would you like to increment?: ");
scanf("%f", &increment);
printf("How many values would you like to calculate for t in equation 1 (no more than 100?): ");
scanf("%i", &n);
while (n>=101);

for (int i=0; i<n;i++)


int intpart=(int)protons[i];
oat decpart=protons[i]-intpart;
if (decpart<0.25)
{ printf("%.4f protons %f seconds %f decpart \n", protons[i], t-increment, decpart);

We nd exactly our equation predicts the second as

1 h 4π rp2
Equation 1.4 = 1.004996352secon d s
6α 2 mp Gc

That this equals so perfectly one second leads us to suggest the second is a Natural Unit. We
nd it is, that it is in the kinetic energy of the Moon to that of the Earth times the Earth Day
which is the Earth rotation period:

K Emoon
Equation 1.5. (Ear th Day) = 1.2secon d s
K EEarth
But that was using the average orbital velocities. We nd using aphelions and perihelions:

K Emoon
Equation 1.6. (Ear th Da y) = 1.08secon d s
K Eearth
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2.0. Getting The Universe From Nothing

To get the Universe from nothing we consider equation 1.2 and 1.4:

1 h 4π rp2
Equation 1.2. = 6proton ⋅ secon d s = carbon(C )
α 2 mp Gc

1 h 4π rp2
Equation 1.4. = 1.004996352secon d s
6α 2 mp Gc

We can consider equation 1.2 to be two equations. The rst is where the numerator

1 h 4π rp2
= k ilogra m s ⋅ secon d s
α2 Gc
Cancels with the denominator



1 h 4π rp2
Equation 2.1. = 6secon d s
α 2 mp Gc

And the second equation is where mp does not cancel with the numerator but divides into it
giving us a number of protons times one second:

1 h 4π rp2
Equation 2.2. = 6proton − secon d s
α 2 mp Gc

Now we nd if we divide the left hand side by one second (t1) then the right hand side becomes
six protons.

1 1 h 4π rp2
Equation 2.3. = 6proton s
t1 α 2 mp Gc

Now consider equation 1.4

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1 h 4π rp2
= 1.004996352secon d s
6α 2 mp Gc

It is approximately t1 = 1secon d. Let us put it into equation 2.3:

Equation 2.4.

α 2 mp Gc 1 h 4π rp2 6proton ⋅ secon d s

6 = = 6proton s
1 h 4π rp2 α 2 mp Gc 1secon d s

However factor 1

α 2 mp Gc
1 h 4π rp2

Cancels with factor 2

1 h 4π rp2
α 2 mp Gc

When this happens it says 6 equals 6 protons, the connection between number and form and
they are the carbon atom that is at the core of life. We can do the same thing with hydrogen
(Equation 1.3):

1 h 4π rp2
= 1pr oton ⋅ 6secon d s = hydr ogen(H )
α mp
2 Gc

We see carbon is given by one second and hydrogen is given by six seconds ( equation 1.2)

1 h 4π rp2
= 6pr oton ⋅ secon d s = carbon(C )
α mp
2 Gc

Thus they are out of phase with one another by a factor of 6. We see this six-fold symmetry
produced hydrogen and carbon from nothing, and that they may in fact exist, but be nothing,
that they make up the skeletons of life that are the hydrocarbons, used as the basic chemical
structure underlying our mind that is consciousness. Thus we are conscious, but don’t really
exist. We seem to be conscious in a universe where the atom, the proton, is described by one
second, which came historically from our way of dividing up the calendar in ancient times
without knowledge of the atom in terms of the these modern constants. We also see this second
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exists not just with the atom and its proton but with the Earth/Moon/Sun system which I found
was equations 1.5 and 1.6:

K Emoon
Equation 1.5. (Ear th Day) = 1.2secon d s
K EEarth
Using the average orbital velocities. We nd using aphelions and perihelions:

K Emoon
Equation 1.6. (Ear th Da y) = 1.08secon d s
K Eearth
Earth day=(24)(60)(60)=86,400 seconds.

Using the Moon’s orbital velocity at aphelion, and Earth’s orbital velocity at perihelion we have:

K Emoon = (7.347673E 22kg)(966m /s)2 = 3.428E 28J
K Eearth = (5.972E 24kg)(30,290m /s)2 = 2.7396E 33J
Using the Moon’s orbital velocity at aphelion, and Earth’s orbital velocity at perihelion. We can
even use not the solar day used here (rotation of Earth with respect to the Sun) but the sidereal
day (rotation of Earth with respect to the stars) and the equation has even slightly more accurate

In my work A Contemporary Anthropological Cosmology I derived the unit of a second in

terms of the hydrogen atom, and created a constant k that enabled me to predict the radius of a
proton with our equation 1.2 and 1.3 within experimental errors. But the point of this paper is to
show that either something can come from nothing, and that something is nothing, and that this
nothing actually creates life chemistry, if not physical chemistry in general, that gives us
consciousness, and that this consciousness has a connection with the Moon that it sees in the
sky from its planet Earth.

Interestingly the Moon perfectly eclipses the Sun which means as seen from the Earth the Moon
appears to be the same size as the Sun. This is because

re R⊙

rm Rm

Where re is the Earth orbital distance, rm is the Moon’s orbital distance, R⊙ is the Sun’s radius,
and Rm is the Moon’s radius.

The Moon at its inclination to the Earth in its orbit makes life possible here because it holds the
Earth at its tilt to its orbit around the Sun allowing for the seasons so the Earth doesn’t get to
extremely hot or too extremely cold. We see the Moon may be there for as much of reason as is
Alpha Centauri, for a first manned mission beyond Earth.
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3.0 Solving The Calendar Thus the duration of a second is

1 1 1 1
1second = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = 0.0000000316881year
365.25 24 60 60
Thus we developed a system to measure time from the motion of the Earth around the
Sun that creates a system where we measure time with a second that is 3 hundred
millionths of a year, the time it takes the Earth to go around the Sun once, and where
there are 86400 of these seconds (solar day) in the time it takes the Earth to rotate
once on its axis with respect to the Sun. With respect to the stars it takes 86164.0905
seconds. This is called the sidereal day. The solar day is a little longer because the
Earth has moved around the Sun a little before the Earth aligns with it again in its
rotation. It is this duration of a second that has given us

1 h 4π rp2
= 6pr oton ⋅ secon d s = carbon(C )
α 2 mp Gc

1 h 4π rp2
= 1pr oton ⋅ 6secon d s = hydr ogen(H )
α 2 mp Gc

Where 6 seconds is the largest integer before we get fractional atoms and 1 second is the
smallest integer that produces atoms and hydrogen and carbon are the hydrocarbons that make
the chemical skeletons of life chemistry.

1 h 4π rp2
= 1.004996352secon d s
6α 2 mp Gc

That this equals so perfectly one second leads us to suggest the second is a Natural Unit. We
nd it is, that it is in the kinetic energy of the Moon to that of the Earth times the Earth Day
which is the Earth rotation period:

K Emoon
(Ear th Day) = 1.2secon d s
K EEarth
But that was using the average orbital velocities. We nd using aphelions and perihelions:

K Emoon
(Ear th Da y) = 1.08secon d s
K Eearth
These equations derive their meaning from classical and modern physics, yet the second came to
us from Ancient history of lost civilizations. We wish to present that as a mystery to add on to
these discoveries about Nature. We begin

It takes the Moon 27.3 days to go around the Earth, but since the Earth has orbited the Sun
since then it takes 29.5 days with respect to the Sun, or from New Moon to New Moon in other
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words. Thus we say the lunar month is 30 days, the average of the 29 day month and the 31 day
month. I think I have solved the Calendar and why it is structured the way it is, why there are
365.25 days in a year. Well we know why that is, the earth rotates 365.25 times after it has gone
around the Sun once. But I think when making the calendar from which we got the second we
considered that 365.25 days is approximately 360 days, because we divide the circle into 360

At the dawn of civilization, the Sumerians who settled down from wandering, gathering, and
hunting, to invent agriculture and and build ceramic homes, developed the first mathematics,
and it was sexagesimal (base 60) that passed on to the Babylonians, then ended up with the
Ancient Greeks, who divided not just the hour into 60 minutes of time and the minute into 60
seconds of time, but who divided the sky into hours, minutes, and seconds of arc which was
measured in time counted by the rotation of the Earth, and its orbital period around the Sun,
and the orbital period of the Moon around the Earth.

We are suggesting nature is founded on six-fold symmetry, six which is constructed by

multiplying together the first two prime numbers, 2 and 3. Two factorial is two, three factorial is
6. Two times six is twelve, the number of months in a year, approximated by our moon’s
approximately 12 orbits around the earth in the time it takes the earth to go around the Sun
once. There are four weeks in a lunar month, and

1 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 60 2 = 86,400
Is the number of seconds in the 24 hour Earth day. The duration of one second comes from
dividing up time and the sky like this in base 60, that came from the Sumerians, Babylonians,
and Ancient Greeks and it is believed they did this because 60 is evenly divisible by


I think I have solved the calendar and why it is structured the way it is, and that it is not just
sexagesimal where 60 seconds and 60 minutes are concerned, but all the way through. We have
found the second pivotal to the atom and the Earth/Moon/Sun System in terms of sciences that
came long after the calendar’s formation. But, if we want to suggest the calendar was influenced
by advanced life from another planet, or that the Ancients lucked out because there was an idea
behind it, and we want to connect it to our equations of the proton and of the Moon and Earth
kinetic energies, which are dynamic, we have to find out why it is dynamic. I begin with the
second in terms of the calendar:

1 1 1 1
1secon d = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = 0.0000000316881year
365.25 24 60 60
We write:

( year ) ( d a y ) ( h our ) ( min )

360d a ys 24h ours 60min 60sec
= 31104000secon d s /year

There are actually 31557600 seconds per year, but we approximated 365.25 days with 360 days.
This however has an accuracy of

= 98.56
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I then factor this into other ratios but keep the units:

( year ) ( d a y ) ( h our ) ( min )

60d a ys 1h our 60min 60sec

1h our = 60min
60d a ys = year
360 15∘
Earth rotates through: =
24 h our
360∘ 12∘
Moon moves around Earth: =
30d a ys day
360∘ 1∘
Earth moves around Sun: =
360d a ys day

60d a ys = 2(30d a ys) = Lu n ar Orbit

Thus our equation becomes

( d a y d eg ) ( year ) ( d a y ) ( h our ) ( min )

12d eg d a y 60d a ys 1h our 60min 60sec

We then notice in one hour the earth rotates through 15 degrees giving

24h ours
⋅ 15d eg = 1h our
360d eg
It does the same in 60 minutes. We also have

2(60∘) = 120∘
2(120∘) = 240∘
4(60∘) = 240∘
Seconds in a day: (24h ours)(60min)(60sec) = 86400 , and we write
1 1
⋅ 360∘ = d egrees
86400sec 240
We have

( d a y d eg ) ( year ) ( 360∘ ) ( h our ) ( min )

12d eg d a y 60d a ys 24h ours ∘ 60min 60sec
⋅ ⋅ 15
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( h our min )
60min 60sec 3600sec
⋅ =
h our
1 1
⋅ 360 = d egrees
3600 10

( 360d eg ) ( h our ) ( min )

15d eg 60min 60sec 15∘
24h ours ⋅ = 86400sec ⋅

15/360 = 0.013889

1/x = 72
= 1200secon d s
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Thus we have reduced the second to special triangles. The same second in our equation for the
proton, and for the kinetic energies of the Earth and Moon, and the rotation of the Earth. If we
can explain all three of these; the proton, the kinetic energies, and structural evolution of the
calendar, in terms of these triangles, we can speak of how they are all part of an underling idea
common to all three.

We have the following expression for seconds in a year:

( d a y d eg ) ( year ) ( 360 ) ( h our ) ( min )

12d eg d a y 60d a ys 24h ours 60min 60sec
⋅ ∘
⋅ 15∘

We write out the angular velocities of the Moon and Earth in their orbits:

· 12d eg
θm =

· d eg
θe =
· 2

( θe ) ( year ) ( 360∘ ) ( h our ) ( min )

θm 2 ⋅ 30d a ys 24h ours ∘ 60min 60sec
· ⋅ 15

Put in the orbital periods of the Moon and the Earth Tm and Te:

· 2

( θe ) ( Te ) ( 360∘ ) ( h our ) ( min )

θm Tm 15∘ 60min 60sec
· 2 Te ⋅

· 2

( θ·e ) ( Te ) ( 360∘ ) ( h our ) ( min )

θm Tm 30∘ 60min 60sec
Te ⋅

· 2
( m) ( ∘ ) (
( θe ) h our ) ( min )
θm 30∘ 1min 60sec
· T

· 2
(Tm) (5) (
( θe ) h our )
θm 60sec

· 2
(Tm) (
( θe ) h our )
θm 300sec

1h our = 3600secon d s
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· 2
(Tm) (
( θe ) 3600sec )
θm 300sec
· =

· 2
(Tm) ( )
( θe )
θm 1
· 12
· = 12

( θe )
θm secon d s
· (Tm) =

Which is true because it is

(12) (30d a ys) = 360d a ys

And we had made the approximation that there are 360 days in year because there are 360
degrees in a circle. We see the calendar divides units of measurement into base 60

( d a y d eg ) ( year ) ( 360∘ ) ( h our ) ( min )

12d eg d a y 60d a ys 24h ours ∘ 60min 60sec
⋅ ⋅ 15

Which describes the motion of the moon and the Earth


( θe )
θm secon d s
· (Tm) =

In the literature it says we use base 10 probably because we have 10 fingers to count on. But 10 is
2 times 5 and 2 is the smallest prime number. Base 60 is 10 times six and sixfold symmetry is
the most dynamic because it is 2 times 3 and 2 and 3 are the smallest prime numbers one even,
one odd. The regular hexagon, a six-sided polygon has its radii equal to its sides because it
divides-up into equilateral triangles. But I suggest we have base 10 not just because we have 10
fingers to count on but because 2 times five is 10 and 10 times 6 is 60 and 60 is evenly divisible
by so much. Evenly divisible by


It is known that the physical like snowflakes are based on 6-fold symmetry and life is based on
5-fold symmetry like starfish or two arms, two legs, and a head. More often than not a flower
will have 5 petals. If it has hundreds like a rose, it will be based on the golden spiral and the
golden ratio is derived from the regular pentagon (five-sided polygon). Thus we have not just
solved the calendar, but found more reasons why we have base 10 counting. It alls has to do the
physical, that of six, and the organic, that of five.
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Since we have

K Emoon
(Ear th Da y) = 1.08secon d s
K Eearth

( θe )
θm secon d s
· (Tm) =

Then it follows

( θm ) ( Tm ) ( Kee )
θe Te K Em
· (Ear th Da y) = 1secon d

We want to write this in terms of the sizes of the Moon and the Sun, the masses of the Earth and
the Sun, and the orbital radii of the Moon and the Earth.

Essentially that the Moon perfectly eclipses the Sun as seen from the Earth means while it is 400
times smaller than the Sun it is 400 times further from the Sun than it is from the Earth. This
determines its orbital velocity and mass, as well as that of the Earth and the mass of the Sun.
The orbital velocities of the Moon and the Earth are given by:

ve = and vm =
re rm

ve M⊙ rm
= ⋅
vm Me re

M⊙ rm 1.989E 30kg 1.74E6m

⋅ = ⋅ = 28.86
Me re 5.972E 24 6.957E 8m

The Moon perfectly eclipses the Sun because

re R⊙

rm Rm

Where re is the Earth orbital radius, rm is the lunar orbital radius, R⊙ is the solar radius, and Rm
is the lunar radius. This gives:

ve M⊙ Rm
= ⋅ = 28.6
vm Me R⊙

We have more explicitly:

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ve R M⊙ re
= m ⋅
vm R⊙ Me rm

Rm M⊙ re 1.74E6m 1.989E 30kg 1.496E11m

⋅ = ⋅ = 28.46
R⊙ Me rm 6.957E 8 5.972E 24kg 3.84748E 8m

The rotational period of the moon is Tm = 27.3d a ys = 2,358, 720secon d s is the same as its
orbital period, and the rotation of the Earth is Γe = 24h ours = 86,400secon d s is the ratio
27.3 which gives

Tm R M⊙ re
= m ⋅
Γe R⊙ Me rm


( θm ) ( Tm ) ( Kee )
θe Te K Em
· (Ear th Da y) = 1secon d

We have
θe R⊙
Γe ( θ·m ) Rm
Te Me rm K Em
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ (Ear th Da y) = 1secon d
M⊙ re K Ee

We want to see how accurate this is:


( 12 ) 1.7371E6m
31557600s 1 7.1544E 8m 5.972E 24kg 3.6323E 8m
⋅ · ⋅ (1.08s) = (1.07)(1.08s) = 1.1556s
86400s 1.989E 30kg 1.496E11m

But the radius of the Sun is difficult to pinpoint. Beyond the bulk of its mass it has a thin
atmosphere that reaches far out into space. However, the Moon nearly perfectly eclipses the Sun
as seen from the Earth allowing us to study its outer atmosphere during an eclipse. The moon
nearly perfectly eclipses the Sun as seen from the Earth because the Sun may be 400 times
larger than the Moon, but the Moon is 400 times further from the Sun than it is from the Earth.
This is to say that

re R⊙

rm Rm

Where re is the Earth orbital radius, rm is the lunar orbital radius, R⊙ is the solar radius, and Rm
is the lunar radius. So why not let the size of the Moon as seen from the Earth define the radius
of the Sun by writing
R⊙ = Rm
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The Moon at closest approach to Earth (perigee) is 1.7371E7 meters:

⋅ 1.7371E6m = 7.154446E 8m
3.632289E 8m
This is the radius of the Moon I used to verify our equation. But let us take
θe R⊙
Γe ( θ·m ) Rm
Te Me rm K Em
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ (Ear th Da y) = 1secon d
M⊙ re K Ee

And verify it with


( θ·m )

Equal to its exact value for the Earth year, and the sidereal month of the moon.

θe = 360∘=0.9856deg/day
365.25d a ys
θm = 360∘ = 13.1868d eg /d a y
27.3d a ys

( 13 ) 1.7371E6m
31557600s 1 7.1544E 8m 5.972E 24kg 3.6323E 8m
⋅ · ⋅ (1.08s) = (0.988)(1.08s) = 1.067s
86400s 1.989E 30kg 1.496E11m

And our results just become better. Now we just have one more thing to do, to take our equation
for the second in terms of the proton

1 h 4π rp2
= 1.004996352secon d s
6α 2 mp Gc

θe R⊙
Γe ( θ·m ) Rm
Te Me rm K Em
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ (Ear th Da y) = 1secon d
M⊙ re K Ee

To get,
· rp
θe R⊙
Γe ( θ·m ) Rm
Te Me rm K Em 1 h 4π
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ (Ear th Da y) = ⋅
M⊙ re K Ee 6α 2 mp Gc
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4.0 Discussion

When factor 1 and factor 2 cancels it says 6 equals 6 protons. The connection between number
and form.

Interestingly this harkens back to Bertrand Russel and the Logical Positivists. At the time
mathematicians realized nothing had any meaning that we didn't even know what 1, or 2, or 3,
or 4....meant. So Bertrand Russel set out to make a mathematics that explained it. He said 4 was
4 objects and he invented set theory that a set was a collection of objects, for which he made
rules to explain what an object was. But in the end it turned out to contradict itself, then Godel
came along and proved that all formal systems have at least one unprovable statement, and are
thereby incomplete with his Incompleteness Theorem. So Russel gave up. I think this is
connected to 6 equals 6 protons in my theory. I am getting interested now in this set theory and
Godel's theorem. But the recently added chapter on solving the calendar has got me very
intrigued as well, just where the Ancients got it, or if it evolved to something naturally on its

Russel may have given up on logical positivism, but his set theory is used today in applications
even though it never said what an object is or a number. I think it is interesting that I get 6 is 6
protons, is carbon or hydrogen is 1 is 1 proton because objects are made up of protons.
Interesting are the quarks which are inferred from experiment, cannot owning to the principle
of color confinement, exist in isolation, they must be found in hadrons.
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The Author

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